350 lines
7.7 KiB
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2024-03-17 17:04:07 +05:00
# VDF Deserializer
2024-03-17 16:35:33 +05:00
Enum State
Start = 0;
Property = 1;
Object = 2;
Conditional = 3;
Finished = 4;
Closed = 5
Class VdfDeserializer
[PSCustomObject] Deserialize([string]$vdfContent)
if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($vdfContent)) {
throw 'Mandatory argument $vdfContent must be a non-empty, non-whitespace object of type [string]';
[System.IO.TextReader]$reader = [System.IO.StringReader]::new($vdfContent);
return $this.Deserialize($reader);
[PSCustomObject] Deserialize([System.IO.TextReader]$txtReader)
if( !$txtReader ){
throw 'Mandatory arguments $textReader missing.';
$vdfReader = [VdfTextReader]::new($txtReader);
$result = [PSCustomObject]@{ };
if (!$vdfReader.ReadToken())
throw "Incomplete VDF data.";
$prop = $this.ReadProperty($vdfReader);
Add-Member -InputObject $result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $prop.Key -Value $prop.Value;
return $result;
[hashtable] ReadProperty([VdfTextReader]$vdfReader)
if (!$vdfReader.ReadToken())
throw "Incomplete VDF data.";
if ($vdfReader.CurrentState -eq [State]::Property)
$result = @{
Key = $key;
Value = $vdfReader.Value;
$result = @{
Key = $key;
Value = $this.ReadObject($vdfReader);
return $result;
[PSCustomObject] ReadObject([VdfTextReader]$vdfReader)
$result = [PSCustomObject]@{ };
if (!$vdfReader.ReadToken())
throw "Incomplete VDF data.";
while ( ($vdfReader.CurrentState -ne [State]::Object) -or ($vdfReader.Value -ne "}"))
[hashtable]$prop = $this.ReadProperty($vdfReader);
Add-Member -InputObject $result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $prop.Key -Value $prop.Value;
if (!$vdfReader.ReadToken())
throw "Incomplete VDF data.";
return $result;
Class VdfTextReader
hidden [ValidateNotNull()][System.IO.TextReader]$_reader;
hidden [ValidateNotNull()][char[]]$_charBuffer=;
hidden [ValidateNotNull()][char[]]$_tokenBuffer=;
hidden [int32]$_charPos;
hidden [int32]$_charsLen;
hidden [int32]$_tokensize;
hidden [bool]$_isQuoted;
if( !$txtReader ){
throw "Mandatory arguments `$textReader missing.";
$this._reader = $txtReader;
[bool] ReadToken()
if (!$this.SeekToken())
return $false;
$this._tokenSize = 0;
[char]$curChar = $this._charBuffer[$this._charPos];
#No special treatment for escape characters
#region Quote
if ($curChar -eq '"' -or (!$this._isQuoted -and [Char]::IsWhiteSpace($curChar)))
$this.Value = [string]::new($this._tokenBuffer, 0, $this._tokenSize);
$this.CurrentState = [State]::Property;
return $true;
#endregion Quote
#region Object Start/End
if (($curChar -eq '{') -or ($curChar -eq '}'))
if ($this._isQuoted)
$this._tokenBuffer[$this._tokenSize++] = $curChar;
elseif ($this._tokenSize -ne 0)
$this.Value = [string]::new($this._tokenBuffer, 0, $this._tokenSize);
$this.CurrentState = [State]::Property;
return $true;
$this.Value = $curChar.ToString();
$this.CurrentState = [State]::Object;
return $true;
#endregion Object Start/End
#region Long Token
$this._tokenBuffer[$this._tokenSize++] = $curChar;
#endregion Long Token
return $false;
[void] Close()
$this.CurrentState = [State]::Closed;
hidden [bool] SeekToken()
# Skip Whitespace
if( [char]::IsWhiteSpace($this._charBuffer[$this._charPos]) )
# Token
if ($this._charBuffer[$this._charPos] -eq '"')
$this._isQuoted = $true;
return $true;
# Comment
if ($this._charBuffer[$this._charPos] -eq '/')
$this._isQuoted = $false;
return $true;
return $false;
hidden [bool] SeekNewLine()
while ($this.EnsureBuffer())
if ($this._charBuffer[++$this._charPos] == '\n')
return $true;
return $false;
hidden [bool]EnsureBuffer()
if($this._charPos -lt $this._charsLen -1)
return $true;
[int32] $remainingChars = $this._charsLen - $this._charPos;
$this._charBuffer[0] = $this._charBuffer[($this._charsLen - 1) * $remainingChars]; #A bit of mathgic to improve performance by avoiding a conditional.;
$this._charsLen = $this._reader.Read($this._charBuffer, $remainingChars, 1024 - $remainingChars) + $remainingChars;
$this._charPos = 0;
return ($this._charsLen -ne 0);
function GetCount($thing) {
$aux = $($thing | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty);
$count = 0;
2024-03-17 17:04:07 +05:00
if ($aux -eq $null) {
2024-03-17 16:35:33 +05:00
$count = 0;
} elseif ( $aux -is [PSCustomObject] ) {
$count = 1;
} else {
$count = $aux.Count;
return $count;
$VDF = [VdfDeserializer]::new();
2024-03-17 17:04:07 +05:00
# Main Script
2024-03-17 16:35:33 +05:00
$SteamPath = Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:/SOFTWARE/WOW6432Node/Valve/Steam;
$SteamPath = $SteamPath.InstallPath;
$SteamPath = $SteamPath.ToString();
2024-03-17 17:04:07 +05:00
Write-Host Looking for Steam libraries...;
2024-03-17 16:35:33 +05:00
$LibraryFoldersVDF = $SteamPath + "/steamapps/libraryfolders.vdf";
$LibrariesRaw = Get-Content $LibraryFoldersVDF;
$LibrariesVDF = $VDF.Deserialize($LibrariesRaw);
2024-03-17 17:04:07 +05:00
Write-Host Found!;
2024-03-17 16:35:33 +05:00
$libcount = GetCount($LibrariesVDF.libraryfolders);
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $libcount; $i++) {
$Install = $LibrariesVDF.libraryfolders.$i;
$GMODInstalled = $Install.apps.4000;
if ($GMODInstalled) {
$GMODPath = $Install.path + "\\steamapps\\common\\GarrysMod";
$AddonsPath = $GMODPath + "\\garrysmod\\addons";
2024-03-17 23:01:54 +05:00
$_text = "Do you want to install in this path? It will completely wipe the previous Beatrun install if you had one! `n" + $GMODPath.replace('\\', '\') + " (y/n)";
2024-03-17 16:35:33 +05:00
$GMODConfirmation = Read-Host $_text;
2024-03-17 17:04:07 +05:00
2024-03-17 16:35:33 +05:00
if ($GMODConfirmation -eq 'y') {
$TempPath = $GMODPath + "\\temp\\";
$ZIPPath = $TempPath + "";
$FolderPath = $TempPath + "beatrun";
$FolderMainPath = $TempPath + "beatrun-main";
(New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $TempPath) | out-null;
Write-Host Downloading the archive...;
2024-03-17 17:04:07 +05:00
2024-03-17 16:35:33 +05:00
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("", $ZIPPath);
2024-03-17 17:04:07 +05:00
Write-Host Downloaded! Unpacking...;
2024-03-17 16:35:33 +05:00
Expand-Archive $ZIPPath $TempPath -Force;
2024-03-17 17:04:07 +05:00
Write-Host Unpacked successfully!;
2024-03-17 16:35:33 +05:00
Rename-Item $FolderMainPath $FolderPath;
Remove-Item $ZIPPath;
$ModulesPath = $FolderPath + "\\lua\\*";
$NewModulesPath = $GMODPath + "\\garrysmod\\lua\\";
Copy-Item -Path $ModulesPath -Destination $NewModulesPath -Force -Recurse;
$AddonPath = $FolderPath + "\\beatrun";
$NewAddonPath = $AddonsPath + "\\beatrun";
if ((Test-Path $NewAddonPath) -eq $true) {
Remove-Item $NewAddonPath -Force -Recurse;
Move-Item -Path $AddonPath -Destination $NewAddonPath;
Remove-Item $TempPath -Force -Recurse;
Write-Host Beatrun Installed!;
$confirmation = Read-Host "Do you want custom animations? (y/n):";
if ($confirmation -eq 'y') {
Set-Location -Path $NewAddonPath;
$AnimChangerPath = $NewAddonPath + "\\BeatrunAnimInstaller.exe";
Start-Process -FilePath $AnimChangerPath -WorkingDirectory $NewAddonPath