module('DOM integration'); test('adding a new unselected option changes nothing', function (assert) { // Any browsers which support mutation observers will not trigger the event var expected = 4; if (window.MutationObserver) { expected = 2; } else if (!window.addEventListener) { expected = 2; } assert.expect(expected); var asyncDone = null; var syncDone = assert.async(); if (expected != 2) { asyncDone = assert.async(); } var $ = require('jquery'); var Options = require('select2/options'); var Select2 = require('select2/core'); var $select = $( '<select>' + '<option>One</option>' + '<option>Two</option>' + '</select>' ); $('#qunit-fixture').append($select); var select = new Select2($select); select.on('selection:update', function (args) { assert.equal(, 1, 'There was more than one selection' ); assert.equal([0].id, 'One', 'The selection changed to something other than One' ); if (expected != 2) { asyncDone(); } }); assert.equal( $select.val(), 'One' ); var $option = $('<option>Three</option>'); $select.append($option); assert.equal( $select.val(), 'One' ); syncDone(); }); test('adding a new selected option changes the value', function (assert) { // handle IE 8 not being supported var expected = 4; if (!window.MutationObserver && !window.addEventListener) { expected = 2; } assert.expect(expected); var asyncDone = null; var syncDone = assert.async(); if (expected != 2) { asyncDone = assert.async(); } var $ = require('jquery'); var Options = require('select2/options'); var Select2 = require('select2/core'); var $select = $( '<select>' + '<option>One</option>' + '<option>Two</option>' + '</select>' ); $('#qunit-fixture').append($select); var select = new Select2($select); select.on('selection:update', function (args) { assert.equal(, 1, 'There was more than one selection' ); assert.equal([0].id, 'Three', 'The selection did not change to Three' ); if (expected != 2) { asyncDone(); } }); assert.equal( $select.val(), 'One' ); var $option = $('<option selected>Three</option>'); $select.append($option); assert.equal( $select.val(), 'Three' ); syncDone(); }); test('removing an unselected option changes nothing', function (assert) { // Any browsers which support mutation observers will not trigger the event var expected = 4; if (!window.MutationObserver && !window.addEventListener) { expected = 2; } assert.expect(expected); var asyncDone = null; var syncDone = assert.async(); if (expected != 2) { asyncDone = assert.async(); } var $ = require('jquery'); var Options = require('select2/options'); var Select2 = require('select2/core'); var $select = $( '<select>' + '<option>One</option>' + '<option>Two</option>' + '</select>' ); $('#qunit-fixture').append($select); var select = new Select2($select); select.on('selection:update', function (args) { assert.equal(, 1, 'There was more than one selection' ); assert.equal([0].id, 'One', 'The selection changed to something other than One' ); if (expected != 2) { asyncDone(); } }); assert.equal( $select.val(), 'One' ); $select.children().eq(1).remove(); assert.equal( $select.val(), 'One' ); syncDone(); }); test('removing a selected option changes the value', function (assert) { // handle IE 8 not being supported var expected = 3; if (!window.MutationObserver && !window.addEventListener) { expected = 2; } assert.expect(expected); var asyncDone = null; var syncDone = assert.async(); if (expected != 2) { asyncDone = assert.async(); } var $ = require('jquery'); var Options = require('select2/options'); var Select2 = require('select2/core'); var $select = $( '<select>' + '<option>One</option>' + '<option>Two</option>' + '</select>' ); $('#qunit-fixture').append($select); var select = new Select2($select); select.on('selection:update', function (args) { assert.equal(, 1, 'There was more than one selection' ); if (expected != 2) { asyncDone(); } }); assert.equal( $select.val(), 'One' ); $select.children().eq(0).remove(); assert.equal( $select.val(), 'Two' ); syncDone(); });