mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 01:44:09 +05:00
382 lines
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382 lines
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#include "Common.h"
#include "Utils/MemoryMgr.h"
#include "Utils/Patterns.h"
#include "Utils/HookEach.hpp"
#include "StoredCar.h"
#include "SVF.h"
#include "ParseUtils.hpp"
#include "Random.h"
#include "RWGTA.h"
#include "Utils/DelimStringReader.h"
#include <array>
#include <rwcore.h>
RwCamera*& Camera = **hook::get_pattern<RwCamera**>( "A1 ? ? ? ? D8 88 ? ? ? ?", 1 );
// ============= handling.cfg name matching fix =============
namespace HandlingNameLoadFix
void strncpy_Fix( const char** destination, const char* source, size_t )
*destination = source;
int strncmp_Fix( const char* str1, const char** str2, size_t )
return strcmp( str1, *str2 );
// ============= Corona lines rendering fix =============
namespace CoronaLinesFix
static decltype(RwIm2DRenderLine)* orgRwIm2DRenderLine;
static RwBool RenderLine_SetRecipZ( RwIm2DVertex *vertices, RwInt32 numVertices, RwInt32 vert1, RwInt32 vert2 )
const RwReal nearScreenZ = RwIm2DGetNearScreenZ();
const RwReal nearZ = RwCameraGetNearClipPlane( Camera );
const RwReal recipZ = 1.0f / nearZ;
for ( RwInt32 i = 0; i < numVertices; i++ )
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ( &vertices[i], nearScreenZ );
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ( &vertices[i], nearZ );
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ( &vertices[i], recipZ );
return orgRwIm2DRenderLine( vertices, numVertices, vert1, vert2 );
// ============= Static shadow alpha fix =============
namespace StaticShadowAlphaFix
static constexpr RwUInt32 D3DRS_ALPHAFUNC = 25;
static constexpr RwUInt32 D3DCMP_ALWAYS = 8;
static RwUInt32 alphaFuncVal;
template<std::size_t Index>
static RwBool (*orgRenderStateSet_StoreAlphaTest)(RwRenderState state, void* value);
template<std::size_t Index>
static RwBool RenderStateSet_StoreAlphaTest(RwRenderState state, void* value)
RwD3D8GetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHAFUNC, &alphaFuncVal);
return orgRenderStateSet_StoreAlphaTest<Index>(state, value);
template<std::size_t Index>
static RwBool (*orgRenderStateSet_RestoreAlphaTest)(RwRenderState state, void* value);
template<std::size_t Index>
static RwBool RenderStateSet_RestoreAlphaTest(RwRenderState state, void* value)
RwBool result = orgRenderStateSet_RestoreAlphaTest<Index>(state, value);
RwD3D8SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHAFUNC, alphaFuncVal);
return result;
HOOK_EACH_INIT(StoreAlphaTest, orgRenderStateSet_StoreAlphaTest, RenderStateSet_StoreAlphaTest);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(RestoreAlphaTest, orgRenderStateSet_RestoreAlphaTest, RenderStateSet_RestoreAlphaTest);
// ============= Corrected corona placement for taxi =============
namespace TaxiCoronaFix
CVector& GetTransformedCoronaPos( CVector& out, float offsetZ, const CAutomobile* vehicle )
CVector pos;
pos.x = 0.0f;
if ( SVF::ModelHasFeature( vehicle->GetModelIndex(), SVF::Feature::TAXI_LIGHT ) )
#if _GTA_III
pos.y = -0.25f;
#elif _GTA_VC
pos.y = -0.4f;
pos.z = 0.9f;
pos.y = 0.0f;
pos.z = offsetZ;
return out = Multiply3x3( vehicle->GetMatrix(), pos );
// ============= Reset requested extras if created vehicle has no extras =============
namespace CompsToUseFix
static int8_t* ms_compsUsed = *hook::get_pattern<int8_t*>( "89 E9 88 1D", 4 );
static int8_t* ms_compsToUse = *hook::get_pattern<int8_t*>( "0F BE 05 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 28", 3 );
static void ResetCompsForNoExtras()
ms_compsUsed[0] = ms_compsUsed[1] = -1;
ms_compsToUse[0] = ms_compsToUse[1] = -2;
// ============= Extra component specularity exceptions =============
namespace ExtraCompSpecularity
void ReadExtraCompSpecularityExceptions(const wchar_t* pPath)
constexpr size_t SCRATCH_PAD_SIZE = 32767;
WideDelimStringReader reader(SCRATCH_PAD_SIZE);
GetPrivateProfileSectionW(L"ExtraCompSpecularityExceptions", reader.GetBuffer(), reader.GetSize(), pPath);
while (const wchar_t* str = reader.GetString())
auto modelID = ParseUtils::TryParseInt(str);
if (modelID)
SVF::RegisterFeature(*modelID, SVF::Feature::_INTERNAL_NO_SPECULARITY_ON_EXTRAS);
SVF::RegisterFeature(ParseUtils::ParseString(str), SVF::Feature::_INTERNAL_NO_SPECULARITY_ON_EXTRAS);
bool SpecularityExcluded(int32_t modelID)
return SVF::ModelHasFeature(modelID, SVF::Feature::_INTERNAL_NO_SPECULARITY_ON_EXTRAS);
// ============= Delayed patches =============
namespace DelayedPatches
static bool delayedPatchesDone = false;
void (*Func)();
static BOOL (*RsEventHandler)(int, void*);
static void (WINAPI **OldSetPreference)(int a, int b);
void WINAPI Inject_MSS(int a, int b)
(*OldSetPreference)(a, b);
if ( !std::exchange(delayedPatchesDone, true) )
if ( Func != nullptr ) Func();
// So we don't have to revert patches
HMODULE hDummyHandle;
const auto pInjectMSS = Inject_MSS;
BOOL Inject_UAL(int a, void* b)
if ( RsEventHandler(a, b) )
if ( !std::exchange(delayedPatchesDone, true) && Func != nullptr )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
namespace Common {
namespace Patches {
void III_VC_Common()
using namespace Memory;
using namespace hook::txn;
const bool HasRwD3D8 = RWGTA::Patches::TryLocateRwD3D8();
// Delayed patching
using namespace DelayedPatches;
auto addr_mssHook = get_pattern( "6A 00 6A 02 6A 10 68 00 7D 00 00", -6 + 2 );
auto addr_ualHook = get_pattern( "FF 15 ? ? ? ? 6A 00 6A 18", 0xA );
OldSetPreference = *static_cast<decltype(OldSetPreference)*>(addr_mssHook);
Patch( addr_mssHook, &pInjectMSS );
ReadCall( addr_ualHook, RsEventHandler );
InjectHook( addr_ualHook, Inject_UAL );
// Fixed bomb ownership/bombs saving for bikes
auto addr = get_pattern( "83 3C 33 00 74 19 89 F9 E8", 8 );
ReadCall( addr, CStoredCar::orgRestoreCar );
InjectHook( addr, &CStoredCar::RestoreCar_SilentPatch );
// Fixed handling.cfg name matching (names don't need unique prefixes anymore)
using namespace HandlingNameLoadFix;
auto findExactWord = pattern( "8D 44 24 10 83 C4 0C 57" ).get_one();
InjectHook( findExactWord.get<void>( -5 ), strncpy_Fix );
InjectHook( findExactWord.get<void>( 0xD ), strncmp_Fix );
// Fixed corona lines rendering on non-nvidia cards
using namespace CoronaLinesFix;
auto renderLine = get_pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 10 FF 44 24 1C 43" );
InterceptCall(renderLine, orgRwIm2DRenderLine, RenderLine_SetRecipZ);
// Fixed static shadows not rendering under fire and pickups
if (HasRwD3D8) try
using namespace StaticShadowAlphaFix;
#if _GTA_III
std::array<void*, 2> disableAlphaTestAndSetState = {
get_pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? 59 59 6A 00 6A 0E E8 ? ? ? ? 31 C0" ),
get_pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? 0F B7 2D ? ? ? ? 31 C0" )
std::array<void*, 2> setStateAndReenableAlphaTest = {
get_pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? 59 59 6A 01 6A 08 E8 ? ? ? ? 59 59 83 C4 38" ),
get_pattern( "39 44 24 38 0F 8C ? ? ? ? 6A 00 6A 0C", 14 )
#elif _GTA_VC
std::array<void*, 2> disableAlphaTestAndSetState = {
get_pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? 59 59 6A 00 6A 0E E8 ? ? ? ? 31 C0" ),
get_pattern( "6A 01 6A 0C E8 ? ? ? ? 59 59 6A 03", 4 )
std::array<void*, 2> setStateAndReenableAlphaTest = {
get_pattern( "0F 77 6A 00 6A 0C E8 ? ? ? ? 59", 6 ),
get_pattern( "39 44 24 34 0F 8C ? ? ? ? 6A 00 6A 0C", 14 )
HookEach_StoreAlphaTest(disableAlphaTestAndSetState, InterceptCall);
HookEach_RestoreAlphaTest(setStateAndReenableAlphaTest, InterceptCall);
// Reset requested extras if created vehicle has no extras
using namespace CompsToUseFix;
auto resetComps = pattern( "8B 04 24 83 C4 08 5D 5F" ).get_one();
InjectHook( resetComps.get<void>( -14 ), ResetCompsForNoExtras, HookType::Call );
Nop( resetComps.get<void>( -9 ), 9 );
// Rescale light switching randomness in CAutomobile::PreRender/CBike::PreRender for PC the randomness range
// The original randomness was 50000 out of 65535, which is impossible to hit with PC's 32767 range
// GTA III expects 2 matches, VC expects 4 due to the addition of CBike::PreRender
#if _GTA_III
constexpr uint32_t expected = 2;
constexpr uint32_t expected = 4;
auto matches = pattern("D8 0D ? ? ? ? D8 1D ? ? ? ? DF E0 80 E4 05 80 FC 01").count(expected);
matches.for_each_result([](pattern_match match)
static const float LightStatusRandomnessThreshold = 1.0f / 25000.0f;
Patch<const void*>(match.get<void>(2), &LightStatusRandomnessThreshold);
// Fix various randomness factors expecting 16-bit rand()
// Treat each instance separately
using namespace ConsoleRandomness;
// Script randomness
std::array<void*, 2> rands = {
get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 0F B7 C0 89 06"),
get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 25 FF FF 00 00 89 84 24 ? ? ? ? 30 C0"),
for (void* rand : rands)
InjectHook(rand, rand16);
// CPed::Chat
std::array<void*, 2> rands = {
get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 66 3D 00 02"),
get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 66 83 F8 14"),
for (void* rand : rands)
InjectHook(rand, rand16);
void III_VC_SetDelayedPatchesFunc( void(*func)() )
DelayedPatches::Func = std::move(func);
void III_VC_DelayedCommon( bool /*hasDebugMenu*/, const wchar_t* wcModulePath )
using namespace Memory;
using namespace hook::txn;
// Corrected taxi light placement for Taxi
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"EnableVehicleCoronaFixes", -1, wcModulePath) == 1 ) try
using namespace TaxiCoronaFix;
auto getTaxiLightPos = pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? D9 84 24 ? ? ? ? D8 84 24 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 0C FF 35" ).get_one();
Patch<uint8_t>( getTaxiLightPos.get<void>( -15 ), 0x55 ); // push eax -> push ebp
InjectHook( getTaxiLightPos.get<void>(), GetTransformedCoronaPos );
} |