	"DESCRIPTION": "Plays music for you!",
	"USAGE": "{{prefix}}play [song]",
	"EXAMPLES": "{{prefix}}play Bye Bye",
	"NO_VOICE_CHANNEL": "You must be connected to a voice channel!",
	"VOICE_CHANNEL_CONNECT": "I can't connect to your voice channel!",
	"MISSING_SONG_NAME": "Please specify a song name or a link!",
	"RESULTS_FOOTER": "Please select a song by sending a number between 1 and 10.",
	"NO_RESULT": "Cannot be find on Youtube!",
	"NOW_PLAYING": "Now playing **{{songName}}** :musical_note:",
	"PLAYING_PLAYLIST": "Starting playlist **{{playlistTitle}}**. {{playlistEmoji}}\nPlaying the first song, **{{songName}}**! :musical_note:",
	"CANCELLED": "Selection cancelled",
	"NOT_PLAYING": "No songs are currently playing in this server.",
	"QUEUE_ENDED": "Queue has ended. No more music to play...",
	"ADDED_QUEUE": "**{{songName}}** has been added to the queue!",
	"ADDED_QUEUE_COUNT": "**{{songCount}}** songs added to the queue!",
	"STOP_DISCONNECTED": "I've just stopped the music as I have been disconnected from the channel.",
	"STOP_EMPTY": "I've just stopped the music as everyone disconnected from the channel.",
	"RESULTS_CANCEL": "Search cancelled!",
	"LIVE": "Live",
	"ERR_OCCURRED": "An error occurred, skipping...\n`{{error}}`"