mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 19:39:40 +05:00
2985 lines
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2985 lines
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#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Maths.h"
#include "Timer.h"
#include "Common.h"
#include "Common_ddraw.h"
#include "Desktop.h"
#include "EntityVC.h"
#include "ModelInfoVC.h"
#include "VehicleVC.h"
#include "SVF.h"
#include "RWUtils.hpp"
#include "TheFLAUtils.h"
#include "ParseUtils.hpp"
#include "Random.h"
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "Utils/ModuleList.hpp"
#include "Utils/Patterns.h"
#include "Utils/ScopedUnprotect.hpp"
#include "Utils/HookEach.hpp"
#include "Utils/DelimStringReader.h"
#include "debugmenu_public.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "shlwapi.lib")
// ============= Mod compatibility stuff =============
namespace ModCompat
namespace Utils
template<typename AT>
HMODULE GetModuleHandleFromAddress( AT address )
HMODULE result = nullptr;
return result;
struct RsGlobalType
const char* AppName;
unsigned int unkWidth, unkHeight;
signed int MaximumWidth;
signed int MaximumHeight;
unsigned int frameLimit;
BOOL quit;
void* ps;
void* keyboard;
void* mouse;
void* pad;
DebugMenuAPI gDebugMenuAPI;
static RsGlobalType* RsGlobal;
static const void* SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack;
void* (*GetModelInfo)(const char*, int*);
// This is actually CBaseModelInfo, but we currently don't have it defined
CVehicleModelInfo**& ms_modelInfoPtrs = *hook::get_pattern<CVehicleModelInfo**>("8B 15 ? ? ? ? 8D 04 24", 2);
int32_t& numModelInfos = *hook::get_pattern<int32_t>("81 FD ? ? ? ? 7C B7", 2);
float GetWidthMult()
static float** ResolutionWidthMult = hook::get_pattern<float*>("D8 0D ? ? ? ? D1 F8 52", 2);
return **ResolutionWidthMult;
float GetHeightMult()
static float** ResolutionHeightMult = hook::get_pattern<float*>("D8 0D ? ? ? ? D1 F8 C7 44 24 ? 00 00 00 00 89 04 24", 2);
return **ResolutionHeightMult;
static bool bGameInFocus = true;
LRESULT CALLBACK CustomWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
switch ( uMsg )
bGameInFocus = false;
bGameInFocus = true;
return (*OldWndProc)(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
static auto* const pCustomWndProc = CustomWndProc;
static void (* const RsMouseSetPos)(RwV2d*) = AddressByVersion<void(*)(RwV2d*)>(0x6030C0, 0x6030A0, 0x602CE0);
static void (*orgConstructRenderList)();
void ResetMousePos()
if ( bGameInFocus )
RwV2d vecPos = { RsGlobal->MaximumWidth * 0.5f, RsGlobal->MaximumHeight * 0.5f };
void __stdcall Recalculate(float& fX, float& fY, signed int nShadow)
fX = nShadow * GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth;
fY = nShadow * GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight;
namespace PrintStringShadows
template<uintptr_t addr>
static const float** margin = reinterpret_cast<const float**>(Memory::DynBaseAddress(addr));
static void PrintString_Internal(void (*printFn)(float,float,const wchar_t*), float fX, float fY, float fMarginX, float fMarginY, const wchar_t* pText)
printFn(fX - fMarginX + (fMarginX * GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth), fY - fMarginY + (fMarginY * GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight), pText);
template<uintptr_t pFltX, uintptr_t pFltY>
struct XY
static inline void (*orgPrintString)(float,float,const wchar_t*);
static void PrintString(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText)
PrintString_Internal(orgPrintString, fX, fY, **margin<pFltX>, **margin<pFltY>, pText);
static void Hook(uintptr_t addr)
Memory::DynBase::InterceptCall(addr, orgPrintString, PrintString);
template<uintptr_t pFltX, uintptr_t pFltY>
struct XYMinus
static inline void (*orgPrintString)(float,float,const wchar_t*);
static void PrintString(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText)
PrintString_Internal(orgPrintString, fX, fY, -(**margin<pFltX>), -(**margin<pFltY>), pText);
static void Hook(uintptr_t addr)
Memory::DynBase::InterceptCall(addr, orgPrintString, PrintString);
template<uintptr_t pFltX>
struct X
static inline void (*orgPrintString)(float,float,const wchar_t*);
static void PrintString(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText)
PrintString_Internal(orgPrintString, fX, fY, **margin<pFltX>, 0.0f, pText);
static void Hook(uintptr_t addr)
Memory::DynBase::InterceptCall(addr, orgPrintString, PrintString);
template<uintptr_t pFltX>
struct XMinus
static inline void (*orgPrintString)(float,float,const wchar_t*);
static void PrintString(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText)
PrintString_Internal(orgPrintString, fX, fY, -(**margin<pFltX>), 0.0f, pText);
static void Hook(uintptr_t addr)
Memory::DynBase::InterceptCall(addr, orgPrintString, PrintString);
template<uintptr_t pFltY>
struct Y
static inline void (*orgPrintString)(float,float,const wchar_t*);
static void PrintString(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText)
PrintString_Internal(orgPrintString, fX, fY, 0.0f, **margin<pFltY>, pText);
static void Hook(uintptr_t addr)
Memory::DynBase::InterceptCall(addr, orgPrintString, PrintString);
// ============= Radar position and radardisc shadow =============
namespace RadardiscFixes
static const float RADARDISC_SHRINK = 2.0f; // We are shrinking the radardisc by that
static float orgRadarXPosVal;
static float* orgRadarXPosPtr;
template<std::size_t Index>
static const float* orgRadarXPos_RadardiscShrink;
template<std::size_t Index>
static float RadarXPos_Recalculated_RadardiscShrink;
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateXPositions_RadardiscShrink(std::index_sequence<I...>)
const float multiplier = GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth;
((RadarXPos_Recalculated_RadardiscShrink<I> = (*orgRadarXPos_RadardiscShrink<I> - RADARDISC_SHRINK) * multiplier), ...);
template<std::size_t Index>
static const float* orgRadarYPos_RadardiscShrink;
template<std::size_t Index>
static float RadarYPos_Recalculated_RadardiscShrink;
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateYPositions_RadardiscShrink(std::index_sequence<I...>)
const float multiplier = GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight;
((RadarYPos_Recalculated_RadardiscShrink<I> = (*orgRadarYPos_RadardiscShrink<I> - RADARDISC_SHRINK) * multiplier), ...);
static void (*orgDrawMap)();
template<std::size_t NumXPosRadardisc, std::size_t NumYPosRadardisc>
static void DrawMap_RecalculatePositions()
*orgRadarXPosPtr = orgRadarXPosVal * GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth;
HOOK_EACH_INIT(CalculateRadarXPos_RadardiscShrink, orgRadarXPos_RadardiscShrink, RadarXPos_Recalculated_RadardiscShrink);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(CalculateRadarYPos_RadardiscShrink, orgRadarYPos_RadardiscShrink, RadarYPos_Recalculated_RadardiscShrink);
static CRect ScaleWidthRect(CRect rect)
// Also account for a smaller radardisc
rect.x1 = (rect.x1 + RADARDISC_SHRINK) * GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth;
return rect;
template<std::size_t Index>
static void (__fastcall* orgDrawSprite)(void* obj, void*, const CRect& rect, const CRGBA& col1, const CRGBA& col2, const CRGBA& col3, const CRGBA& col4);
template<std::size_t Index>
static void __fastcall DrawSprite_Scale(void* obj, void*, const CRect& rect, const CRGBA& col1, const CRGBA& col2, const CRGBA& col3, const CRGBA& col4)
orgDrawSprite<Index>(obj, nullptr, ScaleWidthRect(rect), col1, col2, col3, col4);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(DrawRadarDisc, orgDrawSprite, DrawSprite_Scale);
// ============= Fix the onscreen counter bar placement and shadow not scaling to resolution =============
namespace OnscreenCounterBarFixes
template<std::size_t Index>
static const float* orgXPos;
template<std::size_t Index>
static float XPos_Recalculated;
template<std::size_t Index>
static const float* orgYPos;
template<std::size_t Index>
static float YPos_Recalculated;
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateXPositions(std::index_sequence<I...>)
const float multiplier = GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth;
((XPos_Recalculated<I> = *orgXPos<I> * multiplier), ...);
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateYPositions(std::index_sequence<I...>)
const float multiplier = GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight;
((YPos_Recalculated<I> = *orgYPos<I> * multiplier), ...);
static int (*orgAtoi)(const char* str);
template<std::size_t NumXPos, std::size_t NumYPos>
static int atoi_RecalculatePositions(const char* str)
return orgAtoi(str);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(XPos, orgXPos, XPos_Recalculated);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(YPos, orgYPos, YPos_Recalculated);
// ============= Fix the radar trace blip outline not scaling to resolution =============
namespace RadarTraceOutlineFixes
template<std::size_t Index>
static const float* orgXPos;
template<std::size_t Index>
static float XPos_Recalculated;
template<std::size_t Index>
static const float* orgYPos;
template<std::size_t Index>
static float YPos_Recalculated;
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateXPositions(std::index_sequence<I...>)
const float multiplier = GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth;
((XPos_Recalculated<I> = *orgXPos<I> * multiplier), ...);
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateYPositions(std::index_sequence<I...>)
const float multiplier = GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight;
((YPos_Recalculated<I> = *orgYPos<I> * multiplier), ...);
template<std::size_t NumXPos, std::size_t NumYPos>
struct PositionRecalculator
static void RecalculatePositions()
template<std::size_t Index>
STATIC_INLINE void (*orgShowRadarTraceWithHeight)(float, float, unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char);
template<std::size_t Index>
static void ShowRadarTraceWithHeight_RecalculatePositions(float a1, float a2, unsigned int a3, unsigned char a4, unsigned char a5, unsigned char a6, unsigned char a7, unsigned char a8)
orgShowRadarTraceWithHeight<Index>(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(ShowRadarTraceWithHeight, orgShowRadarTraceWithHeight, ShowRadarTraceWithHeight_RecalculatePositions);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(XPos, orgXPos, XPos_Recalculated);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(YPos, orgYPos, YPos_Recalculated);
// ============= Fix the loading bar outline not scaling to resolution =============
namespace LoadingBarOutlineFixes
template<std::size_t Index>
static const float* orgXPos;
template<std::size_t Index>
static float XPos_Recalculated;
template<std::size_t Index>
static const float* orgYPos;
template<std::size_t Index>
static float YPos_Recalculated;
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateXPositions(std::index_sequence<I...>)
const float multiplier = GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth;
((XPos_Recalculated<I> = *orgXPos<I> * multiplier), ...);
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateYPositions(std::index_sequence<I...>)
const float multiplier = GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight;
((YPos_Recalculated<I> = *orgYPos<I> * multiplier), ...);
static CRGBA* (__fastcall* orgRGBACtor)(CRGBA* obj, void*, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a);
template<std::size_t NumXPos, std::size_t NumYPos>
static CRGBA* __fastcall RGBACtor_RecalculatePositions(CRGBA* obj, void*, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a)
return orgRGBACtor(obj, nullptr, r, g, b, a);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(XPos, orgXPos, XPos_Recalculated);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(YPos, orgYPos, YPos_Recalculated);
// ============= Fix credits not scaling to resolution =============
namespace CreditsScalingFixes
static const unsigned int FIXED_RES_HEIGHT_SCALE = 448;
template<std::size_t Index>
static void (*orgPrintString)(float,float,const wchar_t*);
template<std::size_t Index>
static void PrintString_ScaleY(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText)
orgPrintString<Index>(fX, fY * GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight, pText);
static void (*orgSetScale)(float X, float Y);
static void SetScale_ScaleToRes(float X, float Y)
orgSetScale(X * GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth, Y * GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(PrintString, orgPrintString, PrintString_ScaleY);
// ============= Fix some big messages staying on screen longer at high resolutions due to a cut sliding text feature =============
namespace SlidingTextsScalingFixes
static const unsigned int FIXED_RES_WIDTH_SCALE = 640;
static std::array<float, 6>* pBigMessageX;
static float* pOddJob2XOffset;
template<std::size_t BigMessageIndex>
struct BigMessageSlider
static inline bool bSlidingEnabled = false;
template<std::size_t Index>
STATIC_INLINE void (*orgPrintString)(float,float,const wchar_t*);
template<std::size_t Index>
static void PrintString_Slide(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText)
// We divide by a constant 640.0, because the X position is meant to slide across the entire screen
orgPrintString<Index>(bSlidingEnabled ? (*pBigMessageX)[BigMessageIndex] * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth / 640.0f : fX, fY, pText);
template<std::size_t Index>
STATIC_INLINE void (*orgSetRightJustifyWrap)(float wrap);
template<std::size_t Index>
static void SetRightJustifyWrap_Slide(float wrap)
orgSetRightJustifyWrap<Index>(bSlidingEnabled ? -500.0f * GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth : wrap);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(PrintString, orgPrintString, PrintString_Slide);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(RightJustifyWrap, orgSetRightJustifyWrap, SetRightJustifyWrap_Slide);
struct OddJob2Slider
static inline bool bSlidingEnabled = false;
template<std::size_t Index>
STATIC_INLINE void (*orgPrintString)(float,float,const wchar_t*);
template<std::size_t Index>
static void PrintString_Slide(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText)
// We divide by a constant 640.0, because the X position is meant to slide across the entire screen
if (bSlidingEnabled)
fX -= *pOddJob2XOffset * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth / 640.0f;
orgPrintString<Index>(fX, fY, pText);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(PrintString, orgPrintString, PrintString_Slide);
// ============= Minimal HUD changes =============
namespace MinimalHUD
// Wanted level stars
static void (*orgSetDropShadowPosition)(short);
static void (*orgSetDropColor)(const CRGBA&);
static int8_t* pDropShadowSize;
static int8_t* pDropShadowR;
static int8_t* pDropShadowG;
static int8_t* pDropShadowB;
static void (*orgSetColor)(const CRGBA&);
static void SetColor_SetShadow(const CRGBA& color)
orgSetDropColor(CRGBA(*pDropShadowR, *pDropShadowG, *pDropShadowB, color.a));
// Show the energy values when losing armor
static uint8_t* pPlayerInFocus;
static uint32_t* pTimeLastArmorLoss;
static uint32_t LastTimeArmorLost;
static float (*orgDrawFadeState)(int state, int force);
static float DrawFadeState_CheckArmor(int state, int force)
// This is a bit hacky, but we don't necessarily need better right now
if (pTimeLastArmorLoss[92 * *pPlayerInFocus] != LastTimeArmorLost)
force = 1;
LastTimeArmorLost = pTimeLastArmorLoss[92 * *pPlayerInFocus];
return orgDrawFadeState(state, force);
// Fade the weapon icon - fix the render state and pass the alpha parameter
static void (*orgRenderOneXLUSprite)(float, float, float, float, float, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, float, uint8_t);
static void RenderOneXLUSprite_FloatAlpha(float arg1, float arg2, float arg3, float arg4, float arg5, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, int16_t mult, float arg10, float alpha)
orgRenderOneXLUSprite(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, red, green, blue, mult, arg10, static_cast<uint8_t>(alpha));
// ============= Fix text background padding not scaling to resolution =============
namespace TextRectPaddingScalingFixes
template<std::size_t Index>
static const float* orgPaddingXSize;
template<std::size_t Index>
static float PaddingXSize_Recalculated;
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateXSize(std::index_sequence<I...>)
const float multiplier = GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth;
((PaddingXSize_Recalculated<I> = *orgPaddingXSize<I> * multiplier), ...);
template<std::size_t Index>
static const float* orgPaddingYSize;
template<std::size_t Index>
static float PaddingYSize_Recalculated;
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateYSize(std::index_sequence<I...>)
const float multiplier = GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight;
((PaddingYSize_Recalculated<I> = *orgPaddingYSize<I> * multiplier), ...);
static void (*orgGetTextRect)(CRect*, float, float, void*);
template<std::size_t NumXPadding, std::size_t NumYPadding>
static void GetTextRect_Recalculate(CRect* a1, float a2, float a3, void* a4)
orgGetTextRect(a1, a2, a3, a4);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(PaddingXSize, orgPaddingXSize, PaddingXSize_Recalculated);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(PaddingYSize, orgPaddingYSize, PaddingYSize_Recalculated);
template<std::size_t Index>
static const float* orgWrapX;
template<std::size_t Index>
static float WrapX_Recalculated;
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateWrapX(std::index_sequence<I...>)
const float multiplier = GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth;
((WrapX_Recalculated<I> = *orgWrapX<I> * multiplier), ...);
static void (*orgSetJustifyOff)();
template<std::size_t NumXWrap>
static void SetJustifyOff_Recalculate()
HOOK_EACH_INIT(WrapX, orgWrapX, WrapX_Recalculated);
// ============= Fix ammunation text (big message type 3) Y position offset not scaling to resolution =============
namespace BigMessage3ScalingFixes
template<std::size_t Index>
static const float* orgOffsetY;
template<std::size_t Index>
static float OffsetY_Recalculated;
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateYOffset(std::index_sequence<I...>)
const float multiplier = GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight;
((OffsetY_Recalculated<I> = *orgOffsetY<I> * multiplier), ...);
static void (*orgSetDropColor)(const CRGBA&);
template<std::size_t NumXOffsets>
static void SetDropColor_Scale(const CRGBA& color)
HOOK_EACH_INIT(MessageYOffset, orgOffsetY, OffsetY_Recalculated);
// ============= Fix an incorrect vertex setup for the outline of a destination blip in the Map Legend =============
namespace LegendBlipFix
static void (*orgDraw2DPolygon)(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float x4, float y4, const CRGBA& color);
static void Draw2DPolygon_FixVertices(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float /*x3*/, float y3, float x4, float y4, const CRGBA& color)
// In this setup, x3 is incorrect - it should have been (X + scaleX(14.0f)) but is (X + scaleX(2.0f)), same as x4
// We can recover the correct dimensions from x1 (bottom center) and x4 (top left):
// x3 = x1 + (x1 - x4)
// Write it out in full like this (without simplifying), so we know (x1 - x4) is done at a correct floating point precision.
const float x3 = x1 + (x1 - x4);
orgDraw2DPolygon(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, color);
float FixedRefValue()
return 1.0f;
void __declspec(naked) SubtitlesShadowFix()
mov [esp], eax
fild [esp]
push eax
lea eax, [esp+20h-18h]
push eax
lea eax, [esp+24h-14h]
push eax
call Recalculate
jmp SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack
void __declspec(naked) CreateInstance_BikeFix()
push eax
mov ecx, ebp
call CVehicleModelInfo::GetExtrasFrame
char** ppUserFilesDir = AddressByVersion<char**>(0x6022AA, 0x60228A, 0x601ECA);
static LARGE_INTEGER FrameTime;
NOBUFFERCHECKS int32_t GetTimeSinceLastFrame()
return int32_t(curTime.QuadPart - FrameTime.QuadPart);
static int (*RsEventHandler)(int, void*);
int NewFrameRender(int nEvent, void* pParam)
return RsEventHandler(nEvent, pParam);
static void (*orgPickNextNodeToChaseCar)(void*, float, float, void*);
static float PickNextNodeToChaseCarZ = 0.0f;
static void PickNextNodeToChaseCarXYZ( void* vehicle, const CVector& vec, void* chaseTarget )
PickNextNodeToChaseCarZ = vec.z;
orgPickNextNodeToChaseCar( vehicle, vec.x, vec.y, chaseTarget );
PickNextNodeToChaseCarZ = 0.0f;
static char aNoDesktopMode[64];
unsigned int __cdecl AutoPilotTimerCalculation_VC(unsigned int nTimer, int nScaleFactor, float fScaleCoef)
return nTimer - static_cast<unsigned int>(nScaleFactor * fScaleCoef);
void __declspec(naked) AutoPilotTimerFix_VC()
_asm {
push dword ptr[esp + 0xC]
push dword ptr[ebx + 0x10]
push eax
call AutoPilotTimerCalculation_VC
add esp, 0xC
mov [ebx + 0xC], eax
add esp, 0x30
pop ebp
pop ebx
retn 4
namespace ZeroAmmoFix
template<std::size_t Index>
static void (__fastcall *orgGiveWeapon)(void* ped, void*, unsigned int weapon, unsigned int ammo, bool flag);
template<std::size_t Index>
static void __fastcall GiveWeapon_SP(void* ped, void*, unsigned int weapon, unsigned int ammo, bool flag)
orgGiveWeapon<Index>(ped, nullptr, weapon, std::max(1u, ammo), flag);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(GiveWeapon, orgGiveWeapon, GiveWeapon_SP);
// ============= Credits! =============
namespace Credits
static void (*PrintCreditText)(float scaleX, float scaleY, const wchar_t* text, unsigned int& pos, float timeOffset);
static void (*PrintCreditText_Hooked)(float scaleX, float scaleY, const wchar_t* text, unsigned int& pos, float timeOffset);
static void PrintCreditSpace( float scale, unsigned int& pos )
pos += static_cast<unsigned int>( scale * 25.0f );
constexpr wchar_t xvChar(const wchar_t ch)
constexpr uint8_t xv = SILENTPATCH_REVISION_ID;
return ch ^ xv;
constexpr wchar_t operator "" _xv(const char ch)
return xvChar(ch);
static void PrintSPCredits( float scaleX, float scaleY, const wchar_t* text, unsigned int& pos, float timeOffset )
// Original text we intercepted
PrintCreditText_Hooked( scaleX, scaleY, text, pos, timeOffset );
PrintCreditSpace( 1.5f, pos );
wchar_t spText[] = { 'A'_xv, 'N'_xv, 'D'_xv, '\0'_xv };
for ( auto& ch : spText ) ch = xvChar(ch);
PrintCreditText( 1.1f, 0.8f, spText, pos, timeOffset );
PrintCreditSpace( 1.5f, pos );
wchar_t spText[] = { 'A'_xv, 'D'_xv, 'R'_xv, 'I'_xv, 'A'_xv, 'N'_xv, ' '_xv, '\''_xv, 'S'_xv, 'I'_xv, 'L'_xv, 'E'_xv, 'N'_xv, 'T'_xv, '\''_xv, ' '_xv,
'Z'_xv, 'D'_xv, 'A'_xv, 'N'_xv, 'O'_xv, 'W'_xv, 'I'_xv, 'C'_xv, 'Z'_xv, '\0'_xv };
for ( auto& ch : spText ) ch = xvChar(ch);
PrintCreditText( 1.1f, 1.1f, spText, pos, timeOffset );
// ============= Keyboard latency input fix =============
namespace KeyboardInputFix
static void* NewKeyState;
static void* OldKeyState;
static void* TempKeyState;
static constexpr size_t objSize = 0x270;
static void (__fastcall *orgClearSimButtonPressCheckers)(void*);
void __fastcall ClearSimButtonPressCheckers(void* pThis)
memcpy( OldKeyState, NewKeyState, objSize );
memcpy( NewKeyState, TempKeyState, objSize );
namespace Localization
static int8_t forcedUnits = -1; // 0 - metric, 1 - imperial
bool IsMetric_LocaleBased()
if ( forcedUnits != -1 ) return forcedUnits == 0;
unsigned int LCData;
if ( GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_IMEASURE|LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER, reinterpret_cast<LPTSTR>(&LCData), sizeof(LCData) / sizeof(TCHAR) ) != 0 )
return LCData == 0;
// If fails, default to metric. Hopefully never fails though
return true;
static void (__thiscall* orgUpdateCompareFlag_IsMetric)(void* pThis, uint8_t flag);
void __fastcall UpdateCompareFlag_IsMetric(void* pThis, void*, uint8_t)
std::invoke( orgUpdateCompareFlag_IsMetric, pThis, IsMetric_LocaleBased() );
uint32_t PrefsLanguage_IsMetric()
return IsMetric_LocaleBased();
// ============= Corrected FBI Washington sirens sound =============
namespace SirenSwitchingFix
void __declspec(naked) IsFBIRanchOrFBICar()
mov dword ptr [esi+1Ch], 1Ch
// al = 0 - high pitched siren
// al = 1 - normal siren
cmp dword ptr [ebp+14h], 90 // fbiranch
je IsFBIRanchOrFBICar_HighPitchSiren
cmp dword ptr [ebp+14h], 17 // fbicar
setne al
xor al, al
// ============= Corrected siren corona placement for FBI cars and Vice Cheetah =============
namespace FBISirenCoronaFix
bool overridePosition;
CVector vecOverridePosition;
// True - don't display siren
// False - display siren
bool SetUpFBISiren( const CVehicle* vehicle )
SVF::Feature foundFeature = SVF::Feature::NO_FEATURE;
SVF::ForAllModelFeatures( vehicle->GetModelIndex(), [&]( SVF::Feature f ) {
if ( f >= SVF::Feature::FBI_RANCHER_SIREN && f <= SVF::Feature::VICE_CHEETAH_SIREN )
foundFeature = f;
return false;
return true;
} );
if ( foundFeature != SVF::Feature::NO_FEATURE )
if ( foundFeature != SVF::Feature::VICE_CHEETAH_SIREN )
constexpr CVector FBICAR_SIREN_POS(0.4f, 0.8f, 0.25f);
constexpr CVector FBIRANCH_SIREN_POS(0.5f, 1.12f, 0.5f);
overridePosition = true;
vecOverridePosition = foundFeature == SVF::Feature::FBI_WASHINGTON_SIREN ? FBICAR_SIREN_POS : FBIRANCH_SIREN_POS;
overridePosition = false;
return false;
return true;
CVector& __fastcall SetUpVector( CVector& out, void*, float X, float Y, float Z )
if ( overridePosition )
out = vecOverridePosition;
out = CVector(X, Y, Z);
return out;
// ============= Fixed vehicles exploding twice if the driver leaves the car while it's exploding =============
namespace RemoveDriverStatusFix
__declspec(naked) void RemoveDriver_SetStatus()
// if (m_nStatus != STATUS_WRECKED)
// m_nStatus = STATUS_ABANDONED;
mov cl, [ebx+50h]
mov al, cl
and cl, 0F8h
cmp cl, 28h
je DontSetStatus
and al, 7
or al, 20h
// ============= Apply the environment mapping on extra components =============
namespace EnvMapsOnExtras
static RpMaterial* (*RpMatFXMaterialSetEnvMapCoefficient)(RpMaterial* material, RwReal coef);
static int (*RpMatFXMaterialGetEffects)(const RpMaterial* material);
static void RemoveSpecularityFromAtomic(RpAtomic* atomic)
RpGeometry* geometry = RpAtomicGetGeometry(atomic);
if (geometry != nullptr)
RpGeometryForAllMaterials(geometry, [](RpMaterial* material)
bool bRemoveSpecularity = false;
// Only remove specularity from the body materials, keep glass intact.
// This is only done on a best-effort basis, as mods can fine-tune it better
// and just remove the model from the exceptions list
RwTexture* texture = RpMaterialGetTexture(material);
if (texture != nullptr)
if (strstr(RwTextureGetName(texture), "glass") == nullptr && strstr(RwTextureGetMaskName(texture), "glass") == nullptr)
bRemoveSpecularity = true;
if (bRemoveSpecularity)
if (RpMatFXMaterialGetEffects(material) == 2) // rpMATFXEFFECTENVMAP
RpMatFXMaterialSetEnvMapCoefficient(material, 0.0f);
RpMaterialGetSurfaceProperties(material)->specular = 0.0f;
return material;
static RpClump* (*orgRpClumpForAllAtomics)(RpClump* clump, RpAtomicCallBack callback, void* data);
static RpClump* RpClumpForAllAtomics_ExtraComps(CVehicleModelInfo* modelInfo, RpAtomicCallBack callback, void* data)
RpClump* result = orgRpClumpForAllAtomics(modelInfo->m_clump, callback, data);
const int32_t modelID = std::distance(ms_modelInfoPtrs, std::find(ms_modelInfoPtrs, ms_modelInfoPtrs+numModelInfos, modelInfo));
const bool bRemoveSpecularity = ExtraCompSpecularity::SpecularityExcluded(modelID);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < modelInfo->m_numComps; i++)
if (bRemoveSpecularity)
callback(modelInfo->m_comps[i], data);
return result;
// ============= Null terminate read lines in CPlane::LoadPath =============
namespace NullTerminatedLines
static void* orgSscanf_LoadPath;
__declspec(naked) static void sscanf1_LoadPath_Terminate()
mov eax, [esp+4]
mov byte ptr [eax+ecx], 0
jmp [orgSscanf_LoadPath]
// ============= Don't reset mouse sensitivity on New Game =============
namespace MouseSensNewGame
static float DefaultHorizontalAccel;
static float* fMouseAccelHorzntl;
static void (*orgSetDirMyDocuments)();
static void SetDirMyDocuments_ResetMouse()
*fMouseAccelHorzntl = DefaultHorizontalAccel;
// ============= Fixed pickup effects colors =============
namespace PickupEffectsFixes
__declspec(naked) static void PickUpEffects_BigDollarColor()
mov byte ptr [esp+184h-170h], 0
mov dword ptr [esp+184h-174h], 37
__declspec(naked) static void PickUpEffects_Minigun2Glow()
cmp ecx, 294 // minigun2
jnz NotMinigun2
mov byte ptr [esp+184h-170h], 0
xor eax, eax
jmp Return
lea eax, [ecx+1]
mov ebx, ecx
// ============= Fixed IS_PLAYER_TARGETTING_CHAR incorrectly detecting targetting in Classic controls =============
// ============= when the player is not aiming =============
// ============= By Wesser =============
namespace IsPlayerTargettingCharFix
static bool* bUseMouse3rdPerson;
static void* TheCamera;
static bool (__fastcall* Using1stPersonWeaponMode)();
__declspec(naked) static void IsPlayerTargettingChar_ExtraChecks()
// After this extra block of code, there is a jz Return, so set ZF to 0 here if this path is to be entered
test bl, bl
jnz ReturnToUpdateCompareFlag
mov eax, [bUseMouse3rdPerson]
cmp byte ptr [eax], 0
jne CmpAndReturn
mov ecx, [TheCamera]
call [Using1stPersonWeaponMode]
test al, al
jz ReturnToUpdateCompareFlag
cmp byte ptr [esp+11Ch-10Ch], 0
xor al, al
// ============= Resetting stats and variables on New Game =============
namespace VariableResets
static auto TimerInitialise = reinterpret_cast<void(*)()>(hook::get_pattern("83 E4 F8 68 ? ? ? ? E8", -6));
using VarVariant = std::variant< bool*, int* >;
std::vector<VarVariant> GameVariablesToReset;
static void ReInitOurVariables()
for ( const auto& var : GameVariablesToReset )
std::visit( []( auto&& v ) {
*v = {};
}, var );
// Functions that should have been called by the game but aren't...
template<std::size_t Index>
static void (*orgReInitGameObjectVariables)();
template<std::size_t Index>
void ReInitGameObjectVariables()
// First reinit "our" variables in case stock ones rely on those during resetting
HOOK_EACH_INIT(ReInitGameObjectVariables, orgReInitGameObjectVariables, ReInitGameObjectVariables);
static void (*orgGameInitialise)(const char*);
void GameInitialise(const char* path)
// ============= Disabled backface culling on detached car parts, peds and specific models =============
namespace SelectableBackfaceCulling
void ReadDrawBackfacesExclusions(const wchar_t* pPath)
constexpr size_t SCRATCH_PAD_SIZE = 32767;
WideDelimStringReader reader(SCRATCH_PAD_SIZE);
GetPrivateProfileSectionW(L"DrawBackfaces", reader.GetBuffer(), reader.GetSize(), pPath);
while (const wchar_t* str = reader.GetString())
auto modelID = ParseUtils::TryParseInt(str);
if (modelID)
SVF::RegisterFeature(*modelID, SVF::Feature::DRAW_BACKFACES);
SVF::RegisterFeature(ParseUtils::ParseString(str), SVF::Feature::DRAW_BACKFACES);
// Only the parts of CObject we need
struct Object
std::byte __pad[364];
uint8_t m_objectCreatedBy;
bool bObjectFlag0 : 1;
bool bObjectFlag1 : 1;
bool bObjectFlag2 : 1;
bool bObjectFlag3 : 1;
bool bObjectFlag4 : 1;
bool bObjectFlag5 : 1;
bool m_bIsExploded : 1;
bool bUseVehicleColours : 1;
std::byte __pad2[22];
FLAUtils::int16 m_wCarPartModelIndex;
static void* EntityRender_Prologue_JumpBack;
__declspec(naked) static void __fastcall EntityRender_Original(CEntity*)
push ebx
mov ebx, ecx
cmp dword ptr [ebx+4Ch], 0
jmp [EntityRender_Prologue_JumpBack]
static bool ShouldDisableBackfaceCulling(const CEntity* entity)
const uint8_t entityType = entity->m_nType;
// Vehicles disable BFC elsewhere already
if (entityType == 2)
return false;
// Always disable BFC on peds
if (entityType == 3)
return true;
// For objects, do extra checks
if (entityType == 4)
const Object* object = reinterpret_cast<const Object*>(entity);
if (object->m_wCarPartModelIndex.Get() != -1 && object->m_objectCreatedBy == TEMP_OBJECT && object->bUseVehicleColours)
return true;
// For everything else, check the exclusion list
return SVF::ModelHasFeature(entity->m_modelIndex.Get(), SVF::Feature::DRAW_BACKFACES);
// If CEntity::Render is re-routed by another mod, we overwrite this later
static void (__fastcall *orgEntityRender)(CEntity* obj) = &EntityRender_Original;
static void __fastcall EntityRender_BackfaceCulling(CEntity* obj)
RwScopedRenderState<rwRENDERSTATECULLMODE> cullState;
if (ShouldDisableBackfaceCulling(obj))
RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATECULLMODE, reinterpret_cast<void*>(rwCULLMODECULLNONE));
// ============= Fix the construction site LOD losing its HQ model and showing at all times =============
namespace ConstructionSiteLODFix
static bool bActivateConstructionSiteFix = false;
static CSimpleModelInfo* Bldngst2mesh_ModelInfo;
static CSimpleModelInfo* Bldngst2meshDam_ModelInfo;
static CSimpleModelInfo* LODngst2mesh_ModelInfo;
void MatchModelIndices()
CSimpleModelInfo* Bldngst2mesh = reinterpret_cast<CSimpleModelInfo*>(GetModelInfo("bldngst2mesh", &MI_BLDNGST2MESH));
CSimpleModelInfo* Bldngst2meshDam = reinterpret_cast<CSimpleModelInfo*>(GetModelInfo("bldngst2meshdam", &MI_BLDNGST2MESHDAM));
CSimpleModelInfo* LODngst2mesh = reinterpret_cast<CSimpleModelInfo*>(GetModelInfo("LODngst2mesh", nullptr));
CSimpleModelInfo* LODngst2meshDam = reinterpret_cast<CSimpleModelInfo*>(GetModelInfo("LODngst2meshdam", nullptr));
const bool bHasBldngst2mesh = Bldngst2mesh != nullptr;
const bool bHasBldngst2meshDam = Bldngst2meshDam != nullptr;
const bool bHasLODngst2mesh = LODngst2mesh != nullptr;
const bool bHasLODngst2meshDam = LODngst2meshDam != nullptr;
// LODngst2meshdam doesn't exist in the vanilla game, so if it exists - a mod to fix this issue via
// the map modifications has been installed.
bActivateConstructionSiteFix = bHasBldngst2mesh && bHasBldngst2meshDam && bHasLODngst2mesh && !bHasLODngst2meshDam;
Bldngst2mesh_ModelInfo = Bldngst2mesh;
Bldngst2meshDam_ModelInfo = Bldngst2meshDam;
LODngst2mesh_ModelInfo = LODngst2mesh;
static void FixConstructionSiteModel(int oldModelID, int newModelID)
if (!bActivateConstructionSiteFix)
if (oldModelID == MI_BLDNGST2MESH && newModelID == MI_BLDNGST2MESHDAM)
LODngst2mesh_ModelInfo->m_atomics[2] = Bldngst2meshDam_ModelInfo;
else if (oldModelID == MI_BLDNGST2MESHDAM && newModelID == MI_BLDNGST2MESH)
LODngst2mesh_ModelInfo->m_atomics[2] = Bldngst2mesh_ModelInfo;
template<std::size_t Index>
static void (__fastcall *orgReplaceWithNewModel)(CEntity* building, void*, int newModelID);
template<std::size_t Index>
static void __fastcall ReplaceWithNewModel_ConstructionSiteFix(CEntity* building, void*, int newModelID)
const int oldModelID = building->m_modelIndex.Get();
orgReplaceWithNewModel<Index>(building, nullptr, newModelID);
FixConstructionSiteModel(oldModelID, newModelID);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(ReplaceWithNewModel, orgReplaceWithNewModel, ReplaceWithNewModel_ConstructionSiteFix);
namespace ModelIndicesReadyHook
static void (*orgInitialiseObjectData)(const char*);
static void InitialiseObjectData_ReadySVF(const char* path)
// This is a bit dirty, but whatever
// Tooled Up in North Point Mall needs a "draw last" flag, or else our BFC changes break it very badly
// AmmuNation and other stores already have that flag, this one does not
void* model = GetModelInfo("mall_hardware", nullptr);
if (model != nullptr)
uint16_t* flags = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(static_cast<char*>(model) + 0x42);
*flags |= 0x40;
// ============= Fix the outro splash flickering for a frame when fading in =============
namespace OutroSplashFix
struct RGBA
uint8_t r, g, b, a;
static RGBA* (__thiscall *orgRGBASet)(RGBA*, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t);
static RGBA* __fastcall RGBASet_Clamp(RGBA* rgba, void*, int r, int g, int b, int a)
return orgRGBASet(rgba, static_cast<uint8_t>(r), static_cast<uint8_t>(g), static_cast<uint8_t>(b), static_cast<uint8_t>(std::clamp(a, 0, 255)));
// ============= Fix Tommy not shaking his fists with brass knuckles (in all cases) and most post-GTA III weapons (when cars slow down for him) =============
namespace TommyFistShakeWithWeapons
struct WeaponInfo
std::byte __pad[0x60];
uint32_t m_weaponSlot;
static WeaponInfo* (*GetWeaponInfo)(uint32_t weaponID);
constexpr uint32_t WEAPON_CHAINSAW = 11;
static WeaponInfo DUMMY_INFO = [] {
WeaponInfo dummy;
dummy.m_weaponSlot = 99;
return dummy;
static bool WeaponProhibitsFistShake(uint32_t weaponID)
const uint32_t weaponSlot = GetWeaponInfo(weaponID)->m_weaponSlot;
const bool bWeaponAllowsFistShake = (weaponSlot == 0 || weaponSlot == 1 || weaponSlot == 3 || weaponSlot == 5) && weaponID != WEAPON_CHAINSAW;
return !bWeaponAllowsFistShake;
static __declspec(naked) void CheckWeaponGroupHook()
push dword ptr [eax]
call WeaponProhibitsFistShake
add esp, 4
test al, al
template<std::size_t Index>
static WeaponInfo* (*orgGetWeaponInfo)(uint32_t weaponID);
template<std::size_t Index>
static WeaponInfo* gGetWeaponInfo_ExcludeChainsaw(uint32_t weaponID)
if (weaponID == WEAPON_CHAINSAW)
return &DUMMY_INFO;
return orgGetWeaponInfo<Index>(weaponID);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(ExcludeChainsaw, orgGetWeaponInfo, gGetWeaponInfo_ExcludeChainsaw);
void InjectDelayedPatches_VC_Common( bool bHasDebugMenu, const wchar_t* wcModulePath )
using namespace Memory;
using namespace hook::txn;
const ModuleList moduleList;
const HMODULE hGameModule = GetModuleHandle(nullptr);
const HMODULE skygfxModule = moduleList.Get(L"skygfx");
if (skygfxModule != nullptr)
auto attachCarPipe = reinterpret_cast<void(*)(RwObject*)>(GetProcAddress(skygfxModule, "AttachCarPipeToRwObject"));
if (attachCarPipe != nullptr)
CVehicleModelInfo::AttachCarPipeToRwObject = attachCarPipe;
auto PatchFloat = [](float** address, const float*& org, float& replaced)
org = *address;
Patch(address, &replaced);
// Locale based metric/imperial system INI/debug menu
using namespace Localization;
forcedUnits = static_cast<int8_t>(GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"Units", -1, wcModulePath));
if ( bHasDebugMenu )
static const char * const str[] = { "Default", "Metric", "Imperial" };
DebugMenuEntry *e = DebugMenuAddVar( "SilentPatch", "Forced units", &forcedUnits, nullptr, 1, -1, 1, str );
DebugMenuEntrySetWrap(e, true);
// Corrected siren corona placement for emergency vehicles
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"EnableVehicleCoronaFixes", -1, wcModulePath) == 1 )
// Other mods might be touching it, so only patch specific vehicles if their code has not been touched at all
auto firetruck1 = pattern("8D 8C 24 24 09 00 00 FF 35 ? ? ? ? FF 35 ? ? ? ? FF 35").get_one();
auto firetruck2 = pattern("8D 8C 24 30 09 00 00 FF 35 ? ? ? ? FF 35 ? ? ? ? FF 35").get_one();
static const CVector FIRETRUCK_SIREN_POS(0.95f, 3.2f, 1.4f);
Patch( firetruck1.get<float*>( 7 + 2 ), &FIRETRUCK_SIREN_POS.z );
Patch( firetruck1.get<float*>( 7 + 2 + (6*1) ), &FIRETRUCK_SIREN_POS.y );
Patch( firetruck1.get<float*>( 7 + 2 + (6*2) ), &FIRETRUCK_SIREN_POS.x );
Patch( firetruck2.get<float*>( 7 + 2 ), &FIRETRUCK_SIREN_POS.z );
Patch( firetruck2.get<float*>( 7 + 2 + (6*1) ), &FIRETRUCK_SIREN_POS.y );
Patch( firetruck2.get<float*>( 7 + 2 + (6*2) ), &FIRETRUCK_SIREN_MINUS_X );
auto ambulan1 = pattern("8D 8C 24 0C 09 00 00 FF 35 ? ? ? ? FF 35 ? ? ? ? FF 35").get_one();
auto ambulan2 = pattern("8D 8C 24 18 09 00 00 FF 35 ? ? ? ? FF 35 ? ? ? ? FF 35").get_one();
static const CVector AMBULANCE_SIREN_POS(0.7f, 0.65f, 1.55f);
Patch( ambulan1.get<float*>( 7 + 2 ), &AMBULANCE_SIREN_POS.z );
Patch( ambulan1.get<float*>( 7 + 2 + (6*1) ), &AMBULANCE_SIREN_POS.y );
Patch( ambulan1.get<float*>( 7 + 2 + (6*2) ), &AMBULANCE_SIREN_POS.x );
Patch( ambulan2.get<float*>( 7 + 2 ), &AMBULANCE_SIREN_POS.z );
Patch( ambulan2.get<float*>( 7 + 2 + (6*1) ), &AMBULANCE_SIREN_POS.y );
Patch( ambulan2.get<float*>( 7 + 2 + (6*2) ), &AMBULANCE_SIREN_MINUS_X );
auto police1 = pattern("8D 8C 24 DC 08 00 00 FF 35 ? ? ? ? FF 35 ? ? ? ? FF 35").get_one();
auto police2 = pattern("8D 8C 24 E8 08 00 00 FF 35 ? ? ? ? FF 35 ? ? ? ? FF 35").get_one();
static const CVector POLICE_SIREN_POS(0.55f, -0.4f, 0.95f);
static const float POLICE_SIREN_MINUS_X = -POLICE_SIREN_POS.x;
Patch( police1.get<float*>( 7 + 2 ), &POLICE_SIREN_POS.z );
Patch( police1.get<float*>( 7 + 2 + (6*1) ), &POLICE_SIREN_POS.y );
Patch( police1.get<float*>( 7 + 2 + (6*2) ), &POLICE_SIREN_POS.x );
Patch( police2.get<float*>( 7 + 2 ), &POLICE_SIREN_POS.z );
Patch( police2.get<float*>( 7 + 2 + (6*1) ), &POLICE_SIREN_POS.y );
Patch( police2.get<float*>( 7 + 2 + (6*2) ), &POLICE_SIREN_MINUS_X );
auto enforcer1 = pattern("8D 8C 24 F4 08 00 00 FF 35 ? ? ? ? FF 35 ? ? ? ? FF 35").get_one();
auto enforcer2 = pattern("8D 8C 24 00 09 00 00 FF 35 ? ? ? ? FF 35 ? ? ? ? FF 35").get_one();
static const CVector ENFORCER_SIREN_POS(0.6f, 1.05f, 1.4f);
Patch( enforcer1.get<float*>( 7 + 2 ), &ENFORCER_SIREN_POS.z );
Patch( enforcer1.get<float*>( 7 + 2 + (6*1) ), &ENFORCER_SIREN_POS.y );
Patch( enforcer1.get<float*>( 7 + 2 + (6*2) ), &ENFORCER_SIREN_POS.x );
Patch( enforcer2.get<float*>( 7 + 2 ), &ENFORCER_SIREN_POS.z );
Patch( enforcer2.get<float*>( 7 + 2 + (6*1) ), &ENFORCER_SIREN_POS.y );
Patch( enforcer2.get<float*>( 7 + 2 + (6*2) ), &ENFORCER_SIREN_MINUS_X );
auto chopper1 = pattern("C7 44 24 44 00 00 E0 40 50 C7 44 24 4C 00 00 00 00").get_one(); // Front light
constexpr CVector CHOPPER_SEARCH_LIGHT_POS(0.0f, 3.0f, -1.0f); // Same as in III Aircraft (not implemented there yet!)
Patch( chopper1.get<float>( 4 ), CHOPPER_SEARCH_LIGHT_POS.y );
Patch( chopper1.get<float>( 9 + 4 ), CHOPPER_SEARCH_LIGHT_POS.z );
auto chopper2 = pattern("C7 44 24 6C 00 00 10 C1 8D 44 24 5C C7 44 24 70 00 00 00 00").get_one(); // Tail light
constexpr CVector CHOPPER_RED_LIGHT_POS(0.0f, -7.5f, 2.5f); // Same as in III Aircraft
Patch( chopper2.get<float>( 4 ), CHOPPER_RED_LIGHT_POS.y );
Patch( chopper2.get<float>( 12 + 4 ), CHOPPER_RED_LIGHT_POS.z );
using namespace FBISirenCoronaFix;
auto viceCheetah = pattern("8D 8C 24 CC 09 00 00 FF 35 ? ? ? ? FF 35 ? ? ? ? FF 35 ? ? ? ? E8").get_one(); // Siren pos
auto hasFBISiren = pattern("83 E9 04 0F 84 87 0A 00 00 83 E9 10").get_one(); // Predicate for showing FBI/Vice Squad siren
Patch<uint8_t>( hasFBISiren.get<void>(), 0x55 ); // push ebp
InjectHook( hasFBISiren.get<void>( 1 ), SetUpFBISiren, HookType::Call );
Patch( hasFBISiren.get<void>( 1 + 5 ), { 0x83, 0xC4, 0x04, 0x84, 0xC0, 0x90 } ); // add esp, 4 / test al, al / nop
InjectHook( viceCheetah.get<void>( 0x19 ), SetUpVector );
static const float VICE_CHEETAH_SIREN_POS_Z = 0.25f;
Patch( viceCheetah.get<float*>( 7 + 2 ), &VICE_CHEETAH_SIREN_POS_Z );
bool HasModelInfo = false;
// Register CBaseModelInfo::GetModelInfo for SVF so we can resolve model names
using namespace ModelIndicesReadyHook;
auto initialiseObjectData = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 59 E8 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 31 DB");
auto getModelInfo = (void*(*)(const char*, int*))get_pattern("57 31 FF 55 8B 6C 24 14", -6);
GetModelInfo = getModelInfo;
InterceptCall(initialiseObjectData, orgInitialiseObjectData, InitialiseObjectData_ReadySVF);
HasModelInfo = true;
// Fix the construction site LOD losing its HQ model and showing at all times
if (HasModelInfo) try
using namespace ConstructionSiteLODFix;
std::array<void*, 3> replaceWithNewModel = {
get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? C7 85 ? ? ? ? 00 00 00 00 83 8D ? ? ? ? FF"),
get_pattern("DD D8 E8 ? ? ? ? 56", 2),
get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? FF 44 24 0C 83 C5 0C"),
HookEach_ReplaceWithNewModel(replaceWithNewModel, InterceptCall);
// Fix the radar disc shadow scaling and radar X position
using namespace RadardiscFixes;
auto draw_radar_disc1 = pattern("D8 25 ? ? ? ? DD DB D9 C2 D9 9C 24 ? ? ? ? DB 05 ? ? ? ? D8 0D ? ? ? ? D8 0D ? ? ? ? D8 05 ? ? ? ? D8 05").count(2);
auto draw_radar_disc2 = pattern("D8 C1 D8 05 ? ? ? ? D9 9C 24 ? ? ? ? DE D9 DD D8").count(2);
std::array<float**, 4> radarXPos_RadardiscShrink = {
draw_radar_disc1.get(0).get<float*>(35 + 2),
draw_radar_disc1.get(0).get<float*>(35 + 6 + 2),
draw_radar_disc1.get(1).get<float*>(35 + 2),
draw_radar_disc1.get(1).get<float*>(35 + 6 + 2),
std::array<float**, 4> radarYPos_RadardiscShrink = {
draw_radar_disc2.get(0).get<float*>(2 + 2),
draw_radar_disc2.get(1).get<float*>(2 + 2),
auto drawMap = get_pattern("59 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 3D ? ? ? ? ? 0F 84", 1);
auto drawRadarDiscSprite = pattern("D8 05 ? ? ? ? D9 9C 24 ? ? ? ? DE D9 DD D8 E8").count(2);
std::array<void*, 2> spriteDraw = {
// Use exactly the same patterns as widescreen fix
float* radarPos = *get_pattern<float*>("D8 05 ? ? ? ? DE C1 D9 5C 24 28", 2);
std::array<float**, 2> youAreHereSize = {
get_pattern<float*>("DD D9 D9 05 ? ? ? ? D8 C9 D9 7C 24 04", 2 + 2),
get_pattern<float*>("8B 5C 24 18 D8 0D ? ? ? ? D8 0D ? ? ? ? D9 7C 24 04", 10 + 2),
// Undo the damage caused by IVRadarScaling from the widescreen fix moving the radar way too far to the right
// It's moved from 40.0f to 71.0f, which is way too much now that we're scaling the horizontal placement correctly!
// This is removed from the most up-to-date widescreen fix, but keep it so we don't break with older builds.
// No need to undo CRadar::DrawYouAreHereSprite, as wsfix keeps it as 40.0f
// This hardcodes a patched constant inside so the pattern will fail to match without IV radar scaling
auto radarRing1 = pattern("C7 84 24 ? ? ? ? 00 00 82 42").count(2);
auto radarRing2 = pattern("D8 05 ? ? ? ? D8 05 ? ? ? ? D9 9C 24").count(2);
// This + radarRing1 succeeding is enough proof that IVRadarScaling is in use
if (hGameModule == ModCompat::Utils::GetModuleHandleFromAddress(radarPos) && *radarPos == (40.0f + 31.0f))
*radarPos = 40.0f;
radarRing1.for_each_result([](pattern_match match)
Patch<float>(match.get<void>(7), 34.0f);
radarRing2.for_each_result([](pattern_match match)
static float STOCK_RADAR_POS = 40.0f;
Patch(match.get<void>(2), &STOCK_RADAR_POS);
// Normally we would "wrap" the global variable 40.0f used as a X radar position, but that causes issues with plugin-sdk.
// Vice City inlined CRadar::TransformRadarPointToScreenSpace and plugin-sdk reimplements it using this global directly, so we need to patch it.
// Therefore, we instead do the following:
// 1. Patch the float directly, reading the original value once and rescaling as usual in-place.
// 2. If CRadar::DrawYouAreHereSprite still points at the same global variable, give it a dedicated one.
// Otherwise do nothing, as some other mod (like the wsfix above) may have already done it.
// 3. If we can't safely change the radar position because it was relocated, bail out of the fix entirely, just to be safe.
// Missing out on a fix is better than breaking something.
if (hGameModule == ModCompat::Utils::GetModuleHandleFromAddress(radarPos))
static float fYouAreHereSize;
orgRadarXPosVal = fYouAreHereSize = *radarPos;
orgRadarXPosPtr = radarPos;
for (float** val : youAreHereSize)
if (*val == radarPos)
Patch(val, &fYouAreHereSize);
HookEach_CalculateRadarXPos_RadardiscShrink(radarXPos_RadardiscShrink, PatchFloat);
HookEach_CalculateRadarYPos_RadardiscShrink(radarYPos_RadardiscShrink, PatchFloat);
HookEach_DrawRadarDisc(spriteDraw, InterceptCall);
InterceptCall(drawMap, orgDrawMap, DrawMap_RecalculatePositions<radarXPos_RadardiscShrink.size(), radarYPos_RadardiscShrink.size()>);
// Fix the onscreen counter bar placement and shadow not scaling to resolution
using namespace OnscreenCounterBarFixes;
auto atoiWrap = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? D9 EE DB 05 ? ? ? ? 89 C7");
auto shadow1 = pattern("D8 05 ? ? ? ? D9 9C 24 ? ? ? ? D9 05 ? ? ? ? D8 44 24 50").get_one();
auto shadow2 = pattern("D9 05 ? ? ? ? D8 C1 D9 9C 24 ? ? ? ? D9 05").get_one();
auto fill1 = pattern("D8 05 ? ? ? ? D9 9C 24 ? ? ? ? D9 05 ? ? ? ? 8D 84 24").get_one();
std::array<float**, 6> XPositions = {
fill1.get<float*>(13 + 2),
get_pattern<float*>("D9 05 ? ? ? ? D8 C1 D9 9C 24 ? ? ? ? DB 44 24 6C", 2),
get_pattern<float*>("D8 05 ? ? ? ? D9 9C 24 ? ? ? ? DE D9 E8 ? ? ? ? 59", 2),
std::array<float**, 2> YPositions = {
shadow1.get<float*>(13 + 2),
shadow2.get<float*>(15 + 2),
HookEach_XPos(XPositions, PatchFloat);
HookEach_YPos(YPositions, PatchFloat);
InterceptCall(atoiWrap, orgAtoi, atoi_RecalculatePositions<XPositions.size(), YPositions.size()>);
// Fix the radar trace blip shadow not scaling to resolution
using namespace RadarTraceOutlineFixes;
auto triangle1 = pattern("D8 05 ? ? ? ? DD D9 D9 44 24 68").count(2);
auto triangle2 = pattern("D8 05 ? ? ? ? DD DA D9 44 24 58").count(2);
auto showRadarTraceWithHeight = pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 20 80 3D ? ? ? ? ? 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 30 D2").count(2);
std::array<float**, 5> XPositions = {
get_pattern<float*>("D8 05 ? ? ? ? DD D9 D9 44 24 50", 2),
std::array<float**, 6> YPositions = {
get_pattern<float*>("D9 05 ? ? ? ? D8 C1 D8 6C 24 58 DD DA", 2),
get_pattern<float*>("D9 05 ? ? ? ? D8 C1 D8 44 24 60", 2),
get_pattern<float*>("D8 05 ? ? ? ? DD D9 D9 44 24 58", 2),
get_pattern<float*>("D9 05 ? ? ? ? D8 C1 D8 6C 24 58 89 D0", 2),
get_pattern<float*>("D9 05 ? ? ? ? D8 C1 D8 44 24 64", 2),
get_pattern<float*>("D8 05 ? ? ? ? 89 D8", 2),
std::array<void*, 2> showRadarTraceWithHeight_Patches = {
HookEach_XPos(XPositions, PatchFloat);
HookEach_YPos(YPositions, PatchFloat);
PositionRecalculator<XPositions.size(), YPositions.size()>::HookEach_ShowRadarTraceWithHeight(showRadarTraceWithHeight_Patches, InterceptCall);
// Fix the loading bar outline not scaling to resolution
using namespace LoadingBarOutlineFixes;
auto rgbaCtor = get_pattern("6A 00 E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 0D ? ? ? ? A1", 2);
std::array<float**, 2> XPositions = {
get_pattern<float*>("D9 C1 D8 25 ? ? ? ? DD DC", 2 + 2),
get_pattern<float*>(" D8 C2 D8 05 ? ? ? ? D9 5C 24 38", 2 + 2),
std::array<float**, 2> YPositions = {
get_pattern<float*>("DD D1 D8 25 ? ? ? ? D9 5C 24 3C", 2 + 2),
get_pattern<float*>("D8 05 ? ? ? ? D9 5C 24 34 DE D9", 2),
HookEach_XPos(XPositions, PatchFloat);
HookEach_YPos(YPositions, PatchFloat);
InterceptCall(rgbaCtor, orgRGBACtor, RGBACtor_RecalculatePositions<XPositions.size(), YPositions.size()>);
// Fix credits not scaling to resolution
using namespace CreditsScalingFixes;
std::array<void*, 2> creditPrintString = {
get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 0C 8D 4C 24 14"),
get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 0C 8B 03"),
auto setScale = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 59 59 8D 4C 24 10");
// Fix the credits cutting off on the bottom early, they don't do that in III
// but it regressed in VC and SA
auto positionOffset = pattern("D8 1D ? ? ? ? DF E0 F6 C4 45 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 89 4C 24 08 DB 44 24 08 D8 25").get_one();
// As we now scale everything on PrintString time, the resolution height checks need to be unscaled.
void* resHeightScales[] = {
get_pattern("8B 0D ? ? ? ? 8B 03", 2),
get_pattern("8B 0D ? ? ? ? C7 44 24 ? ? ? ? ? 03 4C 24 14 ", 2),
static const float floatStorage[2] = { 1.0f, -(**positionOffset.get<float*>(0x19 + 2)) };
Patch(positionOffset.get<void>(2), &floatStorage[0]);
Patch(positionOffset.get<void>(0x19 + 2), &floatStorage[0]);
HookEach_PrintString(creditPrintString, InterceptCall);
InterceptCall(setScale, orgSetScale, SetScale_ScaleToRes);
for (void* addr : resHeightScales)
// Minimal HUD
if (const int INIoption = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"MinimalHUD", -1, wcModulePath); INIoption != -1) try
using namespace MinimalHUD;
// Fix original bugs
// Wanted level stars losing their shadow if health/armour counters are off
auto setColor_WantedStars = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? DB 05 ? ? ? ? 8D 84 24 ? ? ? ? 59 50 50 D8 0D ? ? ? ? D8 0D ? ? ? ? D9 1C 24 FF 74 24 24");
// Get SetDropShadowPosition and SetDropColor with their corresponding parameters straight from the armor counter,
// to preserve the current behaviour
auto setDropShadow = pattern("6A ? E8 ? ? ? ? 59 8D 8C 24 ? ? ? ? 68 ? ? ? ? 6A ? 6A ? 6A ? E8 ? ? ? ? 8D 84 24 ? ? ? ? 50 E8").get_one();
// Show the energy values when losing armor
auto drawFadeState_Energy = get_pattern("6A 01 E8 ? ? ? ? DD D8", 2);
auto timeLastArmorLoss = pattern("0F B6 15 ? ? ? ? A1 ? ? ? ? 6B D2 2E 89 04 D5 ? ? ? ? D9 83").get_one();
// Fade the weapon icon - fix the render state and pass the alpha parameter
auto drawWeaponIconAlphaPush = get_pattern("68 FF 00 00 00 D8 0D ? ? ? ? FF 35");
auto renderOneXLUSprite = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 2C 6A 00 6A 08");
// Stuff to let us (re)initialize
static void (*HUDReInitialise)() = reinterpret_cast<decltype(HUDReInitialise)>(get_pattern("31 C0 53 0F EF C0 C6 05"));
// This pattern has 5 hits - first 2 are in Reinitialise, the rest is in Initialise
auto reinitialise1 = pattern("C7 05 ? ? ? ? 05 00 00 00 66 C7 05 ? ? ? ? 00 00 C7 05 ? ? ? ? 00 00 00 00").count(5);
// This one covers the rest of Reinitialise
auto reinitialise2 = pattern("C7 05 ? ? ? ? 05 00 00 00 C6 05 ? ? ? ? 00 C7 05 ? ? ? ? 00 00 00 00").count(2);
// This one we touch only once, no need for static
const std::array<uint32_t*, 4> hudInitialiseVariables = {
get_pattern<uint32_t>("8B 83 ? ? ? ? C7 05 ? ? ? ? 05 00 00 00", 6 + 6),
static const std::array<uint32_t*, 4> hudReinitialiseVariables = {
ReadCall(setDropShadow.get<void>(2), orgSetDropShadowPosition);
ReadCall(setDropShadow.get<void>(39), orgSetDropColor);
pDropShadowSize = setDropShadow.get<int8_t>(1);
pDropShadowB = setDropShadow.get<int8_t>(20 + 1);
pDropShadowG = setDropShadow.get<int8_t>(22 + 1);
pDropShadowR = setDropShadow.get<int8_t>(24 + 1);
InterceptCall(setColor_WantedStars, orgSetColor, SetColor_SetShadow);
pPlayerInFocus = *timeLastArmorLoss.get<uint8_t*>(3);
pTimeLastArmorLoss = *timeLastArmorLoss.get<uint32_t*>(0xF + 3);
InterceptCall(drawFadeState_Energy, orgDrawFadeState, DrawFadeState_CheckArmor);
// push 0FFh -> push dword ptr [esp+520h+var_4E0]
Patch(drawWeaponIconAlphaPush, { 0x90, 0xFF, 0x74, 0x24, 0x40 });
InterceptCall(renderOneXLUSprite, orgRenderOneXLUSprite, RenderOneXLUSprite_FloatAlpha);
if (INIoption != 0)
for (uint32_t* var : hudInitialiseVariables)
Patch<uint32_t>(var, 0);
for (uint32_t* var : hudReinitialiseVariables)
Patch<uint32_t>(var, 0);
if (bHasDebugMenu)
static bool bMinimalHUDEnabled = INIoption != 0;
DebugMenuAddVar("SilentPatch", "Minimal HUD", &bMinimalHUDEnabled, [] {
if (bMinimalHUDEnabled)
for (uint32_t* var : hudReinitialiseVariables)
Memory::VP::Patch<uint32_t>(var, 0);
for (uint32_t* var : hudReinitialiseVariables)
Memory::VP::Patch<uint32_t>(var, 5);
// Call CHud::ReInitialise
// Fix some big messages staying on screen longer at high resolutions due to a cut sliding text feature
// Also since we're touching it, optionally allow to re-enable this feature.
using namespace SlidingTextsScalingFixes;
// "Unscale" text sliding thresholds, so texts don't stay on screen longer at high resolutions
void* scalingThreshold[] = {
get_pattern("A1 ? ? ? ? 59 83 C0 EC", 1),
get_pattern("59 A1 ? ? ? ? 83 C0 EC", 1 + 1)
for (void* addr : scalingThreshold)
// Optional sliding texts
if (const int INIoption = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"SlidingMissionTitleText", -1, wcModulePath); INIoption != -1) try
pBigMessageX = *get_pattern<std::array<float, 6>*>("DB 44 24 68 D8 1D ? ? ? ? DF E0", 4 + 2);
std::array<void*, 1> slidingMessage1 = {
get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 0C EB 0A C7 05 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 83 C4 60"),
std::array<void*, 1> textWrapFix = {
get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 59 E8 ? ? ? ? 6A 00 E8 ? ? ? ? 59 8B 0D"),
BigMessageSlider<1>::bSlidingEnabled = INIoption != 0;
BigMessageSlider<1>::HookEach_PrintString(slidingMessage1, InterceptCall);
BigMessageSlider<1>::HookEach_RightJustifyWrap(textWrapFix, InterceptCall);
if (bHasDebugMenu)
DebugMenuAddVar("SilentPatch", "Sliding mission title text", &BigMessageSlider<1>::bSlidingEnabled, nullptr);
if (const int INIoption = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"SlidingOddJobText", -1, wcModulePath); INIoption != -1) try
pOddJob2XOffset = *get_pattern<float*>("D9 05 ? ? ? ? D8 E1 D9 1D ? ? ? ? E9", 2);
std::array<void*, 1> slidingOddJob2 = {
get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 0C 66 83 3D ? ? ? ? ? 0F 84"),
OddJob2Slider::bSlidingEnabled = INIoption != 0;
OddJob2Slider::HookEach_PrintString(slidingOddJob2, InterceptCall);
if (bHasDebugMenu)
DebugMenuAddVar("SilentPatch", "Sliding odd job text", &OddJob2Slider::bSlidingEnabled, nullptr);
// Fix text background padding not scaling to resolution
using namespace TextRectPaddingScalingFixes;
auto getTextRect = get_pattern("FF 74 24 54 FF 74 24 54 50 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 10", 9);
auto rectWidth1 = pattern("D8 25 ? ? ? ? D9 1E D9 44 24 38 D8 05 ? ? ? ? D8 05").get_one();
auto rectWidth2 = pattern("D8 25 ? ? ? ? D9 1E D9 05 ? ? ? ? D8 0D ? ? ? ? D8 44 24 38 D8 05").get_one();
auto rectWidth3 = get_pattern<float*>("D8 25 ? ? ? ? 0F BF C5 D9 1E", 2);
auto rectHeight1 = pattern("D8 05 ? ? ? ? D9 5E 04 D9 44 24 3C D8 25").count(2);
auto rectHeight2 = pattern("D9 05 ? ? ? ? D8 44 24 3C DE C1 D8 05").get_one();
// SetWrapx on the help boxes includes an unscaled -4.0f probably to work together with this padding,
// so treat it as part of the same fix
auto setJustifyOff_helpBox = get_pattern("59 E8 ? ? ? ? D9 EE", 1);
std::array<float**, 5> paddingXSizes = {
rectWidth1.get<float*>(0x12 + 2),
rectWidth2.get<float*>(0x18 + 2),
std::array<float**, 6> paddingYSizes = {
rectHeight1.get(0).get<float*>(0xD + 2),
rectHeight1.get(1).get<float*>(0xD + 2),
rectHeight2.get<float*>(0xC + 2),
std::array<float**, 1> wrapxWidth = {
get_pattern<float*>("D8 25 ? ? ? ? D9 1C 24 DD D8", 2),
HookEach_PaddingXSize(paddingXSizes, PatchFloat);
HookEach_PaddingYSize(paddingYSizes, PatchFloat);
InterceptCall(getTextRect, orgGetTextRect, GetTextRect_Recalculate<paddingXSizes.size(), paddingYSizes.size()>);
HookEach_WrapX(wrapxWidth, PatchFloat);
InterceptCall(setJustifyOff_helpBox, orgSetJustifyOff, SetJustifyOff_Recalculate<wrapxWidth.size()>);
// Fix ammunation text (big message type 3) Y position offset not scaling to resolution
using namespace BigMessage3ScalingFixes;
auto setDropColor = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 59 8D 4C 24 40");
std::array<float**, 1> YOffset = {
get_pattern<float*>("D8 25 ? ? ? ? D9 1C 24 A1", 2),
HookEach_MessageYOffset(YOffset, PatchFloat);
InterceptCall(setDropColor, orgSetDropColor, SetDropColor_Scale<YOffset.size()>);
void InjectDelayedPatches_VC_Common()
std::unique_ptr<ScopedUnprotect::Unprotect> Protect = ScopedUnprotect::UnprotectSectionOrFullModule( GetModuleHandle( nullptr ), ".text" );
// Obtain a path to the ASI
wchar_t wcModulePath[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileNameW(reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(&__ImageBase), wcModulePath, _countof(wcModulePath) - 3); // Minus max required space for extension
PathRenameExtensionW(wcModulePath, L".ini");
const bool hasDebugMenu = DebugMenuLoad();
InjectDelayedPatches_VC_Common( hasDebugMenu, wcModulePath );
Common::Patches::III_VC_DelayedCommon( hasDebugMenu, wcModulePath );
void Patch_VC_10(uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
using namespace Memory::DynBase;
RsGlobal = *(RsGlobalType**)DynBaseAddress(0x602D32);
SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack = (void*)DynBaseAddress(0x551701);
InjectHook(0x5433BD, FixedRefValue);
InjectHook(0x5516FC, SubtitlesShadowFix, HookType::Jump);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5517C4, 0xD9);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5517DF, 0xD9);
Patch<BYTE>(0x551832, 0xD9);
Patch<BYTE>(0x551848, 0xD9);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5517E2, 0x34-0x14);
Patch<BYTE>(0x55184B, 0x34-0x14);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5517C7, 0x28-0x18);
Patch<BYTE>(0x551835, 0x24-0x18);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5516FB, 0x90);
using namespace PrintStringShadows;
XY<0x5FA1F6, 0x5FA1D5>::Hook(0x5FA1FD);
XMinus<0x544727/*, 0x544727*/>::Hook(0x54474D); // Don't patch Y as we're doing it in the credits scale fix
// Mouse fucking fix!
Patch<DWORD>(0x601740, 0xC3C030);
// (Hopefully) more precise frame limiter
ReadCall( 0x6004A2, RsEventHandler );
InjectHook(0x6004A2, NewFrameRender);
InjectHook(0x600449, GetTimeSinceLastFrame);
// RsMouseSetPos call (SA style fix)
ReadCall( 0x4A5E45, orgConstructRenderList );
InjectHook(0x4A5E45, ResetMousePos);
// New wndproc
OldWndProc = *(LRESULT (CALLBACK***)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM))DynBaseAddress(0x601727);
Patch(0x601727, &pCustomWndProc);
// Y axis sensitivity fix
// By ThirteenAG
float* sens = *(float**)DynBaseAddress(0x4796E5);
Patch<const void*>(0x479410 + 0x2E0 + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x47A20E + 0x27D + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x47AE27 + 0x1CC + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x47BE8F + 0x22E + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x481AB3 + 0x4FE + 0x2, sens);
// Don't lock mouse Y axis during fadeins
Patch<BYTE>(0x47C11E, 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x47CD94, 0xEB);
Nop(0x47C15A, 2);
// Scan for A/B drives looking for audio files
Patch<DWORD>(0x5D7941, 'A');
Patch<DWORD>(0x5D7B04, 'A');
// ~x~ as cyan blip
// Shared with GInput
Patch<BYTE>(0x550481, 0);
Patch<BYTE>(0x550488, 255);
Patch<BYTE>(0x55048F, 255);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5505FF, 0);
Patch<BYTE>(0x550603, 255);
Patch<BYTE>(0x550607, 255);
// Corrected crime codes
Patch<DWORD>(0x5FDDDB, 0xC5);
// Fixed ammo for melee weapons in cheats
Patch<BYTE>(0x4AED14+1, 1); // katana
Patch<BYTE>(0x4AEB74+1, 1); // chainsaw
// Fixed crash related to autopilot timing calculations
InjectHook(0x418FAE, AutoPilotTimerFix_VC, HookType::Jump);
Common::Patches::DDraw_VC_10( width, height, aNoDesktopMode );
void Patch_VC_11(uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
using namespace Memory::DynBase;
RsGlobal = *(RsGlobalType**)DynBaseAddress(0x602D12);
SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack = (void*)DynBaseAddress(0x551721);
InjectHook(0x5433DD, FixedRefValue);
InjectHook(0x55171C, SubtitlesShadowFix, HookType::Jump);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5517E4, 0xD9);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5517FF, 0xD9);
Patch<BYTE>(0x551852, 0xD9);
Patch<BYTE>(0x551868, 0xD9);
Patch<BYTE>(0x551802, 0x34-0x14);
Patch<BYTE>(0x55186B, 0x34-0x14);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5517E7, 0x28-0x18);
Patch<BYTE>(0x551855, 0x24-0x18);
Patch<BYTE>(0x55171B, 0x90);
using namespace PrintStringShadows;
XY<0x5FA216, 0x5FA1F5>::Hook(0x5FA21D);
XMinus<0x544747/*, 0x544747*/>::Hook(0x54476D); // Don't patch Y as we're doing it in the credits scale fix
// Mouse fucking fix!
Patch<DWORD>(0x601770, 0xC3C030);
// (Hopefully) more precise frame limiter
ReadCall( 0x6004C2, RsEventHandler );
InjectHook(0x6004C2, NewFrameRender);
InjectHook(0x600469, GetTimeSinceLastFrame);
// RsMouseSetPos call (SA style fix)
ReadCall( 0x4A5E65, orgConstructRenderList );
InjectHook(0x4A5E65, ResetMousePos);
// New wndproc
OldWndProc = *(LRESULT (CALLBACK***)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM))DynBaseAddress(0x601757);
Patch(0x601757, &pCustomWndProc);
// Y axis sensitivity fix
// By ThirteenAG
float* sens = *(float**)DynBaseAddress(0x4796E5);
Patch<const void*>(0x479410 + 0x2E0 + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x47A20E + 0x27D + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x47AE27 + 0x1CC + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x47BE8F + 0x22E + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x481AB3 + 0x4FE + 0x2, sens);
// Don't lock mouse Y axis during fadeins
Patch<BYTE>(0x47C11E, 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x47CD94, 0xEB);
Nop(0x47C15A, 2);
// Scan for A/B drives looking for audio files
Patch<DWORD>(0x5D7961, 'A');
Patch<DWORD>(0x5D7B24, 'A');
// ~x~ as cyan blip
// Shared with GInput
Patch<BYTE>(0x5504A1, 0);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5504A8, 255);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5504AF, 255);
Patch<BYTE>(0x55061F, 0);
Patch<BYTE>(0x550623, 255);
Patch<BYTE>(0x550627, 255);
// Corrected crime codes
Patch<DWORD>(0x5FDDFB, 0xC5);
// Fixed ammo for melee weapons in cheats
Patch<BYTE>(0x4AED34+1, 1); // katana
Patch<BYTE>(0x4AEB94+1, 1); // chainsaw
// Fixed crash related to autopilot timing calculations
InjectHook(0x418FAE, AutoPilotTimerFix_VC, HookType::Jump);
Common::Patches::DDraw_VC_11( width, height, aNoDesktopMode );
void Patch_VC_Steam(uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
using namespace Memory::DynBase;
RsGlobal = *(RsGlobalType**)DynBaseAddress(0x602952);
SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack = (void*)DynBaseAddress(0x5515F1);
InjectHook(0x5432AD, FixedRefValue);
InjectHook(0x5515EC, SubtitlesShadowFix, HookType::Jump);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5516B4, 0xD9);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5516CF, 0xD9);
Patch<BYTE>(0x551722, 0xD9);
Patch<BYTE>(0x551738, 0xD9);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5516D2, 0x34-0x14);
Patch<BYTE>(0x55173B, 0x34-0x14);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5516B7, 0x28-0x18);
Patch<BYTE>(0x551725, 0x24-0x18);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5515EB, 0x90);
using namespace PrintStringShadows;
XY<0x5F9E56, 0x5F9E35>::Hook(0x5F9E5D);
XMinus<0x544617/*, 0x544617*/>::Hook(0x54463D); // Don't patch Y as we're doing it in the credits scale fix
// Mouse fucking fix!
Patch<DWORD>(0x6013B0, 0xC3C030);
// (Hopefully) more precise frame limiter
ReadCall( 0x600102, RsEventHandler );
InjectHook(0x600102, NewFrameRender);
InjectHook(0x6000A9, GetTimeSinceLastFrame);
// RsMouseSetPos call (SA style fix)
ReadCall( 0x4A5D15, orgConstructRenderList );
InjectHook(0x4A5D15, ResetMousePos);
// New wndproc
OldWndProc = *(LRESULT (CALLBACK***)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM))DynBaseAddress(0x601397);
Patch(0x601397, &pCustomWndProc);
// Y axis sensitivity fix
// By ThirteenAG
float* sens = *(float**)DynBaseAddress(0x4795C5);
Patch<const void*>(0x4792F0 + 0x2E0 + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x47A0EE + 0x27D + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x47AD07 + 0x1CC + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x47BD6F + 0x22E + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x481993 + 0x4FE + 0x2, sens);
// Don't lock mouse Y axis during fadeins
Patch<BYTE>(0x47BFFE, 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x47CC74, 0xEB);
Nop(0x47C03A, 2);
// Scan for A/B drives looking for audio files
Patch<DWORD>(0x5D7764, 'A');
// ~x~ as cyan blip
// Shared with GInput
Patch<BYTE>(0x550371, 0);
Patch<BYTE>(0x550378, 255);
Patch<BYTE>(0x55037F, 255);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5504EF, 0);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5504F3, 255);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5504F7, 255);
// Corrected crime codes
Patch<DWORD>(0x5FDA3B, 0xC5);
// Fixed ammo for melee weapons in cheats
Patch<BYTE>(0x4AEA44+1, 1); // katana
Patch<BYTE>(0x4AEBE4+1, 1); // chainsaw
// Fixed crash related to autopilot timing calculations
InjectHook(0x418FAE, AutoPilotTimerFix_VC, HookType::Jump);
Common::Patches::DDraw_VC_Steam( width, height, aNoDesktopMode );
void Patch_VC_JP()
using namespace Memory::DynBase;
// Y axis sensitivity fix
// By ThirteenAG
Patch<DWORD>(0x4797E7 + 0x2E0 + 0x2, 0x94ABD8);
Patch<DWORD>(0x47A5E5 + 0x27D + 0x2, 0x94ABD8);
Patch<DWORD>(0x47B1FE + 0x1CC + 0x2, 0x94ABD8);
Patch<DWORD>(0x47C266 + 0x22E + 0x2, 0x94ABD8);
Patch<DWORD>(0x481E8A + 0x4FE + 0x2, 0x94ABD8);
void Patch_VC_Common()
using namespace Memory;
using namespace hook::txn;
const HMODULE hGameModule = GetModuleHandle(nullptr);
// New timers fix
auto hookPoint = pattern( "83 E4 F8 89 44 24 08 C7 44 24 0C 00 00 00 00 DF 6C 24 08" ).get_one();
auto jmpPoint = get_pattern( "DD D8 E9 31 FF FF FF" );
InjectHook( hookPoint.get<void>( 0x21 ), CTimer::Update_SilentPatch, HookType::Call );
InjectHook( hookPoint.get<void>( 0x21 + 5 ), jmpPoint, HookType::Jump );
// Alt+F4
auto addr = pattern( "59 59 31 C0 83 C4 70 5D 5F 5E 5B C2 10 00" ).count(2);
auto dest = get_pattern( "53 55 56 FF B4 24 90 00 00 00 FF 15" );
addr.for_each_result( [&]( pattern_match match ) {
InjectHook( match.get<void>( 2 ), dest, HookType::Jump );
// Proper panels damage
auto addr = pattern( "C6 41 09 03 C6 41 0A 03 C6 41 0B 03" ).get_one();
// or dword ptr[ecx+14], 3300000h
// nop
Patch( addr.get<void>( 0x18 ), { 0x81, 0x49, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x03 } );
Nop( addr.get<void>( 0x18 + 7 ), 13 );
Nop( addr.get<void>( 0x33 ), 7 );
// Proper metric-imperial conversion constants
static const float METERS_TO_MILES = 0.0006213711922f;
auto addr = pattern( "75 ? D9 05 ? ? ? ? D8 0D ? ? ? ? 6A 00 6A 00 D9 9C 24" ).count(6);
auto sum = get_pattern( "D9 9C 24 A8 00 00 00 8D 84 24 A8 00 00 00 50", -6 + 2 );
addr.for_each_result( [&]( pattern_match match ) {
Patch<const void*>( match.get<void>( 0x8 + 2 ), &METERS_TO_MILES );
Patch<const void*>( sum, &METERS_TO_MILES );
// Improved pathfinding in PickNextNodeAccordingStrategy - PickNextNodeToChaseCar with XYZ coords
auto addr = pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? 50 8D 44 24 10 50 E8" ).get_one();
ReadCall( addr.get<void>( 0x25 ), orgPickNextNodeToChaseCar );
const uintptr_t funcAddr = (uintptr_t)get_pattern( "8B 9C 24 BC 00 00 00 66 8B B3 A6 01 00 00 66 85 F6", -0xA );
InjectHook( funcAddr - 5, PickNextNodeToChaseCarXYZ, HookType::Jump ); // For plugin-sdk
// push PickNextNodeToChaseCarZ instead of 0.0f
// mov ecx, [PickNextNodeToChaseCarZ]
// mov [esp+0B8h+var_2C], ecx
Patch( funcAddr + 0x5D, { 0x8B, 0x0D } );
Patch<const void*>( funcAddr + 0x5D + 2, &PickNextNodeToChaseCarZ );
Patch( funcAddr + 0x5D + 6, { 0x89, 0x8C, 0x24, 0x8C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } );
// lea eax, [ecx+edx*4] -> lea eax, [edx+edx*4]
Patch<uint8_t>( funcAddr + 0x6E + 2, 0x92 );
// lea eax, [esp+20h+var_10]
// push eax
// nop...
Patch( addr.get<void>( 0x10 ), { 0x83, 0xC4, 0x04, 0x8D, 0x44, 0x24, 0x10, 0x50, 0xEB, 0x0A } );
InjectHook( addr.get<void>( 0x25 ), PickNextNodeToChaseCarXYZ );
Patch<uint8_t>( addr.get<void>( 0x2A + 2 ), 0xC );
// push edx
// nop...
Patch<uint8_t>( addr.get<void>( 0x3E ), 0x52 );
Nop( addr.get<void>( 0x3E + 1 ), 6 );
InjectHook( addr.get<void>( 0x46 ), PickNextNodeToChaseCarXYZ );
Patch<uint8_t>( addr.get<void>( 0x4B + 2 ), 0xC );
// No censorships
auto addr = get_pattern( "8B 43 50 85 C0 8B 53 50 74 2B 83 E8 01" );
Patch( addr, { 0x83, 0xC4, 0x08, 0x5B, 0xC3 } ); // add esp, 8 \ pop ebx \ retn
// 014C cargen counter fix (by spaceeinstein)
auto do_processing = pattern( "0F B7 43 28 83 F8 FF 7D 04 66 FF 4B 28" ).get_one();
Patch<uint8_t>( do_processing.get<uint8_t*>(1), 0xBF ); // movzx eax, word ptr [ebx+28h] -> movsx eax, word ptr [ebx+28h]
Patch<uint8_t>( do_processing.get<uint8_t*>(7), 0x74 ); // jge -> jz
// Fixed ammo from SCM
using namespace ZeroAmmoFix;
std::array<void*, 2> give_weapon = {
get_pattern( "6B C0 2E 6A 01 56 8B 3C", 0x15 ),
get_pattern( "89 F9 6A 01 55 50 E8", 6 ),
HookEach_GiveWeapon(give_weapon, InterceptCall);
// Extras working correctly on bikes
auto createInstance = get_pattern( "89 C1 8B 41 04" );
InjectHook( createInstance, CreateInstance_BikeFix, HookType::Call );
// Credits =)
auto renderCredits = pattern( "8D 44 24 28 83 C4 14 50 FF 35 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 8D 44 24 1C 59 59 50 FF 35 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 59 59" ).get_one();
ReadCall( renderCredits.get<void>( -50 ), Credits::PrintCreditText );
ReadCall( renderCredits.get<void>( -5 ), Credits::PrintCreditText_Hooked );
InjectHook( renderCredits.get<void>( -5 ), Credits::PrintSPCredits );
// Decreased keyboard input latency
using namespace KeyboardInputFix;
auto updatePads = pattern( "66 8B 42 1A" ).get_one();
void* jmpDest = get_pattern( "66 A3 ? ? ? ? 5F", 6 );
void* simButtonCheckers = get_pattern( "56 57 B3 01", 0x16 );
NewKeyState = *updatePads.get<void*>( 0x27 + 1 );
OldKeyState = *updatePads.get<void*>( 4 + 1 );
TempKeyState = *updatePads.get<void*>( 0x270 + 1 );
ReadCall( simButtonCheckers, orgClearSimButtonPressCheckers );
InjectHook( simButtonCheckers, ClearSimButtonPressCheckers );
InjectHook( updatePads.get<void>( 9 ), jmpDest, HookType::Jump );
// Locale based metric/imperial system
using namespace Localization;
void* updateCompareFlag = get_pattern( "89 D9 6A 00 E8 ? ? ? ? 30 C0 83 C4 70 5D 5F 5E 5B C2 04 00", 4 );
auto constructStatLine = pattern( "85 C0 74 11 83 E8 01 83 F8 03" ).get_one();
ReadCall( updateCompareFlag, orgUpdateCompareFlag_IsMetric );
InjectHook( updateCompareFlag, UpdateCompareFlag_IsMetric );
// Stats
Nop( constructStatLine.get<void>( -11 ), 1 );
InjectHook( constructStatLine.get<void>( -11 + 1 ), PrefsLanguage_IsMetric, HookType::Call );
Nop( constructStatLine.get<void>( -2 ), 2 );
// Corrected FBI Washington sirens sound
// Primary siren lower pitched like in FBI Rancher and secondary siren higher pitched
using namespace SirenSwitchingFix;
// Other mods might be touching it, so only patch specific vehicles if their code has not been touched at all
auto sirenPitch = pattern( "83 F8 17 74 32" ).get_one();
InjectHook( sirenPitch.get<void>( 5 ), IsFBIRanchOrFBICar, HookType::Call );
Patch( sirenPitch.get<void>( 5 + 5 ), { 0x84, 0xC0 } ); // test al, al
Nop( sirenPitch.get<void>( 5 + 5 + 2 ), 4 );
// Pitch shift FBI Washington primary siren
struct tVehicleSampleData {
int m_nAccelerationSampleIndex;
char m_bEngineSoundType;
int m_nHornSample;
int m_nHornFrequency;
char m_nSirenOrAlarmSample;
int m_nSirenOrAlarmFrequency;
char m_bDoorType;
tVehicleSampleData* dataTable = *get_pattern<tVehicleSampleData*>( "8B 04 95 ? ? ? ? 89 43 1C", 3 );
// Only pitch shift if table hasn't been relocated elsewhere
if ( hGameModule == ModCompat::Utils::GetModuleHandleFromAddress(dataTable) )
// fbicar frequency = fbiranch frequency
dataTable[17].m_nSirenOrAlarmFrequency = dataTable[90].m_nSirenOrAlarmFrequency;
// Allow extra6 to be picked with component rule 4 (any)
void* extraMult6 = get_pattern( "D8 0D ? ? ? ? D9 7C 24 04 8B 44 24 04 80 4C 24 05 0C D9 6C 24 04 89 44 24 04 DB 5C 24 08 D9 6C 24 04 8B 44 24 08 83 C4 10 5D", 2 );
static const float MULT_6 = 6.0f;
Patch( extraMult6, &MULT_6 );
// Make drive-by one shot sounds owned by the driver instead of the car
// Fixes incorrect weapon sound being used for drive-by
auto getDriverOneShot = pattern( "FF 35 ? ? ? ? 6A 37 50 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 7E 08 00" ).get_one();
// nop
// mov ecx, ebx
// call CVehicle::GetOneShotOwnerID
Patch( getDriverOneShot.get<void>( -8 ), { 0x90, 0x89, 0xD9 } );
InjectHook( getDriverOneShot.get<void>( -5 ), &CVehicle::GetOneShotOwnerID_SilentPatch, HookType::Call );
// Fixed vehicles exploding twice if the driver leaves the car while it's exploding
using namespace RemoveDriverStatusFix;
auto removeDriver = pattern("8A 43 50 24 07 0C 20 88 43 50 E8").get_one();
auto processCommands1 = get_pattern("88 42 50 8B 33");
auto processCommands2 = get_pattern("88 42 50 8B AE");
auto removeThisPed = get_pattern("88 42 50 8B 85");
auto pedSetOutCar = get_pattern("0C 20 88 47 50 8B 85", 2);
Nop(removeDriver.get<void>(), 2);
InjectHook(removeDriver.get<void>(2), RemoveDriver_SetStatus, HookType::Call);
// CVehicle::RemoveDriver already sets the status to STATUS_ABANDONED, these are redundant
Nop(processCommands1, 3);
Nop(processCommands2, 3);
Nop(removeThisPed, 3);
Nop(pedSetOutCar, 3);
// Apply the environment mapping on extra components
using namespace EnvMapsOnExtras;
auto forAllAtomics = pattern("50 E8 ? ? ? ? 66 8B 4B 44").get_one();
auto setEnvMapCoefficient = reinterpret_cast<decltype(RpMatFXMaterialSetEnvMapCoefficient)>(get_pattern("8B 44 24 14 81 E2 FF 00 00 00 8D 14 52 8D 0C D6 89 41 08", -0x48));
auto getEffects = reinterpret_cast<decltype(RpMatFXMaterialGetEffects)>(get_pattern("8B 04 01 85 C0 75 01", -0xA));
// push eax -> push ebx
Patch<uint8_t>(forAllAtomics.get<void>(), 0x53);
InterceptCall(forAllAtomics.get<void>(1), orgRpClumpForAllAtomics, RpClumpForAllAtomics_ExtraComps);
RpMatFXMaterialSetEnvMapCoefficient = setEnvMapCoefficient;
RpMatFXMaterialGetEffects = getEffects;
// Fix probabilities in CVehicle::InflictDamage incorrectly assuming a random range from 0 to 100.000
auto probability = get_pattern("66 81 7B 5A ? ? 73 50", 4);
Patch<uint16_t>(probability, 35000u / 2u);
// Null terminate read lines in CPlane::LoadPath
using namespace NullTerminatedLines;
auto loadPath = get_pattern("DD D8 45 E8", 3);
InterceptCall(loadPath, orgSscanf_LoadPath, sscanf1_LoadPath_Terminate);
// Don't reset mouse sensitivity on New Game
using namespace MouseSensNewGame;
auto cameraInit = pattern("C7 85 14 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 C7 05 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? C7 05").get_one();
auto setDirMyDocuments = get_pattern("89 CD E8 ? ? ? ? 68", 2);
DefaultHorizontalAccel = *cameraInit.get<float>(20 + 2 + 4);
fMouseAccelHorzntl = *cameraInit.get<float*>(20 + 2);
Nop(cameraInit.get<void>(20), 10);
InterceptCall(setDirMyDocuments, orgSetDirMyDocuments, SetDirMyDocuments_ResetMouse);
// Fixed pickup effects
using namespace PickupEffectsFixes;
// Give money pickups color ID 37, like most other "generic" pickups
// Coincidentally, it's also the most likely color to be "randomly" assigned to them now
auto bigDollarColor = get_pattern("C6 44 24 ? 00 E9 ? ? ? ? 8D 80 00 00 00 00 0F B7 1D ? ? ? ? 39 CB 75 0C");
// Remove the glow from minigun2
auto minigun2Glow = get_pattern("8D 41 01 89 CB");
InjectHook(bigDollarColor, &PickUpEffects_BigDollarColor, HookType::Call);
InjectHook(minigun2Glow, &PickUpEffects_Minigun2Glow, HookType::Call);
// Fixed the muzzle flash facing the wrong direction
// By Wesser
auto fireInstantHit = pattern("D9 44 24 50 D8 44 24 44").get_one();
// Replace fld [esp].vecSource with fldz, as vecEnd is already absolute
Patch(fireInstantHit.get<void>(), { 0xD9, 0xEE, 0x90, 0x90 });
Patch(fireInstantHit.get<void>(15), { 0xD9, 0xEE, 0x90, 0x90 });
Patch(fireInstantHit.get<void>(30), { 0xD9, 0xEE, 0x90, 0x90 });
// Fixed IS_PLAYER_TARGETTING_CHAR incorrectly detecting targetting in Classic controls
// when the player is not aiming
// By Wesser
using namespace IsPlayerTargettingCharFix;
auto isPlayerTargettingChar = pattern("83 7C 24 ? ? A3 ? ? ? ? 0F 84").get_one();
auto using1stPersonWeaponMode = reinterpret_cast<decltype(Using1stPersonWeaponMode)>(get_pattern("66 83 F8 07 74 18", -7));
bool* useMouse3rdPerson = *get_pattern<bool*>("80 3D ? ? ? ? ? 75 09 66 C7 05 ? ? ? ? ? ? 8B 35", 2);
void* theCamera = *get_pattern<void*>("B9 ? ? ? ? 31 DB E8", 1);
Using1stPersonWeaponMode = using1stPersonWeaponMode;
bUseMouse3rdPerson = useMouse3rdPerson;
TheCamera = theCamera;
// Move mov ds:dword_784030, eax one instruction earlier so we don't need
// to include it in the patched routine
memmove(isPlayerTargettingChar.get<void>(), isPlayerTargettingChar.get<void>(5), 5);
InjectHook(isPlayerTargettingChar.get<void>(5), IsPlayerTargettingChar_ExtraChecks, HookType::Call);
// Use PS2 randomness for Rosenberg audio to hopefully bring the odds closer to PS2
// The functionality was never broken on PC - but the random distribution seemingly made it looks as if it was
using namespace ConsoleRandomness;
auto busted_audio_rand = get_pattern("80 BB 48 01 00 00 00 0F 85 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 25 FF FF 00 00", 13);
InjectHook(busted_audio_rand, rand15);
// Reset variables on New Game
using namespace VariableResets;
auto game_initialise = get_pattern("6A 00 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 0C 68 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 59 C3", 15);
std::array<void*, 2> reinit_game_object_variables = {
get_pattern("74 05 E8 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 80 3D", 7),
get_pattern("C6 05 ? ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? C7 05", 7)
InterceptCall(game_initialise, orgGameInitialise, GameInitialise);
HookEach_ReInitGameObjectVariables(reinit_game_object_variables, InterceptCall);
// Variables to reset
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back(*get_pattern<bool*>("7D 09 80 3D ? ? ? ? ? 74 32", 2 + 2)); // Free resprays
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back(*get_pattern<int*>("7D 78 A1 ? ? ? ? 05", 2 + 1)); // LastTimeAmbulanceCreated
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back(*get_pattern<int*>("A1 ? ? ? ? 05 ? ? ? ? 39 05 ? ? ? ? 0F 86 ? ? ? ? 8B 15", 1)); // LastTimeFireTruckCreated
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back(*get_pattern<int*>("FF 0D ? ? ? ? EB 15 90", 2)); // CWeather::StreamAfterRainTimer
// Ped speech fix
// Based off Sergeanur's fix
// Remove the artificial 6s delay between any ped speech samples
auto delay_check = get_pattern("80 BE ? ? ? ? ? 0F 85 ? ? ? ? B9", 7);
auto comment_delay_id1 = get_pattern("0F B7 C2 DD D8 C1 E0 04");
auto comment_delay_id2 = pattern("0F B7 95 DA 05 00 00 D9 6C 24 04").get_one();
Nop(delay_check, 6);
// movzx eax, dx -> movzx eax, bx
Patch(comment_delay_id1, { 0x0F, 0xB7, 0xC3 });
// movzx edx, word ptr [ebp+5DAh] -> movzx edx, bx \ nop
Patch(comment_delay_id2.get<void>(), { 0x0F, 0xB7, 0xD3 });
Nop(comment_delay_id2.get<void>(3), 4);
// Disabled backface culling on detached car parts, peds and specific models
using namespace SelectableBackfaceCulling;
auto entity_render = pattern("56 75 06 5E 5B C3").get_one();
EntityRender_Prologue_JumpBack = entity_render.get<void>();
// Check if CEntity::Render is already re-routed by something else
if (*entity_render.get<uint8_t>(-7) == 0xE9)
ReadCall(entity_render.get<void>(-7), orgEntityRender);
InjectHook(entity_render.get<void>(-7), EntityRender_BackfaceCulling, HookType::Jump);
// Correct the duration of the outro splash to 2.5 seconds
// The outro splash displays for 150 ticks from the moment it fully fades in, with the tick cpimt supposedly incrementing every 10ms
// However, since the game is locked to 30FPS, the tick count actually increments every 33.3ms, so the splash takes around 5s
// Correct the "tick rate" to 33ms and the "tick count" to 75, so it is more or less 2.5s at 30FPS,
// and similarly long when running at 60FPS or uncapped. The original code hints at 1.5s,
// but that makes it hard to read the splash before it vanishes
// Also fix the splash flickering for a frame when fading in
using namespace OutroSplashFix;
auto outro_tick_rate = get_pattern("83 F8 0A 76 10", 2);
auto outro_tick_count = get_pattern("81 3D ? ? ? ? 96 00 00 00", 6);
auto splash_rgba = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? DB 05 ? ? ? ? 8D 54 24 2C");
auto alpha_clamp = get_pattern("8A 83 ? ? ? ? 8D 4C 24 2C");
// Ideally, we want (time - lastTime) >= 33, but we can express the same with > 32
Patch<uint8_t>(outro_tick_rate, 32);
Patch<uint32_t>(outro_tick_count, 75);
InterceptCall(splash_rgba, orgRGBASet, RGBASet_Clamp);
// al -> eax
Patch<uint8_t>(alpha_clamp, 0x8B);
// Fix Tommy not shaking his fists with brass knuckles (in all cases)
// and most post-GTA III weapons (when cars slow down for him)
using namespace TommyFistShakeWithWeapons;
auto weapon_group_1a = pattern("8B 40 60 59 83 F8 01 75 43").get_one();
auto weapon_group_1b = pattern("8B 40 60 59 83 F8 01 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 8A 85").get_one();
auto slow_car_down_for_peds = pattern("89 C7 8B 17 85 D2 74 19").get_one();
auto else_jump = get_pattern("0F 85 ? ? ? ? 8A 83 ? ? ? ? 24 FE");
std::array<void*, 2> exclude_chainsaw = {
ReadCall(weapon_group_1a.get<void>(-5), GetWeaponInfo);
// jnz -> ja
Patch<uint8_t>(weapon_group_1a.get<void>(7), 0x77);
Patch<uint8_t>(weapon_group_1b.get<void>(7 + 1), 0x87);
Nop(slow_car_down_for_peds.get<void>(), 1);
InjectHook(slow_car_down_for_peds.get<void>(1), &CheckWeaponGroupHook, HookType::Call);
InjectHook(slow_car_down_for_peds.get<void>(8), else_jump, HookType::Jump);
HookEach_ExcludeChainsaw(exclude_chainsaw, InterceptCall);
// Fix the screwdriver not making sounds on impact
void** pedAttackJumpTable = *get_pattern<void**>("83 F8 05 77 77 FF 24 85", 5 + 3);
// Only make changes if the table hasn't been relocated
if (hGameModule == ModCompat::Utils::GetModuleHandleFromAddress(pedAttackJumpTable))
// Give ASSOCGRP_SCREWDRIVER the same case as ASSOCGRP_KNIFE and others
pedAttackJumpTable[1] = pedAttackJumpTable[2];
// Allow the tear gas to damage anyone (including the player), like on PS2
auto set_peds_choking = get_pattern("0F 84 ? ? ? ? 8D 4B 34 D9 41 08");
Nop(set_peds_choking, 6);
// Fix an incorrect vertex setup for the outline of a destination blip in the Map Legend
using namespace LegendBlipFix;
auto draw2dPolygon = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? D9 EE D9 EE D9 EE DB 05 ? ? ? ? 89 5C 24 24");
InterceptCall(draw2dPolygon, orgDraw2DPolygon, Draw2DPolygon_FixVertices);
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
if ( fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH )
const auto [width, height] = GetDesktopResolution();
sprintf_s(aNoDesktopMode, "Cannot find %ux%ux32 video mode", width, height);
// This scope is mandatory so Protect goes out of scope before rwcseg gets fixed
std::unique_ptr<ScopedUnprotect::Unprotect> Protect = ScopedUnprotect::UnprotectSectionOrFullModule( GetModuleHandle( nullptr ), ".text" );
const int8_t version = Memory::GetVersion().version;
if ( version == 0 ) Patch_VC_10(width, height);
else if ( version == 1 ) Patch_VC_11(width, height);
else if ( version == 2 ) Patch_VC_Steam(width, height);
// Y axis sensitivity only
else if (*(DWORD*)Memory::DynBaseAddress(0x601048) == 0x5E5F5D60) Patch_VC_JP();
Common::Patches::III_VC_SetDelayedPatchesFunc( InjectDelayedPatches_VC_Common );
return TRUE;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
uint32_t GetBuildNumber()