mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 08:42:00 +05:00
Используем кастомный экстрактор для фикса ошибок discord-player
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 290 additions and 38 deletions
@ -2,15 +2,17 @@ const { Client, Collection, SlashCommandBuilder, ContextMenuCommandBuilder } = r
{ GiveawaysManager } = require("discord-giveaways"),
{ Player } = require("discord-player"),
{ REST } = require("@discordjs/rest"),
{ Routes } = require("discord-api-types/v10");
{ Routes } = require("discord-api-types/v10"),
{ DiscordTogether } = require("../helpers/discordTogether");
const BaseEvent = require("./BaseEvent.js"),
BaseCommand = require("./BaseCommand.js"),
{ DiscordTogether } = require("../helpers/discordTogether"),
AmeClient = require("amethyste-api"),
path = require("path"),
fs = require("fs").promises,
mongoose = require("mongoose"),
extractor = require("../helpers/extractor"),
playdl = require("play-dl"),
moment = require("moment");
moment.relativeTimeThreshold("ss", 5);
@ -49,12 +51,23 @@ class JaBa extends Client {
this.discordTogether = new DiscordTogether(this);
this.player = new Player(this, {
autoRegisterExtractor: true,
leaveOnEnd: true,
leaveOnStop: true
playdl.getFreeClientID().then((clientID) => {
soundcloud: {
client_id: clientID
this.player = new Player(this);
// ytdlOptions: {
// filter: "audioonly",
// highWaterMark: 1 << 30,
// dlChunkSize: 0,
// liveBuffer: 4900
// }
this.player.use("jaba", extractor);
.on("trackStart", async (queue, track) => {
const m = await queue.metadata.channel.send({ content: this.translate("music/play:NOW_PLAYING", { songName: track.title }, queue.metadata.channel.guild.data.language) });
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
const { SlashCommandBuilder, PermissionsBitField } = require("discord.js"),
{ QueryType } = require("discord-player");
const { SlashCommandBuilder, PermissionsBitField } = require("discord.js");
const BaseCommand = require("../../base/BaseCommand");
class Play extends BaseCommand {
@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ class Play extends BaseCommand {
const searchResult = await client.player.search(query, {
requestedBy: interaction.user,
searchEngine: query.includes("soundcloud") ? QueryType.SOUNDCLOUD_SEARCH : QueryType.AUTO
searchEngine: "jaba"
}).catch(() => {});
if (!searchResult || !searchResult.tracks.length) return interaction.editReply({
content: interaction.translate("music/play:NO_RESULT", {
@ -56,19 +55,14 @@ class Play extends BaseCommand {
metadata: {
channel: interaction.channel
ytdlOptions: {
filter: "audioonly",
highWaterMark: 1 << 30,
dlChunkSize: 0,
liveBuffer: 4900
leaveOnEnd: true,
leaveOnStop: true,
bufferingTimeout: 1000,
disableVolume: false,
spotifyBridge: false
if (!queue.tracks[0]) {
searchResult.playlist ? queue.addTracks(searchResult.tracks) : queue.addTrack(searchResult.tracks[0]);
} else {
searchResult.playlist ? searchResult.tracks.forEach(track => queue.insert(track)) : queue.insert(searchResult.tracks[0]);
searchResult.playlist ? queue.addTracks(searchResult.tracks) : queue.addTrack(searchResult.tracks[0]);
try {
if (!queue.connection) await queue.connect(interaction.member.voice.channel);
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ class Queue extends BaseCommand {
if (!queue) return interaction.error("music/play:NOT_PLAYING");
const currentTrack = queue.current;
const tracks = queue.tracks.slice(0, 10).map(track => {
return `${queue.tracks.indexOf(track)}. [${track.title}](${track.url})\n> ${interaction.translate("music/queue:ADDED")} ${track.requestedBy}`;
const tracks = queue.tracks.slice(0, 10).map((track, i) => {
return `${i + 1}. [${track.title}](${track.url})\n> ${interaction.translate("music/queue:ADDED")} ${track.requestedBy}`;
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ class Skipto extends BaseCommand {
if (!queue) return interaction.error("music/play:NOT_PLAYING");
if (position < 0) return interaction.error("music/skipto:NO_PREV_SONG");
if (queue.tracks[position]) {
if (queue.tracks[position - 1]) {
queue.skipTo(queue.tracks[position - 1]);
interaction.success("music/skipto:SUCCESS", {
position: position - 1
} else return interaction.error("music/skipto:ERROR", { position });
} else return interaction.error("music/skipto:ERROR", { position: position - 1 });
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
const playdl = require("play-dl");
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
const { getData, getPreview, getTracks } = require("spotify-url-info")(fetch);
const Youtube = require("youtube-sr").default;
Thanks to: https://github.com/nizewn/Dodong
hello stranger,
as a result of my headaches while dealing with the discord-player extractor API,
what you will see here will mostly be poorly-written code.
this could use modularisation or some cleanup (i might do it once i have free time)
thanks :)
module.exports = {
important: true,
validate: () => true, // true, since we're also using this for searches when query isnt a valid link
getInfo: async (query) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-async-promise-executor, no-unused-vars
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
// ---- start soundcloud ----
if (["track", "playlist"].includes(await playdl.so_validate(query))) {
const info = await playdl.soundcloud(query);
if (info.type === "track") {
const track = {
title: info.name,
duration: info.durationInMs,
thumbnail: info.thumbnail,
async engine() {
return (await playdl.stream(info.url, { discordPlayerCompatibility: true })).stream;
views: 0,
author: info.publisher ? info.publisher.name ?? info.publisher.artist ?? info.publisher.writer_composer ?? null : null,
description: "",
url: info.permalink,
source: "soundcloud-custom"
return resolve({ playlist: null, info: [track] });
} else if (info.type === "playlist") {
const trackList = await info.all_tracks();
const tracks = await trackList.map(track => {
return {
title: track.name,
duration: track.durationInMs,
thumbnail: track.thumbnail,
async engine() {
return (await playdl.stream(track.url, { discordPlayerCompatibility: true })).stream;
views: 0,
author: track.publisher ? track.publisher.name ?? track.publisher.artist ?? track.publisher.writer_composer ?? null : null,
description: "",
url: track.permalink,
source: "soundcloud-custom"
const playlist = {
title: info.name,
description: "",
thumbnail: null,
type: "playlist",
source: "soundcloud-custom",
author: info.user,
id: info.id,
url: info.url,
rawPlaylist: info
return resolve({ playlist: playlist, info: tracks });
// ---- end soundcloud ----
// ---- start spotify ----
if (query.includes("open.spotify.com") || query.includes("play.spotify.com")) {
const info = await getPreview(query);
if (info.type === "track") {
const spotifyTrack = await getData(query);
const track = {
title: info.title,
duration: spotifyTrack.duration_ms,
thumbnail: info.image,
async engine() {
return (await playdl.stream(await Youtube.search(`${info.artist} ${info.title} lyric`, {limit: 1, type: "video", safeSearch: true}).then(x => x[0] ? `https://youtu.be/${x[0].id}` : "https://youtu.be/Wch3gJG2GJ4"), { discordPlayerCompatibility : true })).stream;
views: 0,
author: info.artist,
description: "",
url: info.link,
source: "spotify-custom"
return resolve({ playlist: null, info: [track] });
} else if (["album", "artist", "playlist"].includes(info.type)) {
const trackList = await getTracks(query);
const tracks = trackList.map(track => {
return {
title: track.name,
duration: track.duration_ms,
thumbnail: track.album && track.album.images.length ? track.album.images[0].url : null,
async engine() {
return (await playdl.stream(await Youtube.search(`${track.artists[0].name} ${track.name} lyric`, {limit: 1, type: "video", safeSearch: true}).then(x => x[0] ? `https://youtu.be/${x[0].id}` : "https://youtu.be/Wch3gJG2GJ4"), { discordPlayerCompatibility : true })).stream;
views: 0,
author: track.artists ? track.artists[0].name : null,
description: "",
url: track.external_urls.spotify,
source: "spotify-custom"
const playlist = {
title: info.title,
description: "",
thumbnail: info.image,
type: info.type === "album" ? "album" : "playlist",
source: "spotify-custom",
author: info.artist,
id: null,
url: info.link,
rawPlaylist: info
return resolve({ playlist: playlist, info: tracks });
// ---- end spotify ----
if (query.startsWith("https")) {
query = query.split("&")[0];
if (query.startsWith("https") && playdl.yt_validate(query) === "video") {
const info = await Youtube.search(query, {limit: 1, type: "video", safeSearch: true});
if(!info || !info.length)
return resolve({ playlist: null, info: null });
const track = {
title: info[0].title,
duration: info[0].duration,
thumbnail: info[0].thumbnail ? info[0].thumbnail.url : null,
async engine() {
return (await playdl.stream(`https://youtu.be/${info[0].id}`, { discordPlayerCompatibility : true })).stream;
views: info[0].views,
author: info[0].channel.name,
description: "",
url: `https://youtu.be/${info[0].id}`,
source: "youtube-custom"
return resolve({ playlist: null, info: [track] });
} else if (playdl.yt_validate(query) === "playlist") {
const info = await playdl.playlist_info(query, { incomplete: true });
const trackList = await info.all_videos();
const tracks = trackList.map(track => {
return {
title: track.title,
duration: track.durationInSec * 1000,
thumbnail: track.thumbnails ? track.thumbnails[0] ? track.thumbnails[0].url : null : null,
async engine() {
return (await playdl.stream(await Youtube.search(track.url, {limit: 1, type: "video", safeSearch: true}).then(x => x[0] ? `https://youtu.be/${x[0].id}` : "https://youtu.be/Wch3gJG2GJ4"), { discordPlayerCompatibility : true })).stream;
views: track.views,
author: track.channel.name,
description: "",
url: track.url,
source: "youtube-custom"
const playlist = {
title: info.title,
description: "",
thumbnail: info.thumbnail ? info.thumbnail.url : null,
type: "playlist",
source: "youtube-custom",
author: info.channel.name,
id: info.id,
url: info.url,
rawPlaylist: info
return resolve({ playlist: playlist, info: tracks });
const search = await Youtube.search(query, { limit: 5, type: "video", safeSearch: true });
if(search && search.length) {
const tracks = search.map(track => {
return {
title: track.title,
duration: track.duration,
thumbnail: track.thumbnail ? track.thumbnail.url : null,
async engine() {
return (await playdl.stream(`https://youtu.be/${track.id}`, { discordPlayerCompatibility: true })).stream;
views: track.views,
author: track.channel.name,
description: "",
url: `https://youtu.be/${track.id}`,
source: "youtube-custom"
return resolve({ playlist: null, info: tracks });
return resolve({ playlist: null, info: null });
} catch(error) {
console.log(`Extractor: An error occurred while attempting to resolve ${query} :\n${error}`);
return resolve({ playlist: null, info: null });
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
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Add table
Reference in a new issue