	"DESCRIPTION": "Grant roles based on user selection",
	"USAGE": "message [text]\naddrole [#channel] [message_id] [@role]",
	"EXAMPLES": "selectroles message text:Choose a role!\nselectroles addrole channel:#roles message_id:1037403109051840937 role:@Updates",
	"MESSAGE": "Send a message in the current channel",
	"ADDROLE": "Add/remove a role to the message",
	"MESSAGE_ERROR": "The message does not exist or was not sent by me",
	"ALREADY_IN_MENU": "The role is already in the menu",
	"NO_ROLES": "The message does not have a role menu",
	"SUCCESS_ADDED": "Role **{{role}}** has been added to the menu",
	"MESSAGE_SENT": "Message sent in the current voice channel, use /selectroles addrole channel:{{channel}} message_id:**{{message_id}}** role:@role",
	"ROLES_UPDATED": "Roles updated"