// ==UserScript== // @name dropgalaxy bypass // @match https://dropgalaxy.com/drive/* // @match https://dropgalaxy.co/drive/* // @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.1.min.js // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== // ----- Bypass for dropgalaxy ----- (function() { 'use strict'; if (/^https?:\/\/dropgalaxy\.(com|co)\/drive\/.*/.test(window.location.href)) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { function clickButton(selector) { var button = document.querySelector(selector); if (button) {button.click();}; } // 1st PAGE - click the hidden button inmediately clickButton('#method_free'); // 2nd PAGE - 16 seconds delay to click the initially blocked #downloadbtn setTimeout(function() { clickButton('#downloadbtn'); }, 16000); // (if you click it from the beginning, it triggers adblock detection) // 3rd PAGE - Extract the download link as soon as it is available (function($) { 'use strict'; // Check for the presence of the form element at regular intervals var intervalId = setInterval(function() { var $downloadForm = $('#dllink'); if ($downloadForm.length > 0) { // Check if the form element is present var url = $downloadForm.attr('action'); // Extract the URL from the form action attribute clearInterval(intervalId); // Stop the interval since the URL is found alert('Press OK to go to the download link:\n' + url); // Show download link in a popup window.location.href = url; // Redirect to the download link } }, 1000); })(jQuery); }); } })(); // ----- ----- -----