2021-07-26 09:08:46 +05:00
<Project Sdk= "Microsoft.NET.Sdk" >
2021-11-05 10:42:25 +05:00
<PropertyGroup >
<OutputType > WinExe</OutputType>
<TargetFramework > net5.0-windows</TargetFramework>
<UseWindowsForms > true</UseWindowsForms>
<ApplicationIcon > ini.ico</ApplicationIcon>
<IncludeAllContentForSelfExtract > true</IncludeAllContentForSelfExtract>
2021-11-22 12:13:02 +05:00
<Version ></Version>
2021-11-05 10:42:25 +05:00
<PackageIcon > ini.ico</PackageIcon>
<PackageIconUrl />
2021-11-13 00:25:30 +05:00
<Description > Automatically generates and installs CreamAPI files for Steam games on the user's computer. It can also generate and install CreamAPI for the Paradox Launcher should the user select a Paradox Interactive game.</Description>
2021-11-05 10:42:25 +05:00
<PackageLicenseFile > LICENSE</PackageLicenseFile>
<Copyright > 2021, pointfeev (https://github.com/pointfeev)</Copyright>
<PackageRequireLicenseAcceptance > true</PackageRequireLicenseAcceptance>
<PackageProjectUrl > https://github.com/pointfeev/CreamInstaller</PackageProjectUrl>
<RepositoryUrl > https://github.com/pointfeev/CreamInstaller</RepositoryUrl>
<RepositoryType > git</RepositoryType>
<PackageReleaseNotes > Automatically downloads and installs CreamAPI files for programs/games.</PackageReleaseNotes>
<PackageTags > steam, dlc</PackageTags>
<AssemblyName > CreamInstaller</AssemblyName>
<Company > CreamInstaller</Company>
2021-11-11 12:46:50 +05:00
<Product > CreamAPI Generator & Installer</Product>
2021-11-05 10:42:25 +05:00
<Authors > pointfeev</Authors>
<PackageId > pointfeev.creaminstaller</PackageId>
<StartupObject > CreamInstaller.Program</StartupObject>
2021-11-11 12:29:59 +05:00
<GeneratePackageOnBuild > false</GeneratePackageOnBuild>
2021-11-05 10:42:25 +05:00
2021-07-26 09:08:46 +05:00
2021-11-05 10:42:25 +05:00
<PropertyGroup Condition= "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'" >
<DebugType > embedded</DebugType>
<DebugSymbols > true</DebugSymbols>
<DefineConstants > TRACE</DefineConstants>
2021-07-26 09:08:46 +05:00
2021-11-06 07:37:54 +05:00
<ItemGroup >
<None Remove= "steam_api.dll" />
<None Remove= "steam_api64.dll" />
<ItemGroup >
2021-11-11 12:29:59 +05:00
<EmbeddedResource Include= "Resources\steam_api64.dll" />
2021-11-06 07:37:54 +05:00
<ItemGroup >
2021-11-11 12:29:59 +05:00
<EmbeddedResource Include= "Resources\steam_api.dll" />
2021-11-06 07:37:54 +05:00
2021-11-05 10:42:25 +05:00
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2021-11-14 06:49:28 +05:00
<PackageReference Include= "HtmlAgilityPack" Version= "1.11.38" />
2021-11-05 10:42:25 +05:00
<PackageReference Include= "Onova" Version= "2.6.2" />
2021-07-26 09:08:46 +05:00
2021-11-05 10:42:25 +05:00
<ItemGroup >
2021-11-11 12:29:59 +05:00
<Compile Update= "Forms\MainForm.cs" />
<Compile Update= "Forms\SelectForm.cs" />
2021-11-05 10:42:25 +05:00
<Compile Update= "Properties\Resources.Designer.cs" >
<DesignTime > True</DesignTime>
<AutoGen > True</AutoGen>
<DependentUpon > Resources.resx</DependentUpon>
2021-07-26 09:08:46 +05:00
2021-11-05 10:42:25 +05:00
<ItemGroup >
<EmbeddedResource Update= "Properties\Resources.resx" >
<Generator > ResXFileCodeGenerator</Generator>
<LastGenOutput > Resources.Designer.cs</LastGenOutput>
2021-07-30 03:19:59 +05:00
2021-11-05 10:42:25 +05:00
<ItemGroup >
<None Include= "..\LICENSE" >
<Pack > True</Pack>
<PackagePath > </PackagePath>
<None Include= "ini.ico" >
<Pack > True</Pack>
<PackagePath > </PackagePath>
2021-07-26 09:08:46 +05:00