[SilentPatch] ; This enables SCM-related fixes ; Currently, it includes Gym Glitch fix, Basketball Glitch fix ; It also fixes an issues in Sweet's Girl and Mountain Cloud Boys where the player freezes in the initial part of the mission EnableScriptFixes=1 ; This will make the game skip EAX/NVIDIA intro splashes, so it starts from the intro movies just like Steam version ; NOTE: Has no effect when used with Steam EXE SkipIntroSplashes=1 ; This resizes subtitles and radio station name to be in line with a Steam/RGL version ; Setting this to 1 when using 1.0/1.01 makes the texts match Steam/RGL size, while setting this to 0 ; when using 3.0 makes the text match 1.0/1.01 size ; Set to -1 or comment it out with ; to disable fully SmallSteamTexts=-1 ; This re-enables a glitched feature where gang-occupied zone names display with a colour of that gang ; Setting it to 0 will disable the colour from showing in all cases, even in the cases it was showing on a clean game ColouredZoneNames=0 ; This setting increases sun size a bit ; While it's fine to use with a stock game, it's recommended to turn this option off when using ; a custom seabed.ipl or timecyc.dat SunSizeHack=1 ; This setting will make sun reflections on peds and vehicles change direction depending on time of day ; This matches the behaviour present in GTA III or VC, but may not look perfect in all cases - so consider it ; a matter of personal preference DirectionalFromSun=0 ; When this setting is enabled, police helicopter will not be able to hurt CJ when Invincibility Cheat is active TrueInvincibility=0 ; Allows to override units used by the game - 0 forces metric units, 1 forces imperial units, ; -1 makes the game use units based on system locale Units=-1 ; Enables the sliding mission title text, based on remnants of this feature in the game code. SlidingMissionTitleText=0 ; Enables the sliding odd job text, based on remnants of this feature in the game code. ; This behaviour was visible in one of the beta clips released for GTA III. SlidingOddJobText=0 [RotorFixExceptions] ; Put model IDs or names (one ID/name per line) here to exclude them from using blurred rotors ; This way mods which don't have moving rotors done properly can still be used without bugs ; By default we exclude Maverick and Skimmer, since their textures are corrupted maverick skimmer [DoubleRearWheels] ; Specifically for SA-MP (since for single player you can just edit the handling file) ; Specifies whether to forcibly enable or disable double rear wheels for a specific vehicle ID or name ; Put modelID = 1 or modelName = 1 to forcibly enable or modelID = 0 or modelName = 0 to forcibly disable [LightbeamFixExceptions] ; Allows to disable "lightbeam fix" for specific model IDs or names (one ID/name per line) ; While you will never need this for stock vehicles, some custom vehicles may require this fix ; to be disabled - for example, Krystofer's police vehicles [LSRPModeServers] ; Server IPs listed here will use LS-RP Mode ; This means weapons will not be visible through windows ; Put IP in AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD:PORT format, one per line