using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using CreamInstaller.Components; using CreamInstaller.Platforms.Epic; using CreamInstaller.Platforms.Epic.Heroic; using CreamInstaller.Platforms.Paradox; using CreamInstaller.Platforms.Steam; using CreamInstaller.Platforms.Ubisoft; using CreamInstaller.Resources; using CreamInstaller.Utility; using static CreamInstaller.Resources.Resources; namespace CreamInstaller.Forms; internal sealed partial class SelectForm : CustomForm { // TODO: fix the form display reset save load buttons for proxy // consolidate all reset save load functionality into only 3 buttons instead of 6? private const string HelpButtonListPrefix = "\n • "; private static SelectForm current; private readonly ConcurrentDictionary remainingDLCs = new(); private readonly ConcurrentDictionary remainingGames = new(); private List<(Platform platform, string id, string name)> programsToScan; private SelectForm() { InitializeComponent(); selectionTreeView.TreeViewNodeSorter = PlatformIdComparer.NodeName; Text = Program.ApplicationName; } internal static SelectForm Current { get { if (current is not null && (current.Disposing || current.IsDisposed)) current = null; return current ??= new(); } } private static void UpdateRemaining(Label label, ConcurrentDictionary list, string descriptor) => label.Text = list.IsEmpty ? "" : $"Remaining {descriptor} ({list.Count}): " + string.Join(", ", list.Values).Replace("&", "&&"); private void UpdateRemainingGames() => UpdateRemaining(progressLabelGames, remainingGames, "games"); private void AddToRemainingGames(string gameName) { if (Program.Canceled) return; Invoke(delegate { if (Program.Canceled) return; remainingGames[gameName] = gameName; UpdateRemainingGames(); }); } private void RemoveFromRemainingGames(string gameName) { if (Program.Canceled) return; Invoke(delegate { if (Program.Canceled) return; _ = remainingGames.Remove(gameName, out _); UpdateRemainingGames(); }); } private void UpdateRemainingDLCs() => UpdateRemaining(progressLabelDLCs, remainingDLCs, "DLCs"); private void AddToRemainingDLCs(string dlcId) { if (Program.Canceled) return; Invoke(delegate { if (Program.Canceled) return; remainingDLCs[dlcId] = dlcId; UpdateRemainingDLCs(); }); } private void RemoveFromRemainingDLCs(string dlcId) { if (Program.Canceled) return; Invoke(delegate { if (Program.Canceled) return; _ = remainingDLCs.Remove(dlcId, out _); UpdateRemainingDLCs(); }); } private async Task GetApplicablePrograms(IProgress progress, bool uninstallAll = false) { if (!uninstallAll && (programsToScan is null || programsToScan.Count < 1)) return; int totalGameCount = 0; int completeGameCount = 0; void AddToRemainingGames(string gameName) { this.AddToRemainingGames(gameName); progress.Report(-Interlocked.Increment(ref totalGameCount)); progress.Report(completeGameCount); } void RemoveFromRemainingGames(string gameName) { this.RemoveFromRemainingGames(gameName); progress.Report(Interlocked.Increment(ref completeGameCount)); } if (Program.Canceled) return; remainingGames.Clear(); // for display purposes only, otherwise ignorable remainingDLCs.Clear(); // for display purposes only, otherwise ignorable List appTasks = new(); if (uninstallAll || programsToScan.Any(c => c.platform is Platform.Paradox)) { AddToRemainingGames("Paradox Launcher"); HashSet dllDirectories = await ParadoxLauncher.InstallPath.GetDllDirectoriesFromGameDirectory(Platform.Paradox); if (dllDirectories is not null) { Selection selection = Selection.GetOrCreate(Platform.Paradox, "PL", "Paradox Launcher", ParadoxLauncher.InstallPath, dllDirectories, await ParadoxLauncher.InstallPath.GetExecutableDirectories(validFunc: path => !Path.GetFileName(path).Contains("bootstrapper"))); if (uninstallAll) selection.Enabled = true; else if (selection.TreeNode.TreeView is null) _ = selectionTreeView.Nodes.Add(selection.TreeNode); RemoveFromRemainingGames("Paradox Launcher"); } } int steamGamesToCheck; if (uninstallAll || programsToScan.Any(c => c.platform is Platform.Steam)) { List<(string appId, string name, string branch, int buildId, string gameDirectory)> steamGames = await SteamLibrary.GetGames(); steamGamesToCheck = steamGames.Count; foreach ((string appId, string name, string branch, int buildId, string gameDirectory) in steamGames) { if (Program.Canceled) return; if (!uninstallAll && (Program.IsGameBlocked(name, gameDirectory) || !programsToScan.Any(c => c.platform is Platform.Steam && == appId))) { _ = Interlocked.Decrement(ref steamGamesToCheck); continue; } AddToRemainingGames(name); Task task = Task.Run(async () => { if (Program.Canceled) return; HashSet dllDirectories = await gameDirectory.GetDllDirectoriesFromGameDirectory(Platform.Steam); if (dllDirectories is null) { _ = Interlocked.Decrement(ref steamGamesToCheck); RemoveFromRemainingGames(name); return; } if (uninstallAll) { Selection bareSelection = Selection.GetOrCreate(Platform.Steam, appId, name, gameDirectory, dllDirectories, await gameDirectory.GetExecutableDirectories(true)); bareSelection.Enabled = true; RemoveFromRemainingGames(name); return; } if (Program.Canceled) return; StoreAppData storeAppData = await SteamStore.QueryStoreAPI(appId); _ = Interlocked.Decrement(ref steamGamesToCheck); CmdAppData cmdAppData = await SteamCMD.GetAppInfo(appId, branch, buildId); if (storeAppData is null && cmdAppData is null) { RemoveFromRemainingGames(name); return; } if (Program.Canceled) return; ConcurrentDictionary dlc = new(); List dlcTasks = []; HashSet dlcIds = []; if (storeAppData is not null) foreach (string dlcId in await SteamStore.ParseDlcAppIds(storeAppData)) _ = dlcIds.Add(dlcId); if (cmdAppData is not null) foreach (string dlcId in await SteamCMD.ParseDlcAppIds(cmdAppData)) _ = dlcIds.Add(dlcId); if (dlcIds.Count > 0) foreach (string dlcAppId in dlcIds) { if (Program.Canceled) return; AddToRemainingDLCs(dlcAppId); Task task = Task.Run(async () => { if (Program.Canceled) return; do // give games steam store api limit priority Thread.Sleep(200); while (!Program.Canceled && steamGamesToCheck > 0); if (Program.Canceled) return; string fullGameAppId = null; string dlcName = null; string dlcIcon = null; bool onSteamStore = false; StoreAppData dlcStoreAppData = await SteamStore.QueryStoreAPI(dlcAppId, true); if (dlcStoreAppData is not null) { dlcName = dlcStoreAppData.Name; dlcIcon = dlcStoreAppData.HeaderImage; onSteamStore = true; fullGameAppId = dlcStoreAppData.FullGame?.AppId; } else { CmdAppData dlcCmdAppData = await SteamCMD.GetAppInfo(dlcAppId); if (dlcCmdAppData is not null) { dlcName = dlcCmdAppData.Common?.Name; string dlcIconStaticId = dlcCmdAppData.Common?.Icon; dlcIconStaticId ??= dlcCmdAppData.Common?.LogoSmall; dlcIconStaticId ??= dlcCmdAppData.Common?.Logo; if (dlcIconStaticId is not null) dlcIcon = IconGrabber.SteamAppImagesPath + @$"\{dlcAppId}\{dlcIconStaticId}.jpg"; fullGameAppId = dlcCmdAppData.Common?.Parent; } } if (fullGameAppId != null && fullGameAppId != appId) { string fullGameName = null; string fullGameIcon = null; bool fullGameOnSteamStore = false; StoreAppData fullGameStoreAppData = await SteamStore.QueryStoreAPI(fullGameAppId, true); if (fullGameStoreAppData is not null) { fullGameName = fullGameStoreAppData.Name; fullGameIcon = fullGameStoreAppData.HeaderImage; fullGameOnSteamStore = true; } else { CmdAppData fullGameAppInfo = await SteamCMD.GetAppInfo(fullGameAppId); if (fullGameAppInfo is not null) { fullGameName = fullGameAppInfo.Common?.Name; string fullGameIconStaticId = fullGameAppInfo.Common?.Icon; fullGameIconStaticId ??= fullGameAppInfo.Common?.LogoSmall; fullGameIconStaticId ??= fullGameAppInfo.Common?.Logo; if (fullGameIconStaticId is not null) dlcIcon = IconGrabber.SteamAppImagesPath + @$"\{fullGameAppId}\{fullGameIconStaticId}.jpg"; } } if (Program.Canceled) return; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fullGameName)) { SelectionDLC fullGameDlc = SelectionDLC.GetOrCreate( fullGameOnSteamStore ? DLCType.Steam : DLCType.SteamHidden, appId, fullGameAppId, fullGameName); fullGameDlc.Icon = fullGameIcon; _ = dlc.TryAdd(fullGameDlc, default); } } if (Program.Canceled) return; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dlcName)) dlcName = "Unknown"; SelectionDLC _dlc = SelectionDLC.GetOrCreate( onSteamStore ? DLCType.Steam : DLCType.SteamHidden, appId, dlcAppId, dlcName); _dlc.Icon = dlcIcon; _ = dlc.TryAdd(_dlc, default); RemoveFromRemainingDLCs(dlcAppId); }); dlcTasks.Add(task); } else { RemoveFromRemainingGames(name); return; } if (Program.Canceled) return; foreach (Task task in dlcTasks) { if (Program.Canceled) return; await task; } steamGamesToCheck = 0; if (dlc.IsEmpty) { RemoveFromRemainingGames(name); return; } Selection selection = Selection.GetOrCreate(Platform.Steam, appId, storeAppData?.Name ?? name, gameDirectory, dllDirectories, await gameDirectory.GetExecutableDirectories(true)); selection.Product = "" + appId; selection.Icon = IconGrabber.SteamAppImagesPath + @$"\{appId}\{cmdAppData?.Common?.Icon}.jpg"; selection.SubIcon = storeAppData?.HeaderImage ?? IconGrabber.SteamAppImagesPath + @$"\{appId}\{cmdAppData?.Common?.ClientIcon}.ico"; selection.Publisher = storeAppData?.Publishers[0] ?? cmdAppData?.Extended?.Publisher; selection.Website = storeAppData?.Website; if (Program.Canceled) return; Invoke(delegate { if (Program.Canceled) return; if (selection.TreeNode.TreeView is null) _ = selectionTreeView.Nodes.Add(selection.TreeNode); foreach ((SelectionDLC dlc, _) in dlc) { if (Program.Canceled) return; dlc.Selection = selection; } }); if (Program.Canceled) return; RemoveFromRemainingGames(name); }); appTasks.Add(task); } } if (uninstallAll || programsToScan.Any(c => c.platform is Platform.Epic)) { List epicGames = await EpicLibrary.GetGames(); foreach (Manifest manifest in epicGames) { string @namespace = manifest.CatalogNamespace; string name = manifest.DisplayName; string directory = manifest.InstallLocation; if (Program.Canceled) return; if (!uninstallAll && (Program.IsGameBlocked(name, directory) || !programsToScan.Any(c => c.platform is Platform.Epic && == @namespace))) continue; AddToRemainingGames(name); Task task = Task.Run(async () => { if (Program.Canceled) return; HashSet dllDirectories = await directory.GetDllDirectoriesFromGameDirectory(Platform.Epic); if (dllDirectories is null) { RemoveFromRemainingGames(name); return; } if (uninstallAll) { Selection bareSelection = Selection.GetOrCreate(Platform.Epic, @namespace, name, directory, dllDirectories, await directory.GetExecutableDirectories(true)); bareSelection.Enabled = true; RemoveFromRemainingGames(name); return; } if (Program.Canceled) return; List dlcTasks = new(); ConcurrentDictionary catalogItems = new(); List<(string id, string name, string product, string icon, string developer)> catalogIds = await EpicStore.QueryCatalog(@namespace); if (catalogIds.Count > 0) foreach ((string id, string name, string product, string icon, string developer) in catalogIds) { if (Program.Canceled) return; AddToRemainingDLCs(id); Task task = Task.Run(() => { if (Program.Canceled) return; SelectionDLC catalogItem = SelectionDLC.GetOrCreate(DLCType.Epic, @namespace, id, name); catalogItem.Icon = icon; catalogItem.Product = product; catalogItem.Publisher = developer; _ = catalogItems.TryAdd(catalogItem, default); RemoveFromRemainingDLCs(id); }); dlcTasks.Add(task); } if (Program.Canceled) return; foreach (Task task in dlcTasks) { if (Program.Canceled) return; await task; } if (catalogItems.IsEmpty) { RemoveFromRemainingGames(name); return; } Selection selection = Selection.GetOrCreate(Platform.Epic, @namespace, name, directory, dllDirectories, await directory.GetExecutableDirectories(true)); foreach ((SelectionDLC dlc, _) in catalogItems.Where(dlc => dlc.Key.Name == selection.Name)) { if (Program.Canceled) return; selection.Product = "" + dlc.Product; selection.Icon = dlc.Icon; selection.Publisher = dlc.Publisher; } if (Program.Canceled) return; Invoke(delegate { if (Program.Canceled) return; if (selection.TreeNode.TreeView is null) _ = selectionTreeView.Nodes.Add(selection.TreeNode); if (catalogItems.IsEmpty) return; foreach ((SelectionDLC dlc, _) in catalogItems) { if (Program.Canceled) return; dlc.Selection = selection; } }); if (Program.Canceled) return; RemoveFromRemainingGames(name); }); appTasks.Add(task); } } if (uninstallAll || programsToScan.Any(c => c.platform is Platform.Ubisoft)) { List<(string gameId, string name, string gameDirectory)> ubisoftGames = await UbisoftLibrary.GetGames(); foreach ((string gameId, string name, string gameDirectory) in ubisoftGames) { if (Program.Canceled) return; if (!uninstallAll && (Program.IsGameBlocked(name, gameDirectory) || !programsToScan.Any(c => c.platform is Platform.Ubisoft && == gameId))) continue; AddToRemainingGames(name); Task task = Task.Run(async () => { if (Program.Canceled) return; HashSet dllDirectories = await gameDirectory.GetDllDirectoriesFromGameDirectory(Platform.Ubisoft); if (dllDirectories is null) { RemoveFromRemainingGames(name); return; } if (uninstallAll) { Selection bareSelection = Selection.GetOrCreate(Platform.Ubisoft, gameId, name, gameDirectory, dllDirectories, await gameDirectory.GetExecutableDirectories(true)); bareSelection.Enabled = true; RemoveFromRemainingGames(name); return; } if (Program.Canceled) return; Selection selection = Selection.GetOrCreate(Platform.Ubisoft, gameId, name, gameDirectory, dllDirectories, await gameDirectory.GetExecutableDirectories(true)); selection.Icon = IconGrabber.GetDomainFaviconUrl(""); Invoke(delegate { if (Program.Canceled) return; if (selection.TreeNode.TreeView is null) _ = selectionTreeView.Nodes.Add(selection.TreeNode); }); if (Program.Canceled) return; RemoveFromRemainingGames(name); }); appTasks.Add(task); } } foreach (Task task in appTasks) { if (Program.Canceled) return; await task; } steamGamesToCheck = 0; } private async void OnLoad(bool forceScan = false, bool forceProvideChoices = false) { Program.Canceled = false; blockedGamesCheckBox.Enabled = false; blockProtectedHelpButton.Enabled = false; cancelButton.Enabled = true; scanButton.Enabled = false; noneFoundLabel.Visible = false; allCheckBox.Enabled = false; proxyAllCheckBox.Enabled = false; installButton.Enabled = false; uninstallButton.Enabled = installButton.Enabled; selectionTreeView.Enabled = false; saveButton.Enabled = false; loadButton.Enabled = false; resetButton.Enabled = false; progressLabel.Text = "Waiting for user to select which programs/games to scan . . ."; ShowProgressBar(); await ProgramData.Setup(this); bool scan = forceScan; if (!scan && (programsToScan is null || programsToScan.Count < 1 || forceProvideChoices)) { List<(Platform platform, string id, string name, bool alreadySelected)> gameChoices = new(); if (ParadoxLauncher.InstallPath.DirectoryExists()) gameChoices.Add((Platform.Paradox, "PL", "Paradox Launcher", programsToScan is not null && programsToScan.Any(p => p.platform is Platform.Paradox && == "PL"))); if (SteamLibrary.InstallPath.DirectoryExists()) foreach ((string appId, string name, string _, int _, string _) in (await SteamLibrary.GetGames()).Where(g => !Program.IsGameBlocked(, g.gameDirectory))) gameChoices.Add((Platform.Steam, appId, name, programsToScan is not null && programsToScan.Any(p => p.platform is Platform.Steam && == appId))); if (EpicLibrary.EpicManifestsPath.DirectoryExists() || HeroicLibrary.HeroicLibraryPath.DirectoryExists()) gameChoices.AddRange((await EpicLibrary.GetGames()) .Where(m => !Program.IsGameBlocked(m.DisplayName, m.InstallLocation)).Select(manifest => (Platform.Epic, manifest.CatalogNamespace, manifest.DisplayName, programsToScan is not null && programsToScan.Any(p => p.platform is Platform.Epic && == manifest.CatalogNamespace)))); foreach ((string gameId, string name, string _) in (await UbisoftLibrary.GetGames()).Where(g => !Program.IsGameBlocked(, g.gameDirectory))) gameChoices.Add((Platform.Ubisoft, gameId, name, programsToScan is not null && programsToScan.Any(p => p.platform is Platform.Ubisoft && == gameId))); if (gameChoices.Count > 0) { using SelectDialogForm form = new(this); DialogResult selectResult = form.QueryUser("Choose which programs and/or games to scan:", gameChoices, out List<(Platform platform, string id, string name)> choices); if (selectResult == DialogResult.Abort) { int maxProgress = 0; int curProgress = 0; Progress progress = new(); IProgress iProgress = progress; progress.ProgressChanged += (_, _progress) => { if (Program.Canceled) return; if (_progress < 0 || _progress > maxProgress) maxProgress = -_progress; else curProgress = _progress; int p = Math.Max(Math.Min((int)((float)curProgress / maxProgress * 100), 100), 0); progressLabel.Text = $"Quickly gathering games for uninstallation . . . {p}%"; progressBar.Value = p; }; progressLabel.Text = "Quickly gathering games for uninstallation . . . "; foreach (Selection selection in Selection.All.Keys) selection.TreeNode.Remove(); await GetApplicablePrograms(iProgress, true); if (!Program.Canceled) OnUninstall(null, null); Selection.All.Clear(); programsToScan = null; } else scan = selectResult == DialogResult.OK && choices is not null && choices.Count > 0; const string retry = "\n\nPress the \"Rescan\" button to re-choose."; if (scan) { programsToScan = choices; noneFoundLabel.Text = "None of the chosen programs nor games were applicable!" + retry; } else noneFoundLabel.Text = "You didn't choose any programs nor games!" + retry; } else noneFoundLabel.Text = "No applicable programs nor games were found on your computer!"; } if (scan) { bool setup = true; int maxProgress = 0; int curProgress = 0; Progress progress = new(); IProgress iProgress = progress; progress.ProgressChanged += (_, _progress) => { if (Program.Canceled) return; if (_progress < 0 || _progress > maxProgress) maxProgress = -_progress; else curProgress = _progress; int p = Math.Max(Math.Min((int)((float)curProgress / maxProgress * 100), 100), 0); progressLabel.Text = setup ? $"Setting up SteamCMD . . . {p}%" : $"Gathering and caching your applicable games and their DLCs . . . {p}%"; progressBar.Value = p; }; if (SteamLibrary.InstallPath.DirectoryExists() && programsToScan is not null && programsToScan.Any(c => c.platform is Platform.Steam)) { progressLabel.Text = "Setting up SteamCMD . . . "; if (!await SteamCMD.Setup(iProgress)) { HideProgressBar(); OnLoad(forceScan, true); return; } } setup = false; progressLabel.Text = "Gathering and caching your applicable games and their DLCs . . . "; Selection.ValidateAll(programsToScan); foreach (Selection selection in Selection.All.Keys) selection.TreeNode.Remove(); await GetApplicablePrograms(iProgress); await SteamCMD.Cleanup(); } OnLoadSelections(null, null); HideProgressBar(); selectionTreeView.Enabled = !Selection.All.IsEmpty; allCheckBox.Enabled = selectionTreeView.Enabled; proxyAllCheckBox.Enabled = selectionTreeView.Enabled; noneFoundLabel.Visible = !selectionTreeView.Enabled; installButton.Enabled = Selection.AllEnabled.Any(); uninstallButton.Enabled = installButton.Enabled; saveButton.Enabled = CanSaveSelections(); loadButton.Enabled = CanLoadSelections(); resetButton.Enabled = CanResetSelections(); cancelButton.Enabled = false; scanButton.Enabled = true; blockedGamesCheckBox.Enabled = true; blockProtectedHelpButton.Enabled = true; } private void OnTreeViewNodeCheckedChanged(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { if (e.Action == TreeViewAction.Unknown) return; TreeNode node = e.Node; if (node is null) return; SyncNodeAncestors(node); SyncNodeDescendants(node); allCheckBox.CheckedChanged -= OnAllCheckBoxChanged; allCheckBox.Checked = EnumerateTreeNodes(selectionTreeView.Nodes) .All(node => node.Text == "Unknown" || node.Checked); allCheckBox.CheckedChanged += OnAllCheckBoxChanged; installButton.Enabled = Selection.AllEnabled.Any(); uninstallButton.Enabled = installButton.Enabled; if (sender is "OnLoadSelections" or "OnResetSelections") return; saveButton.Enabled = CanSaveSelections(); resetButton.Enabled = CanResetSelections(); } private static void SyncNodeAncestors(TreeNode node) { TreeNode parentNode = node.Parent; if (parentNode is null) return; parentNode.Checked = parentNode.Nodes.Cast().Any(childNode => childNode.Checked); SyncNodeAncestors(parentNode); } private static void SyncNodeDescendants(TreeNode node) { foreach (TreeNode childNode in node.Nodes) { if (childNode.Text == "Unknown") continue; childNode.Checked = node.Checked; SyncNodeDescendants(childNode); } } private static IEnumerable EnumerateTreeNodes(TreeNodeCollection nodeCollection) { foreach (TreeNode rootNode in nodeCollection) { yield return rootNode; foreach (TreeNode childNode in EnumerateTreeNodes(rootNode.Nodes)) yield return childNode; } } private void ShowProgressBar() { progressBar.Value = 0; progressLabelGames.Text = "Loading . . . "; progressLabel.Visible = true; progressLabelGames.Text = ""; progressLabelGames.Visible = true; progressLabelDLCs.Text = ""; progressLabelDLCs.Visible = true; progressBar.Visible = true; programsGroupBox.Size = programsGroupBox.Size with { Height = programsGroupBox.Size.Height - progressLabel.Size.Height - progressLabelGames.Size.Height - progressLabelDLCs.Size.Height - progressBar.Size.Height - 6 }; } private void HideProgressBar() { progressBar.Value = 100; progressLabel.Visible = false; progressLabelGames.Visible = false; progressLabelDLCs.Visible = false; progressBar.Visible = false; programsGroupBox.Size = programsGroupBox.Size with { Height = programsGroupBox.Size.Height + progressLabel.Size.Height + progressLabelGames.Size.Height + progressLabelDLCs.Size.Height + progressBar.Size.Height + 6 }; } internal void OnNodeRightClick(TreeNode node, Point location) => Invoke(() => { ContextMenuStrip contextMenuStrip = new(); ToolStripItemCollection items = contextMenuStrip.Items; string id = node.Name; Platform platform = (Platform)node.Tag; Selection selection = Selection.FromId(platform, id); SelectionDLC dlc = null; if (selection is null) dlc = SelectionDLC.FromId((DLCType)node.Tag, node.Parent?.Name, id); Selection dlcParentSelection = null; if (dlc is not null) dlcParentSelection = dlc.Selection; if (selection is null && dlcParentSelection is null) return; ContextMenuItem header = id == "PL" ? new(node.Text, "Paradox Launcher") : selection is not null ? new(node.Text, (id, selection.Icon)) : new(node.Text, (id, dlc.Icon), (id, dlcParentSelection.Icon)); _ = items.Add(header); string appInfoVDF = $@"{SteamCMD.AppInfoPath}\{id}.vdf"; string appInfoJSON = $@"{SteamCMD.AppInfoPath}\{id}.json"; string cooldown = $@"{ProgramData.CooldownPath}\{id}.txt"; if (appInfoVDF.FileExists() || appInfoJSON.FileExists()) { List queries = new(); if (appInfoJSON.FileExists()) { string platformString = selection is null || selection.Platform is Platform.Steam ? "Steam Store " : selection.Platform is Platform.Epic ? "Epic GraphQL " : ""; queries.Add(new($"Open {platformString}Query", "Notepad", (_, _) => Diagnostics.OpenFileInNotepad(appInfoJSON))); } if (appInfoVDF.FileExists()) queries.Add(new("Open SteamCMD Query", "Notepad", (_, _) => Diagnostics.OpenFileInNotepad(appInfoVDF))); if (queries.Count > 0) { _ = items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); foreach (ContextMenuItem query in queries) _ = items.Add(query); _ = items.Add(new ContextMenuItem("Refresh Queries", "Command Prompt", (_, _) => { appInfoVDF.DeleteFile(); appInfoJSON.DeleteFile(); cooldown.DeleteFile(); selection?.Remove(); if (dlc is not null) dlc.Selection = null; OnLoad(true); })); } } if (selection is not null) { if (id == "PL") { _ = items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); async void EventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) { _ = await ParadoxLauncher.Repair(this, selection); Program.Canceled = false; } _ = items.Add(new ContextMenuItem("Repair", "Command Prompt", EventHandler)); } _ = items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); _ = items.Add(new ContextMenuItem("Open Root Directory", "File Explorer", (_, _) => Diagnostics.OpenDirectoryInFileExplorer(selection.RootDirectory))); int executables = 0; foreach ((string directory, BinaryType binaryType) in selection.ExecutableDirectories) _ = items.Add(new ContextMenuItem( $"Open Executable Directory #{++executables} ({(binaryType == BinaryType.BIT32 ? "32" : "64")}-bit)", "File Explorer", (_, _) => Diagnostics.OpenDirectoryInFileExplorer(directory))); HashSet directories = selection.DllDirectories; int steam = 0, epic = 0, r1 = 0, r2 = 0; if (selection.Platform is Platform.Steam or Platform.Paradox) foreach (string directory in directories) { directory.GetSmokeApiComponents(out string api32, out string api32_o, out string api64, out string api64_o, out string old_config, out string config, out string old_log, out string log, out string cache); if (api32.FileExists() || api32_o.FileExists() || api64.FileExists() || api64_o.FileExists() || old_config.FileExists() || config.FileExists() || old_log.FileExists() || log.FileExists() || cache.FileExists()) _ = items.Add(new ContextMenuItem($"Open Steamworks Directory #{++steam}", "File Explorer", (_, _) => Diagnostics.OpenDirectoryInFileExplorer(directory))); } if (selection.Platform is Platform.Epic or Platform.Paradox) foreach (string directory in directories) { directory.GetScreamApiComponents(out string api32, out string api32_o, out string api64, out string api64_o, out string config, out string log); if (api32.FileExists() || api32_o.FileExists() || api64.FileExists() || api64_o.FileExists() || config.FileExists() || log.FileExists()) _ = items.Add(new ContextMenuItem($"Open EOS Directory #{++epic}", "File Explorer", (_, _) => Diagnostics.OpenDirectoryInFileExplorer(directory))); } if (selection.Platform is Platform.Ubisoft) foreach (string directory in directories) { directory.GetUplayR1Components(out string api32, out string api32_o, out string api64, out string api64_o, out string config, out string log); if (api32.FileExists() || api32_o.FileExists() || api64.FileExists() || api64_o.FileExists() || config.FileExists() || log.FileExists()) _ = items.Add(new ContextMenuItem($"Open Uplay R1 Directory #{++r1}", "File Explorer", (_, _) => Diagnostics.OpenDirectoryInFileExplorer(directory))); directory.GetUplayR2Components(out string old_api32, out string old_api64, out api32, out api32_o, out api64, out api64_o, out config, out log); if (old_api32.FileExists() || old_api64.FileExists() || api32.FileExists() || api32_o.FileExists() || api64.FileExists() || api64_o.FileExists() || config.FileExists() || log.FileExists()) _ = items.Add(new ContextMenuItem($"Open Uplay R2 Directory #{++r2}", "File Explorer", (_, _) => Diagnostics.OpenDirectoryInFileExplorer(directory))); } } if (id != "PL") { if (selection?.Platform is Platform.Steam || dlcParentSelection?.Platform is Platform.Steam) { _ = items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); _ = items.Add(new ContextMenuItem("Open SteamDB", "SteamDB", (_, _) => Diagnostics.OpenUrlInInternetBrowser("" + id))); } if (selection is not null) switch (selection.Platform) { case Platform.Steam: _ = items.Add(new ContextMenuItem("Open Steam Store", "Steam Store", (_, _) => Diagnostics.OpenUrlInInternetBrowser(selection.Product))); _ = items.Add(new ContextMenuItem("Open Steam Community", ("Sub_" + id, selection.SubIcon), "Steam Community", (_, _) => Diagnostics.OpenUrlInInternetBrowser("" + id))); break; case Platform.Epic: _ = items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); _ = items.Add(new ContextMenuItem("Open ScreamDB", "ScreamDB", (_, _) => Diagnostics.OpenUrlInInternetBrowser("" + id))); _ = items.Add(new ContextMenuItem("Open Epic Games Store", "Epic Games", (_, _) => Diagnostics.OpenUrlInInternetBrowser(selection.Product))); break; case Platform.Ubisoft: _ = items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); _ = items.Add(new ContextMenuItem("Open Ubisoft Store", "Ubisoft Store", (_, _) => Diagnostics.OpenUrlInInternetBrowser( "" + selection.Name.Replace(" ", "-").ToLowerInvariant()))); break; } } if (selection?.Website is not null) _ = items.Add(new ContextMenuItem("Open Official Website", ("Web_" + id, IconGrabber.GetDomainFaviconUrl(selection.Website)), (_, _) => Diagnostics.OpenUrlInInternetBrowser(selection.Website))); contextMenuStrip.Show(selectionTreeView, location); contextMenuStrip.Refresh(); }); private void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs _) { retry: try { HideProgressBar(); selectionTreeView.AfterCheck += OnTreeViewNodeCheckedChanged; OnLoad(forceProvideChoices: true); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.HandleException(this)) goto retry; Close(); } } private void OnAccept(bool uninstall = false) { if (Selection.All.IsEmpty || !uninstall && ParadoxLauncher.DlcDialog(this)) return; Hide(); InstallForm form = new(uninstall); form.InheritLocation(this); form.FormClosing += (_, _) => { if (form.Reselecting) { InheritLocation(form); Show(); #if DEBUG DebugForm.Current.Attach(this); #endif OnLoad(); } else Close(); }; form.Show(); Hide(); #if DEBUG DebugForm.Current.Attach(form); #endif } private void OnInstall(object sender, EventArgs e) => OnAccept(); private void OnUninstall(object sender, EventArgs e) => OnAccept(true); private void OnScan(object sender, EventArgs e) => OnLoad(forceProvideChoices: true); private void OnCancel(object sender, EventArgs e) { progressLabel.Text = "Cancelling . . . "; Program.Cleanup(); } private void OnAllCheckBoxChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool shouldEnable = Selection.All.Keys.Any(s => !s.Enabled); foreach (Selection selection in Selection.All.Keys.Where(s => s.Enabled != shouldEnable)) { selection.Enabled = shouldEnable; OnTreeViewNodeCheckedChanged("OnAllCheckBoxChanged", new(selection.TreeNode, TreeViewAction.ByMouse)); } allCheckBox.CheckedChanged -= OnAllCheckBoxChanged; allCheckBox.Checked = shouldEnable; allCheckBox.CheckedChanged += OnAllCheckBoxChanged; } private void OnProxyAllCheckBoxChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool shouldEnable = Selection.All.Keys.Any(selection => !selection.UseProxy); foreach (Selection selection in Selection.All.Keys) selection.UseProxy = shouldEnable; selectionTreeView.Invalidate(); proxyAllCheckBox.CheckedChanged -= OnProxyAllCheckBoxChanged; proxyAllCheckBox.Checked = shouldEnable; proxyAllCheckBox.CheckedChanged += OnProxyAllCheckBoxChanged; resetButton.Enabled = CanResetSelections(); saveButton.Enabled = CanSaveSelections(); } private bool AreSelectionsDefault() => EnumerateTreeNodes(selectionTreeView.Nodes).All(node => node.Parent is null || node.Tag is not Platform and not DLCType || (node.Text == "Unknown" ? !node.Checked : node.Checked)); private static bool AreProxySelectionsDefault() => Selection.All.Keys.All(selection => !selection.UseProxy); private bool CanSaveDlc() => installButton.Enabled && (ProgramData.ReadDlcChoices().Any() || !AreSelectionsDefault()); private static bool CanSaveProxy() => ProgramData.ReadProxyChoices().Any() || !AreProxySelectionsDefault(); private bool CanSaveSelections() => CanSaveDlc() || CanSaveProxy(); private void OnSaveSelections(object sender, EventArgs e) { List<(Platform platform, string gameId, string dlcId)> dlcChoices = ProgramData.ReadDlcChoices().ToList(); foreach (SelectionDLC dlc in SelectionDLC.All.Keys) { _ = dlcChoices.RemoveAll(n => n.platform == dlc.Selection.Platform && n.gameId == dlc.Selection.Id && n.dlcId == dlc.Id); if (dlc.Name == "Unknown" ? dlc.Enabled : !dlc.Enabled) dlcChoices.Add((dlc.Selection.Platform, dlc.Selection.Id, dlc.Id)); } ProgramData.WriteDlcChoices(dlcChoices); List<(Platform platform, string id, string proxy, bool enabled)> proxyChoices = ProgramData.ReadProxyChoices().ToList(); foreach (Selection selection in Selection.All.Keys) { _ = proxyChoices.RemoveAll(c => c.platform == selection.Platform && == selection.Id); if (selection.UseProxy) proxyChoices.Add((selection.Platform, selection.Id, selection.Proxy == Selection.DefaultProxy ? null : selection.Proxy, selection.UseProxy)); } ProgramData.WriteProxyChoices(proxyChoices); loadButton.Enabled = CanLoadSelections(); saveButton.Enabled = CanSaveSelections(); } private static bool CanLoadDlc() => ProgramData.ReadDlcChoices().Any(); private static bool CanLoadProxy() => ProgramData.ReadProxyChoices().Any(); private bool CanLoadSelections() => CanLoadDlc() || CanLoadProxy(); private void OnLoadSelections(object sender, EventArgs e) { List<(Platform platform, string gameId, string dlcId)> dlcChoices = ProgramData.ReadDlcChoices().ToList(); foreach (SelectionDLC dlc in SelectionDLC.All.Keys) { dlc.Enabled = dlcChoices.Any(c => c.platform == dlc.Selection?.Platform && c.gameId == dlc.Selection?.Id && c.dlcId == dlc.Id) ? dlc.Name == "Unknown" : dlc.Name != "Unknown"; OnTreeViewNodeCheckedChanged("OnLoadSelections", new(dlc.TreeNode, TreeViewAction.ByMouse)); } List<(Platform platform, string id, string proxy, bool enabled)> proxyChoices = ProgramData.ReadProxyChoices().ToList(); foreach (Selection selection in Selection.All.Keys) if (proxyChoices.Any(c => c.platform == selection.Platform && == selection.Id)) { (Platform platform, string id, string proxy, bool enabled) choice = proxyChoices.First(c => c.platform == selection.Platform && == selection.Id); (Platform platform, string id, string proxy, bool enabled) = choice; string currentProxy = proxy; if (proxy is not null && proxy.Contains('.')) // convert pre-v4.1.0.0 choices proxy.GetProxyInfoFromIdentifier(out currentProxy, out _); if (proxy != currentProxy && proxyChoices.Remove(choice)) // convert pre-v4.1.0.0 choices proxyChoices.Add((platform, id, currentProxy, enabled)); if (currentProxy is null or Selection.DefaultProxy && !enabled) _ = proxyChoices.RemoveAll(c => c.platform == platform && == id); else { selection.UseProxy = enabled; selection.Proxy = currentProxy == Selection.DefaultProxy ? currentProxy : proxy; } } else { selection.UseProxy = false; selection.Proxy = null; } ProgramData.WriteProxyChoices(proxyChoices); loadButton.Enabled = CanLoadSelections(); OnProxyChanged(); } private bool CanResetDlc() => !AreSelectionsDefault(); private static bool CanResetProxy() => !AreProxySelectionsDefault(); private bool CanResetSelections() => CanResetDlc() || CanResetProxy(); private void OnResetSelections(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (SelectionDLC dlc in SelectionDLC.All.Keys) { dlc.Enabled = dlc.Name != "Unknown"; OnTreeViewNodeCheckedChanged("OnResetSelections", new(dlc.TreeNode, TreeViewAction.ByMouse)); } foreach (Selection selection in Selection.All.Keys) { selection.UseProxy = false; selection.Proxy = null; } OnProxyChanged(); } internal void OnProxyChanged() { selectionTreeView.Invalidate(); saveButton.Enabled = CanSaveSelections(); resetButton.Enabled = CanResetSelections(); proxyAllCheckBox.CheckedChanged -= OnProxyAllCheckBoxChanged; proxyAllCheckBox.Checked = Selection.All.Keys.All(selection => !selection.CanUseProxy || selection.UseProxy); proxyAllCheckBox.CheckedChanged += OnProxyAllCheckBoxChanged; } private void OnBlockProtectedGamesCheckBoxChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Program.BlockProtectedGames = blockedGamesCheckBox.Checked; OnLoad(forceProvideChoices: true); } private void OnBlockProtectedGamesHelpButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { StringBuilder blockedGames = new(); foreach (string name in Program.ProtectedGames) _ = blockedGames.Append(HelpButtonListPrefix + name); StringBuilder blockedDirectories = new(); foreach (string path in Program.ProtectedGameDirectories) _ = blockedDirectories.Append(HelpButtonListPrefix + path); StringBuilder blockedDirectoryExceptions = new(); foreach (string name in Program.ProtectedGameDirectoryExceptions) _ = blockedDirectoryExceptions.Append(HelpButtonListPrefix + name); using DialogForm form = new(this); _ = form.Show(SystemIcons.Information, "Blocks the program from caching and displaying games protected by anti-cheats." + "\nYou disable this option and install DLC unlockers to protected games at your own risk!" + "\n\nBlocked games: " + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(blockedGames.ToString()) ? "(none)" : blockedGames) + "\n\nBlocked game sub-directories: " + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(blockedDirectories.ToString()) ? "(none)" : blockedDirectories) + "\n\nBlocked game sub-directory exceptions: " + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(blockedDirectoryExceptions.ToString()) ? "(none)" : blockedDirectoryExceptions), customFormText: "Block Protected Games"); } private void OnSortCheckBoxChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) => selectionTreeView.TreeViewNodeSorter = sortCheckBox.Checked ? PlatformIdComparer.NodeText : PlatformIdComparer.NodeName; }