- Overhauled right-click context menu icon handling - The program will no longer get all game icons on start, and instead will load them when the game is right clicked - Added DLC icons to the right click menu - DLC icons in the right click menu will now display the game's icon if an icon doesn't exist for it
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 123 additions and 96 deletions
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Gameloop.Vdf.Linq;
@ -17,46 +15,17 @@ internal class ProgramSelection
internal int SteamAppId = 0;
internal string Name = "Program";
internal Image Icon;
private string iconPath;
internal string IconPath
get => iconPath;
iconPath = value;
Task.Run(async () => Icon = await Program.GetImageFromUrl(iconPath));
internal string IconStaticID
set => IconPath = $"https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/apps/{SteamAppId}/{value}.jpg";
internal Image ClientIcon;
private string clientIconPath;
internal string ClientIconPath
get => clientIconPath;
clientIconPath = value;
Task.Run(async () => ClientIcon = await Program.GetImageFromUrl(clientIconPath));
internal string ClientIconStaticID
set => ClientIconPath = $"https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/apps/{SteamAppId}/{value}.ico";
internal string IconStaticID = null;
internal string ClientIconStaticID = null;
internal string RootDirectory;
internal List<string> SteamApiDllDirectories;
internal VProperty AppInfo = null;
internal readonly SortedList<int, string> AllSteamDlc = new();
internal readonly SortedList<int, string> SelectedSteamDlc = new();
internal readonly List<Tuple<int, string, SortedList<int, string>>> ExtraSteamAppIdDlc = new();
internal readonly SortedList<int, (string name, string iconStaticId)> AllSteamDlc = new();
internal readonly SortedList<int, (string name, string iconStaticId)> SelectedSteamDlc = new();
internal readonly List<Tuple<int, string, SortedList<int, (string name, string iconStaticId)>>> ExtraSteamAppIdDlc = new();
internal bool AreSteamApiDllsLocked
@ -72,27 +41,36 @@ internal class ProgramSelection
private void Toggle(KeyValuePair<int, string> dlcApp, bool enabled)
private void Toggle(int dlcAppId, (string name, string iconStaticId) dlcApp, bool enabled)
if (enabled) SelectedSteamDlc[dlcApp.Key] = dlcApp.Value;
else SelectedSteamDlc.Remove(dlcApp.Key);
if (enabled) SelectedSteamDlc[dlcAppId] = dlcApp;
else SelectedSteamDlc.Remove(dlcAppId);
internal void ToggleDlc(int dlcAppId, bool enabled)
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> dlcApp in AllSteamDlc)
if (dlcApp.Key == dlcAppId)
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, (string name, string iconStaticId)> pair in AllSteamDlc)
Toggle(dlcApp, enabled);
int appId = pair.Key;
(string name, string iconStaticId) dlcApp = pair.Value;
if (appId == dlcAppId)
Toggle(appId, dlcApp, enabled);
Enabled = SelectedSteamDlc.Any();
internal void ToggleAllDlc(bool enabled)
if (!enabled) SelectedSteamDlc.Clear();
else foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> dlcApp in AllSteamDlc) Toggle(dlcApp, enabled);
else foreach (KeyValuePair<int, (string name, string iconStaticId)> pair in AllSteamDlc)
int appId = pair.Key;
(string name, string iconStaticId) dlcApp = pair.Value;
Toggle(appId, dlcApp, enabled);
Enabled = SelectedSteamDlc.Any();
@ -126,11 +104,11 @@ internal class ProgramSelection
internal static ProgramSelection FromAppId(int appId) => AllUsable.Find(s => s.SteamAppId == appId);
internal static KeyValuePair<int, string>? GetDlcFromAppId(int appId)
internal static (int gameAppId, (string name, string iconStaticId) app)? GetDlcFromAppId(int appId)
foreach (ProgramSelection selection in AllUsable)
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> app in selection.AllSteamDlc)
if (app.Key == appId) return app;
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, (string name, string iconStaticId)> pair in selection.AllSteamDlc)
if (pair.Key == appId) return (selection.SteamAppId, pair.Value);
return null;
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<PackageIconUrl />
<Description>Automatically generates and installs CreamAPI files for Steam games on the user's computer. It can also generate and install CreamAPI for the Paradox Launcher should the user select a Paradox Interactive game.</Description>
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ internal partial class InstallForm : CustomForm
internal void UpdateProgress(int progress)
int value = (int)((float)(CompleteOperationsCount / (float)OperationsCount) * 100) + (progress / OperationsCount);
int value = (int)((float)(CompleteOperationsCount / (float)OperationsCount) * 100) + progress / OperationsCount;
if (value < userProgressBar.Value) return;
userProgressBar.Value = value;
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ internal partial class InstallForm : CustomForm
await Task.Run(() => Thread.Sleep(0)); // to keep the text box control from glitching
internal async Task WriteConfiguration(StreamWriter writer, int steamAppId, string name, SortedList<int, string> steamDlcApps)
internal async Task WriteConfiguration(StreamWriter writer, int steamAppId, string name, SortedList<int, (string name, string iconStaticId)> steamDlcApps)
writer.WriteLine($"; {name}");
@ -58,10 +58,12 @@ internal partial class InstallForm : CustomForm
await UpdateUser($"Added game to cream_api.ini with appid {steamAppId} ({name})", InstallationLog.Resource, info: false);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> dlcApp in steamDlcApps)
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, (string name, string iconStaticId)> pair in steamDlcApps)
writer.WriteLine($"{dlcApp.Key} = {dlcApp.Value}");
await UpdateUser($"Added DLC to cream_api.ini with appid {dlcApp.Key} ({dlcApp.Value})", InstallationLog.Resource, info: false);
int appId = pair.Key;
(string name, string iconStaticId) dlcApp = pair.Value;
writer.WriteLine($"{appId} = {dlcApp.name}");
await UpdateUser($"Added DLC to cream_api.ini with appid {appId} ({dlcApp.name})", InstallationLog.Resource, info: false);
@ -134,7 +136,7 @@ internal partial class InstallForm : CustomForm
StreamWriter writer = new(cApi, true, Encoding.UTF8);
writer.WriteLine("; " + Application.CompanyName + " v" + Application.ProductVersion);
if (selection.SteamAppId > 0) await WriteConfiguration(writer, selection.SteamAppId, selection.Name, selection.SelectedSteamDlc);
foreach (Tuple<int, string, SortedList<int, string>> extraAppDlc in selection.ExtraSteamAppIdDlc)
foreach (Tuple<int, string, SortedList<int, (string name, string iconStaticId)>> extraAppDlc in selection.ExtraSteamAppIdDlc)
await WriteConfiguration(writer, extraAppDlc.Item1, extraAppDlc.Item2, extraAppDlc.Item3);
@ -178,9 +178,8 @@ internal partial class SelectForm : CustomForm
if (Program.Canceled) return;
List<Tuple<int, string, string, int, string>> applicablePrograms = new();
string launcherRootDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + "\\Programs\\Paradox Interactive";
if (Directory.Exists(launcherRootDirectory))
applicablePrograms.Add(new(0, "Paradox Launcher", "", 0, launcherRootDirectory));
if (Directory.Exists(Program.ParadoxLauncherDirectory))
applicablePrograms.Add(new(0, "Paradox Launcher", "", 0, Program.ParadoxLauncherDirectory));
List<string> gameLibraryDirectories = await GameLibraryDirectories();
foreach (string libraryDirectory in gameLibraryDirectories)
@ -224,7 +223,7 @@ internal partial class SelectForm : CustomForm
if (Program.Canceled) return;
ConcurrentDictionary<int, string> dlc = new();
ConcurrentDictionary<int, (string name, string iconStaticId)> dlc = new();
List<Task> dlcTasks = new();
List<int> dlcIds = await SteamCMD.ParseDlcAppIds(appInfo);
if (dlcIds.Count > 0)
@ -237,15 +236,22 @@ internal partial class SelectForm : CustomForm
if (Program.Canceled) return;
string dlcName = null;
string dlcIconStaticId = null;
VProperty dlcAppInfo = await SteamCMD.GetAppInfo(id);
if (dlcAppInfo is not null) dlcName = dlcAppInfo.Value?.GetChild("common")?.GetChild("name")?.ToString();
if (dlcAppInfo is not null)
dlcName = dlcAppInfo.Value?.GetChild("common")?.GetChild("name")?.ToString();
dlcIconStaticId = dlcAppInfo.Value?.GetChild("common")?.GetChild("icon")?.ToString();
dlcIconStaticId ??= dlcAppInfo.Value?.GetChild("common")?.GetChild("logo_small")?.ToString();
dlcIconStaticId ??= dlcAppInfo.Value?.GetChild("common")?.GetChild("logo")?.ToString();
if (Program.Canceled) return;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dlcName))
dlc[id] = /*$"[{id}] " +*/ dlcName;
dlc[id] = /*$"[{id}] " +*/ (dlcName, dlcIconStaticId);
@ -279,15 +285,8 @@ internal partial class SelectForm : CustomForm
selection.RootDirectory = directory;
selection.SteamApiDllDirectories = dllDirectories;
selection.AppInfo = appInfo;
if (selection.Icon is null)
if (appId == 0) selection.Icon = Program.GetFileIconImage(directory + @"\launcher\bootstrapper-v2.exe");
selection.IconStaticID = appInfo?.Value?.GetChild("common")?.GetChild("icon")?.ToString();
selection.ClientIconStaticID = appInfo?.Value?.GetChild("common")?.GetChild("clienticon")?.ToString();
if (allCheckBox.Checked) selection.Enabled = true;
if (Program.Canceled) return;
@ -306,15 +305,17 @@ internal partial class SelectForm : CustomForm
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> dlcApp in dlc)
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, (string name, string iconStaticId)> pair in dlc)
if (Program.Canceled || programNode is null) return;
selection.AllSteamDlc[dlcApp.Key] = dlcApp.Value;
if (allCheckBox.Checked) selection.SelectedSteamDlc[dlcApp.Key] = dlcApp.Value;
TreeNode dlcNode = TreeNodes.Find(s => s.Name == "" + dlcApp.Key) ?? new();
dlcNode.Name = "" + dlcApp.Key;
dlcNode.Text = dlcApp.Value;
dlcNode.Checked = selection.SelectedSteamDlc.Contains(dlcApp);
int appId = pair.Key;
(string name, string iconStaticId) dlcApp = pair.Value;
selection.AllSteamDlc[appId] = dlcApp;
if (allCheckBox.Checked) selection.SelectedSteamDlc[appId] = dlcApp;
TreeNode dlcNode = TreeNodes.Find(s => s.Name == "" + appId) ?? new();
dlcNode.Name = appId.ToString();
dlcNode.Text = dlcApp.name;
dlcNode.Checked = selection.SelectedSteamDlc.ContainsKey(appId);
@ -485,6 +486,14 @@ internal partial class SelectForm : CustomForm
Dictionary<string, Image> images = new();
Task.Run(async () =>
if (Directory.Exists(Program.ParadoxLauncherDirectory))
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Program.ParadoxLauncherDirectory, "*.exe"))
images["Paradox Launcher"] = Program.GetFileIconImage(file);
images["Notepad"] = Program.GetNotepadImage();
images["File Explorer"] = Program.GetFileExplorerImage();
images["SteamDB"] = await Program.GetImageFromUrl("https://steamdb.info/favicon.ico");
@ -492,24 +501,51 @@ internal partial class SelectForm : CustomForm
images["Steam Community"] = await Program.GetImageFromUrl("https://steamcommunity.com/favicon.ico");
Image Image(string identifier) => images.GetValueOrDefault(identifier, null);
void TrySetImageAsync(ToolStripMenuItem menuItem, int appId, string iconStaticId, bool client = false) =>
Task.Run(async () =>
menuItem.Image = client ? await Program.GetSteamClientIcon(appId, iconStaticId) : await Program.GetSteamIcon(appId, iconStaticId);
images[client ? "ClientIcon_" + appId : "Icon_" + appId] = menuItem.Image;
selectionTreeView.NodeMouseClick += (sender, e) =>
TreeNode node = e.Node;
TreeNode parentNode = node.Parent;
if (!int.TryParse(node.Name, out int appId)) return;
ProgramSelection selection = ProgramSelection.FromAppId(appId);
(int gameAppId, (string name, string iconStaticId) app)? dlc = null;
if (selection is null) dlc = ProgramSelection.GetDlcFromAppId(appId);
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && node.Bounds.Contains(e.Location))
selectionTreeView.SelectedNode = node;
if (selection is not null)
ToolStripMenuItem header = new(selection?.Name ?? node.Text, Image(appId == 0 ? "Paradox Launcher" : "Icon_" + node.Name));
if (header.Image is null)
nodeContextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem(selection.Name, selection.Icon));
nodeContextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
string iconStaticId = dlc?.app.iconStaticId ?? selection?.IconStaticID;
if (iconStaticId is not null)
TrySetImageAsync(header, appId, iconStaticId);
else if (dlc is not null)
int gameAppId = dlc.Value.gameAppId;
header.Image = Image("Icon_" + gameAppId);
ProgramSelection gameSelection = ProgramSelection.FromAppId(gameAppId);
iconStaticId = gameSelection?.IconStaticID;
if (header.Image is null && iconStaticId is not null)
TrySetImageAsync(header, gameAppId, iconStaticId);
string appInfo = $@"{SteamCMD.AppInfoPath}\{appId}.vdf";
if (Directory.Exists(Directory.GetDirectoryRoot(appInfo)) && File.Exists(appInfo))
if (appId != 0 && Directory.Exists(Directory.GetDirectoryRoot(appInfo)) && File.Exists(appInfo))
nodeContextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
nodeContextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem("Open AppInfo", Image("Notepad"),
new EventHandler((sender, e) => Program.OpenFileInNotepad(appInfo))));
if (selection is not null)
nodeContextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
nodeContextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem("Open Root Directory", Image("File Explorer"),
new EventHandler((sender, e) => Program.OpenDirectoryInFileExplorer(selection.RootDirectory))));
for (int i = 0; i < selection.SteamApiDllDirectories.Count; i++)
@ -519,19 +555,24 @@ internal partial class SelectForm : CustomForm
new EventHandler((sender, e) => Program.OpenDirectoryInFileExplorer(directory))));
nodeContextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem(node.Text));
nodeContextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
if (appId != 0)
nodeContextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
nodeContextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem("Open SteamDB", Image("SteamDB"),
new EventHandler((sender, e) => Program.OpenUrlInInternetBrowser("https://steamdb.info/app/" + appId))));
nodeContextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem("Open Steam Store", Image("Steam Store"),
new EventHandler((sender, e) => Program.OpenUrlInInternetBrowser("https://store.steampowered.com/app/" + appId))));
if (selection is not null) nodeContextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem("Open Steam Community", selection.ClientIcon ?? Image("Steam Community"),
new EventHandler((sender, e) => Program.OpenUrlInInternetBrowser("https://steamcommunity.com/app/" + appId))));
if (selection is not null)
ToolStripMenuItem steamCommunity = new("Open Steam Community", Image("ClientIcon_" + node.Name),
new EventHandler((sender, e) => Program.OpenUrlInInternetBrowser("https://steamcommunity.com/app/" + appId)));
if (steamCommunity.Image is null)
steamCommunity.Image = Image("Steam Community");
TrySetImageAsync(steamCommunity, appId, selection.ClientIconStaticID, true);
nodeContextMenu.Show(selectionTreeView, e.Location);
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ internal static class Program
internal static readonly string[] ProtectedGameDirectories = { @"\EasyAntiCheat", @"\BattlEye" }; // DLL detections
internal static readonly string[] ProtectedGameDirectoryExceptions = { "Arma 3" }; // Arma 3's BattlEye doesn't detect DLL changes?
internal static readonly string ParadoxLauncherDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + @"\Programs\Paradox Interactive\launcher";
internal static bool IsGameBlocked(string name, string directory)
if (!BlockProtectedGames) return false;
@ -63,6 +65,10 @@ internal static class Program
private static readonly string SteamAppImagesPath = "https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/apps/";
internal static async Task<Image> GetSteamIcon(int steamAppId, string iconStaticId) => await GetImageFromUrl(SteamAppImagesPath + $"/{steamAppId}/{iconStaticId}.jpg");
internal static async Task<Image> GetSteamClientIcon(int steamAppId, string clientIconStaticId) => await GetImageFromUrl(SteamAppImagesPath + $"/{steamAppId}/{clientIconStaticId}.ico");
internal static async Task<Image> GetImageFromUrl(string url)
@ -121,9 +127,18 @@ internal static class Program
return false;
internal static void Invoke(this Control control, MethodInvoker methodInvoker) => control.Invoke(methodInvoker);
internal static SelectForm SelectForm;
internal static InstallForm InstallForm;
internal static void InheritLocation(this Form form, Form fromForm)
int X = fromForm.Location.X + fromForm.Size.Width / 2 - form.Size.Width / 2;
int Y = fromForm.Location.Y + fromForm.Size.Height / 2 - form.Size.Height / 2;
form.Location = new(X, Y);
internal static List<ProgramSelection> ProgramSelections = new();
internal static bool Canceled = false;
@ -133,14 +148,5 @@ internal static class Program
await SteamCMD.Cleanup();
internal static void Invoke(this Control control, MethodInvoker methodInvoker) => control.Invoke(methodInvoker);
private static void OnApplicationExit(object s, EventArgs e) => Cleanup();
internal static void InheritLocation(this Form form, Form fromForm)
int X = fromForm.Location.X + fromForm.Size.Width / 2 - form.Size.Width / 2;
int Y = fromForm.Location.Y + fromForm.Size.Height / 2 - form.Size.Height / 2;
form.Location = new(X, Y);
Reference in a new issue