
140 lines
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2021-04-06 17:55:29 +05:00
import YouTube from "youtube-sr";
import { EventEmitter } from "events";
import { Client, Collection, Snowflake, Collector, Message } from "discord.js";
import { PlayerOptions } from "./types/types";
import Util from "./utils/Util";
import AudioFilters from "./utils/AudioFilters";
import Queue from "./Structures/Queue";
import Track from "./Structures/Track";
import { PlayerEvents } from "./utils/Constants";
// @ts-ignore
import spotify from "spotify-url-info";
// @ts-ignore
import { Client as SoundCloudClient } from "soundcloud-scraper";
const SoundCloud = new SoundCloudClient;
2021-04-04 22:36:40 +05:00
export default class Player extends EventEmitter {
public client!: Client;
public options: PlayerOptions;
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public filters: typeof AudioFilters;
public queues: Collection<Snowflake, Queue>;
private _resultsCollectors: Collection<string, Collector<Snowflake, Message>>;
private _cooldownsTimeout: Collection<string, NodeJS.Timeout>;
2021-04-04 22:36:40 +05:00
constructor(client: Client, options?: PlayerOptions) {
* The discord client that instantiated this player
2021-04-06 17:55:29 +05:00
Object.defineProperty(this, "client", {
2021-04-04 22:36:40 +05:00
value: client,
enumerable: false
* The player options
this.options = Object.assign({}, Util.DefaultPlayerOptions, options ?? {});
// check FFmpeg
void Util.alertFFmpeg();
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* The audio filters
this.filters = AudioFilters;
* Player queues
this.queues = new Collection();
static get AudioFilters() {
return AudioFilters;
private _searchTracks(message: Message, query: string, firstResult?: boolean, isAttachment?: boolean): Promise<Track> {
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
let tracks: Track[] = [];
let queryType = Util.getQueryType(query);
switch(queryType) {
case "soundcloud_track": {
const data = await SoundCloud.getSongInfo(query).catch(() => { })
if (data) {
const track = new Track(this, {
title: data.title,
url: data.url,
duration: Util.durationString(Util.parseMS(data.duration / 1000)),
description: data.description,
thumbnail: data.thumbnail,
views: data.playCount,
author: data.author,
requestedBy: message.author,
fromPlaylist: false,
source: "soundcloud",
engine: data
case "spotify_song": {
const matchSpotifyURL = query.match(/https?:\/\/(?:embed\.|open\.)(?:spotify\.com\/)(?:track\/|\?uri=spotify:track:)((\w|-){22})/)
if (matchSpotifyURL) {
const spotifyData = await spotify.getPreview(query).catch(() => { })
if (spotifyData) {
tracks = await Util.ytSearch(`${spotifyData.artist} - ${spotifyData.title}`, { user: message.author, player: this });
tracks = await Util.ytSearch(query, { user: message.author, player: this });
if (tracks.length < 1) return this.emit(PlayerEvents.NO_RESULTS, message, query);
if (firstResult) return resolve(tracks[0]);
const collectorString = `${message.author.id}-${message.channel.id}`;
const currentCollector = this._resultsCollectors.get(collectorString);
if (currentCollector) currentCollector.stop()
const collector = message.channel.createMessageCollector((m) => m.author.id === message.author.id, {
time: 60000
this._resultsCollectors.set(collectorString, collector);
this.emit(PlayerEvents.SEARCH_RESULTS, message, query, tracks, collector);
collector.on("collect", ({ content }) => {
if (content === "cancel") {
return this.emit(PlayerEvents.SEARCH_CANCEL, message, query, tracks);
if (!isNaN(content) && parseInt(content) >= 1 && parseInt(content) <= tracks.length) {
const index = parseInt(content, 10);
const track = tracks[index - 1];
} else {
this.emit(PlayerEvents.SEARCH_INVALID_RESPONSE, message, query, tracks, content, collector);
collector.on("end", (collected, reason) => {
if (reason === "time") {
this.emit(PlayerEvents.SEARCH_CANCEL, message, query, tracks);
2021-04-04 22:36:40 +05:00
2021-04-04 22:44:45 +05:00