import { CronJob } from "cron"; /** * * @param {import("../base/Client")} client */ async function checkBirthdays(client) { for (const guild of client.guilds.cache.values()) { try { const guildData = await client.getGuildData(; const channel = guildData.plugins.birthdays ? await client.channels.fetch(guildData.plugins.birthdays) : null; if (channel) { const date = new Date(); const currentDay = date.getDate(); const currentMonth = date.getMonth() + 1; const currentYear = date.getFullYear(); const users = await client.usersData.find({ birthdate: { $gt: 1 } }); for (const user of users) { if (!guild.members.cache.has( continue; const userDate = new Date(user.birthdate).getFullYear() <= 1970 ? new Date(user.birthdate * 1000) : new Date(user.birthdate); const day = userDate.getDate(); const month = userDate.getMonth() + 1; const year = userDate.getFullYear(); const age = currentYear - year; if (currentMonth === month && currentDay === day) { const embed = client.embed({ author: client.user.getUsername(), fields: [ { name: client.translate("economy/birthdate:HAPPY_BIRTHDAY", null, guildData.language), value: client.translate( "economy/birthdate:HAPPY_BIRTHDAY_MESSAGE", { user:, age: `**${age}** ${client.functions.getNoun( age, client.translate("misc:NOUNS:AGE:1", null, guildData.language), client.translate("misc:NOUNS:AGE:2", null, guildData.language), client.translate("misc:NOUNS:AGE:5", null, guildData.language), )}`, }, guildData.language, ), }, ], }); await channel.send({ embeds: [embed] }).then(m => m.react("🎉")); } } } } catch (e) { if (e.code === 10003) console.log(`No channel found for ${}`); else console.error(`Error processing birthdays for guild "${}":`, e); } } } export async function init(client) { new CronJob("0 5 * * *", checkBirthdays(client), null, true, "Europe/Moscow"); } export async function run(client) { await checkBirthdays(client); }