import { AudioPlayer, AudioPlayerError, AudioPlayerStatus, AudioResource, createAudioPlayer, createAudioResource, entersState, StreamType, VoiceConnection, VoiceConnectionStatus, VoiceConnectionDisconnectReason } from "@discordjs/voice"; import { StageChannel, VoiceChannel } from "discord.js"; import { Duplex, Readable } from "stream"; import { TypedEmitter as EventEmitter } from "tiny-typed-emitter"; import Track from "../Structures/Track"; import { Util } from "../utils/Util"; export interface VoiceEvents { error: (error: AudioPlayerError) => any; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any debug: (message: string) => any; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any start: () => any; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any finish: () => any; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any } class StreamDispatcher extends EventEmitter { public readonly voiceConnection: VoiceConnection; public readonly audioPlayer: AudioPlayer; public readonly channel: VoiceChannel | StageChannel; public audioResource?: AudioResource; private readyLock = false; /** * Creates new connection object * @param {VoiceConnection} connection The connection * @param {VoiceChannel|StageChannel} channel The connected channel * @private */ constructor(connection: VoiceConnection, channel: VoiceChannel | StageChannel) { super(); /** * The voice connection * @type {VoiceConnection} */ this.voiceConnection = connection; /** * The audio player * @type {AudioPlayer} */ this.audioPlayer = createAudioPlayer(); /** * The voice channel * @type {VoiceChannel|StageChannel} */ = channel; this.voiceConnection.on("stateChange", async (_, newState) => { if (newState.status === VoiceConnectionStatus.Disconnected) { if (newState.reason === VoiceConnectionDisconnectReason.WebSocketClose && newState.closeCode === 4014) { try { await entersState(this.voiceConnection, VoiceConnectionStatus.Connecting, 5000); } catch { this.voiceConnection.destroy(); } } else if (this.voiceConnection.rejoinAttempts < 5) { await Util.wait((this.voiceConnection.rejoinAttempts + 1) * 5000); this.voiceConnection.rejoin(); } else { this.voiceConnection.destroy(); } } else if (newState.status === VoiceConnectionStatus.Destroyed) { this.end(); } else if (!this.readyLock && (newState.status === VoiceConnectionStatus.Connecting || newState.status === VoiceConnectionStatus.Signalling)) { this.readyLock = true; try { await entersState(this.voiceConnection, VoiceConnectionStatus.Ready, 20000); } catch { if (this.voiceConnection.state.status !== VoiceConnectionStatus.Destroyed) this.voiceConnection.destroy(); } finally { this.readyLock = false; } } }); this.audioPlayer.on("stateChange", (oldState, newState) => { if (newState.status === AudioPlayerStatus.Idle && oldState.status !== AudioPlayerStatus.Idle) { if (!this.paused) { this.audioResource = null; void this.emit("finish"); } } else if (newState.status === AudioPlayerStatus.Playing) { if (!this.paused) void this.emit("start"); } }); this.audioPlayer.on("debug", (m) => void this.emit("debug", m)); this.audioPlayer.on("error", (error) => void this.emit("error", error)); this.voiceConnection.subscribe(this.audioPlayer); } /** * Creates stream * @param {Readable|Duplex|string} src The stream source * @param {object} [ops={}] Options * @returns {AudioResource} */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any createStream(src: Readable | Duplex | string, ops?: { type?: StreamType; data?: any }) { this.audioResource = createAudioResource(src, { inputType: ops?.type ?? StreamType.Arbitrary, metadata: ops?.data, inlineVolume: true // we definitely need volume controls, right? }); return this.audioResource; } /** * The player status * @type {AudioPlayerStatus} */ get status() { return this.audioPlayer.state.status; } /** * Disconnects from voice * @returns {void} */ disconnect() { try { this.audioPlayer.stop(true); this.voiceConnection.destroy(); } catch {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty } /** * Stops the player * @returns {void} */ end() { this.audioPlayer.stop(); } /** * Pauses the stream playback * @param {boolean} [interpolateSilence=false] If true, the player will play 5 packets of silence after pausing to prevent audio glitches. * @returns {boolean} */ pause(interpolateSilence?: boolean) { const success = this.audioPlayer.pause(interpolateSilence); return success; } /** * Resumes the stream playback * @returns {boolean} */ resume() { const success = this.audioPlayer.unpause(); return success; } /** * Play stream * @param {AudioResource} [resource=this.audioResource] The audio resource to play * @returns {Promise} */ async playStream(resource: AudioResource = this.audioResource) { if (!resource) throw new Error("Audio resource is not available!"); if (!this.audioResource) this.audioResource = resource; if (this.voiceConnection.state.status !== VoiceConnectionStatus.Ready) await entersState(this.voiceConnection, VoiceConnectionStatus.Ready, 20000);; return this; } /** * Sets playback volume * @param {number} value The volume amount * @returns {boolean} */ setVolume(value: number) { if (!this.audioResource || isNaN(value) || value < 0 || value > Infinity) return false; // ye boi logarithmic ✌ this.audioResource.volume.setVolumeLogarithmic(value / 100); return true; } /** * The current volume * @type {number} */ get volume() { if (!this.audioResource || !this.audioResource.volume) return 100; const currentVol = this.audioResource.volume.volume; return Math.round(Math.pow(currentVol, 1 / 1.660964) * 100); } /** * The playback time * @type {number} */ get streamTime() { if (!this.audioResource) return 0; return this.audioResource.playbackDuration; } /** * The paused state * @type {boolean} */ get paused() { return [AudioPlayerStatus.AutoPaused, AudioPlayerStatus.Paused].includes(this.audioPlayer.state.status); } } export { StreamDispatcher as StreamDispatcher };