This commit is contained in:
Snowflake107 2021-06-19 17:58:39 +05:45
parent bfd88e8d42
commit 7ae60f0bbf
6 changed files with 20 additions and 284 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -9,4 +9,6 @@ lib
# example

View file

@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ These bots are made by the community, they can help you build your own!
const player = new Player(client, {
ytdlDownloadOptions: {
ytdlOptions: {
requestOptions: {
headers: {
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ const proxy = "http://user:pass@";
const agent = HttpsProxyAgent(proxy);
const player = new Player(client, {
ytdlDownloadOptions: {
ytdlOptions: {
requestOptions: { agent }

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
export const config = {

View file

@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
import { Client, GuildMember, TextChannel } from "discord.js";
import { config } from "./config";
import { Player, Queue, QueryType, QueueRepeatMode } from "../src/index";
// use this in prod.
// import { Player, Queue } from "discord-player";
const client = new Client({
client.on("ready", () => {
console.log("Bot is online!");
name: "🎶 | Music Time",
client.on("error", console.error);
client.on("warn", console.warn);
// instantiate the player
const player = new Player(client);
player.on("error", console.error);
player.on("trackStart", (queue, track) => {
const guildQueue = queue as Queue<TextChannel>;
guildQueue.metadata.send(`🎶 | Started playing: **${track.title}** in **${}**!`);
player.on("trackAdd", (queue, track) => {
const guildQueue = queue as Queue<TextChannel>;
guildQueue.metadata.send(`🎶 | Track **${track.title}** queued!`);
player.on("botDisconnect", (queue) => {
const guildQueue = queue as Queue<TextChannel>;
guildQueue.metadata.send("❌ | I was manually disconnected from the voice channel, clearing queue!");
player.on("channelEmpty", (queue) => {
const guildQueue = queue as Queue<TextChannel>;
guildQueue.metadata.send("❌ | Nobody is in the voice channel, leaving...");
player.on("queueEnd", (queue) => {
const guildQueue = queue as Queue<TextChannel>;
guildQueue.metadata.send("✅ | Queue finished!");
client.on("message", async (message) => {
if ( || !message.guild) return;
if (!client.application?.owner) await client.application?.fetch();
if (message.content === "!deploy" && === client.application?.owner?.id) {
await message.guild.commands.set([
name: "play",
description: "Plays a song from youtube",
options: [
name: "query",
type: "STRING",
description: "The song you want to play",
required: true
name: "soundcloud",
description: "Plays a song from soundcloud",
options: [
name: "query",
type: "STRING",
description: "The song you want to play",
required: true
name: "volume",
description: "Sets music volume",
options: [
name: "amount",
type: "INTEGER",
description: "The volume amount to set (0-100)",
required: false
name: "loop",
description: "Sets loop mode",
options: [
name: "mode",
type: "INTEGER",
description: "Loop type",
required: true,
choices: [
name: "Off",
value: 0
name: "Track",
value: 1
name: "Queue",
value: 2
name: "skip",
description: "Skip to the current song"
name: "queue",
description: "See the queue"
name: "pause",
description: "Pause the current song"
name: "resume",
description: "Resume the current song"
name: "stop",
description: "Stop the player"
name: "np",
description: "Now Playing"
await message.reply("Deployed!");
client.on("interaction", async (interaction) => {
if (!interaction.isCommand() || !interaction.guildID) return;
if (!(interaction.member instanceof GuildMember) || ! {
return void interaction.reply({ content: "You are not in a voice channel!", ephemeral: true });
if ( && interaction.member.voice.channelID !== {
return void interaction.reply({ content: "You are not in my voice channel!", ephemeral: true });
if (interaction.commandName === "play" || interaction.commandName === "soundcloud") {
await interaction.defer();
const query = interaction.options.get("query")!.value! as string;
const searchResult = await player
.search(query, {
requestedBy: interaction.user,
searchEngine: interaction.commandName === "soundcloud" ? QueryType.SOUNDCLOUD_SEARCH : QueryType.AUTO
.catch(() => {});
if (!searchResult || !searchResult.tracks.length) return void interaction.followUp({ content: "No results were found!" });
const queue = await player.createQueue(interaction.guild, {
metadata: as TextChannel
try {
if (!queue.connection) await queue.connect(;
} catch {
void player.deleteQueue(interaction.guildID);
return void interaction.followUp({ content: "Could not join your voice channel!" });
await interaction.followUp({ content: "⏱ | Loading your track..." });
searchResult.playlist ? queue.addTracks(searchResult.tracks) : queue.addTrack(searchResult.tracks[0]);
if (!queue.playing) await;
} else if (interaction.commandName === "volume") {
await interaction.defer();
const queue = player.getQueue(interaction.guildID);
if (!queue || !queue.playing) return void interaction.followUp({ content: "❌ | No music is being played!" });
const vol = interaction.options.get("amount");
if (!vol) return void interaction.followUp({ content: `🎧 | Current volume is **${queue.volume}**%!` });
if ((vol.value as number) < 0 || (vol.value as number) > 100) return void interaction.followUp({ content: "❌ | Volume range must be 0-100" });
const success = queue.setVolume(vol.value as number);
return void interaction.followUp({
content: success ? `✅ | Volume set to **${vol.value}%**!` : "❌ | Something went wrong!"
} else if (interaction.commandName === "skip") {
await interaction.defer();
const queue = player.getQueue(interaction.guildID);
if (!queue || !queue.playing) return void interaction.followUp({ content: "❌ | No music is being played!" });
const currentTrack = queue.current;
const success = queue.skip();
return void interaction.followUp({
content: success ? `✅ | Skipped **${currentTrack}**!` : "❌ | Something went wrong!"
} else if (interaction.commandName === "queue") {
await interaction.defer();
const queue = player.getQueue(interaction.guildID);
if (!queue || !queue.playing) return void interaction.followUp({ content: "❌ | No music is being played!" });
const currentTrack = queue.current;
const tracks = queue.tracks.slice(0, 10).map((m, i) => {
return `${i + 1}. **${m.title}**`;
return void interaction.followUp({
embeds: [
title: "Server Queue",
description: `${tracks.join("\n")}${
queue.tracks.length > tracks.length
? `\n...${queue.tracks.length - tracks.length === 1 ? `${queue.tracks.length - tracks.length} more track` : `${queue.tracks.length - tracks.length} more tracks`}`
: ""
color: 0xff0000,
fields: [{ name: "Now Playing", value: `🎶 | **${currentTrack.title}**` }]
} else if (interaction.commandName === "pause") {
await interaction.defer();
const queue = player.getQueue(interaction.guildID);
if (!queue || !queue.playing) return void interaction.followUp({ content: "❌ | No music is being played!" });
const success = queue.setPaused(true);
return void interaction.followUp({ content: success ? "⏸ | Paused!" : "❌ | Something went wrong!" });
} else if (interaction.commandName === "resume") {
await interaction.defer();
const queue = player.getQueue(interaction.guildID);
if (!queue || !queue.playing) return void interaction.followUp({ content: "❌ | No music is being played!" });
const success = queue.setPaused(false);
return void interaction.followUp({ content: success ? "▶ | Resumed!" : "❌ | Something went wrong!" });
} else if (interaction.commandName === "stop") {
await interaction.defer();
const queue = player.getQueue(interaction.guildID);
if (!queue || !queue.playing) return void interaction.followUp({ content: "❌ | No music is being played!" });
return void interaction.followUp({ content: "🛑 | Stopped the player!" });
} else if (interaction.commandName === "np") {
await interaction.defer();
const queue = player.getQueue(interaction.guildID);
if (!queue || !queue.playing) return void interaction.followUp({ content: "❌ | No music is being played!" });
return void interaction.followUp({ content: `🎶 | Current song: **${queue.current.title}**!` });
} else if (interaction.commandName === "loop") {
await interaction.defer();
const queue = player.getQueue(interaction.guildID);
if (!queue || !queue.playing) return void interaction.followUp({ content: "❌ | No music is being played!" });
const loopMode = interaction.options.get("mode")!.value as QueueRepeatMode;
const success = queue.setRepeatMode(loopMode);
const mode = loopMode === QueueRepeatMode.TRACK ? "🔂" : loopMode === QueueRepeatMode.QUEUE ? "🔁" : "▶";
return void interaction.followUp({ content: success ? `${mode} | Updated loop mode!` : "❌ | Could not update loop mode!" });
} else {
content: "Unknown command!",
ephemeral: true

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"scripts": {
"test": "cd example && ts-node index.ts",
"dev": "cd example/test && ts-node index.ts",
"build": "rimraf lib && tsc",
"format": "prettier --write \"src/**/*.ts\" \"example/**/*.ts\"",
"lint": "tslint -p tsconfig.json",
@ -79,6 +79,6 @@
"typescript": "^4.3.2"
"optionalDependencies": {
"sodium": "^3.0.2"
"libsodium-wrappers": "^0.7.9"

View file

@ -3054,6 +3054,18 @@ levn@^0.3.0, levn@~0.3.0:
prelude-ls "~1.1.2"
type-check "~0.3.2"
version "0.7.9"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-9HaAeBGk1nKTRFRHkt7nzxqCvnkWTjn1pdjKgcUnZxj0FyOP4CnhgFhMdrFfgNsukijBGyBLpP2m2uKT1vuWhQ==
libsodium "^0.7.0"
version "0.7.9"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-gfeADtR4D/CM0oRUviKBViMGXZDgnFdMKMzHsvBdqLBHd9ySi6EtYnmuhHVDDYgYpAO8eU8hEY+F8vIUAPh08A==
version "2.2.0"
resolved ""
@ -3317,7 +3329,7 @@ nice-try@^1.0.4:
resolved ""
integrity sha512-1nh45deeb5olNY7eX82BkPO7SSxR5SSYJiPTrTdFUVYwAl8CKMA5N9PjTYkHiRjisVcxcQ1HXdLhx2qxxJzLNQ==
node-addon-api@*, node-addon-api@^3.2.1:
version "3.2.1"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-mmcei9JghVNDYydghQmeDX8KoAm0FAiYyIcUt/N4nhyAipB17pllZQDOJD2fotxABnt4Mdz+dKTO7eftLg4d0A==
@ -3922,13 +3934,6 @@ snapdragon@^0.8.1:
source-map-resolve "^0.5.0"
use "^3.1.0"
version "3.0.2"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-IsTwTJeoNBU97km3XkrbCGC/n/9aUQejgD3QPr2YY2gtbSPru3TI6nhCqgoez9Mv88frF9oVZS/jrXFbd6WXyA==
node-addon-api "*"
version "2.0.0"
resolved ""