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Attributes And Helpers

Element attributes

These are the published attributes that can be set on any instance of <zero-md>:

Attribute Type Description
src String URL location to GET the markdown text file. If unset, reads markdown from inline <script type="text/markdown"> instead.
manual-render Boolean If set, disables auto-rendering of this instance. Call the render() function on that instance manually to begin.
no-shadow Boolean If set, renders and stamps this instance into light dom instead. Please know what you are doing.


  1. Standard CORS rules apply; the src file - if fetched from another origin - should be served with the corresponding Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers.

  2. no-shadow is immutable; it must be declared on element creation time and should not be dynamically changed.

Style template attributes

Style templates are <template> tags containing styles that are direct children of the its <zero-md> element, and apply only to that parent instance.

The following attributes may be declared on a style template:

Attribute Type Description
data-merge String Accepts either append or prepend and works as its name suggests. If unset, the style template overrides the default template.

Style templates accept <link rel="stylesheet"> and <style> tags as their direct children. For example:

  <!-- Styles declared within will be appended AFTER the default template -->
  <template data-merge="append">
    <!-- Use `link` tags to load external stylesheets -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="custom.css">
    <!-- Use `style` tags to write CSS directly -->
      h1 {
        color: red;

Inline markdown attributes

To write markdown inline, wrap your markdown with a <script type="text/markdown"> tag and place it as a direct child of <zero-md>. Note that inline markdown works like a fall-back; so the element src should not be set, or should resolve to be falsy.

The following attributes may be declared on the <script> tag:

Attribute Type Description
data-dedent Boolean If set, applies a dedent function onto the text content that tries to remove leading whitespace (indentation) that will otherwise be incorrectly interpreted as code blocks.

For example:

  <!-- Set `data-dedent` to remove indentation -->
  <script type="text/markdown" data-dedent>
    # Opt in to apply dedent function
    If **indentation** is important to you.


The render() function renders the HTML, stamps it into DOM and returns a Promise that resolves when done. It accepts an optional options object which may contain the following:

Property Type Description
classes Array A class name string or array of class names to apply onto the rendered markdown container node. Useful for activating some Prism plugins.
...markedOpts ...Object Any of these Marked options can be passed in and will apply during markdown transformation.

For example:

const app = document.querySelector('zero-md')
const run = async () => {
  app.src = 'dynamic.md'
  await app.render({
    // The class `line-numbers` will be added to the markdown-body container
    classes: 'line-numbers',
    // These are Marked options
    gfm: false,
    mangle: false
  alert('Render complete!')


Internally, the render() function may look something like this:

async function render (opts = {}) {
  // Ensure everything is initialised
  await this.waitForReady()
  const stamped = {}
  // Start generating the CSS and Markdown HTML strings
  const pending = this.buildMd(opts)
  const css = this.buildStyles()
  // Stamp styles if none exists; replace if there're changes
  if (css !== this.cache.styles) {
    this.cache.styles = css
    // Ensure that external stylesheets are loaded, then queue next repaint to prevent FOUC
    await this.stampStyles(css)
    stamped.styles = true
    await this.tick()
  // Then stamp body if none exists; replace if there're changes
  const md = await pending
  if (md !== this.cache.body) {
    this.cache.body = md
    const node = this.stampBody(md)
    stamped.body = true
    // Begin asynchronous Prism highlight
    await this.highlight(node)
  // Finally, fire the rendered event
  this.fire('zero-md-rendered', { stamped })

The helper functions shown above are public; you can re-create your own render() function using a mix of these helpers to fit your specific use-case. Some helpers include:

Method Description
waitForReady() Returns a Promise that resolves when element is connected, and both Marked and Prism are loaded.
makeNode(html) Converts a HTML string into a DOM node and returns it.
buildStyles() Constructs the style HTML string and returns it.
buildMd({opts}) Download the src file, if specified, transforms the markdown (with optional opts), and returns a Promise that resolves into a HTML string.
stampStyles(html) Insert or replace a styles HTML string into DOM and returns a Promise that resolves eagerly when all <link> stylesheets are downloaded.
stampBody(html) Insert or replace a markdown HTML string into DOM and returns the new node.
highlight(container) Runs Prism highlight on a container node asynchronously (using Web Workers, or falls back to synchronous if it throws) and returns a Promise when done.
tick() Wait for next repaint.
fire(name, {opts}) Dispatches a new custom event.


The following convenience events are dispatched:

Event Name Description
zero-md-ready Fires after element is connected, and both Marked and Prism are loaded.
zero-md-rendered Fires after markdown is transformed, syntax highlighted, and contents stamped to DOM.
zero-md-error Fires when a download error is encountered in src or any <link rel="stylesheet"> tags.

Rendered event

The zero-md-rendered event fires with the following details:

Detail Description
node The zero-md element that dispatched the event.
stamped.styles true when styles are stamped into DOM.
stamped.body true when markdown body is stamped into DOM.


To catch src errors:

<zero-md id="app" src="not-found.md"></zero-md>
  app.addEventListener('zero-md-error', ev => {
    // `src` download errors will return a response code
    if (ev.detail.status) {
      console.log('Error encountered while loading src', ev.detail.status)

To catch <link rel="stylesheet"> errors:

<zero-md id="app" src="foo.md">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="not-found.css">
  app.addEventListener('zero-md-error', ev => {
    // External stylesheet download errors will NOT return status
    if (!ev.detail.status) {
      console.log('Error encountered while loading an external stylesheet')