2024-04-07 07:12:03 +05:00
// ==UserScript==
// @name Bypass-FileCrypt
// @version 1.3.9
// @description Original script by StephenP: https://greasyfork.org/scripts/403170
// @author StephenP
// @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @include /filecrypt.(cc|co)/
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
// ----- Bypass FileCrypt( imported from https://greasyfork.org/scripts/403170) -----
( function ( ) {
'use strict' ;
if ( /filecrypt.(cc|co)/ . test ( window . location . href ) ) {
window . addEventListener ( 'DOMContentLoaded' , function ( ) {
////-----imported from https://greasyfork.org/scripts/403170 -----
( function ( ) {
var usenetAd = document . getElementsByTagName ( 'A' ) ; //come on, why should anyone pay for access to pirated content?
for ( var i = 0 ; i < usenetAd . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( usenetAd [ i ] . href . includes ( '/pink/' ) ) {
usenetAd [ i ] . parentNode . remove ( ) ;
i = usenetAd . length ;
if ( document . location . href . includes ( "/Link/" ) ) {
getSingleLink ( ) ;
else if ( document . location . href . includes ( "/Container/" ) ) {
let art = document . getElementsByClassName ( "download" ) [ 0 ] . parentNode . parentNode . parentNode . parentNode ;
let load = document . createElement ( "DIV" ) ;
load . id = "dcryptLoadMsg" ;
load . style . marginBottom = "2em" ;
load . textContent = "Loading decrypted links list from dcrypt.it..." ;
art . parentNode . insertBefore ( load , art ) ;
getCNL ( ) ;
} ) ( ) ;
function getSingleLink ( ) {
if ( document . body . getElementsByTagName ( "SCRIPT" ) . length == 0 ) {
window . stop ( ) ;
if ( body . children . length > 0 ) {
const a = document . body . innerHTML . lastIndexOf ( "http" ) ;
top . location . href = document . body . innerHTML . substring ( a , document . body . innerHTML . indexOf ( 'id=' , a ) + 43 ) . replace ( '&' , '&' ) ;
else {
GM . xmlHttpRequest ( {
method : "GET" ,
url : document . location . href ,
onload : function ( response ) {
const a = response . responseText . lastIndexOf ( "http" ) ;
top . location . href = response . responseText . substring ( a , response . responseText . indexOf ( 'id=' , a ) + 43 ) ;
} ) ;
function getCNL ( ) {
var dlcButton = document . getElementsByClassName ( "dlcdownload" ) ;
if ( dlcButton . length > 0 ) {
var inputs = document . getElementsByTagName ( 'INPUT' ) ;
var dlcId ;
/ * f o r ( v a r i = 0 ; i < i n p u t s . l e n g t h ; i + + ) {
if ( inputs [ i ] . getAttribute ( 'name' ) == 'hidden_cnl_id' ) {
dlcId = inputs [ i ] . getAttribute ( 'value' ) ;
i = inputs . length ;
} * / / / left for reference
dlcId = document . getElementsByClassName ( "dlcdownload" ) [ 0 ] . attributes [ "onclick" ] . nodeValue . split ( '\'' ) [ 1 ] ;
GM . xmlHttpRequest ( {
method : "GET" ,
url : "https://" + document . location . hostname + "/DLC/" + dlcId + ".dlc" ,
onload : function ( response ) {
dcrypt ( response . responseText ) ;
} ,
onerror : function ( response ) {
} ) ;
else {
document . getElementById ( "dcryptLoadMsg" ) . textContent = "No DLC file is available for bulk download. You'll have to click on the download buttons to retrieve the links. This operation isn't currently automated by Bypass FileCrypt script." ;
document . getElementById ( "dcryptLoadMsg" ) . style . color = "red" ;
function dcrypt ( content ) {
GM . xmlHttpRequest ( {
method : "POST" ,
url : "http://dcrypt.it/decrypt/paste" ,
headers : {
"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
} ,
data : "content=" + encodeURIComponent ( content ) ,
onload : function ( response ) {
var obj = JSON . parse ( response . response ) ;
var finalLinksDiv = document . createElement ( "DIV" ) ;
2024-11-27 22:46:02 +05:00
finalLinksDiv . style . backgroundColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)" ;
2024-04-07 07:12:03 +05:00
finalLinksDiv . style . borderRadius = "10px" ;
finalLinksDiv . style . padding = "1em" ;
finalLinksDiv . style . marginTop = "1em" ;
2024-11-27 22:46:02 +05:00
finalLinksDiv . style . color = "#4FCA1B" ;
2024-04-07 07:12:03 +05:00
finalLinksDiv . style . zIndex = "10" ;
finalLinksDiv . style . position = "relative" ;
finalLinksDiv . style . marginBottom = "1em" ;
2024-11-27 22:46:02 +05:00
finalLinksDiv . style . display = "inline-block" ;
2024-04-07 07:12:03 +05:00
let a = document . createElement ( "SPAN" ) ;
a . textContent = "Decrypted links:" ;
finalLinksDiv . appendChild ( a ) ;
finalLinksDiv . appendChild ( document . createElement ( "BR" ) ) ;
finalLinksDiv . appendChild ( document . createElement ( "BR" ) ) ;
try {
for ( var link of obj . success . links ) {
console . log ( link ) ;
let b = document . createElement ( "A" ) ;
b . textContent = link ;
b . href = link ;
b . style . color = "#156594" ;
finalLinksDiv . appendChild ( b ) ;
finalLinksDiv . appendChild ( document . createElement ( "BR" ) ) ;
catch ( e ) {
console . log ( e ) ;
document . getElementById ( "dcryptLoadMsg" ) . textContent = "Error while reading the decrypted links from dcrypt.it. You can still use the single uncrypted links below." ;
console . log ( finalLinksDiv ) ;
document . getElementById ( "dcryptLoadMsg" ) . replaceWith ( finalLinksDiv ) ;
//Do you like it now? It's not hidden anymore :P
const config = { attributes : true , childList : false , subtree : false } ;
const callback = function ( mutationList , observer ) {
for ( const mutation of mutationList ) {
console . log ( mutation ) ;
mutation . target . removeAttribute ( mutation . attributeName ) ;
} ;
const observer = new MutationObserver ( callback ) ;
observer . observe ( finalLinksDiv , config ) ;
} ,
onerror : function ( response ) {
document . getElementById ( "dcryptLoadMsg" ) . textContent = "Error while retrieving the links from dcrypt.it. You can still use the single uncrypted links below." ;
} ) ;
// ------------------------
} ) ;
} ) ( ) ;
// ----- ----- -----