const Command = require("../../base/Command.js");

class AutoPlay extends Command {
	constructor (client) {
		super(client, {
			name: "autoplay",
			dirname: __dirname,
			enabled: true,
			guildOnly: true,
			aliases: [],
			memberPermissions: [],
			botPermissions: [ "SEND_MESSAGES", "EMBED_LINKS" ],
			nsfw: false,
			ownerOnly: false,
			cooldown: 5000

	async run (message) {
		const queue = this.client.player.getQueue(message);
		const voice =;

		if (!voice) return message.error("music/play:NO_VOICE_CHANNEL");
		if (!queue) return message.error("music:play:NOT_PLAYING");

		// Gets the current song
		await this.client.player.setAutoPlay(message, !queue.autoPlay);

		// Send the embed in the current channel
		message.sendT(`music/autoplay:SUCCESS_${queue.autoPlay ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED"}`);

module.exports = AutoPlay;