remove gtab

This commit is contained in:
Jonny_Bro (Nikita) 2023-09-02 21:42:14 +05:00
parent 2c051bf4a2
commit 1f0b02cfd8
2 changed files with 2 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
if SERVER then if SERVER then
local meta = FindMetaTable("Player")
local allowPropSpawn = CreateConVar("Beatrun_AllowPropSpawn", "0", {FCVAR_ARCHIVE}, "Allow players to spawn props and entities") local allowPropSpawn = CreateConVar("Beatrun_AllowPropSpawn", "0", {FCVAR_ARCHIVE}, "Allow players to spawn props and entities")
util.AddNetworkString("SPParkourEvent") util.AddNetworkString("SPParkourEvent")
@ -17,30 +16,12 @@ if SERVER then
hook.Add("IsSpawnpointSuitable", "NoSpawnFrag", function(ply) return true end) hook.Add("IsSpawnpointSuitable", "NoSpawnFrag", function(ply) return true end)
hook.Add("AllowPlayerPickup", "AllowAdminsPickUp", function(ply, ent) hook.Add("AllowPlayerPickup", "AllowAdminsPickUp", function(ply, ent)
if not ply:IsAdmin() and not allowPropSpawn:GetBool() then return false end if ply:IsAdmin() then return true end
end) end)
function meta:GTAB(minutes)
local ID = self:SteamID64()
for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
v:EmitSound("gtab.mp3", 0, 100, 1)
timer.Simple(7.5, function()
if IsValid(self) and self:SteamID64() == ID then
self:Ban(minutes, "GTAB")
for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
v:EmitSound("vinethud.mp3", 0, 100, 1)
end end
if CLIENT then if CLIENT then
CreateClientConVar("Beatrun_FOV", 90, true, true, "'Woah how are you moving this fast' and other hilarious jokes", 70, 120) CreateClientConVar("Beatrun_FOV", 100, true, true, "'Woah how are you moving this fast' and other hilarious jokes", 70, 120)
CreateClientConVar("Beatrun_CPSave", 1, true, true, "Respawning during a course will go back to the last hit checkpoint", 0, 1) CreateClientConVar("Beatrun_CPSave", 1, true, true, "Respawning during a course will go back to the last hit checkpoint", 0, 1)
end end