2024-11-08 17:05:35 +05:00
// ==UserScript==
// @name profitsfly reload helper
2024-12-01 15:40:09 +05:00
// @include /^https:\/\/.*\.(tradeshowrating.com|historyofyesterday.com|playonpc.online|quins.us)\/.*/
2024-11-08 17:05:35 +05:00
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
//---profitsfly reload helper----
(function() {
"use strict";
2024-12-01 15:40:09 +05:00
const domainRegex = /^https:\/\/.*\.(tradeshowrating.com|historyofyesterday.com|playonpc.online|quins.us)\/.*/;
2024-11-08 17:05:35 +05:00
if (domainRegex.test(window.location.href)) {
2024-12-04 01:49:08 +05:00
// Back up the current ref url
if (window.location.href.includes("/ref.php")) {
GM_setValue("profitsflyLocation", window.location.href);
2024-11-08 17:05:35 +05:00
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
2024-12-04 01:49:08 +05:00
// Check if the current URL is just the domain
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
const path = url.pathname;
if (path === "/" || path === "") {
if (document.body.textContent.includes("You have 2 active sessions.")) {
// Click the continue button if a backed up url was loaded in the last 5 seconds
if ((Date.now() - GM_getValue("profitsflyGoBackTime", 0)) < 5000) {
for (const button of document.querySelectorAll("button")) {
if (button.textContent.trim() === "Continue") {
} else {
// Load the backed up url
const lastLocation = GM_getValue("profitsflyLocation");
if (lastLocation) {
GM_setValue("profitsflyGoBackTime", Date.now());
GM_setValue("profitsflyOverrideLocation", lastLocation);
window.location.href = lastLocation;
2024-11-23 14:17:56 +05:00
2024-12-04 01:49:08 +05:00
// Function to check for messages like "Click any ad & keep it open for 15 seconds to continue" and reload the page if one exists
let reloading = false;
2024-11-08 17:05:35 +05:00
function checkForMessage() {
const paragraphs = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
for (let p of paragraphs) {
if (/.*click.+ad.*to.+continue.*/is.test(p.textContent) && isElementVisibleAndEnabled(p)) {
2024-11-23 14:17:56 +05:00
if (!reloading) location.reload(); // Reload the page
reloading = true;
2024-11-08 17:05:35 +05:00
return; // Exit the function after reloading
2024-11-27 22:51:11 +05:00
if (document.body.textContent.includes("Less than 18 seconds have passed between actions. Robot verification failed, please try again...")) {
if (!reloading) location.reload(); // Reload the page
reloading = true;
return; // Exit the function after reloading
2024-11-08 17:05:35 +05:00
// Helper function to determine if an element is visible and enabled
function isElementVisibleAndEnabled(el) {
// Check if the element and all its parents are visible
let currentElement = el;
while (currentElement) {
const style = getComputedStyle(currentElement);
if (style.display === "none" || style.visibility === "hidden") {
return false; // Element or parent is not visible
currentElement = currentElement.parentElement; // Move up the DOM tree
// Check if the button is enabled
return !el.disabled;
setInterval(checkForMessage, 1000);
2024-12-04 01:49:08 +05:00