- Unselected DLC are now properly disabled within SmokeAPI through the use of the override parameter
473 lines
22 KiB
473 lines
22 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CreamInstaller.Components;
using CreamInstaller.Paradox;
using CreamInstaller.Resources;
using CreamInstaller.Utility;
namespace CreamInstaller;
internal partial class InstallForm : CustomForm
internal bool Reselecting;
internal readonly bool Uninstalling;
internal InstallForm(IWin32Window owner, bool uninstall = false) : base(owner)
Text = Program.ApplicationName;
logTextBox.BackColor = InstallationLog.Background;
Uninstalling = uninstall;
private int OperationsCount;
private int CompleteOperationsCount;
internal void UpdateProgress(int progress)
if (!userProgressBar.Disposing && !userProgressBar.IsDisposed)
userProgressBar.Invoke(() =>
int value = (int)((float)CompleteOperationsCount / OperationsCount * 100) + progress / OperationsCount;
if (value < userProgressBar.Value) return;
userProgressBar.Value = value;
internal void UpdateUser(string text, Color color, bool info = true, bool log = true)
if (info) userInfoLabel.Invoke(() => userInfoLabel.Text = text);
if (log && !logTextBox.Disposing && !logTextBox.IsDisposed)
logTextBox.Invoke(() =>
if (logTextBox.Text.Length > 0) logTextBox.AppendText(Environment.NewLine, color);
logTextBox.AppendText(text, color);
internal static void WriteSmokeConfiguration(StreamWriter writer, SortedList<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)> overrideDlc, SortedList<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)> allDlc, InstallForm installForm = null)
writer.WriteLine(" \"$version\": 1,");
writer.WriteLine(" \"logging\": false,");
writer.WriteLine(" \"hook_steamclient\": true,");
writer.WriteLine(" \"unlock_all\": true,");
if (overrideDlc.Count > 0)
writer.WriteLine(" \"override\": [");
KeyValuePair<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)> lastOverrideDlc = overrideDlc.Last();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)> pair in overrideDlc)
string dlcId = pair.Key;
(_, string dlcName, _) = pair.Value;
writer.WriteLine($" {dlcId}{(pair.Equals(lastOverrideDlc) ? "" : ",")}");
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Added override DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid {dlcId} ({dlcName})", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
writer.WriteLine(" ],");
writer.WriteLine(" \"override\": [],");
writer.WriteLine(" \"dlc_ids\": [");
KeyValuePair<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)> lastAllDlc = allDlc.Last();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)> pair in allDlc)
string dlcId = pair.Key;
(_, string dlcName, _) = pair.Value;
writer.WriteLine($" {dlcId}{(pair.Equals(lastAllDlc) ? "" : ",")}");
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid {dlcId} ({dlcName})", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
writer.WriteLine(" ],");
writer.WriteLine(" \"auto_inject_inventory\": true,");
writer.WriteLine(" \"inventory_items\": []");
internal static async Task UninstallSmokeAPI(string directory, InstallForm installForm = null) => await Task.Run(() =>
directory.GetSmokeApiComponents(out string sdk32, out string sdk32_o, out string sdk64, out string sdk64_o, out string config);
if (File.Exists(sdk32_o))
if (File.Exists(sdk32))
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Deleted file: {Path.GetFileName(sdk32)}", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
File.Move(sdk32_o, sdk32);
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Renamed file: {Path.GetFileName(sdk32_o)} -> {Path.GetFileName(sdk32)}", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
if (File.Exists(sdk64_o))
if (File.Exists(sdk64))
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Deleted file: {Path.GetFileName(sdk64)}", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
File.Move(sdk64_o, sdk64);
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Renamed file: {Path.GetFileName(sdk64_o)} -> {Path.GetFileName(sdk64)}", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
if (File.Exists(config))
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Deleted file: {Path.GetFileName(config)}", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
internal static async Task InstallSmokeAPI(string directory, ProgramSelection selection, InstallForm installForm = null) => await Task.Run(() =>
directory.GetSmokeApiComponents(out string sdk32, out string sdk32_o, out string sdk64, out string sdk64_o, out string config);
if (File.Exists(sdk32) && !File.Exists(sdk32_o))
File.Move(sdk32, sdk32_o);
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Renamed file: {Path.GetFileName(sdk32)} -> {Path.GetFileName(sdk32_o)}", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
if (File.Exists(sdk32_o))
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Wrote resource to file: {Path.GetFileName(sdk32)}", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
if (File.Exists(sdk64) && !File.Exists(sdk64_o))
File.Move(sdk64, sdk64_o);
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Renamed file: {Path.GetFileName(sdk64)} -> {Path.GetFileName(sdk64_o)}", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
if (File.Exists(sdk64_o))
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Wrote resource to file: {Path.GetFileName(sdk64)}", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser("Generating SmokeAPI configuration for " + selection.Name + $" in directory \"{directory}\" . . . ", InstallationLog.Operation);
StreamWriter writer = new(config, true, Encoding.UTF8);
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)>> allDlc = selection.AllDlc.AsEnumerable();
foreach ((string id, string name, SortedList<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)> extraDlc) in selection.ExtraDlc)
allDlc = allDlc.Concat(extraDlc);
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)>> overrideDlc = allDlc.Except(selection.SelectedDlc);
foreach ((string id, string name, SortedList<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)> extraDlc) in selection.ExtraSelectedDlc)
overrideDlc = overrideDlc.Except(extraDlc);
new(overrideDlc.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value), AppIdComparer.Comparer),
new(allDlc.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value), AppIdComparer.Comparer),
internal static void WriteScreamConfiguration(StreamWriter writer, SortedList<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)> dlc, List<(string id, string name, SortedList<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)> dlc)> extraDlc, InstallForm installForm = null)
writer.WriteLine(" \"version\": 2,");
writer.WriteLine(" \"logging\": false,");
writer.WriteLine(" \"eos_logging\": false,");
writer.WriteLine(" \"block_metrics\": false,");
writer.WriteLine(" \"catalog_items\": {");
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)>> catalogItems = dlc.Where(pair => pair.Value.type == DlcType.EpicCatalogItem);
foreach ((string id, string name, SortedList<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)> _dlc) in extraDlc)
catalogItems = catalogItems.Concat(_dlc.Where(pair => pair.Value.type == DlcType.EpicCatalogItem));
if (catalogItems.Any())
writer.WriteLine(" \"unlock_all\": false,");
writer.WriteLine(" \"override\": [");
KeyValuePair<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)> lastCatalogItem = catalogItems.Last();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)> pair in catalogItems)
string id = pair.Key;
(_, string name, _) = pair.Value;
writer.WriteLine($" \"{id}\"{(pair.Equals(lastCatalogItem) ? "" : ",")}");
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Added catalog item to ScreamAPI.json with id {id} ({name})", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
writer.WriteLine(" ]");
writer.WriteLine(" \"unlock_all\": true,");
writer.WriteLine(" \"override\": []");
writer.WriteLine(" },");
writer.WriteLine(" \"entitlements\": {");
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)>> entitlements = dlc.Where(pair => pair.Value.type == DlcType.EpicEntitlement);
foreach ((string id, string name, SortedList<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)> _dlc) in extraDlc)
entitlements = entitlements.Concat(_dlc.Where(pair => pair.Value.type == DlcType.EpicEntitlement));
if (entitlements.Any())
writer.WriteLine(" \"unlock_all\": false,");
writer.WriteLine(" \"auto_inject\": false,");
writer.WriteLine(" \"inject\": [");
KeyValuePair<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)> lastEntitlement = entitlements.Last();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, (DlcType type, string name, string icon)> pair in entitlements)
string id = pair.Key;
(_, string name, _) = pair.Value;
writer.WriteLine($" \"{id}\"{(pair.Equals(lastEntitlement) ? "" : ",")}");
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Added entitlement to ScreamAPI.json with id {id} ({name})", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
writer.WriteLine(" ]");
writer.WriteLine(" \"unlock_all\": true,");
writer.WriteLine(" \"auto_inject\": true,");
writer.WriteLine(" \"inject\": []");
writer.WriteLine(" }");
internal static async Task UninstallScreamAPI(string directory, InstallForm installForm = null) => await Task.Run(() =>
directory.GetScreamApiComponents(out string sdk32, out string sdk32_o, out string sdk64, out string sdk64_o, out string config);
if (File.Exists(sdk32_o))
if (File.Exists(sdk32))
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Deleted file: {Path.GetFileName(sdk32)}", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
File.Move(sdk32_o, sdk32);
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Renamed file: {Path.GetFileName(sdk32_o)} -> {Path.GetFileName(sdk32)}", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
if (File.Exists(sdk64_o))
if (File.Exists(sdk64))
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Deleted file: {Path.GetFileName(sdk64)}", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
File.Move(sdk64_o, sdk64);
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Renamed file: {Path.GetFileName(sdk64_o)} -> {Path.GetFileName(sdk64)}", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
if (File.Exists(config))
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Deleted file: {Path.GetFileName(config)}", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
internal static async Task InstallScreamAPI(string directory, ProgramSelection selection, InstallForm installForm = null) => await Task.Run(() =>
directory.GetScreamApiComponents(out string sdk32, out string sdk32_o, out string sdk64, out string sdk64_o, out string config);
if (File.Exists(sdk32) && !File.Exists(sdk32_o))
File.Move(sdk32, sdk32_o);
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Renamed file: {Path.GetFileName(sdk32)} -> {Path.GetFileName(sdk32_o)}", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
if (File.Exists(sdk32_o))
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Wrote resource to file: {Path.GetFileName(sdk32)}", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
if (File.Exists(sdk64) && !File.Exists(sdk64_o))
File.Move(sdk64, sdk64_o);
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Renamed file: {Path.GetFileName(sdk64)} -> {Path.GetFileName(sdk64_o)}", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
if (File.Exists(sdk64_o))
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser($"Wrote resource to file: {Path.GetFileName(sdk64)}", InstallationLog.Action, info: false);
if (installForm is not null)
installForm.UpdateUser("Generating ScreamAPI configuration for " + selection.Name + $" in directory \"{directory}\" . . . ", InstallationLog.Operation);
StreamWriter writer = new(config, true, Encoding.UTF8);
WriteScreamConfiguration(writer, selection.SelectedDlc, selection.ExtraSelectedDlc, installForm);
private async Task OperateFor(ProgramSelection selection)
int count = selection.DllDirectories.Count;
int cur = 0;
int code = 0;
if (selection.Id == "ParadoxLauncher")
UpdateUser($"Repairing Paradox Launcher . . . ", InstallationLog.Operation);
code = await ParadoxLauncher.Repair(this, selection);
switch (code)
case -2:
throw new CustomMessageException("Repair failed! The Paradox Launcher is currently running!");
case -1:
throw new CustomMessageException("Repair failed! " +
"An original Steamworks/Epic Online Services SDK file could not be found. " +
"You must reinstall Paradox Launcher to fix this issue.");
case 0:
UpdateUser("Paradox Launcher does not need to be repaired.", InstallationLog.Action);
case 1:
UpdateUser("Paradox Launcher successfully repaired!", InstallationLog.Success);
if (code < 0) throw new CustomMessageException("Repair failed!");
foreach (string directory in selection.DllDirectories)
if (selection.IsSteam && selection.SelectedDlc.Any(d => d.Value.type is DlcType.Steam)
|| selection.ExtraSelectedDlc.Any(item => item.dlc.Any(dlc => dlc.Value.type is DlcType.Steam)))
directory.GetSmokeApiComponents(out string sdk32, out string sdk32_o, out string sdk64, out string sdk64_o, out string config);
if (File.Exists(sdk32) || File.Exists(sdk32_o) || File.Exists(sdk64) || File.Exists(sdk64_o) || File.Exists(config))
UpdateUser($"{(Uninstalling ? "Uninstalling" : "Installing")} SmokeAPI" +
$" {(Uninstalling ? "from" : "for")} " + selection.Name + $" in directory \"{directory}\" . . . ", InstallationLog.Operation);
if (Uninstalling)
await UninstallSmokeAPI(directory, this);
await InstallSmokeAPI(directory, selection, this);
if (selection.IsEpic && selection.SelectedDlc.Any(d => d.Value.type is DlcType.EpicCatalogItem or DlcType.EpicEntitlement)
|| selection.ExtraSelectedDlc.Any(item => item.dlc.Any(dlc => dlc.Value.type is DlcType.EpicCatalogItem or DlcType.EpicEntitlement)))
directory.GetScreamApiComponents(out string sdk32, out string sdk32_o, out string sdk64, out string sdk64_o, out string config);
if (File.Exists(sdk32) || File.Exists(sdk32_o) || File.Exists(sdk64) || File.Exists(sdk64_o) || File.Exists(config))
UpdateUser($"{(Uninstalling ? "Uninstalling" : "Installing")} ScreamAPI" +
$" {(Uninstalling ? "from" : "for")} " + selection.Name + $" in directory \"{directory}\" . . . ", InstallationLog.Operation);
if (Uninstalling)
await UninstallScreamAPI(directory, this);
await InstallScreamAPI(directory, selection, this);
UpdateProgress(++cur / count * 100);
private async Task Operate()
List<ProgramSelection> programSelections = ProgramSelection.AllEnabled;
OperationsCount = programSelections.Count;
CompleteOperationsCount = 0;
List<ProgramSelection> disabledSelections = new();
foreach (ProgramSelection selection in programSelections)
if (Program.Canceled || !Program.IsProgramRunningDialog(this, selection)) throw new CustomMessageException("The operation was canceled.");
await OperateFor(selection);
UpdateUser($"Operation succeeded for {selection.Name}.", InstallationLog.Success);
selection.Enabled = false;
catch (Exception exception)
UpdateUser($"Operation failed for {selection.Name}: " + exception, InstallationLog.Error);
List<ProgramSelection> FailedSelections = ProgramSelection.AllEnabled;
if (FailedSelections.Any())
if (FailedSelections.Count == 1) throw new CustomMessageException($"Operation failed for {FailedSelections.First().Name}.");
else throw new CustomMessageException($"Operation failed for {FailedSelections.Count} programs.");
foreach (ProgramSelection selection in disabledSelections) selection.Enabled = true;
private readonly int ProgramCount = ProgramSelection.AllEnabled.Count;
private async void Start()
Program.Canceled = false;
acceptButton.Enabled = false;
retryButton.Enabled = false;
cancelButton.Enabled = true;
reselectButton.Enabled = false;
userProgressBar.Value = userProgressBar.Minimum;
await Operate();
UpdateUser($"SmokeAPI/ScreamAPI successfully {(Uninstalling ? "uninstalled" : "installed and generated")} for " + ProgramCount + " program(s).", InstallationLog.Success);
catch (Exception exception)
UpdateUser($"SmokeAPI/ScreamAPI {(Uninstalling ? "uninstallation" : "installation and/or generation")} failed: " + exception, InstallationLog.Error);
retryButton.Enabled = true;
userProgressBar.Value = userProgressBar.Maximum;
acceptButton.Enabled = true;
cancelButton.Enabled = false;
reselectButton.Enabled = true;
private void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs _)
userInfoLabel.Text = "Loading . . . ";
logTextBox.Text = string.Empty;
catch (Exception e)
if (e.HandleException(form: this)) goto retry;
private void OnAccept(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void OnRetry(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void OnCancel(object sender, EventArgs e) => Program.Cleanup();
private void OnReselect(object sender, EventArgs e)
Reselecting = true;