2020-08-13 18:21:42 +05:00
const ytpl = require('ytpl')
const Discord = require('discord.js')
const youtubeVideoRegex = (/(?:youtube\.com\/(?:[^\/]+\/.+\/|(?:v|e(?:mbed)?)\/|.*[?&]v=)|youtu\.be\/)([^"&?\/\s]{11})/)
const spotifySongRegex = (/https?:\/\/(?:embed\.|open\.)(?:spotify\.com\/)(?:track\/|\?uri=spotify:track:)((\w|-){22})/)
module.exports = class Util {
constructor () {
throw new Error(`The ${this.constructor.name} class may not be instantiated.`)
2020-08-14 02:07:54 +05:00
static isVoiceEmpty (channel) {
return channel.members.filter((member) => !member.user.bot).size === 0
2020-08-13 18:21:42 +05:00
static isSpotifyLink (query) {
return spotifySongRegex.test(query)
static isYTPlaylistLink (query) {
return ytpl.validateURL(query)
static isYTVideoLink (query) {
return youtubeVideoRegex.test(query)
* Sends a selection embed in a channel and await for the member's answer
* @param {Discord.User} user The user able to choose the song
* @param {Discord.TextChannel} channel The channel in which the selection embed will be sent
* @param {Tracks[]} tracks The tracks the selection embed should contain
* @param {Object} options
* @param {number} options.trackCount The number of tracks to show on the embed
* @param {Function} options.formatTrack Function use to map songs in the selection embed
* @param {String} options.embedColor Color of the selection embed
* @param {String} options.embedFooter Text of the footer of the selection embed
* @param {number} options.collectorTimeout Number of time before the bot cancels the selection and send the collectorTimeoutMessage message
* @param {number} options.collectorTimeoutMessage Message sent when the selection time has expired
* @param {Function} options.embedCallback Function called to allow users to edit the selection embed
* @returns {Promise<Track>}
static async awaitSelection (user, channel, tracks, { trackCount, formatTrack, embedColor, embedFooter, collectorTimeout, collectorTimeoutMessage, embedCallback }) {
if (trackCount) tracks.splice(trackCount)
formatTrack = formatTrack || ((track, index) => `${++index} - ${track.name}`)
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setColor(embedColor || 'RED')
.setFooter(embedFooter || 'Please send the number of the track you would like to listen.')
await channel.send(embed)
const collected = await channel.awaitMessages((message) => message.author.id === user.id && !isNaN(message.content) && parseInt(message.content) > 0 && parseInt(message.content) < tracks, {
time: collectorTimeout,
errors: ['time']
}).catch((reason) => {
embedCallback(embed, null)
return null
if (!collected) return null
const index = parseInt(collected.first().content) - 1
const track = tracks[index]
embedCallback(embed, track)
return track