#ifndef __VEHICLE #define __VEHICLE #include "GeneralSA.h" #include "ModelInfoSA.h" enum eVehicleType { VEHICLE_AUTOMOBILE, VEHICLE_MTRUCK, VEHICLE_QUAD, VEHICLE_HELI, VEHICLE_PLANE, VEHICLE_BOAT, VEHICLE_TRAIN, VEHICLE_FHELI, VEHICLE_FPLANE, VEHICLE_BIKE, VEHICLE_BMX, VEHICLE_TRAILER }; struct CVehicleFlags { //0x428 unsigned char bIsLawEnforcer: 1; // Is this guy chasing the player at the moment unsigned char bIsAmbulanceOnDuty: 1; // Ambulance trying to get to an accident unsigned char bIsFireTruckOnDuty: 1; // Firetruck trying to get to a fire unsigned char bIsLocked: 1; // Is this guy locked by the script (cannot be removed) unsigned char bEngineOn: 1; // For sound purposes. Parked cars have their engines switched off (so do destroyed cars) unsigned char bIsHandbrakeOn: 1; // How's the handbrake doing ? unsigned char bLightsOn: 1; // Are the lights switched on ? unsigned char bFreebies: 1; // Any freebies left in this vehicle ? //0x429 unsigned char bIsVan: 1; // Is this vehicle a van (doors at back of vehicle) unsigned char bIsBus: 1; // Is this vehicle a bus unsigned char bIsBig: 1; // Is this vehicle big unsigned char bLowVehicle: 1; // Need this for sporty type cars to use low getting-in/out anims unsigned char bComedyControls: 1; // Will make the car hard to control (hopefully in a funny way) unsigned char bWarnedPeds: 1; // Has scan and warn peds of danger been processed? unsigned char bCraneMessageDone: 1; // A crane message has been printed for this car allready // unsigned char bExtendedRange: 1; // This vehicle needs to be a bit further away to get deleted unsigned char bTakeLessDamage: 1; // This vehicle is stronger (takes about 1/4 of damage) //0x42A unsigned char bIsDamaged: 1; // This vehicle has been damaged and is displaying all its components unsigned char bHasBeenOwnedByPlayer : 1;// To work out whether stealing it is a crime unsigned char bFadeOut: 1; // Fade vehicle out unsigned char bIsBeingCarJacked: 1; unsigned char bCreateRoadBlockPeds : 1;// If this vehicle gets close enough we will create peds (coppers or gang members) round it unsigned char bCanBeDamaged: 1; // Set to FALSE during cut scenes to avoid explosions // unsigned char bUsingSpecialColModel : 1; // Is player vehicle using special collision model, stored in player strucure unsigned char bOccupantsHaveBeenGenerated : 1; // Is true if the occupants have already been generated. (Shouldn't happen again) unsigned char bGunSwitchedOff: 1; // Level designers can use this to switch off guns on boats //0x42B unsigned char bVehicleColProcessed : 1;// Has ProcessEntityCollision been processed for this car? unsigned char bIsCarParkVehicle: 1; // Car has been created using the special CAR_PARK script command unsigned char bHasAlreadyBeenRecorded : 1; // Used for replays unsigned char bPartOfConvoy: 1; unsigned char bHeliMinimumTilt: 1; // This heli should have almost no tilt really unsigned char bAudioChangingGear: 1; // sounds like vehicle is changing gear unsigned char bIsDrowning: 1; // is vehicle occupants taking damage in water (i.e. vehicle is dead in water) unsigned char bTyresDontBurst: 1; // If this is set the tyres are invincible //0x42C unsigned char bCreatedAsPoliceVehicle : 1;// True if this guy was created as a police vehicle (enforcer, policecar, miamivice car etc) unsigned char bRestingOnPhysical: 1; // Dont go static cause car is sitting on a physical object that might get removed unsigned char bParking : 1; unsigned char bCanPark : 1; unsigned char bFireGun: 1; // Does the ai of this vehicle want to fire it's gun? unsigned char bDriverLastFrame: 1; // Was there a driver present last frame ? unsigned char bNeverUseSmallerRemovalRange: 1;// Some vehicles (like planes) we don't want to remove just behind the camera. unsigned char bIsRCVehicle: 1; // Is this a remote controlled (small) vehicle. True whether the player or AI controls it. //0x42D unsigned char bAlwaysSkidMarks: 1; // This vehicle leaves skidmarks regardless of the wheels' states. unsigned char bEngineBroken: 1; // Engine doesn't work. Player can get in but the vehicle won't drive unsigned char bVehicleCanBeTargetted : 1;// The ped driving this vehicle can be targetted, (for Torenos plane mission) unsigned char bPartOfAttackWave: 1; // This car is used in an attack during a gang war unsigned char bWinchCanPickMeUp: 1; // This car cannot be picked up by any ropes. unsigned char bImpounded: 1; // Has this vehicle been in a police impounding garage unsigned char bVehicleCanBeTargettedByHS : 1;// Heat seeking missiles will not target this vehicle. unsigned char bSirenOrAlarm: 1; // Set to TRUE if siren or alarm active, else FALSE //0x42E unsigned char bHasGangLeaningOn: 1; unsigned char bGangMembersForRoadBlock : 1;// Will generate gang members if NumPedsForRoadBlock > 0 unsigned char bDoesProvideCover: 1; // If this is false this particular vehicle can not be used to take cover behind. unsigned char bMadDriver: 1; // This vehicle is driving like a lunatic unsigned char bUpgradedStereo: 1; // This vehicle has an upgraded stereo unsigned char bConsideredByPlayer: 1; // This vehicle is considered by the player to enter unsigned char bPetrolTankIsWeakPoint : 1;// If false shootong the petrol tank will NOT Blow up the car unsigned char bDisableParticles: 1; // Disable particles from this car. Used in garage. //0x42F unsigned char bHasBeenResprayed: 1; // Has been resprayed in a respray garage. Reset after it has been checked. unsigned char bUseCarCheats: 1; // If this is true will set the car cheat stuff up in ProcessControl() unsigned char bDontSetColourWhenRemapping : 1;// If the texture gets remapped we don't want to change the colour with it. unsigned char bUsedForReplay: 1; // This car is controlled by replay and should be removed when replay is done. }; class CBouncingPanel { public: short m_nNodeIndex; short m_nBouncingType; float m_fBounceRange; CVector field_8; CVector m_vecBounceVector; }; class NOVMT CVehicle : public CPhysical { protected: BYTE __pad1[752]; CVehicleFlags m_nVehicleFlags; BYTE __pad2[108]; float m_fGasPedal; float m_fBrakePedal; BYTE __pad6[44]; signed int m_nTimeTillWeNeedThisCar; BYTE __pad4[56]; CEntity* pDamagingEntity; BYTE __pad3[116]; char padpad, padpad2, padpad3; int8_t PlateDesign; RwTexture* PlateTexture; BYTE __pad5[20]; public: CVehicleFlags& GetVehicleFlags() { return m_nVehicleFlags; } CEntity* GetDamagingEntity() { return pDamagingEntity; } virtual void Render() override; virtual void PreRender() override; bool CustomCarPlate_TextureCreate(CVehicleModelInfo* pModelInfo); void CustomCarPlate_BeforeRenderingStart(CVehicleModelInfo* pModelInfo); //void CustomCarPlate_AfterRenderingStop(CVehicleModelInfo* pModelInfo); bool IsLawEnforcementVehicle(); static void SetComponentRotation( RwFrame* component, int axis, float angle, bool absolute ); static void SetComponentAtomicAlpha(RpAtomic* pAtomic, int nAlpha); }; class NOVMT CAutomobile : public CVehicle { public: BYTE paddd[168]; RwFrame* m_pCarNode[25]; CBouncingPanel m_aBouncingPanel[3]; BYTE padding[320]; float m_fRotorSpeed; BYTE __moarpad[264]; float m_fSpecialComponentAngle; BYTE __pad3[44]; public: inline void PreRender_Stub() { CAutomobile::PreRender(); } virtual void PreRender() override; void Fix_SilentPatch(); void ResetFrames(); void ProcessPhoenixBlower( int32_t modelID ); void ProcessSweeper(); static void (CAutomobile::*orgPreRender)(); static float ms_engineCompSpeed; }; class NOVMT CHeli : public CAutomobile { public: inline void Render_Stub() { CHeli::Render(); } virtual void Render() override; }; class NOVMT CPlane : public CAutomobile { public: BYTE __pad[60]; float m_fPropellerSpeed; public: inline void Render_Stub() { CPlane::Render(); } virtual void Render() override; void Fix_SilentPatch(); }; void ReadRotorFixExceptions(const wchar_t* pPath); static_assert(sizeof(CBouncingPanel) == 0x20, "Wrong size: CBouncingPanel"); static_assert(sizeof(CVehicle) == 0x5A0, "Wrong size: CVehicle"); static_assert(sizeof(CAutomobile) == 0x988, "Wrong size: CAutomobile"); #endif