/*! AdminLTE app.js * ================ * Main JS application file for AdminLTE v2. This file * should be included in all pages. It controls some layout * options and implements exclusive AdminLTE plugins. * * @author Colorlib * @support <https://github.com/ColorlibHQ/AdminLTE/issues> * @version 2.4.15 * @repository git://github.com/ColorlibHQ/AdminLTE.git * @license MIT <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT> */ // Make sure jQuery has been loaded if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') { throw new Error('AdminLTE requires jQuery') } /* BoxRefresh() * ========= * Adds AJAX content control to a box. * * @Usage: $('#my-box').boxRefresh(options) * or add [data-widget="box-refresh"] to the box element * Pass any option as data-option="value" */ +function ($) { 'use strict'; var DataKey = 'lte.boxrefresh'; var Default = { source : '', params : {}, trigger : '.refresh-btn', content : '.box-body', loadInContent : true, responseType : '', overlayTemplate: '<div class="overlay"><div class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin"></div></div>', onLoadStart : function () { }, onLoadDone : function (response) { return response; } }; var Selector = { data: '[data-widget="box-refresh"]' }; // BoxRefresh Class Definition // ========================= var BoxRefresh = function (element, options) { this.element = element; this.options = options; this.$overlay = $(options.overlayTemplate); if (options.source === '') { throw new Error('Source url was not defined. Please specify a url in your BoxRefresh source option.'); } this._setUpListeners(); this.load(); }; BoxRefresh.prototype.load = function () { this._addOverlay(); this.options.onLoadStart.call($(this)); $.get(this.options.source, this.options.params, function (response) { if (this.options.loadInContent) { $(this.element).find(this.options.content).html(response); } this.options.onLoadDone.call($(this), response); this._removeOverlay(); }.bind(this), this.options.responseType !== '' && this.options.responseType); }; // Private BoxRefresh.prototype._setUpListeners = function () { $(this.element).on('click', this.options.trigger, function (event) { if (event) event.preventDefault(); this.load(); }.bind(this)); }; BoxRefresh.prototype._addOverlay = function () { $(this.element).append(this.$overlay); }; BoxRefresh.prototype._removeOverlay = function () { $(this.$overlay).remove(); }; // Plugin Definition // ================= function Plugin(option) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var data = $this.data(DataKey); if (!data) { var options = $.extend({}, Default, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option); $this.data(DataKey, (data = new BoxRefresh($this, options))); } if (typeof data == 'string') { if (typeof data[option] == 'undefined') { throw new Error('No method named ' + option); } data[option](); } }); } var old = $.fn.boxRefresh; $.fn.boxRefresh = Plugin; $.fn.boxRefresh.Constructor = BoxRefresh; // No Conflict Mode // ================ $.fn.boxRefresh.noConflict = function () { $.fn.boxRefresh = old; return this; }; // BoxRefresh Data API // ================= $(window).on('load', function () { $(Selector.data).each(function () { Plugin.call($(this)); }); }); }(jQuery); /* BoxWidget() * ====== * Adds box widget functions to boxes. * * @Usage: $('.my-box').boxWidget(options) * This plugin auto activates on any element using the `.box` class * Pass any option as data-option="value" */ +function ($) { 'use strict'; var DataKey = 'lte.boxwidget'; var Default = { animationSpeed : 500, collapseTrigger: '[data-widget="collapse"]', removeTrigger : '[data-widget="remove"]', collapseIcon : 'fa-minus', expandIcon : 'fa-plus', removeIcon : 'fa-times' }; var Selector = { data : '.box', collapsed: '.collapsed-box', header : '.box-header', body : '.box-body', footer : '.box-footer', tools : '.box-tools' }; var ClassName = { collapsed: 'collapsed-box' }; var Event = { collapsing: 'collapsing.boxwidget', collapsed: 'collapsed.boxwidget', expanding: 'expanding.boxwidget', expanded: 'expanded.boxwidget', removing: 'removing.boxwidget', removed: 'removed.boxwidget' }; // BoxWidget Class Definition // ===================== var BoxWidget = function (element, options) { this.element = element; this.options = options; this._setUpListeners(); }; BoxWidget.prototype.toggle = function () { var isOpen = !$(this.element).is(Selector.collapsed); if (isOpen) { this.collapse(); } else { this.expand(); } }; BoxWidget.prototype.expand = function () { var expandedEvent = $.Event(Event.expanded); var expandingEvent = $.Event(Event.expanding); var collapseIcon = this.options.collapseIcon; var expandIcon = this.options.expandIcon; $(this.element).removeClass(ClassName.collapsed); $(this.element) .children(Selector.header + ', ' + Selector.body + ', ' + Selector.footer) .children(Selector.tools) .find('.' + expandIcon) .removeClass(expandIcon) .addClass(collapseIcon); $(this.element).children(Selector.body + ', ' + Selector.footer) .slideDown(this.options.animationSpeed, function () { $(this.element).trigger(expandedEvent); }.bind(this)) .trigger(expandingEvent); }; BoxWidget.prototype.collapse = function () { var collapsedEvent = $.Event(Event.collapsed); var collapsingEvent = $.Event(Event.collapsing); var collapseIcon = this.options.collapseIcon; var expandIcon = this.options.expandIcon; $(this.element) .children(Selector.header + ', ' + Selector.body + ', ' + Selector.footer) .children(Selector.tools) .find('.' + collapseIcon) .removeClass(collapseIcon) .addClass(expandIcon); $(this.element).children(Selector.body + ', ' + Selector.footer) .slideUp(this.options.animationSpeed, function () { $(this.element).addClass(ClassName.collapsed); $(this.element).trigger(collapsedEvent); }.bind(this)) .trigger(collapsingEvent); }; BoxWidget.prototype.remove = function () { var removedEvent = $.Event(Event.removed); var removingEvent = $.Event(Event.removing); $(this.element).slideUp(this.options.animationSpeed, function () { $(this.element).trigger(removedEvent); $(this.element).remove(); }.bind(this)) .trigger(removingEvent); }; // Private BoxWidget.prototype._setUpListeners = function () { var that = this; $(this.element).on('click', this.options.collapseTrigger, function (event) { if (event) event.preventDefault(); that.toggle($(this)); return false; }); $(this.element).on('click', this.options.removeTrigger, function (event) { if (event) event.preventDefault(); that.remove($(this)); return false; }); }; // Plugin Definition // ================= function Plugin(option) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var data = $this.data(DataKey); if (!data) { var options = $.extend({}, Default, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option); $this.data(DataKey, (data = new BoxWidget($this, options))); } if (typeof option == 'string') { if (typeof data[option] == 'undefined') { throw new Error('No method named ' + option); } data[option](); } }); } var old = $.fn.boxWidget; $.fn.boxWidget = Plugin; $.fn.boxWidget.Constructor = BoxWidget; // No Conflict Mode // ================ $.fn.boxWidget.noConflict = function () { $.fn.boxWidget = old; return this; }; // BoxWidget Data API // ================== $(window).on('load', function () { $(Selector.data).each(function () { Plugin.call($(this)); }); }); }(jQuery); /* ControlSidebar() * =============== * Toggles the state of the control sidebar * * @Usage: $('#control-sidebar-trigger').controlSidebar(options) * or add [data-toggle="control-sidebar"] to the trigger * Pass any option as data-option="value" */ +function ($) { 'use strict'; var DataKey = 'lte.controlsidebar'; var Default = { slide: true }; var Selector = { sidebar: '.control-sidebar', data : '[data-toggle="control-sidebar"]', open : '.control-sidebar-open', bg : '.control-sidebar-bg', wrapper: '.wrapper', content: '.content-wrapper', boxed : '.layout-boxed' }; var ClassName = { open : 'control-sidebar-open', fixed: 'fixed' }; var Event = { collapsed: 'collapsed.controlsidebar', expanded : 'expanded.controlsidebar' }; // ControlSidebar Class Definition // =============================== var ControlSidebar = function (element, options) { this.element = element; this.options = options; this.hasBindedResize = false; this.init(); }; ControlSidebar.prototype.init = function () { // Add click listener if the element hasn't been // initialized using the data API if (!$(this.element).is(Selector.data)) { $(this).on('click', this.toggle); } this.fix(); $(window).resize(function () { this.fix(); }.bind(this)); }; ControlSidebar.prototype.toggle = function (event) { if (event) event.preventDefault(); this.fix(); if (!$(Selector.sidebar).is(Selector.open) && !$('body').is(Selector.open)) { this.expand(); } else { this.collapse(); } }; ControlSidebar.prototype.expand = function () { $(Selector.sidebar).show(); if (!this.options.slide) { $('body').addClass(ClassName.open); } else { $(Selector.sidebar).addClass(ClassName.open); } $(this.element).trigger($.Event(Event.expanded)); }; ControlSidebar.prototype.collapse = function () { $('body, ' + Selector.sidebar).removeClass(ClassName.open); $(Selector.sidebar).fadeOut(); $(this.element).trigger($.Event(Event.collapsed)); }; ControlSidebar.prototype.fix = function () { if ($('body').is(Selector.boxed)) { this._fixForBoxed($(Selector.bg)); } }; // Private ControlSidebar.prototype._fixForBoxed = function (bg) { bg.css({ position: 'absolute', height : $(Selector.wrapper).height() }); }; // Plugin Definition // ================= function Plugin(option) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var data = $this.data(DataKey); if (!data) { var options = $.extend({}, Default, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option); $this.data(DataKey, (data = new ControlSidebar($this, options))); } if (typeof option == 'string') data.toggle(); }); } var old = $.fn.controlSidebar; $.fn.controlSidebar = Plugin; $.fn.controlSidebar.Constructor = ControlSidebar; // No Conflict Mode // ================ $.fn.controlSidebar.noConflict = function () { $.fn.controlSidebar = old; return this; }; // ControlSidebar Data API // ======================= $(document).on('click', Selector.data, function (event) { if (event) event.preventDefault(); Plugin.call($(this), 'toggle'); }); }(jQuery); /* DirectChat() * =============== * Toggles the state of the control sidebar * * @Usage: $('#my-chat-box').directChat() * or add [data-widget="direct-chat"] to the trigger */ +function ($) { 'use strict'; var DataKey = 'lte.directchat'; var Selector = { data: '[data-widget="chat-pane-toggle"]', box : '.direct-chat' }; var ClassName = { open: 'direct-chat-contacts-open' }; // DirectChat Class Definition // =========================== var DirectChat = function (element) { this.element = element; }; DirectChat.prototype.toggle = function ($trigger) { $trigger.parents(Selector.box).first().toggleClass(ClassName.open); }; // Plugin Definition // ================= function Plugin(option) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var data = $this.data(DataKey); if (!data) { $this.data(DataKey, (data = new DirectChat($this))); } if (typeof option == 'string') data.toggle($this); }); } var old = $.fn.directChat; $.fn.directChat = Plugin; $.fn.directChat.Constructor = DirectChat; // No Conflict Mode // ================ $.fn.directChat.noConflict = function () { $.fn.directChat = old; return this; }; // DirectChat Data API // =================== $(document).on('click', Selector.data, function (event) { if (event) event.preventDefault(); Plugin.call($(this), 'toggle'); }); }(jQuery); /* PushMenu() * ========== * Adds the push menu functionality to the sidebar. * * @usage: $('.btn').pushMenu(options) * or add [data-toggle="push-menu"] to any button * Pass any option as data-option="value" */ +function ($) { 'use strict'; var DataKey = 'lte.pushmenu'; var Default = { collapseScreenSize : 767, expandOnHover : false, expandTransitionDelay: 200 }; var Selector = { collapsed : '.sidebar-collapse', open : '.sidebar-open', mainSidebar : '.main-sidebar', contentWrapper: '.content-wrapper', searchInput : '.sidebar-form .form-control', button : '[data-toggle="push-menu"]', mini : '.sidebar-mini', expanded : '.sidebar-expanded-on-hover', layoutFixed : '.fixed' }; var ClassName = { collapsed : 'sidebar-collapse', open : 'sidebar-open', mini : 'sidebar-mini', expanded : 'sidebar-expanded-on-hover', expandFeature: 'sidebar-mini-expand-feature', layoutFixed : 'fixed' }; var Event = { expanded : 'expanded.pushMenu', collapsed: 'collapsed.pushMenu' }; // PushMenu Class Definition // ========================= var PushMenu = function (options) { this.options = options; this.init(); }; PushMenu.prototype.init = function () { if (this.options.expandOnHover || ($('body').is(Selector.mini + Selector.layoutFixed))) { this.expandOnHover(); $('body').addClass(ClassName.expandFeature); } $(Selector.contentWrapper).click(function () { // Enable hide menu when clicking on the content-wrapper on small screens if ($(window).width() <= this.options.collapseScreenSize && $('body').hasClass(ClassName.open)) { this.close(); } }.bind(this)); // __Fix for android devices $(Selector.searchInput).click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); }; PushMenu.prototype.toggle = function () { var windowWidth = $(window).width(); var isOpen = !$('body').hasClass(ClassName.collapsed); if (windowWidth <= this.options.collapseScreenSize) { isOpen = $('body').hasClass(ClassName.open); } if (!isOpen) { this.open(); } else { this.close(); } }; PushMenu.prototype.open = function () { var windowWidth = $(window).width(); if (windowWidth > this.options.collapseScreenSize) { $('body').removeClass(ClassName.collapsed) .trigger($.Event(Event.expanded)); } else { $('body').addClass(ClassName.open) .trigger($.Event(Event.expanded)); } }; PushMenu.prototype.close = function () { var windowWidth = $(window).width(); if (windowWidth > this.options.collapseScreenSize) { $('body').addClass(ClassName.collapsed) .trigger($.Event(Event.collapsed)); } else { $('body').removeClass(ClassName.open + ' ' + ClassName.collapsed) .trigger($.Event(Event.collapsed)); } }; PushMenu.prototype.expandOnHover = function () { $(Selector.mainSidebar).hover(function () { if ($('body').is(Selector.mini + Selector.collapsed) && $(window).width() > this.options.collapseScreenSize) { this.expand(); } }.bind(this), function () { if ($('body').is(Selector.expanded)) { this.collapse(); } }.bind(this)); }; PushMenu.prototype.expand = function () { setTimeout(function () { $('body').removeClass(ClassName.collapsed) .addClass(ClassName.expanded); }, this.options.expandTransitionDelay); }; PushMenu.prototype.collapse = function () { setTimeout(function () { $('body').removeClass(ClassName.expanded) .addClass(ClassName.collapsed); }, this.options.expandTransitionDelay); }; // PushMenu Plugin Definition // ========================== function Plugin(option) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var data = $this.data(DataKey); if (!data) { var options = $.extend({}, Default, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option); $this.data(DataKey, (data = new PushMenu(options))); } if (option === 'toggle') data.toggle(); }); } var old = $.fn.pushMenu; $.fn.pushMenu = Plugin; $.fn.pushMenu.Constructor = PushMenu; // No Conflict Mode // ================ $.fn.pushMenu.noConflict = function () { $.fn.pushMenu = old; return this; }; // Data API // ======== $(document).on('click', Selector.button, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); Plugin.call($(this), 'toggle'); }); $(window).on('load', function () { Plugin.call($(Selector.button)); }); }(jQuery); /* TodoList() * ========= * Converts a list into a todoList. * * @Usage: $('.my-list').todoList(options) * or add [data-widget="todo-list"] to the ul element * Pass any option as data-option="value" */ +function ($) { 'use strict'; var DataKey = 'lte.todolist'; var Default = { onCheck : function (item) { return item; }, onUnCheck: function (item) { return item; } }; var Selector = { data: '[data-widget="todo-list"]' }; var ClassName = { done: 'done' }; // TodoList Class Definition // ========================= var TodoList = function (element, options) { this.element = element; this.options = options; this._setUpListeners(); }; TodoList.prototype.toggle = function (item) { item.parents(Selector.li).first().toggleClass(ClassName.done); if (!item.prop('checked')) { this.unCheck(item); return; } this.check(item); }; TodoList.prototype.check = function (item) { this.options.onCheck.call(item); }; TodoList.prototype.unCheck = function (item) { this.options.onUnCheck.call(item); }; // Private TodoList.prototype._setUpListeners = function () { var that = this; $(this.element).on('change ifChanged', 'input:checkbox', function () { that.toggle($(this)); }); }; // Plugin Definition // ================= function Plugin(option) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var data = $this.data(DataKey); if (!data) { var options = $.extend({}, Default, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option); $this.data(DataKey, (data = new TodoList($this, options))); } if (typeof data == 'string') { if (typeof data[option] == 'undefined') { throw new Error('No method named ' + option); } data[option](); } }); } var old = $.fn.todoList; $.fn.todoList = Plugin; $.fn.todoList.Constructor = TodoList; // No Conflict Mode // ================ $.fn.todoList.noConflict = function () { $.fn.todoList = old; return this; }; // TodoList Data API // ================= $(window).on('load', function () { $(Selector.data).each(function () { Plugin.call($(this)); }); }); }(jQuery); /* Tree() * ====== * Converts a nested list into a multilevel * tree view menu. * * @Usage: $('.my-menu').tree(options) * or add [data-widget="tree"] to the ul element * Pass any option as data-option="value" */ +function ($) { 'use strict'; var DataKey = 'lte.tree'; var Default = { animationSpeed: 500, accordion : true, followLink : false, trigger : '.treeview a' }; var Selector = { tree : '.tree', treeview : '.treeview', treeviewMenu: '.treeview-menu', open : '.menu-open, .active', li : 'li', data : '[data-widget="tree"]', active : '.active' }; var ClassName = { open: 'menu-open', tree: 'tree' }; var Event = { collapsed: 'collapsed.tree', expanded : 'expanded.tree' }; // Tree Class Definition // ===================== var Tree = function (element, options) { this.element = element; this.options = options; $(this.element).addClass(ClassName.tree); $(Selector.treeview + Selector.active, this.element).addClass(ClassName.open); this._setUpListeners(); }; Tree.prototype.toggle = function (link, event) { var treeviewMenu = link.next(Selector.treeviewMenu); var parentLi = link.parent(); var isOpen = parentLi.hasClass(ClassName.open); if (!parentLi.is(Selector.treeview)) { return; } if (!this.options.followLink || link.attr('href') === '#') { event.preventDefault(); } if (isOpen) { this.collapse(treeviewMenu, parentLi); } else { this.expand(treeviewMenu, parentLi); } }; Tree.prototype.expand = function (tree, parent) { var expandedEvent = $.Event(Event.expanded); if (this.options.accordion) { var openMenuLi = parent.siblings(Selector.open); var openTree = openMenuLi.children(Selector.treeviewMenu); this.collapse(openTree, openMenuLi); } parent.addClass(ClassName.open); tree.slideDown(this.options.animationSpeed, function () { $(this.element).trigger(expandedEvent); parent.height('auto'); }.bind(this)); }; Tree.prototype.collapse = function (tree, parentLi) { var collapsedEvent = $.Event(Event.collapsed); //tree.find(Selector.open).removeClass(ClassName.open); parentLi.removeClass(ClassName.open); tree.slideUp(this.options.animationSpeed, function () { //tree.find(Selector.open + ' > ' + Selector.treeview).slideUp(); $(this.element).trigger(collapsedEvent); // Collapse child items parentLi.find(Selector.treeview).removeClass(ClassName.open).find(Selector.treeviewMenu).hide(); }.bind(this)); }; // Private Tree.prototype._setUpListeners = function () { var that = this; $(this.element).on('click', this.options.trigger, function (event) { that.toggle($(this), event); }); }; // Plugin Definition // ================= function Plugin(option) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var data = $this.data(DataKey); if (!data) { var options = $.extend({}, Default, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option); $this.data(DataKey, new Tree($this, options)); } }); } var old = $.fn.tree; $.fn.tree = Plugin; $.fn.tree.Constructor = Tree; // No Conflict Mode // ================ $.fn.tree.noConflict = function () { $.fn.tree = old; return this; }; // Tree Data API // ============= $(window).on('load', function () { $(Selector.data).each(function () { Plugin.call($(this)); }); }); }(jQuery); /* Layout() * ======== * Implements AdminLTE layout. * Fixes the layout height in case min-height fails. * * @usage activated automatically upon window load. * Configure any options by passing data-option="value" * to the body tag. */ +function ($) { 'use strict'; var DataKey = 'lte.layout'; var Default = { slimscroll : true, resetHeight: true }; var Selector = { wrapper : '.wrapper', contentWrapper: '.content-wrapper', layoutBoxed : '.layout-boxed', mainFooter : '.main-footer', mainHeader : '.main-header', mainSidebar : '.main-sidebar', slimScrollDiv : 'slimScrollDiv', sidebar : '.sidebar', controlSidebar: '.control-sidebar', fixed : '.fixed', sidebarMenu : '.sidebar-menu', logo : '.main-header .logo' }; var ClassName = { fixed : 'fixed', holdTransition: 'hold-transition' }; var Layout = function (options) { this.options = options; this.bindedResize = false; this.activate(); }; Layout.prototype.activate = function () { this.fix(); this.fixSidebar(); $('body').removeClass(ClassName.holdTransition); if (this.options.resetHeight) { $('body, html, ' + Selector.wrapper).css({ 'height' : 'auto', 'min-height': '100%' }); } if (!this.bindedResize) { $(window).resize(function () { this.fix(); this.fixSidebar(); $(Selector.logo + ', ' + Selector.sidebar).one('webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend', function () { this.fix(); this.fixSidebar(); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); this.bindedResize = true; } $(Selector.sidebarMenu).on('expanded.tree', function () { this.fix(); this.fixSidebar(); }.bind(this)); $(Selector.sidebarMenu).on('collapsed.tree', function () { this.fix(); this.fixSidebar(); }.bind(this)); }; Layout.prototype.fix = function () { // Remove overflow from .wrapper if layout-boxed exists $(Selector.layoutBoxed + ' > ' + Selector.wrapper).css('overflow', 'hidden'); // Get window height and the wrapper height var footerHeight = $(Selector.mainFooter).outerHeight() || 0; var headerHeight = $(Selector.mainHeader).outerHeight() || 0; var neg = headerHeight + footerHeight; var windowHeight = $(window).height(); var sidebarHeight = $(Selector.sidebar).outerHeight() || 0; // Set the min-height of the content and sidebar based on // the height of the document. if ($('body').hasClass(ClassName.fixed)) { $(Selector.contentWrapper).css('min-height', windowHeight - footerHeight); } else { var postSetHeight; if (windowHeight >= sidebarHeight + headerHeight) { $(Selector.contentWrapper).css('min-height', windowHeight - neg); postSetHeight = windowHeight - neg; } else { $(Selector.contentWrapper).css('min-height', sidebarHeight); postSetHeight = sidebarHeight; } // Fix for the control sidebar height var $controlSidebar = $(Selector.controlSidebar); if (typeof $controlSidebar !== 'undefined') { if ($controlSidebar.height() > postSetHeight) $(Selector.contentWrapper).css('min-height', $controlSidebar.height()); } } }; Layout.prototype.fixSidebar = function () { // Make sure the body tag has the .fixed class if (!$('body').hasClass(ClassName.fixed)) { if (typeof $.fn.slimScroll !== 'undefined') { $(Selector.sidebar).slimScroll({ destroy: true }).height('auto'); } return; } // Enable slimscroll for fixed layout if (this.options.slimscroll) { if (typeof $.fn.slimScroll !== 'undefined') { // Destroy if it exists // $(Selector.sidebar).slimScroll({ destroy: true }).height('auto') // Add slimscroll if ($(Selector.mainSidebar).find(Selector.slimScrollDiv).length === 0) { $(Selector.sidebar).slimScroll({ height: ($(window).height() - $(Selector.mainHeader).height()) + 'px' }); } } } }; // Plugin Definition // ================= function Plugin(option) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var data = $this.data(DataKey); if (!data) { var options = $.extend({}, Default, $this.data(), typeof option === 'object' && option); $this.data(DataKey, (data = new Layout(options))); } if (typeof option === 'string') { if (typeof data[option] === 'undefined') { throw new Error('No method named ' + option); } data[option](); } }); } var old = $.fn.layout; $.fn.layout = Plugin; $.fn.layout.Constuctor = Layout; // No conflict mode // ================ $.fn.layout.noConflict = function () { $.fn.layout = old; return this; }; // Layout DATA-API // =============== $(window).on('load', function () { Plugin.call($('body')); }); }(jQuery);