637 lines
22 KiB
637 lines
22 KiB
import { Client, Collection, GuildResolvable, Snowflake, User, VoiceState, IntentsBitField } from "discord.js";
import { TypedEmitter as EventEmitter } from "tiny-typed-emitter";
import { Queue } from "./Structures/Queue";
import { VoiceUtils } from "./VoiceInterface/VoiceUtils";
import { PlayerEvents, PlayerOptions, QueryType, SearchOptions, PlayerInitOptions, PlayerSearchResult, PlaylistInitData } from "./types/types";
import Track from "./Structures/Track";
import play, { SoundCloudPlaylist, YouTubePlayList } from "play-dl";
import Spotify from "spotify-url-info";
import { QueryResolver } from "./utils/QueryResolver";
import { Util } from "./utils/Util";
import { PlayerError, ErrorStatusCode } from "./Structures/PlayerError";
import { Playlist } from "./Structures/Playlist";
import { ExtractorModel } from "./Structures/ExtractorModel";
import { generateDependencyReport } from "@discordjs/voice";
class Player extends EventEmitter<PlayerEvents> {
public readonly client: Client;
public readonly options: PlayerInitOptions = {
autoRegisterExtractor: true,
connectionTimeout: 20000
public readonly queues = new Collection<Snowflake, Queue>();
public readonly voiceUtils = new VoiceUtils();
public readonly extractors = new Collection<string, ExtractorModel>();
public requiredEvents = ["error", "connectionError"] as string[];
* Creates new Discord Player
* @param {Client} client The Discord Client
* @param {PlayerInitOptions} [options] The player init options
constructor(client: Client, options: PlayerInitOptions = {}) {
* The discord.js client
* @type {Client}
this.client = client;
if (this.client?.options?.intents && !new IntentsBitField(this.client?.options?.intents).has(IntentsBitField.Flags.GuildVoiceStates)) {
throw new PlayerError('client is missing "GuildVoiceStates" intent');
* The extractors collection
* @type {ExtractorModel}
this.options = Object.assign(this.options, options);
this.client.on("voiceStateUpdate", this._handleVoiceState.bind(this));
if (this.options?.autoRegisterExtractor) {
let nv: any; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
if ((nv = Util.require("@discord-player/extractor"))) {
["Attachment", "Facebook", "Reverbnation", "Vimeo"].forEach((ext) => void this.use(ext, nv[ext]));
* Handles voice state update
* @param {VoiceState} oldState The old voice state
* @param {VoiceState} newState The new voice state
* @returns {void}
* @private
private _handleVoiceState(oldState: VoiceState, newState: VoiceState): void {
const queue = this.getQueue(oldState.guild.id);
if (!queue || !queue.connection) return;
if (oldState.channelId && !newState.channelId && newState.member.id === newState.guild.members.me.id) {
try {
} catch {
/* noop */
return void this.emit("botDisconnect", queue);
if (!oldState.channelId && newState.channelId && newState.member.id === newState.guild.members.me.id) {
if (!oldState.serverMute && newState.serverMute) {
// state.serverMute can be null
} else if (!oldState.suppress && newState.suppress) {
// state.suppress can be null
if (newState.suppress) {
if (oldState.channelId === newState.channelId && newState.member.id === newState.guild.members.me.id) {
if (!oldState.serverMute && newState.serverMute) {
// state.serverMute can be null
} else if (!oldState.suppress && newState.suppress) {
// state.suppress can be null
if (newState.suppress) {
if (queue.connection && !newState.channelId && oldState.channelId === queue.connection.channel.id) {
if (!Util.isVoiceEmpty(queue.connection.channel)) return;
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
if (!Util.isVoiceEmpty(queue.connection.channel)) return;
if (!this.queues.has(queue.guild.id)) return;
if (queue.options.leaveOnEmpty) queue.destroy(true);
this.emit("channelEmpty", queue);
}, queue.options.leaveOnEmptyCooldown || 0).unref();
queue._cooldownsTimeout.set(`empty_${oldState.guild.id}`, timeout);
if (queue.connection && newState.channelId && newState.channelId === queue.connection.channel.id) {
const emptyTimeout = queue._cooldownsTimeout.get(`empty_${oldState.guild.id}`);
const channelEmpty = Util.isVoiceEmpty(queue.connection.channel);
if (!channelEmpty && emptyTimeout) {
if (oldState.channelId && newState.channelId && oldState.channelId !== newState.channelId && newState.member.id === newState.guild.members.me.id) {
if (queue.connection && newState.member.id === newState.guild.members.me.id) queue.connection.channel = newState.channel;
const emptyTimeout = queue._cooldownsTimeout.get(`empty_${oldState.guild.id}`);
const channelEmpty = Util.isVoiceEmpty(queue.connection.channel);
if (!channelEmpty && emptyTimeout) {
} else {
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
if (queue.connection && !Util.isVoiceEmpty(queue.connection.channel)) return;
if (!this.queues.has(queue.guild.id)) return;
if (queue.options.leaveOnEmpty) queue.destroy(true);
this.emit("channelEmpty", queue);
}, queue.options.leaveOnEmptyCooldown || 0).unref();
queue._cooldownsTimeout.set(`empty_${oldState.guild.id}`, timeout);
if (queue.connection && oldState.channelId && newState.channelId && oldState.channelId !== newState.channelId && newState.member.id != newState.guild.members.me.id) {
if (newState.channelId !== queue.connection.channel.id) {
if (!Util.isVoiceEmpty(queue.connection.channel)) return;
if (queue._cooldownsTimeout.has(`empty_${oldState.guild.id}`)) return;
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
if (!Util.isVoiceEmpty(queue.connection.channel)) return;
if (!this.queues.has(queue.guild.id)) return;
if (queue.options.leaveOnEmpty) queue.destroy(true);
this.emit("channelEmpty", queue);
}, queue.options.leaveOnEmptyCooldown || 0).unref();
queue._cooldownsTimeout.set(`empty_${oldState.guild.id}`, timeout);
} else {
const emptyTimeout = queue._cooldownsTimeout.get(`empty_${oldState.guild.id}`);
const channelEmpty = Util.isVoiceEmpty(queue.connection.channel);
if (!channelEmpty && emptyTimeout) {
* Creates a queue for a guild if not available, else returns existing queue
* @param {GuildResolvable} guild The guild
* @param {PlayerOptions} queueInitOptions Queue init options
* @returns {Queue}
createQueue<T = unknown>(guild: GuildResolvable, queueInitOptions: PlayerOptions & { metadata?: T } = {}): Queue<T> {
guild = this.client.guilds.resolve(guild);
if (!guild) throw new PlayerError("Unknown Guild", ErrorStatusCode.UNKNOWN_GUILD);
if (this.queues.has(guild.id)) return this.queues.get(guild.id) as Queue<T>;
const _meta = queueInitOptions.metadata;
delete queueInitOptions["metadata"];
queueInitOptions.volumeSmoothness ??= 0.08;
const queue = new Queue(this, guild, queueInitOptions);
queue.metadata = _meta;
this.queues.set(guild.id, queue);
return queue as Queue<T>;
* Returns the queue if available
* @param {GuildResolvable} guild The guild id
* @returns {Queue}
getQueue<T = unknown>(guild: GuildResolvable) {
guild = this.client.guilds.resolve(guild);
if (!guild) throw new PlayerError("Unknown Guild", ErrorStatusCode.UNKNOWN_GUILD);
return this.queues.get(guild.id) as Queue<T>;
* Deletes a queue and returns deleted queue object
* @param {GuildResolvable} guild The guild id to remove
* @returns {Queue}
deleteQueue<T = unknown>(guild: GuildResolvable) {
guild = this.client.guilds.resolve(guild);
if (!guild) throw new PlayerError("Unknown Guild", ErrorStatusCode.UNKNOWN_GUILD);
const prev = this.getQueue<T>(guild);
try {
} catch {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty
return prev;
* @typedef {object} PlayerSearchResult
* @property {Playlist} [playlist] The playlist (if any)
* @property {Track[]} tracks The tracks
* Search tracks
* @param {string|Track} query The search query
* @param {SearchOptions} options The search options
* @returns {Promise<PlayerSearchResult>}
async search(query: string | Track, options: SearchOptions): Promise<PlayerSearchResult> {
if (query instanceof Track) return { playlist: query.playlist || null, tracks: [query] };
if (!options) throw new PlayerError("DiscordPlayer#search needs search options!", ErrorStatusCode.INVALID_ARG_TYPE);
options.requestedBy = this.client.users.resolve(options.requestedBy);
if (!("searchEngine" in options)) options.searchEngine = QueryType.AUTO;
if (typeof options.searchEngine === "string" && this.extractors.has(options.searchEngine)) {
const extractor = this.extractors.get(options.searchEngine);
if (!extractor.validate(query)) return { playlist: null, tracks: [] };
const data = await extractor.handle(query);
if (data && data.data.length) {
const playlist = !data.playlist
? null
: new Playlist(this, {
tracks: []
const tracks = data.data.map(
(m) =>
new Track(this, {
requestedBy: options.requestedBy as User,
duration: Util.buildTimeCode(Util.parseMS(m.duration)),
playlist: playlist
if (playlist) playlist.tracks = tracks;
return { playlist: playlist, tracks: tracks };
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
for (const [_, extractor] of this.extractors) {
if (options.blockExtractor) break;
if (!extractor.validate(query)) continue;
const data = await extractor.handle(query);
if (data && data.data.length) {
const playlist = !data.playlist
? null
: new Playlist(this, {
tracks: []
const tracks = data.data.map(
(m) =>
new Track(this, {
requestedBy: options.requestedBy as User,
duration: Util.buildTimeCode(Util.parseMS(m.duration)),
playlist: playlist
if (playlist) playlist.tracks = tracks;
return { playlist: playlist, tracks: tracks };
const qt = options.searchEngine === QueryType.AUTO ? await QueryResolver.resolve(query) : options.searchEngine;
switch (qt) {
case QueryType.YOUTUBE_VIDEO: {
const info = await play.video_info(query).catch(Util.noop);
if (!info) return { playlist: null, tracks: [] };
const track = new Track(this, {
title: info.video_details.title,
description: info.video_details.description,
author: info.video_details.channel?.name,
url: info.video_details.url,
requestedBy: options.requestedBy as User,
thumbnail: Util.last(info.video_details.thumbnails)?.url,
views: info.video_details.views || 0,
duration: Util.buildTimeCode(Util.parseMS(info.video_details.durationInSec * 1000)),
source: "youtube",
raw: info
return { playlist: null, tracks: [track] };
case QueryType.YOUTUBE_SEARCH: {
const videos = await play
.search(query, {
limit: 10,
source: { youtube: "video" }
if (!videos) return { playlist: null, tracks: [] };
const tracks = videos.map((m) => {
(m as any).source = "youtube"; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
return new Track(this, {
title: m.title,
description: m.description,
author: m.channel?.name,
url: m.url,
requestedBy: options.requestedBy as User,
thumbnail: Util.last(m.thumbnails).url,
views: m.views,
duration: m.durationRaw,
source: "youtube",
raw: m
return { playlist: null, tracks, searched: true };
const result =
(await QueryResolver.resolve(query)) === QueryType.SOUNDCLOUD_TRACK
? [{ url: query }]
: await play
.search(query, {
limit: 5,
source: { soundcloud: "tracks" }
.catch(() => []);
if (!result || !result.length) return { playlist: null, tracks: [] };
const res: Track[] = [];
for (const r of result) {
const trackInfo = await play.soundcloud(r.url).catch(Util.noop);
if (!trackInfo) continue;
const track = new Track(this, {
title: trackInfo.name,
url: trackInfo.url,
duration: Util.buildTimeCode(Util.parseMS(trackInfo.durationInMs)),
description: "",
thumbnail: trackInfo.user.thumbnail,
views: 0,
author: trackInfo.user.name,
requestedBy: options.requestedBy,
source: "soundcloud",
engine: trackInfo
return { playlist: null, tracks: res };
case QueryType.SPOTIFY_SONG: {
const spotifyData = await Spotify(await Util.getFetch())
if (!spotifyData) return { playlist: null, tracks: [] };
const spotifyTrack = new Track(this, {
title: spotifyData.name,
description: spotifyData.description ?? "",
author: spotifyData.artists[0]?.name ?? "Unknown Artist",
url: spotifyData.external_urls?.spotify ?? query,
spotifyData.album?.images[0]?.url ?? spotifyData.preview_url?.length
? `https://i.scdn.co/image/${spotifyData.preview_url?.split("?cid=")[1]}`
: "https://www.scdn.co/i/_global/twitter_card-default.jpg",
duration: Util.buildTimeCode(Util.parseMS(spotifyData.duration_ms)),
views: 0,
requestedBy: options.requestedBy,
source: "spotify"
return { playlist: null, tracks: [spotifyTrack] };
case QueryType.SPOTIFY_ALBUM: {
const spotifyPlaylist = await Spotify(await Util.getFetch())
if (!spotifyPlaylist) return { playlist: null, tracks: [] };
const playlist = new Playlist(this, {
title: spotifyPlaylist.name ?? spotifyPlaylist.title,
description: spotifyPlaylist.description ?? "",
thumbnail: spotifyPlaylist.images[0]?.url ?? "https://www.scdn.co/i/_global/twitter_card-default.jpg",
type: spotifyPlaylist.type,
source: "spotify",
spotifyPlaylist.type !== "playlist"
? {
name: spotifyPlaylist.artists[0]?.name ?? "Unknown Artist",
url: spotifyPlaylist.artists[0]?.external_urls?.spotify ?? null
: {
name: spotifyPlaylist.owner?.display_name ?? spotifyPlaylist.owner?.id ?? "Unknown Artist",
url: spotifyPlaylist.owner?.external_urls?.spotify ?? null
tracks: [],
id: spotifyPlaylist.id,
url: spotifyPlaylist.external_urls?.spotify ?? query,
rawPlaylist: spotifyPlaylist
if (spotifyPlaylist.type !== "playlist") {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
playlist.tracks = spotifyPlaylist.tracks.items.map((m: any) => {
const data = new Track(this, {
title: m.name ?? "",
description: m.description ?? "",
author: m.artists[0]?.name ?? "Unknown Artist",
url: m.external_urls?.spotify ?? query,
thumbnail: spotifyPlaylist.images[0]?.url ?? "https://www.scdn.co/i/_global/twitter_card-default.jpg",
duration: Util.buildTimeCode(Util.parseMS(m.duration_ms)),
views: 0,
requestedBy: options.requestedBy as User,
source: "spotify"
return data;
}) as Track[];
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
playlist.tracks = spotifyPlaylist.tracks.items.map((m: any) => {
const data = new Track(this, {
title: m.track.name ?? "",
description: m.track.description ?? "",
author: m.track.artists?.[0]?.name ?? "Unknown Artist",
url: m.track.external_urls?.spotify ?? query,
thumbnail: m.track.album?.images?.[0]?.url ?? "https://www.scdn.co/i/_global/twitter_card-default.jpg",
duration: Util.buildTimeCode(Util.parseMS(m.track.duration_ms)),
views: 0,
requestedBy: options.requestedBy as User,
source: "spotify"
return data;
}) as Track[];
return { playlist: playlist, tracks: playlist.tracks };
const data = (await play.soundcloud(query).catch(Util.noop)) as unknown as SoundCloudPlaylist;
if (!data) return { playlist: null, tracks: [] };
const res = new Playlist(this, {
title: data.name,
description: "",
thumbnail: "https://soundcloud.com/pwa-icon-192.png",
type: "playlist",
source: "soundcloud",
author: {
name: data.user.name ?? "Unknown Owner",
url: data.user.url
tracks: [],
id: `${data.id}`, // stringified
url: data.url,
rawPlaylist: data
const songs = await data.all_tracks();
for (const song of songs) {
const track = new Track(this, {
title: song.name,
description: "",
author: song.publisher?.name ?? "Unknown",
url: song.permalink,
thumbnail: song.thumbnail,
duration: Util.buildTimeCode(Util.parseMS(song.durationInMs)),
views: 0,
requestedBy: options.requestedBy,
playlist: res,
source: "soundcloud",
engine: song
return { playlist: res, tracks: res.tracks };
case QueryType.YOUTUBE_PLAYLIST: {
const ytpl = (await play.playlist_info(query, { incomplete: true }).catch(Util.noop)) as unknown as YouTubePlayList;
if (!ytpl) return { playlist: null, tracks: [] };
const playlist: Playlist = new Playlist(this, {
title: ytpl.title,
thumbnail: ytpl.thumbnail as unknown as string,
description: "",
type: "playlist",
source: "youtube",
author: {
name: ytpl.channel.name,
url: ytpl.channel.url
tracks: [],
id: ytpl.id,
url: ytpl.url,
rawPlaylist: ytpl
const videos = await ytpl.all_videos();
playlist.tracks = videos.map(
(video) =>
new Track(this, {
title: video.title,
description: video.description,
author: video.channel?.name,
url: video.url,
requestedBy: options.requestedBy as User,
thumbnail: Util.last(video.thumbnails).url,
views: video.views,
duration: video.durationRaw,
raw: video,
playlist: playlist,
source: "youtube"
return { playlist: playlist, tracks: playlist.tracks };
return { playlist: null, tracks: [] };
* Registers extractor
* @param {string} extractorName The extractor name
* @param {ExtractorModel|any} extractor The extractor object
* @param {boolean} [force=false] Overwrite existing extractor with this name (if available)
* @returns {ExtractorModel}
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
use(extractorName: string, extractor: ExtractorModel | any, force = false): ExtractorModel {
if (!extractorName) throw new PlayerError("Cannot use unknown extractor!", ErrorStatusCode.UNKNOWN_EXTRACTOR);
if (this.extractors.has(extractorName) && !force) return this.extractors.get(extractorName);
if (extractor instanceof ExtractorModel) {
this.extractors.set(extractorName, extractor);
return extractor;
for (const method of ["validate", "getInfo"]) {
if (typeof extractor[method] !== "function") throw new PlayerError("Invalid extractor data!", ErrorStatusCode.INVALID_EXTRACTOR);
const model = new ExtractorModel(extractorName, extractor);
this.extractors.set(model.name, model);
return model;
* Removes registered extractor
* @param {string} extractorName The extractor name
* @returns {ExtractorModel}
unuse(extractorName: string) {
if (!this.extractors.has(extractorName)) throw new PlayerError(`Cannot find extractor "${extractorName}"`, ErrorStatusCode.UNKNOWN_EXTRACTOR);
const prev = this.extractors.get(extractorName);
return prev;
* Generates a report of the dependencies used by the `@discordjs/voice` module. Useful for debugging.
* @returns {string}
scanDeps() {
const line = "-".repeat(50);
const depsReport = generateDependencyReport();
const extractorReport = this.extractors
.map((m) => {
return `${m.name} :: ${m.version || "0.1.0"}`;
return `${depsReport}\n${line}\nLoaded Extractors:\n${extractorReport || "None"}`;
emit<U extends keyof PlayerEvents>(eventName: U, ...args: Parameters<PlayerEvents[U]>): boolean {
if (this.requiredEvents.includes(eventName) && !super.eventNames().includes(eventName)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
process.emitWarning(`[DiscordPlayerWarning] Unhandled "${eventName}" event! Events ${this.requiredEvents.map((m) => `"${m}"`).join(", ")} must have event listeners!`);
return false;
} else {
return super.emit(eventName, ...args);
* Resolves queue
* @param {GuildResolvable|Queue} queueLike Queue like object
* @returns {Queue}
resolveQueue<T>(queueLike: GuildResolvable | Queue): Queue<T> {
return this.getQueue(queueLike instanceof Queue ? queueLike.guild : queueLike);
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
yield* Array.from(this.queues.values());
* Creates `Playlist` instance
* @param data The data to initialize a playlist
createPlaylist(data: PlaylistInitData) {
return new Playlist(this, data);
export { Player };