import { Guild, StageChannel, VoiceChannel } from "discord.js"; import { Player } from "../Player"; import { StreamDispatcher } from "../VoiceInterface/BasicStreamDispatcher"; import Track from "./Track"; import { PlayerOptions, PlayOptions } from "../types/types"; import ytdl from "discord-ytdl-core"; import { AudioResource, StreamType } from "@discordjs/voice"; class Queue { public readonly guild: Guild; public readonly player: Player; public connection: StreamDispatcher; public tracks: Track[] = []; public options: PlayerOptions; public playing = false; public metadata?: T = null; constructor(player: Player, guild: Guild, options: PlayerOptions = {}) { this.player = player; this.guild = guild; this.options = {}; Object.assign( this.options, { leaveOnEnd: true, leaveOnEndCooldown: 1000, leaveOnStop: true, leaveOnEmpty: true, leaveOnEmptyCooldown: 1000, autoSelfDeaf: true, enableLive: false, ytdlDownloadOptions: {}, useSafeSearch: false, disableAutoRegister: false, fetchBeforeQueued: false, initialVolume: 100 } as PlayerOptions, options ); } get current() { return this.connection.audioResource?.metadata ?? this.tracks[0]; } async connect(channel: StageChannel | VoiceChannel) { if (!["stage", "voice"].includes(channel?.type)) throw new TypeError(`Channel type must be voice or stage, got ${channel?.type}!`); const connection = await this.player.voiceUtils.connect(channel); this.connection = connection; if (channel.type === "stage") await => {}); return this; } destroy() { this.connection.end(); this.connection.disconnect(); this.player.queues.delete(; } skip() { if (!this.connection) return false; this.connection.end(); return true; } addTrack(track: Track) { this.tracks.push(track); this.player.emit("trackAdd", this, track); } addTracks(tracks: Track[]) { this.tracks.push(...tracks); this.player.emit("tracksAdd", this, tracks); } setPaused(paused?: boolean) { if (!this.connection) return false; return paused ? this.connection.pause() : this.connection.resume(); } setBitrate(bitrate: number | "auto") { if (!this.connection?.audioResource?.encoder) return; if (bitrate === "auto") bitrate = ?? 64000; this.connection.audioResource.encoder.setBitrate(bitrate); } setVolume(amount: number) { if (!this.connection) return false; this.options.initialVolume = amount; return this.connection.setVolume(amount); } get volume() { if (!this.connection) return 100; return this.connection.volume; } async play(src?: Track, options: PlayOptions = {}) { if (!this.connection || !this.connection.voiceConnection) throw new Error("Voice connection is not available, use .connect()!"); if (src && (this.playing || this.tracks.length) && !options.immediate) return this.addTrack(src); const track = options.filtersUpdate ? this.current : src ?? this.tracks.shift(); if (!track) return; let stream; if (["youtube", "spotify"].includes(track.raw.source)) { stream = ytdl(track.raw.source === "spotify" ? track.raw.engine : track.url, { // because we don't wanna decode opus into pcm again just for volume, let discord.js handle that opusEncoded: false, fmt: "s16le", encoderArgs: options.encoderArgs ?? [], seek: }); } else { stream = ytdl.arbitraryStream(track.raw.source === "soundcloud" ? await track.raw.engine.downloadProgressive() : (track.raw.engine as string), { // because we don't wanna decode opus into pcm again just for volume, let discord.js handle that opusEncoded: false, fmt: "s16le", encoderArgs: options.encoderArgs ?? [], seek: }); } const resource: AudioResource = this.connection.createStream(stream, { type: StreamType.Raw, data: track }); const dispatcher = await this.connection.playStream(resource); dispatcher.setVolume(this.options.initialVolume); dispatcher.once("start", () => { this.playing = true; if (!options.filtersUpdate) this.player.emit("trackStart", this, this.current); }); dispatcher.once("finish", () => { this.playing = false; if (options.filtersUpdate) return; if (!this.tracks.length) { this.destroy(); this.player.emit("queueEnd", this); } else { const nextTrack = this.tracks.shift();, { immediate: true }); } }); dispatcher.on("error", (e) => this.player.emit("error", this, e)); dispatcher.on("debug", (msg) => this.player.emit("debug", this, msg)); } *[Symbol.iterator]() { yield* this.tracks; } toJSON() { return { guild:, options: this.options, tracks: => m.toJSON()) }; } toString() { if (!this.tracks.length) return "No songs available to display!"; return `**Upcoming Songs:**\n${, i) => `${i + 1}. **${m.title}**`).join("\n")}`; } } export { Queue };