more reliable grapple

and u also dont get stuck on the ground anymore
This commit is contained in:
relaxtakenotes 2023-06-03 15:10:41 +05:00
parent 654cf29f1e
commit 6abc1fe00d

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@ -100,18 +100,25 @@ hook.Add("SetupMove", "Grapple", function(ply, mv, cmd)
if ply:GetGrappling() then
local startshrink = (ply.GrappleLengthOld or 0) - ply:GetGrappleLength() < 200
local shmovemul = startshrink and 4 or 1
-- local gpos = ply:GetGrapplePos()
local pos = mv:GetOrigin()
local eyepos = mv:GetOrigin()
local ent = ply:GetNW2Entity("grappleEntity")
local is_ent_invalid = (ent == NULL or ent == nil)
local is_getting_off = (not ply:Alive() or mv:KeyPressed(IN_JUMP) and not grappled and not ply:OnGround() or ply:GetClimbing() ~= 0 or ply:GetMantle() ~= 0 or not usingrh)
local c_delta = 0
if not is_ent_invalid then
c_delta = (ent:GetNWVector("gpos", Vector(0,0,0)) - ent:GetNWVector("glastpos", Vector(0, 0, 0))):Length()
eyepos.z = eyepos.z + 64
if (not ply:Alive() or mv:KeyPressed(IN_JUMP) and not grappled and not ply:OnGround() or ply:GetClimbing() ~= 0 or ply:GetMantle() ~= 0 or not usingrh) or (ent == NULL or ent == nil) then
if is_getting_off or is_ent_invalid or c_delta > 300 then
if IsValid(ent) and ent ~= NULL then
ent:SetNW2Vector("glastpos", nil)
ent:SetNW2Vector("gpos", nil)
ent:SetNWVector("glastpos", nil)
ent:SetNWVector("gpos", nil)
@ -140,9 +147,10 @@ hook.Add("SetupMove", "Grapple", function(ply, mv, cmd)
if ent:GetClass() ~= "worldspawn" then
ent:SetNW2Vector("glastpos", ent:GetNW2Vector("gpos", ent:GetPos()))
ent:SetNW2Vector("gpos", ent:GetPos())
ply:SetGrapplePos(ply:GetGrapplePos() + (ent:GetNW2Vector("gpos") - ent:GetNW2Vector("glastpos")))
ent:SetNWVector("glastpos", ent:GetNWVector("gpos", ent:GetPos()))
ent:SetNWVector("gpos", ent:GetPos())
local delta = ent:GetNWVector("gpos", Vector(0,0,0)) - ent:GetNWVector("glastpos", Vector(0, 0, 0))
ply:SetGrapplePos(ply:GetGrapplePos() + delta)
if mv:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK) and mv:GetOrigin().z < ply:GetGrapplePos().z - 64 then
@ -171,7 +179,7 @@ hook.Add("SetupMove", "Grapple", function(ply, mv, cmd)
mv:SetVelocity(mv:GetVelocity() + newvel)
if ply:GetGrappleLength() < ply:GetGrapplePos():Distance(pos) and not ply:OnGround() then
if ply:GetGrappleLength() < ply:GetGrapplePos():Distance(pos) then
local tr = ply.Grapple_tr
local trout = ply.Grapple_trout
@ -180,8 +188,8 @@ hook.Add("SetupMove", "Grapple", function(ply, mv, cmd)
tr.endpos = mv:GetOrigin()
local mins, maxs = ply:GetHull()
tr.mins = mins
tr.maxs = maxs
@ -198,8 +206,6 @@ hook.Add("SetupMove", "Grapple", function(ply, mv, cmd)
mv:SetVelocity(mv:GetVelocity() - vel * (ply:GetGrapplePos():Distance(pos) - ply:GetGrappleLength()))
elseif ply:OnGround() then
ply:SetGrappleLength(mv:GetOrigin():Distance(ply:GetGrapplePos()) + 10)
if startshrink then