	"DESCRIPTION": "I'm telling you the truth!",
	"USAGE": "{{prefix}}8ball [question]",
	"EXAMPLES": "{{prefix}}8ball Is JaBa the best Discord bot?",
	"ERR_QUESTION": "You must enter a question!",
	"RESPONSE_1": "It is certain",
	"RESPONSE_2": "It is decidedly so",
	"RESPONSE_3": "Without a doubt",
	"RESPONSE_4": "Yes — definitely",
	"RESPONSE_5": "You may rely on it",
	"RESPONSE_6": "As I see it, yes",
	"RESPONSE_7": "Most likely",
	"RESPONSE_8": "Outlook good",
	"RESPONSE_9": "Signs point to yes",
	"RESPONSE_10": "Yes",
	"RESPONSE_11": "Reply hazy, try again",
	"RESPONSE_12": "Ask again later",
	"RESPONSE_13": "Better not tell you now",
	"RESPONSE_14": "Cannot predict now",
	"RESPONSE_15": "Concentrate and ask again",
	"RESPONSE_16": "Don't count on it",
	"RESPONSE_17": "My reply is no",
	"RESPONSE_18": "My sources say no",
	"RESPONSE_19": "Outlook not so good",
	"RESPONSE_20": "Very doubtful"