- **Added more bypasses and some fixes** through the scripts in the [extra_bypasses](https://codeberg.org/Amm0ni4/bypass-all-shortlinks-debloated/src/branch/main/extra_bypasses) directory.
- **No loading the script indiscriminately on every site.** The script will be loaded only for the sites that are supported (the original userscript is loaded in most of the sites you visit, which is not necessary). Also, by default the script won't run on some sites that have optional bypasses made, but are sensitive like YouTube or Google. These can be re-enabled manually in your userscript manager, adding [optional matching rules](https://codeberg.org/Amm0ni4/bypass-all-shortlinks-debloated/src/branch/main/docs/optional_matching_rules.md) in the script _settings_.
- **No added tracking redirects.** The script will not redirect to `rotator.nurul-huda.sch.id` or `free4u.nurul-huda.or.id` which are sites set by the developer for tracking / [collecting analytics](https://i.ibb.co/D1zYG1v/topcountry17-04-2023.jpg) and showing ads. Note: removing this could break "faucet" (crypto rewards) sites, according to Bloggerpemula, since they add a sometimes necessary delay. I don't try to support those sites with this fork.
- **No injecting tracking in every site**.
- The script will not inject that _iframe_ linking to `menrealitycalc.com`. (Recently, this _iframe_ was removed from the OpenUserJS version, and was only present in the GreasyFork version.)
- The script will not inject this weird _"adcopy_response"_. (I don't see a clear purpose for this, since it doesn't seem related in the script to any specific link shortener)
Original script by *Bloggerpemula*: [Bypass All Shortlinks Manual Captcha - OpenUserJS](https://openuserjs.org/scripts/Bloggerpemula/Bypass_All_Shortlinks_Manual_Captcha)
- Reporting issues to the original script in [greasyfork feedback](https://greasyfork.org/scripts/431691/feedback) or [openuserjs issues](https://openuserjs.org/scripts/Bloggerpemula/Bypass_All_Shortlinks_Manual_Captcha/issues) (before doing this, check the issue is present in the original script)
- Reporting issues here on the [issues](https://codeberg.org/Amm0ni4/bypass-all-shortlinks-debloated/issues) tab. Post examples with the source link shortener and link source website. I will only add/fix content-sharing shortlinks, no faucet / crypto rewards.
- If while using uBlock Origin (recommended adblocker), a link shortener is showing ads or detecting you have adblock, report it [here](https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/discussions/17361).