mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 22:19:39 +05:00
170 lines
4.8 KiB
170 lines
4.8 KiB
"BOT_USER": "You cannot do this with the bot.",
"CANT_DM": "I cannot DM you. Please check your privacy settings.",
"FORCE_STOP": "The game has been forcibly ended, {{user}}, nobody won (the number was {{number}}).",
"LEVEL_UP": "You have reached the next level! Your new level is: **{{level}}**",
"GUILD_ONLY": "This command can only be used on a server.",
"HELLO_SERVER": "Hello! All my commands are available through **/**. Use </help:1029832476077596773> to get a list of commands.",
"INVALID_NUMBER_RANGE": "Please specify a number between **{{min}}** and **{{max}}**.",
"MORE_THAN_ZERO": "Please specify an integer greater than 0.",
"NO_ARGS": "No arguments required.",
"NSFW_COMMAND": "This command can only be used in an NSFW channel.",
"OPTION_NAN_ALL": "Please specify an integer greater than 0 or `all`.",
"OWNER_ONLY": "Only the bot owner can use this command.",
"SELECT_CANCELED": "Selection canceled.",
"STATS_FOOTER": "● [Dashboard]({{dashboardLink}})\n● [Support Server]({{supportLink}})\n● [Invite JaBa to Your Server]({{inviteLink}})\n● [Support]({{donateLink}}) (provide your Discord tag for achievement granting, for other support methods, please DM <@{{owner}}>)",
"TIMED_OUT": "Time out.",
"JUMP_TO_PAGE": "Specify the page you want to jump to (maximum **{{length}}**):",
"QUOTE_TITLE": "Message from {{user}}",
"QUOTE_CONTENT": "Content",
"QUOTE_ATTACHED": "Attached files",
"QUOTE_JUMP": "Jump to",
"QUOTE_FOOTER": "Quoted by {{user}}",
"TITLE": "{{user}} deleted a message!",
"DESCRIPTION": "Message content was: ```{{content}}```\nChannel: {{channel}}\nTime created: {{time}}"
"TITLE": "{{user}} updated a message!",
"DESCRIPTION": "Old Message: ```{{oldContent}}```\nNew Message: ```{{newContent}}```\nJump to message: {{url}}"
"CreateInstantInvite": "Create Instant Invite",
"KickMembers": "Kick Members",
"BanMembers": "Ban Members",
"Administrator": "Administrator",
"ManageChannels": "Manage Channels",
"ManageGuild": "Manage Guild",
"AddReactions": "Add Reactions",
"ViewAuditLog": "View Audit Log",
"PrioritySpeaker": "Priority Speaker",
"Stream": "Stream",
"ViewChannel": "View Channel",
"SendMessages": "Send Messages",
"SendTTSMessages": "Send Text-to-Speech Messages",
"ManageMessages": "Manage Messages",
"EmbedLinks": "Embed Links",
"AttachFiles": "Attach Files",
"ReadMessageHistory": "Read Message History",
"MentionEveryone": "Mention *@*everyone, *@*here, and all roles",
"UseExternalEmojis": "Use External Emojis",
"ViewGuildInsights": "View Guild Insights",
"Connect": "Connect",
"Speak": "Speak",
"MuteMembers": "Mute Members",
"DeafenMembers": "Deafen Members",
"MoveMembers": "Move Members",
"UseVAD": "Use Voice Activity Detection",
"ChangeNickname": "Change Nickname",
"ManageNicknames": "Manage Nicknames",
"ManageRoles": "Manage Roles",
"ManageWebhooks": "Manage Webhooks",
"ManageEmojisAndStickers": "Manage Emojis and Stickers",
"UseApplicationCommands": "Use Application Commands",
"ManageEvents": "Manage Events",
"ManageThreads": "Manage Threads",
"CreatePublicThreads": "Create Public Threads",
"CreatePrivateThreads": "Create Private Threads",
"UseExternalStickers": "Use External Stickers",
"SendMessagesInThreads": "Send Messages in Threads",
"UseEmbeddedActivities": "Start Activities",
"ModerateMembers": "Tell Members to Think about Their Behavior"
"NOUNS": {
"1": "credit",
"2": "credits",
"5": "credits"
"1": "credit",
"2": "credits",
"5": "credits"
"1": "command",
"2": "commands",
"5": "commands"
"1": "point",
"2": "points",
"5": "points"
"1": "member",
"2": "members",
"5": "members"
"USERS": {
"1": "user",
"2": "users",
"5": "users"
"1": "player",
"2": "players",
"5": "players"
"1": "track",
"2": "tracks",
"5": "tracks"
"BOTS": {
"1": "bot",
"2": "bots",
"5": "bots"
"TEXT": {
"1": "text channel",
"2": "text channels",
"5": "text channels"
"VOICE": {
"1": "voice channel",
"2": "voice channels",
"5": "voice channels"
"1": "category",
"2": "categories",
"5": "categories"
"1": "message",
"2": "messages",
"5": "messages"
"WARNS": {
"1": "warning",
"2": "warnings",
"5": "warnings"
"1": "second",
"2": "seconds",
"5": "seconds"
"1": "server",
"2": "servers",
"5": "servers"
"1": "server",
"2": "servers",
"5": "servers"
"AGE": {
"1": "year",
"2": "years",
"5": "years"
} |