SteamCMD setup tweaks

This commit is contained in:
pointfeev 2022-02-10 10:50:53 -05:00
parent f6b7c7899a
commit d5893f7470
2 changed files with 23 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -54,9 +54,10 @@ internal static class SteamCMD
return string.Join("\r\n", logs);
internal static async Task Setup()
internal static async Task Setup(IProgress<int> progress = null)
await Kill();
if (!Directory.Exists(DirectoryPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(DirectoryPath);
if (!File.Exists(FilePath))
using (HttpClient httpClient = new())
@ -74,7 +75,20 @@ internal static class SteamCMD
File.WriteAllText(AppInfoVersionPath, Application.ProductVersion, Encoding.UTF8);
if (!File.Exists(DllPath)) await Run($@"+quit");
if (!File.Exists(DllPath))
FileSystemWatcher watcher = new(DirectoryPath);
watcher.Filter = "*";
watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = true;
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
if (File.Exists(DllPath)) progress.Report(-15); // update (not used at the moment)
else progress.Report(-1660); // install
int cur = 0;
watcher.Changed += (sender, e) => progress.Report(++cur);
await Run($@"+quit");
internal static async Task<VProperty> GetAppInfo(int appId, string branch = "public", int buildId = 0)
@ -89,7 +103,7 @@ internal static class SteamCMD
if (File.Exists(appUpdateFile)) output = File.ReadAllText(appUpdateFile, Encoding.UTF8);
output = await Run($@"+@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 0 +login anonymous +app_info_print {appId} +force_install_dir {appUpdatePath} +app_update 4 +quit");
output = await Run($@"+login anonymous +app_info_print {appId} +force_install_dir {appUpdatePath} +app_update 4 +quit"); // we add app_update 4 to allow the app_info_print to finish
int openBracket = output.IndexOf("{");
int closeBracket = output.LastIndexOf("}");
if (openBracket != -1 && closeBracket != -1)
@ -129,7 +143,9 @@ internal static class SteamCMD
internal static async Task<List<int>> ParseDlcAppIds(VProperty appInfo) => await Task.Run(() =>
List<int> dlcIds = new();
#pragma warning disable IDE0150 // Prefer 'null' check over type check
if (Program.Canceled || appInfo is not VProperty) return dlcIds;
#pragma warning restore IDE0150 // Prefer 'null' check over type check
VToken extended = appInfo.Value.GetChild("extended");
if (extended is not null)
foreach (VProperty property in extended)

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@ -361,27 +361,16 @@ internal partial class SelectForm : CustomForm
progress.ProgressChanged += (sender, _progress) =>
if (Program.Canceled) return;
if (_progress < 0) maxProgress = -_progress;
if (_progress < 0 || _progress > maxProgress) maxProgress = -_progress;
else curProgress = _progress;
int p = Math.Max(Math.Min((int)((float)(curProgress / (float)maxProgress) * 100), 100), 0);
progressLabel.Text = setup ? $"Setting up SteamCMD . . . {p}% ({curProgress}/{maxProgress})"
progressLabel.Text = setup ? $"Setting up SteamCMD . . . {p}%"
: $"Gathering and caching your applicable games and their DLCs . . . {p}%";
progressBar.Value = p;
iProgress.Report(-1660); // not exact, number varies
int cur = 0;
progressLabel.Text = "Setting up SteamCMD . . . ";
if (!Directory.Exists(SteamCMD.DirectoryPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(SteamCMD.DirectoryPath);
FileSystemWatcher watcher = new(SteamCMD.DirectoryPath);
watcher.Changed += (sender, e) => iProgress.Report(++cur);
watcher.Filter = "*";
watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = true;
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
await SteamCMD.Setup();
progressLabel.Text = $"Setting up SteamCMD . . . ";
await SteamCMD.Setup(iProgress);
setup = false;
progressLabel.Text = "Gathering and caching your applicable games and their DLCs . . . ";