[SilentPatch] ; Allows to override units used by the game - 0 forces metric units, 1 forces imperial units, ; -1 makes the game use units based on system locale Units=-1 ; Enables fixes for corona placements on emergency vehicles and taxis ; This fixes siren placements on Police, Enforcer, Firetruck, Ambulance, FBI Rancher and Vice Cheetah, ; it also adds a siren to FBI Washington, corrects taxi sign light placement on Taxi ; and fixes placement of the search light and rear rotor light on Police Maverick. EnableVehicleCoronaFixes=1 [ExtraCompSpecularityExceptions] ; Put model IDs or names (one ID/name per line) here to forcibly disable specularity on their extras ; Since SilentPatch applies proper environment maps on extras, specularity misconfigurations result ; in all extras being shiny, even if they are obviously meant not to be metallic. ; By default we exclude Stallion and Mesa Grande because of their leather roofs stallion mesa [DrawBackfaces] ; Models on this list will draw with backface culling disabled, like DrawBackfaces.txt from the mobile versions ; Put model IDs or names (one ID/name per line) lw_roombitsb bikeshop_glass2 miamiland172 ap_stairsout04 deco_polbuild RoosbrgeStart_r_nt RoosbrgeStart_r_dt doublestreetlght1 od_lightext od_lightint basketballcourt05 hot_room317 lhroofst18 mall_ammuwin mall_ammu ammu_windows1 pot_02 nbt_hotel01 od_wtlegs manmrgbase1 lh_icecream02 mob_mobroom2 wash_hardwindow wash_hardwares nbt_pizzaplace hot_trans1 lw_lights cof_bardetail cof_extwindw hospital drugstoreext deli_exterior_front strpclubsigns1 chairsntable mall_hardware ml_gap ml_coffee_dsk mlobjects_n ml_jewellers ci_redhead1_01 ci_industrial1 ci_manintstuff ci_mansion1 dow_pizzaplacedt lh_buildingg3 lha_carfence hav_car_show_out2 lhbuild034 od_lightbeam doontoon54 cl_yachtmdl pw_priint cop_mainroom man_monitor_base nbt_htlpiswr01 nbt_htlpoolbar01 nbt_balcony03 stripinterupside doontoon65 ap_hookerinn1 miamiland174 wshbuildws20 washbuild018 man_backside man_backside2 doontoon_22_b newbuild01 doontoon_shops miamiland170 wshxrefhirise1 wshbuildws38 BillBd1 BillBd3 BillBd2 wshnrthpstr03 wshnrthpstr1 wshnrthpstr02 wshnrthpstr07 wshsthpstr04 wshsthpstr02 wshsthpstr05 wshnrthpstr05 sjmbigsig2 od_clevelander_dy od_clevelander_nt mlrecords ml_record nbt_htlpiswr02 ap_billboards1 ap_billboards2 ap_billboards3 ap_barriergate1 ap_barriergate2 ap_barriergate3 ap_roadsigns1_02