const Command = require("../../base/Command.js");

class Birthdate extends Command {
	constructor(client) {
		super(client, {
			name: "birthdate",
			dirname: __dirname,
			enabled: true,
			guildOnly: false,
			aliases: ["anniversaire"],
			memberPermissions: [],
			botPermissions: ["SEND_MESSAGES", "EMBED_LINKS"],
			nsfw: false,
			ownerOnly: false,
			cooldown: 1000

	async run(message, args, data) {
		const date = args[0];
		if (!date) return message.error("economy/birthdate:MISSING_DATE");

		const tArgs = date.split("/");
		const [day, month, year] = tArgs;
		if (!day || !month || !year) return message.error("economy/birthdate:INVALID_DATE");

		// Gets the string of the date
		const match = date.match(/\d+/g);
		if (!match) return message.error("economy/birthdate:INVALID_DATE_FORMAT");

		const tday = +match[0],
			tmonth = +match[1] - 1;
		let tyear = +match[2];
		if (tyear < 100) tyear += tyear < 50 ? 2000 : 1900;
		const d = new Date(tyear, tmonth, tday);
		if (!(tday == d.getDate() && tmonth == d.getMonth() && tyear == d.getFullYear())) return message.error("economy/birthdate:INVALID_DATE_FORMAT");
		if (d.getTime() > return message.error("economy/birthdate:DATE_TOO_HIGH");
		if (d.getTime() < ( - 2.523e+12)) return message.error("economy/birthdate:DATE_TOO_LOW");

		data.userData.birthdate = d;;

		message.success("economy/birthdate:SUCCESS", {
			date: message.printDate(d)

module.exports = Birthdate;