2024-10-05 23:14:06 +05:00
// ==UserScript==
// @name Rinku autoclick
// @include /^(https?:\/\/)(.+)?((actualpost|americanstylo|beautifulfashionnailart|dadinthemaking|glowandglamcorner|listofthis|lobirtech).com)(\/.*)/
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
// ----- Bypass Rinku ------
// source: https://codeberg.org/Amm0ni4/bypass-all-shortlinks-debloated/issues/165
// example: https://rinku.me/0XLi6
( function ( ) {
"use strict" ;
const domainRegex = /(actualpost|americanstylo|beautifulfashionnailart|dadinthemaking|glowandglamcorner|listofthis|lobirtech).com/
if ( domainRegex . test ( window . location . href ) ) {
window . addEventListener ( 'load' , function ( ) {
// Override the hasFocus function
document . hasFocus = function ( ) {
return true ; // Always return true
} ;
// Function to check for "Click Any Ad & Keep It Open For 15 Seconds To Continue" and reload the page if it exists
function checkForMessage ( ) {
const paragraphs = document . getElementsByTagName ( "p" ) ;
for ( let p of paragraphs ) {
if ( p . textContent . includes ( "Click Any Ad & Keep It Open For 15 Seconds To Continue" ) || p . textContent . includes ( "Click Any Ad & Keep It Open For 15 Seconds To Unlock Captcha" ) ) {
console . log ( "Detected the message. Reloading the page..." ) ;
//alert("Unbypassable page type. Reloading the page...");
2024-10-06 03:05:46 +05:00
location . reload ( ) ; // Reload the page
2024-10-05 23:14:06 +05:00
return ; // Exit the function after reloading
// Function to check and click the button
function clickStepButton ( ) {
const buttons = document . querySelectorAll ( "button" ) ;
for ( let button of buttons ) {
if ( button . textContent . includes ( "Step" ) && isElementVisibleAndEnabled ( button ) ) {
button . click ( ) ;
console . log ( "Clicked the button: " , button ) ;
return ; // Stop after clicking the first found button
// Function to observe button changes
function observeButtons ( ) {
const buttons = document . querySelectorAll ( "button" ) ;
buttons . forEach ( button => {
const observer = new MutationObserver ( ( ) => {
// Check if the button is enabled or visibility changed
if ( isElementVisibleAndEnabled ( button ) ) {
clickStepButton ( ) ; // Attempt to click if it meets criteria
} ) ;
observer . observe ( button , {
attributes : true ,
attributeFilter : [ "disabled" ] // Observe changes to the disabled attribute
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Helper function to determine if an element is visible and enabled
function isElementVisibleAndEnabled ( el ) {
// Check if the element and all its parents are visible
let currentElement = el ;
while ( currentElement ) {
const style = getComputedStyle ( currentElement ) ;
if ( style . display === "none" || style . visibility === "hidden" ) {
return false ; // Element or parent is not visible
currentElement = currentElement . parentElement ; // Move up the DOM tree
// Check if the button is enabled
return ! el . disabled ;
// Create a MutationObserver to detect DOM changes
const observer = new MutationObserver ( clickStepButton ) ;
// Observe changes in the entire document
observer . observe ( document . body , {
childList : true ,
subtree : true
} ) ;
// Initial checks
observeButtons ( ) ;
checkForMessage ( ) ;
clickStepButton ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ( ) ;
// ----- End Bypass Rinku -----