    "DESCRIPTION": "Ban the mentioned member!",
    "USAGE": "{{prefix}}ban [@user] (reason)",
    "EXAMPLES": "{{prefix}}ban @Jonny_Bro#4226 Spam",
    "MISSING_MEMBER": "Please specify a valid member to ban!",
    "YOURSELF": "You can't sanction yourself!",
    "SUPERIOR": "You can't sanction or update a sanction for a member who has an higher or equal role hierarchy to yours!",
    "ALREADY_BANNED": "**{{username}}** is already banned!",
    "MISSING_PERM": "An error has occurred... Please check that I have the permission to ban this specific member and try again!",
    "BANNED_DM": "Hello {{username}},\nYou have just been banned from **{{server}}** by **{{moderator}}** because of **{{reason}}**!",
    "BANNED": "**{{username}}** has just been banned from **{{server}}** by **{{moderator}}** because of **{{reason}}**!",
    "CASE": "Ban | Case #{{count}}"