infinite error should be fixed

This commit is contained in:
Jonny_Bro (Nikita) 2023-09-15 20:48:44 +05:00
parent de7e1ea356
commit 61eec80918

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@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ end
function SWEP:PrimaryAttack()
local ply = self.Owner
local ply = self:GetOwner()
if not self.points[#self.points] or (ply:EyePos() + ply:EyeAngles():Forward() * 50):Distance(self.points[#self.points]) > 5 then
table.insert(self.points, ply:EyePos() + ply:EyeAngles():Forward() * 50)
@ -77,17 +77,21 @@ end
function SWEP:SecondaryAttack()
local ply = self.Owner
local ply = self:GetOwner()
hook.Add("PostDrawTranslucentRenderables", "ShapeGun", function()
local ply = Entity(1)
local wep = ply:GetActiveWeapon() or nil
local ply = self:GetOwner()
if IsValid(wep) and wep:GetClass() == "shapedrawer" then
for k, v in ipairs(wep.points) do
if not ply:IsValid() then return end
local wep = ply:GetActiveWeapon()
local isShapeDrawer = wep:GetClass() == "shapedrawer"
if IsValid(wep) and isShapeDrawer then
for _, v in ipairs(wep.points) do
render.DrawWireframeBox(v, angle_zero, Vector(-1, -1, -1), Vector(1, 1, 1))