import { Collection, Guild, StageChannel, VoiceChannel, Snowflake, SnowflakeUtil, GuildChannelResolvable } from "discord.js"; import { Player } from "../Player"; import { StreamDispatcher } from "../VoiceInterface/StreamDispatcher"; import Track from "./Track"; import { PlayerOptions, PlayerProgressbarOptions, PlayOptions, QueueFilters, QueueRepeatMode } from "../types/types"; import ytdl from "discord-ytdl-core"; import { AudioResource, StreamType } from "@discordjs/voice"; import { Util } from "../utils/Util"; import YouTube from "youtube-sr"; import AudioFilters from "../utils/AudioFilters"; import { PlayerError, ErrorStatusCode } from "./PlayerError"; class Queue { public readonly guild: Guild; public readonly player: Player; public connection: StreamDispatcher; public tracks: Track[] = []; public previousTracks: Track[] = []; public options: PlayerOptions; public playing = false; public metadata?: T = null; public repeatMode: QueueRepeatMode = 0; public readonly id: Snowflake = SnowflakeUtil.generate(); private _streamTime = 0; public _cooldownsTimeout = new Collection(); private _activeFilters: any[] = []; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any private _filtersUpdate = false; #lastVolume = 0; #destroyed = false; /** * Queue constructor * @param {Player} player The player that instantiated this queue * @param {Guild} guild The guild that instantiated this queue * @param {PlayerOptions} [options={}] Player options for the queue */ constructor(player: Player, guild: Guild, options: PlayerOptions = {}) { /** * The player that instantiated this queue * @type {Player} * @readonly */ this.player = player; /** * The guild that instantiated this queue * @type {Guild} * @readonly */ this.guild = guild; /** * The player options for this queue * @type {PlayerOptions} */ this.options = {}; /** * Queue repeat mode * @type {QueueRepeatMode} * @name Queue#repeatMode */ /** * Queue metadata * @type {any} * @name Queue#metadata */ /** * Previous tracks * @type {Track[]} * @name Queue#previousTracks */ /** * Regular tracks * @type {Track[]} * @name Queue#tracks */ /** * The connection * @type {StreamDispatcher} * @name Queue#connection */ /** * The ID of this queue * @type {Snowflake} * @name Queue#id */ Object.assign( this.options, { leaveOnEnd: true, leaveOnStop: true, leaveOnEmpty: true, leaveOnEmptyCooldown: 1000, autoSelfDeaf: true, ytdlOptions: { highWaterMark: 1 << 25 }, initialVolume: 100, bufferingTimeout: 3000 } as PlayerOptions, options ); this.player.emit("debug", this, `Queue initialized:\n\n${this.player.scanDeps()}`); } /** * Returns current track * @type {Track} */ get current() { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; return this.connection.audioResource?.metadata ?? this.tracks[0]; } /** * If this queue is destroyed * @type {boolean} */ get destroyed() { return this.#destroyed; } /** * Returns current track * @returns {Track} */ nowPlaying() { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; return this.current; } /** * Connects to a voice channel * @param {GuildChannelResolvable} channel The voice/stage channel * @returns {Promise} */ async connect(channel: GuildChannelResolvable) { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; const _channel = this.guild.channels.resolve(channel) as StageChannel | VoiceChannel; if (!["GUILD_STAGE_VOICE", "GUILD_VOICE"].includes(_channel?.type)) throw new PlayerError(`Channel type must be GUILD_VOICE or GUILD_STAGE_VOICE, got ${_channel?.type}!`, ErrorStatusCode.INVALID_ARG_TYPE); const connection = await this.player.voiceUtils.connect(_channel, { deaf: this.options.autoSelfDeaf, maxTime: this.player.options.connectionTimeout || 20000 }); this.connection = connection; if (_channel.type === "GUILD_STAGE_VOICE") { await () => { return await; }); } this.connection.on("error", (err) => { if (this.#watchDestroyed(false)) return; this.player.emit("connectionError", this, err); }); this.connection.on("debug", (msg) => { if (this.#watchDestroyed(false)) return; this.player.emit("debug", this, msg); }); this.player.emit("connectionCreate", this, this.connection); this.connection.on("start", (resource) => { if (this.#watchDestroyed(false)) return; this.playing = true; if (!this._filtersUpdate && resource?.metadata) this.player.emit("trackStart", this, resource?.metadata ?? this.current); this._filtersUpdate = false; }); this.connection.on("finish", async (resource) => { if (this.#watchDestroyed(false)) return; this.playing = false; if (this._filtersUpdate) return; this._streamTime = 0; if (resource && resource.metadata) this.previousTracks.push(resource.metadata); this.player.emit("trackEnd", this, resource.metadata); if (!this.tracks.length && this.repeatMode === QueueRepeatMode.OFF) { if (this.options.leaveOnEnd) this.destroy(); this.player.emit("queueEnd", this); } else { if (this.repeatMode !== QueueRepeatMode.AUTOPLAY) { if (this.repeatMode === QueueRepeatMode.TRACK) return void, { immediate: true }); if (this.repeatMode === QueueRepeatMode.QUEUE) this.tracks.push(Util.last(this.previousTracks)); const nextTrack = this.tracks.shift();, { immediate: true }); return; } else { this._handleAutoplay(Util.last(this.previousTracks)); } } }); return this; } /** * Destroys this queue * @param {boolean} [disconnect=this.options.leaveOnStop] If it should leave on destroy * @returns {void} */ destroy(disconnect = this.options.leaveOnStop) { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; if (this.connection) this.connection.end(); if (disconnect) this.connection?.disconnect(); this.player.queues.delete(; this.player.voiceUtils.cache.delete(; this.#destroyed = true; } /** * Skips current track * @returns {boolean} */ skip() { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; if (!this.connection) return false; this._filtersUpdate = false; this.connection.end(); return true; } /** * Adds single track to the queue * @param {Track} track The track to add * @returns {void} */ addTrack(track: Track) { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; if (!(track instanceof Track)) throw new PlayerError("invalid track", ErrorStatusCode.INVALID_TRACK); this.tracks.push(track); this.player.emit("trackAdd", this, track); } /** * Adds multiple tracks to the queue * @param {Track[]} tracks Array of tracks to add */ addTracks(tracks: Track[]) { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; if (!tracks.every((y) => y instanceof Track)) throw new PlayerError("invalid track", ErrorStatusCode.INVALID_TRACK); this.tracks.push(...tracks); this.player.emit("tracksAdd", this, tracks); } /** * Sets paused state * @param {boolean} paused The paused state * @returns {boolean} */ setPaused(paused?: boolean) { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; if (!this.connection) return false; return paused ? this.connection.pause(true) : this.connection.resume(); } /** * Sets bitrate * @param {number|auto} bitrate bitrate to set * @returns {void} */ setBitrate(bitrate: number | "auto") { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; if (!this.connection?.audioResource?.encoder) return; if (bitrate === "auto") bitrate = ?? 64000; this.connection.audioResource.encoder.setBitrate(bitrate); } /** * Sets volume * @param {number} amount The volume amount * @returns {boolean} */ setVolume(amount: number) { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; if (!this.connection) return false; this.#lastVolume = amount; this.options.initialVolume = amount; return this.connection.setVolume(amount); } /** * Sets repeat mode * @param {QueueRepeatMode} mode The repeat mode * @returns {boolean} */ setRepeatMode(mode: QueueRepeatMode) { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; if (![QueueRepeatMode.OFF, QueueRepeatMode.QUEUE, QueueRepeatMode.TRACK, QueueRepeatMode.AUTOPLAY].includes(mode)) throw new PlayerError(`Unknown repeat mode "${mode}"!`, ErrorStatusCode.UNKNOWN_REPEAT_MODE); if (mode === this.repeatMode) return false; this.repeatMode = mode; return true; } /** * The current volume amount * @type {number} */ get volume() { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; if (!this.connection) return 100; return this.connection.volume; } set volume(amount: number) { this.setVolume(amount); } /** * The stream time of this queue * @type {number} */ get streamTime() { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; if (!this.connection) return 0; const playbackTime = this._streamTime + this.connection.streamTime; const NC = this._activeFilters.includes("nightcore") ? 1.25 : null; const VW = this._activeFilters.includes("vaporwave") ? 0.8 : null; if (NC && VW) return playbackTime * (NC + VW); return NC ? playbackTime * NC : VW ? playbackTime * VW : playbackTime; } set streamTime(time: number) { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return;; } /** * Returns enabled filters * @returns {AudioFilters} */ getFiltersEnabled() { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; return AudioFilters.names.filter((x) => this._activeFilters.includes(x)); } /** * Returns disabled filters * @returns {AudioFilters} */ getFiltersDisabled() { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; return AudioFilters.names.filter((x) => !this._activeFilters.includes(x)); } /** * Sets filters * @param {QueueFilters} filters Queue filters * @returns {Promise} */ async setFilters(filters?: QueueFilters) { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; if (!filters || !Object.keys(filters).length) { // reset filters const streamTime = this.streamTime; this._activeFilters = []; return await, { immediate: true, filtersUpdate: true, seek: streamTime, encoderArgs: [] }); } const _filters: any[] = []; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any for (const filter in filters) { if (filters[filter as keyof QueueFilters] === true) _filters.push(filter); } if (this._activeFilters.join("") === _filters.join("")) return; const newFilters = AudioFilters.create(_filters).trim(); const streamTime = this.streamTime; this._activeFilters = _filters; return await, { immediate: true, filtersUpdate: true, seek: streamTime, encoderArgs: !_filters.length ? undefined : ["-af", newFilters] }); } /** * Seeks to the given time * @param {number} position The position * @returns {boolean} */ async seek(position: number) { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; if (!this.playing || !this.current) return false; if (position < 1) position = 0; if (position >= this.current.durationMS) return this.skip(); await, { immediate: true, filtersUpdate: true, // to stop events seek: position }); return true; } /** * Plays previous track * @returns {Promise} */ async back() { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; const prev = this.previousTracks[this.previousTracks.length - 2]; // because last item is the current track if (!prev) throw new PlayerError("Could not find previous track", ErrorStatusCode.TRACK_NOT_FOUND); return await, { immediate: true }); } /** * Clear this queue */ clear() { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; this.tracks = []; this.previousTracks = []; } /** * Stops the player * @returns {void} */ stop() { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; return this.destroy(); } /** * Shuffles this queue * @returns {boolean} */ shuffle() { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; if (!this.tracks.length || this.tracks.length < 3) return false; const currentTrack = this.tracks.shift(); for (let i = this.tracks.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); [this.tracks[i], this.tracks[j]] = [this.tracks[j], this.tracks[i]]; } this.tracks.unshift(currentTrack); return true; } /** * Removes a track from the queue * @param {Track|Snowflake|number} track The track to remove * @returns {Track} */ remove(track: Track | Snowflake | number) { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; let trackFound: Track = null; if (typeof track === "number") { trackFound = this.tracks[track]; if (trackFound) { this.tracks = this.tracks.filter((t) => !==; } } else { trackFound = this.tracks.find((s) => === (track instanceof Track ? : track)); if (trackFound) { this.tracks = this.tracks.filter((s) => !==; } } return trackFound; } /** * Jumps to particular track * @param {Track|number} track The track * @returns {void} */ jump(track: Track | number): void { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; // remove the track if exists const foundTrack = this.remove(track); if (!foundTrack) throw new PlayerError("Track not found", ErrorStatusCode.TRACK_NOT_FOUND); // since we removed the existing track from the queue, // we now have to place that to position 1 // because we want to jump to that track // this will skip current track and play the next one which will be the foundTrack this.tracks.splice(1, 0, foundTrack); return void this.skip(); } /** * Inserts the given track to specified index * @param {Track} track The track to insert * @param {number} [index=0] The index where this track should be */ insert(track: Track, index = 0) { if (!track || !(track instanceof Track)) throw new PlayerError("track must be the instance of Track", ErrorStatusCode.INVALID_TRACK); if (typeof index !== "number" || index < 0 || !Number.isFinite(index)) throw new PlayerError(`Invalid index "${index}"`, ErrorStatusCode.INVALID_ARG_TYPE); this.tracks.splice(index, 0, track); this.player.emit("trackAdd", this, track); } /** * @typedef {object} PlayerTimestamp * @property {string} current The current progress * @property {string} end The total time * @property {number} progress Progress in % */ /** * Returns player stream timestamp * @returns {PlayerTimestamp} */ getPlayerTimestamp() { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; const currentStreamTime = this.streamTime; const totalTime = this.current.durationMS; const currentTimecode = Util.buildTimeCode(Util.parseMS(currentStreamTime)); const endTimecode = Util.buildTimeCode(Util.parseMS(totalTime)); return { current: currentTimecode, end: endTimecode, progress: Math.round((currentStreamTime / totalTime) * 100) }; } /** * Creates progress bar string * @param {PlayerProgressbarOptions} options The progress bar options * @returns {string} */ createProgressBar(options: PlayerProgressbarOptions = { timecodes: true }) { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; const length = typeof options.length === "number" ? (options.length <= 0 || options.length === Infinity ? 15 : options.length) : 15; const index = Math.round((this.streamTime / this.current.durationMS) * length); const indicator = typeof options.indicator === "string" && options.indicator.length > 0 ? options.indicator : "🔘"; const line = typeof options.line === "string" && options.line.length > 0 ? options.line : "▬"; if (index >= 1 && index <= length) { const bar = line.repeat(length - 1).split(""); bar.splice(index, 0, indicator); if (options.timecodes) { const timestamp = this.getPlayerTimestamp(); return `${timestamp.current} ┃ ${bar.join("")} ┃ ${timestamp.end}`; } else { return `${bar.join("")}`; } } else { if (options.timecodes) { const timestamp = this.getPlayerTimestamp(); return `${timestamp.current} ┃ ${indicator}${line.repeat(length - 1)} ┃ ${timestamp.end}`; } else { return `${indicator}${line.repeat(length - 1)}`; } } } /** * Total duration * @type {Number} */ get totalTime(): number { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; return this.tracks.length > 0 ? => t.durationMS).reduce((p, c) => p + c) : 0; } /** * Play stream in a voice/stage channel * @param {Track} [src] The track to play (if empty, uses first track from the queue) * @param {PlayOptions} [options={}] The options * @returns {Promise} */ async play(src?: Track, options: PlayOptions = {}): Promise { if (this.#watchDestroyed(false)) return; if (!this.connection || !this.connection.voiceConnection) throw new PlayerError("Voice connection is not available, use .connect()!", ErrorStatusCode.NO_CONNECTION); if (src && (this.playing || this.tracks.length) && !options.immediate) return this.addTrack(src); const track = options.filtersUpdate && !options.immediate ? src || this.current : src ?? this.tracks.shift(); if (!track) return; this.player.emit("debug", this, "Received play request"); if (!options.filtersUpdate) { this.previousTracks = this.previousTracks.filter((x) => !==; this.previousTracks.push(track); } // TODO: remove discord-ytdl-core let stream; if (["youtube", "spotify"].includes(track.raw.source)) { if (track.raw.source === "spotify" && !track.raw.engine) { track.raw.engine = await`${} ${track.title}`, { type: "video" }) .then((x) => x[0].url) .catch(() => null); } const link = track.raw.source === "spotify" ? track.raw.engine : track.url; if (!link) return void, { immediate: true }); stream = ytdl(link, { ...this.options.ytdlOptions, // discord-ytdl-core opusEncoded: false, fmt: "s16le", encoderArgs: options.encoderArgs ?? this._activeFilters.length ? ["-af", AudioFilters.create(this._activeFilters)] : [], seek: ? / 1000 : 0 }).on("error", (err) => { return err.message.toLowerCase().includes("premature close") ? null : this.player.emit("error", this, err); }); } else { stream = ytdl .arbitraryStream( track.raw.source === "soundcloud" ? await track.raw.engine.downloadProgressive() : typeof track.raw.engine === "function" ? await track.raw.engine() : track.raw.engine, { opusEncoded: false, fmt: "s16le", encoderArgs: options.encoderArgs ?? this._activeFilters.length ? ["-af", AudioFilters.create(this._activeFilters)] : [], seek: ? / 1000 : 0 } ) .on("error", (err) => { return err.message.toLowerCase().includes("premature close") ? null : this.player.emit("error", this, err); }); } const resource: AudioResource = this.connection.createStream(stream, { type: StreamType.Raw, data: track }); if ( this._streamTime =; this._filtersUpdate = options.filtersUpdate; this.setVolume(this.options.initialVolume); setTimeout(() => { this.connection.playStream(resource); }, this.#getBufferingTimeout()).unref(); } /** * Private method to handle autoplay * @param {Track} track The source track to find its similar track for autoplay * @returns {Promise} * @private */ private async _handleAutoplay(track: Track): Promise { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; if (!track || ![track.source, track.raw?.source].includes("youtube")) { if (this.options.leaveOnEnd) this.destroy(); return void this.player.emit("queueEnd", this); } const info = await YouTube.getVideo(track.url) .then((x) => x.videos[0]) .catch(Util.noop); if (!info) { if (this.options.leaveOnEnd) this.destroy(); return void this.player.emit("queueEnd", this); } const nextTrack = new Track(this.player, { title: info.title, url: `${}`, duration: info.durationFormatted ? Util.buildTimeCode(Util.parseMS(info.duration * 1000)) : "0:00", description: "", thumbnail: typeof info.thumbnail === "string" ? info.thumbnail : info.thumbnail.url, views: info.views, author:, requestedBy: track.requestedBy, source: "youtube" });, { immediate: true }); } *[Symbol.iterator]() { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; yield* this.tracks; } /** * JSON representation of this queue * @returns {object} */ toJSON() { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; return { id:, guild:, voiceChannel: this.connection?.channel?.id, options: this.options, tracks: => m.toJSON()) }; } /** * String representation of this queue * @returns {string} */ toString() { if (this.#watchDestroyed()) return; if (!this.tracks.length) return "No songs available to display!"; return `**Upcoming Songs:**\n${, i) => `${i + 1}. **${m.title}**`).join("\n")}`; } #watchDestroyed(emit = true) { if (this.#destroyed) { if (emit) this.player.emit("error", this, new PlayerError("Cannot use destroyed queue", ErrorStatusCode.DESTROYED_QUEUE)); return true; } return false; } #getBufferingTimeout() { const timeout = this.options.bufferingTimeout; if (isNaN(timeout) || timeout < 0 || !Number.isFinite(timeout)) return 1000; return timeout; } } export { Queue };