2024-02-24 00:10:45 +05:00
// ==UserScript==
// @name Ad-maven 3rd party bypass
// @description These bypasses are always merged into Bypass_All_Shortlinks.user.js
// @include /(free-content.pro|((ebaticalfel|downbadleaks|megadropsz|megadumpz|stownrusis|iedprivatedqu).com))\/s\?/
// @include /adbypass.eu/
2024-02-25 18:10:27 +05:00
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
2024-02-24 00:10:45 +05:00
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
2024-02-25 18:10:27 +05:00
// ----- Bypass ad-maven with adbypass.eu -----
2024-02-24 00:10:45 +05:00
(function() {
'use strict';
var url = window.location.href;
if (/(free-content.pro|((ebaticalfel|downbadleaks|megadropsz|megadumpz|stownrusis|iedprivatedqu).com))\/s\?/.test(url)) {
GM_setValue('savedShortlink', url);
2024-02-24 16:37:56 +05:00
} else if (/adbypass.eu/.test(url) && !url.includes('/unblock')) {
2024-02-24 00:10:45 +05:00
window.addEventListener("load", function(event) {
var savedShortlink = GM_getValue('savedShortlink', null);
var inputField = document.querySelector('#inputt');
if (savedShortlink && inputField) {
inputField.value = savedShortlink;
2024-03-10 17:35:19 +05:00
setTimeout(function() {let bypassButton = document.querySelector('#bttn');if (bypassButton) {bypassButton.click(); bypassButton.disabled = true;}}, 500);
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2024-02-24 16:37:56 +05:00
} else if (/adbypass.eu\/unblock/.test(url)) {
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
var linkElement = document.querySelector('.form__group > a:nth-child(5)');
if (linkElement && linkElement.href) {
2024-03-10 17:35:19 +05:00
//if (confirm('Bypass done.\nRedirect to ' + linkElement.href + ' ?')) {
2024-02-24 16:37:56 +05:00
2024-03-10 17:35:19 +05:00
2024-02-24 16:37:56 +05:00
2024-02-24 00:10:45 +05:00
// ----- ----- -----