	"DESCRIPTION": "Adds a track to the queue",
	"USAGE": "[query]",
	"EXAMPLES": "play query:Never Gonna Give You Up",
	"QUERY": "Title / Direct link / YouTube, Spotify, or SoundCloud link",
	"NO_VOICE_CHANNEL": "You must be in a voice channel",
	"VOICE_CHANNEL_CONNECT": "I cannot connect to your voice channel",
	"RESULTS_TITLE": "Search results for \"{{query}}\"",
	"NO_RESULT": "No results found for `{{query}}`",
	"NOW_PLAYING": "Now playing **{{songName}}**",
	"NOT_PLAYING": "Nothing is currently playing on the server",
	"QUEUE_ENDED": "The queue has ended",
	"ADDED_QUEUE": "**{{songName}}** has been added to the queue",
	"STOP_DISCONNECTED": "Playback stopped because I left the voice channel",
	"STOP_EMPTY": "Playback stopped because everyone has left the voice channel",
	"ERR_OCCURRED": "An error occurred...\n```{{error}}```"