	"DESCRIPTION": "Toggle goodbye messages!",
	"USAGE": "{{prefix}}goodbye",
	"EXAMPLES": "{{prefix}}goodbye",
	"MISSING_STATUS": "You must specify an action between `edit` and `off`",
	"DEFAULT_MESSAGE": "Goodbye {user}! We're now {membercount} without you... :'(",
	"TEST_SUCCESS": "Test executed!",
	"FORM_1": "**In which channel will goodbye messages be sent?**\n\n:arrow_right_hook: *Answer by mentioning a channel!*",
	"FORM_2": "**Please enter your desired goodbye message.**\n\n**If you want to:**\n*-* __Mention the user__: {user}\n*-* __Get the member count__: {membercount}\n*-* __Get the server name__: {server}\n\n**Usage example:**\nGoodbye {user}, we will miss you! We are now {membercount}.\n:fast_forward:\nGoodbye {{author}}, we will miss you! We are now {{memberCount}}.",
	"FORM_3": "**Do you want a great goodbye image too?**\n\n:arrow_right_hook: *Answer by sending `yes` or `no`!*",
	"FORM_SUCCESS": "**Alright, done!**\n\n:arrow_right_hook: *Answer by sending `{{prefix}}goodbye test` to preview your custom goodbye message!*",
	"MAX_CHARACT": "Your message must not exceed 1800 characters!",
	"DISABLED": "**Goodbye messages have just been disabled!**\n\n:arrow_right_hook: *Answer by sending `{{prefix}}configuration` to see the updated server configuration!*",
	"IMG_GOODBYE": "Leaving from {{server}}!",
	"IMG_NB": "- {{memberCount}}th member!",