
1191 lines
64 KiB
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2023-11-16 15:01:19 +05:00
-- ZCPU utility & support code
CPULib = CPULib or {}
if CLIENT then
-- Sourcecode available as compiled binary
CPULib.Source = ""
-- Compiled binary
CPULib.Buffer = {}
-- Sourcecode currently being compiled
CPULib.CurrentSource = ""
-- Buffer currently being written
CPULib.CurrentBuffer = {}
-- State variables
CPULib.Compiling = false
CPULib.Uploading = false
CPULib.ServerUploading = false
-- Debugger
CPULib.DebuggerAttached = false
CPULib.Debugger = {}
CPULib.Debugger.Variables = {}
CPULib.Debugger.SourceTab = nil
-- Reset on recompile
CPULib.Debugger.MemoryVariableByIndex = {}
CPULib.Debugger.MemoryVariableByName = {}
CPULib.Debugger.Labels = {}
CPULib.Debugger.PositionByPointer = {}
CPULib.Debugger.PointersByLine = {}
CPULib.Debugger.Breakpoint = {}
-- Convars to control CPULib
local wire_cpu_upload_speed = CreateClientConVar("wire_cpu_upload_speed",1000,false,false)
local wire_cpu_compile_speed = CreateClientConVar("wire_cpu_compile_speed",256,false,false)
local wire_cpu_show_all_registers = CreateClientConVar("wire_cpu_show_all_registers",0,false,false)
-- Request compiling specific sourcecode
function CPULib.Compile(source,fileName,successCallback,errorCallback,targetPlatform)
-- Stop any compile/upload process that is running right now
CPULib.Uploading = false
-- See if compiled source is available
--if CPULib.Source == source then
-- successCallback()
-- return
-- Remember the sourcecode being compiled
CPULib.CurrentSource = source
CPULib.CurrentBuffer = {}
-- Clear debugging info
CPULib.Debugger.MemoryVariableByIndex = {}
CPULib.Debugger.MemoryVariableByName = {}
CPULib.Debugger.Labels = {}
CPULib.Debugger.PositionByPointer = {}
CPULib.Debugger.PointersByLine = {}
CPULib.CPUName = nil
-- Start compiling the sourcecode
HCOMP:StartCompile(source,fileName or "source",CPULib.OnWriteByte,nil)
HCOMP.Settings.CurrentPlatform = targetPlatform or "CPU"
print("=== HL-ZASM High Level Assembly Compiler Output ==")
-- Initialize callbacks
CPULib.SuccessCallback = successCallback
CPULib.ErrorCallback = errorCallback
-- Run the timer
CPULib.Compiling = true
-- Make sure the file is opened in the tab
function CPULib.SelectTab(editor,fileName)
if not editor then return end
local editorType = string.lower(editor.EditorType)
local fullFileName = editorType.."chip\\"..fileName
if string.sub(fileName,1,7) == editorType.."chip" then
fullFileName = fileName
local sourceTab
for tab=1,editor:GetNumTabs() do
if editor:GetEditor(tab).chosenfile == fullFileName then
sourceTab = tab
if not sourceTab then
sourceTab = editor:GetActiveTabIndex()
return editor:GetEditor(sourceTab),sourceTab
-- Request validating the code
function CPULib.Validate(editor,source,fileName)
editor.C.Val:SetBGColor(50, 128, 20, 180)
editor.C.Val:SetFGColor(255, 255, 255, 128)
editor.C.Val:SetText(" Success, "..(HCOMP.WritePointer or "?").." bytes compiled.")
editor.C.Val:SetBGColor(128, 20, 50, 180)
editor.C.Val:SetFGColor(255, 255, 255, 128)
editor.C.Val:SetText(" "..(error or "unknown error"))
if not errorPos then return end
local textEditor = CPULib.SelectTab(editor,errorPos.File)
if not textEditor then return end
-- Compiler callback
function CPULib.OnWriteByte(caller,address,byte)
CPULib.CurrentBuffer[address] = byte
-- Compiler timer
function CPULib.OnCompileTimer()
local compile_speed = wire_cpu_compile_speed:GetFloat()
for _ = 1, compile_speed do
local status,result = pcall(HCOMP.Compile,HCOMP)
if not status then
if CPULib.ErrorCallback then CPULib.ErrorCallback(HCOMP.ErrorMessage or ("Internal error: "..result),HCOMP.ErrorPosition) end
CPULib.Compiling = false
elseif not result then
CPULib.Source = CPULib.CurrentSource
CPULib.Buffer = CPULib.CurrentBuffer
if CPULib.SuccessCallback then
CPULib.Debugger.Labels = HCOMP.DebugInfo.Labels
CPULib.Debugger.PositionByPointer = HCOMP.DebugInfo.PositionByPointer
CPULib.Debugger.PointersByLine = HCOMP.DebugInfo.PointersByLine
CPULib.Compiling = false
-- Uploader timer
function CPULib.OnUploadTimer()
if not CPULib.RemainingData then return end
local upload_speed = wire_cpu_upload_speed:GetFloat() -- Number of index/value pairs to send (11 bytes each)
if game.SinglePlayer() then upload_speed = 5000 end
local iters = math.min(upload_speed, CPULib.RemainingUploadData)
net.WriteUInt(iters, 16)
for _ = 1, iters do
local index,value = next(CPULib.RemainingData)
CPULib.RemainingUploadData = CPULib.RemainingUploadData - 1
net.WriteUInt(index, 24)
net.WriteDouble(value or 0) -- 64bits, in case theres any float literals. Int21 is sufficient for all function calls/memory addresses
CPULib.RemainingData[index] = nil
if CPULib.RemainingUploadData <= 0 then
net.WriteBit(true) -- End
CPULib.Uploading = false
net.WriteBit(false) -- Keep going
-- Start upload
function CPULib.Upload(customBuffer)
-- Stop any upload in the progress
-- Send the buffer over to server
net.Start("wire_cpulib_bufferstart") net.WriteString(CPULib.CPUName or "") net.SendToServer()
CPULib.TotalUploadData = 0
CPULib.RemainingData = {}
if customBuffer then
for k,v in pairs(customBuffer) do
CPULib.RemainingData[k] = v
CPULib.TotalUploadData = CPULib.TotalUploadData + 1
for k,v in pairs(CPULib.Buffer) do
CPULib.RemainingData[k] = v
CPULib.TotalUploadData = CPULib.TotalUploadData + 1
CPULib.RemainingUploadData = CPULib.TotalUploadData
CPULib.Uploading = true
-- Get debug text for specific variable/function name
function CPULib.GetDebugPopupText(var)
if not var then return "" end
local csvar = string.upper(var)
if CPULib.Debugger.Variables[csvar] then
return var.." = "..CPULib.Debugger.Variables[csvar]
if CPULib.Debugger.Labels[csvar] then
if CPULib.Debugger.Labels[csvar].Offset then
if not CPULib.Debugger.MemoryVariableByName[csvar] then
CPULib.Debugger.MemoryVariableByName[csvar] = CPULib.Debugger.Labels[csvar].Offset
return var.." = ..."
elseif CPULib.Debugger.Labels[csvar].Pointer then
return var.." = ptr "..CPULib.Debugger.Labels[csvar].Pointer
return var.." = cannot resolve"
-- Get debug text for specific variable/function name
CPULib.InterruptText = nil
function CPULib.GetDebugWindowText()
local result = {
"EAX = "..(CPULib.Debugger.Variables.EAX or "#####"),
"EBX = "..(CPULib.Debugger.Variables.EBX or "#####"),
"ECX = "..(CPULib.Debugger.Variables.ECX or "#####"),
"EDX = "..(CPULib.Debugger.Variables.EDX or "#####"),
"ESI = "..(CPULib.Debugger.Variables.ESI or "#####"),
"EDI = "..(CPULib.Debugger.Variables.EDI or "#####"),
"EBP = "..(CPULib.Debugger.Variables.EBP or "#####"),
"ESP = "..(CPULib.Debugger.Variables.ESP or "#####"),
local maxReg = 7
if wire_cpu_show_all_registers:GetFloat() == 1 then maxReg = 31 end
for reg=0,maxReg do
table.insert(result,"R"..reg.." = "..(CPULib.Debugger.Variables["R"..reg] or "#####"))
if CPULib.Debugger.Variables.IP == INVALID_BREAKPOINT_IP then
table.insert(result,"IP = #####")
table.insert(result,"IP = "..(CPULib.Debugger.Variables.IP or "#####"))
if CPULib.InterruptText then
return result
-- Invalidate debugger data
function CPULib.InvalidateDebugger()
CPULib.InterruptText = nil
CPULib.Debugger.MemoryVariableByIndex = {}
CPULib.Debugger.MemoryVariableByName = {}
CPULib.Debugger.Breakpoint = {}
CPULib.Debugger.Variables = {}
CPULib.Debugger.FirstFile = nil
net.Receive("CPULib.InvalidateDebugger", function(netlen)
local state = net.ReadUInt(2) -- 0: No change just invalidate, 1: detach, 2: attach
if state == 1 then
CPULib.DebuggerAttached = false
GAMEMODE:AddNotify("CPU debugger detached!",NOTIFY_GENERIC,7)
elseif state == 2 then
CPULib.DebuggerAttached = true
GAMEMODE:AddNotify("CPU debugger has been attached!",NOTIFY_GENERIC,7)
-- Get breakpoint at line
function CPULib.GetDebugBreakpoint(fileName,caretPos)
if not fileName or not caretPos then return nil end
return CPULib.Debugger.Breakpoint[caretPos[1]..":"..fileName]
-- Set breakpoint at line
-- FIXME: bug: can only set breakpoints in one file
function CPULib.SetDebugBreakpoint(fileName,caretPos,condition)
if not fileName or not caretPos then return nil end
if not condition then
CPULib.Debugger.Breakpoint[caretPos[1]..":"..fileName] = nil
if CPULib.Debugger.PointersByLine[caretPos[1]..":"..fileName] then
if CPULib.Debugger.PointersByLine[caretPos[1]..":"..fileName] then
CPULib.Debugger.Breakpoint[caretPos[1]..":"..fileName] = condition
-- Update highlighted lines
function CPULib.DebugUpdateHighlights(dontForcePosition)
if ZCPU_Editor then
-- Highlight current position
local currentPosition = CPULib.Debugger.PositionByPointer[CPULib.Debugger.Variables.IP]
if currentPosition then
-- Clear all highlighted lines
for tab=1,ZCPU_Editor:GetNumTabs() do
local textEditor = CPULib.SelectTab(ZCPU_Editor,currentPosition.File)
if textEditor then
if not dontForcePosition then
textEditor:SetCaret({currentPosition.Line,1}) --currentPosition.Col
-- Highlight breakpoints
for key,breakpoint in pairs(CPULib.Debugger.Breakpoint) do
local line = tonumber(string.sub(key,1,(string.find(key,":") or 0) - 1)) or 0
local file = string.sub(key, (string.find(key,":") or 0) + 1)
local textEditor = CPULib.SelectTab(ZCPU_Editor,file)
if textEditor then
if currentPosition and (currentPosition.Line == line) then
if breakpoint == true then
if breakpoint == true then
-- Debug data arrived from server
function CPULib.OnDebugData_Registers(um)
CPULib.Debugger.Variables.IP = um:ReadFloat()
CPULib.Debugger.Variables.EAX = um:ReadFloat()
CPULib.Debugger.Variables.EBX = um:ReadFloat()
CPULib.Debugger.Variables.ECX = um:ReadFloat()
CPULib.Debugger.Variables.EDX = um:ReadFloat()
CPULib.Debugger.Variables.ESI = um:ReadFloat()
CPULib.Debugger.Variables.EDI = um:ReadFloat()
CPULib.Debugger.Variables.EBP = um:ReadFloat()
CPULib.Debugger.Variables.ESP = um:ReadFloat()
for reg=0,31 do
CPULib.Debugger.Variables["R"..reg] = um:ReadFloat()
usermessage.Hook("cpulib_debugdata_registers", CPULib.OnDebugData_Registers)
function CPULib.OnDebugData_Variables(um)
local startIndex = um:ReadShort()
for varIdx = startIndex,startIndex+59 do
if CPULib.Debugger.MemoryVariableByIndex[varIdx] then
CPULib.Debugger.Variables[CPULib.Debugger.MemoryVariableByIndex[varIdx]] = um:ReadFloat()
usermessage.Hook("cpulib_debugdata_variables", CPULib.OnDebugData_Variables)
function CPULib.OnDebugData_Interrupt(um)
local interruptNo,interruptParameter = um:ReadFloat(),um:ReadFloat()
CPULib.InterruptText = "Error #"..interruptNo.. " ["..interruptParameter.."]"
usermessage.Hook("cpulib_debugdata_interrupt", CPULib.OnDebugData_Interrupt)
-- Show ZCPU/ZGPU documentation
CPULib.HandbookWindow = nil
function CPULib.ShowDocumentation(platform)
local w = ScrW() * 2/3
local h = ScrH() * 2/3
local browserWindow = vgui.Create("DFrame")
browserWindow:SetPos((ScrW() - w)/2, (ScrH() - h)/2)
local browser = vgui.Create("DHTML",browserWindow)
browser:SetPos(10, 25)
browser:SetSize(w - 20, h - 35)
if SERVER then
-- Data received from server
CPULib.DataBuffer = {}
-- Set this entity as a receiver for networked upload
function CPULib.SetUploadTarget(entity,player)
CPULib.DataBuffer[player:UserID()] = {
Entity = entity,
Player = player,
Data = {},
net.Receive("wire_cpulib_bufferstart", function(netlen, player)
local Buffer = CPULib.DataBuffer[player:UserID()]
if (not Buffer) or (Buffer.Player ~= player) then return end
if not IsValid(Buffer.Entity) then return end
net.Start("CPULib.ServerUploading") net.WriteBit(true) net.Send(player)
if Buffer.Entity:GetClass() == "gmod_wire_cpu" then
-- Concommand to send a single stream of bytes
net.Receive("wire_cpulib_buffer", function(netlen, player)
local Buffer = CPULib.DataBuffer[player:UserID()]
if (not Buffer) or (Buffer.Player ~= player) then return end
if not Buffer.Entity then return end
for _ = 1, net.ReadUInt(16) do
Buffer.Data[net.ReadUInt(24)] = net.ReadDouble()
if net.ReadBit() ~= 0 then -- We're done!
CPULib.DataBuffer[player:UserID()] = nil
net.Start("CPULib.ServerUploading") net.WriteBit(false) net.Send(player)
if Buffer.Entity:GetClass() == "gmod_wire_cpu" then
elseif Buffer.Entity:GetClass() == "gmod_wire_dhdd" then
for k,v in pairs(Buffer.Data) do
Buffer.Entity.Memory[k] = v
elseif (Buffer.Entity:GetClass() == "gmod_wire_gpu") or (Buffer.Entity:GetClass() == "gmod_wire_spu") then
if Buffer.Entity.WriteCell then
for k,v in pairs(Buffer.Data) do
if Buffer.Entity.WriteCell then
for k,v in pairs(Buffer.Data) do
-- Players and corresponding entities (for the debugger)
CPULib.DebuggerData = {}
-- Attach a debugger
function CPULib.AttachDebugger(entity,player)
if entity then
entity.BreakpointInstructions = {}
entity.OnBreakpointInstruction = function(IP)
entity.OnVMStep = function()
if CurTime() - CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()].PreviousUpdateTime > 0.2 then
CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()].PreviousUpdateTime = CurTime()
-- Send a fake update that messes up line pointer, updates registers
local tempIP = entity.VM.IP
entity.VM.IP = tempIP
if not entity.VM.BaseJump then
entity.VM.BaseJump = entity.VM.Jump
entity.VM.Jump = function(VM,IP,CS)
entity.ForceLastInstruction = true
entity.VM.BaseInterrupt = entity.VM.Interrupt
entity.VM.Interrupt = function(VM,interruptNo,interruptParameter,isExternal,cascadeInterrupt)
if interruptNo < 27 then
if CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()] then
if CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()].Entity and
CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()].Entity.VM and
CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()].Entity.VM.BaseInterrupt then
CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()].Entity.BreakpointInstructions = nil
if CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()].Entity.VM.BaseJump then
CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()].Entity.VM.Jump = CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()].Entity.VM.BaseJump
CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()].Entity.VM.Interrupt = CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()].Entity.VM.BaseInterrupt
CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()].Entity.VM.BaseJump = nil
CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()].Entity.VM.BaseInterrupt = nil
CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()] = {
Entity = entity,
Player = player,
MemPointers = {},
PreviousUpdateTime = CurTime(),
-- Log debug interrupt
function CPULib.DebugLogInterrupt(player,interruptNo,interruptParameter,isExternal,cascadeInterrupt)
local umsgrp = RecipientFilter()
umsg.Start("cpulib_debugdata_interrupt", umsgrp)
-- Send debug log entry to client
function CPULib.SendDebugLogEntry(player,text)
-- Send debugging data to client
function CPULib.SendDebugData(VM,MemPointers,Player,onlyMemPointers)
local umsgrp = RecipientFilter()
if not onlyMemPointers then
umsg.Start("cpulib_debugdata_registers", umsgrp)
for reg = 0,31 do
if MemPointers then
for msgIdx=0,math.floor(#MemPointers/60) do
umsg.Start("cpulib_debugdata_variables", umsgrp)
for varIdx=msgIdx*60,msgIdx*60+59 do
if MemPointers[varIdx] then
-- Concommand to step forward
concommand.Add("wire_cpulib_debugstep", function(player, command, args)
local Data = CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()]
if (not Data) or (Data.Player ~= player) then return end
if not IsValid(Data.Entity) then return end
if not args[1] then -- Step forward
Data.Entity.VMStopped = true
else -- Run until instruction
Data.Entity.VMStopped = false
Data.Entity.LastInstruction = tonumber(args[1]) or 0
Data.Entity.OnLastInstruction = function()
Data.Entity.LastInstruction = nil
Data.Entity.OnLastInstruction = nil
-- Concommand to run till breakpoint
concommand.Add("wire_cpulib_debugrun", function(player, command, args)
local Data = CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()]
if (not Data) or (Data.Player ~= player) then return end
if not IsValid(Data.Entity) then return end
-- Send a fake update that messes up line pointer
local tempIP = Data.Entity.VM.IP
Data.Entity.VM.IP = tempIP
Data.Entity.Clk = true
-- Concommand to reset
concommand.Add("wire_cpulib_debugreset", function(player, command, args)
local Data = CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()]
if (not Data) or (Data.Player ~= player) then return end
if not IsValid(Data.Entity) then return end
-- Concommand to add a variable
concommand.Add("wire_cpulib_debugvar", function(player, command, args)
local Data = CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()]
if (not Data) or (Data.Player ~= player) then return end
if not IsValid(Data.Entity) then return end
Data.MemPointers[tonumber(args[1]) or 0] = tonumber(args[2])
-- Concommand to set a debug breakpoint
concommand.Add("wire_cpulib_debugbreakpoint", function(player, command, args)
local Data = CPULib.DebuggerData[player:UserID()]
if (not Data) or (Data.Player ~= player) then return end
if not IsValid(Data.Entity) then return end
if tonumber(args[2]) == 0 then
Data.Entity.BreakpointInstructions[tonumber(args[1]) or 0] = nil
Data.Entity.BreakpointInstructions[tonumber(args[1]) or 0] = true
-- Create a new virtual machine
function CPULib.VirtualMachine()
-- Create new instance of the VM
-- Remove from global scope
local newVM = ZVM
ZVM = nil
return newVM
-- Generate a serial number
local sessionBase, sessionDate
function CPULib.GenerateSN(entityType)
local currentDate ="*t")
local SNDate = (currentDate.year-2007)*500+(currentDate.yday)
if (not sessionBase) or (SNDate ~= sessionDate) then
sessionBase = math.floor(math.random()*99999)
sessionDate = SNDate
sessionBase = sessionBase + 1
if entityType == "CPU" then
return sessionBase + 100000 + SNDate*1000000
elseif entityType == "SPU" then
return sessionBase + 200000 + SNDate*1000000
elseif entityType == "GPU" then
return sessionBase + 300000 + SNDate*1000000
elseif entityType == "UNK" then
return sessionBase + 700000 + SNDate*1000000
-- Get device type
local DeviceType = {
["gmod_wire_extbus"] = 2,
["gmod_wire_addressbus"] = 3,
["gmod_wire_cpu"] = 4,
["gmod_wire_gpu"] = 5,
["gmod_wire_spu"] = 6,
["gmod_wire_hdd"] = 7,
["gmod_wire_dhdd"] = 8,
["gmod_wire_datarate"] = 9,
["gmod_wire_cd_ray"] = 10,
["gmod_wire_consolescreen"] = 11,
["gmod_wire_digitalscreen"] = 12,
["gmod_wire_dataplug"] = 13,
["gmod_wire_datasocket"] = 14,
["gmod_wire_keyboard"] = 15,
["gmod_wire_oscilloscope"] = 16,
["gmod_wire_soundemitter"] = 17,
["gmod_wire_value"] = 18,
["gmod_wire_dataport"] = 19,
["gmod_wire_gate"] = 20,
function CPULib.GetDeviceType(class)
return DeviceType[class] or 1
-- Columns in the instruction set reference table:
-- Opc - Instruction number
-- Mnemonic - Symbolic mnemonic (uppercase). Can be "RESERVED"
-- Ops - Number of operands
-- Version - Minimum CPU version required
-- Flags - Several or none of the following flags:
-- W1: single-operand opcode which writes 1st operand
-- R0: runlevel 0 opcode (privileged opcode)
-- OB: obsolete/should not be used
-- UB: unconditional branching instruction
-- CB: conditional branching instruction
-- TR: trigonometric syntax operand
-- OL: old mnemonic for the instruction
-- BL: instruction supports block prefix
-- Op1 - operand 1 name
-- Op2 - operand 2 name
-- Possible operand names:
-- X,Y: arbitrary integer or floating-point value
-- PTR: 48-bit pointer into memory
-- CS: 48-bit pointer into memory, new value of CS segment
-- IDX: unsigned integer index into internal processor table
-- PAGE: unsigned integer page number (each page is 128 bytes)
-- PORT: unsigned 47-bit integer port number
-- BIT: integer between 0 and 47
-- INTR: interrupt nubmer (integer between 0 and 255)
-- SIZE: unsigned 47-bit integer memory block size
-- COLOR: 4-byte color
-- VEC2F: 2-byte vector
-- INT: 48-bit signed integer
CPULib.InstructionTable = {}
local W1,R0,OB,UB,CB,TR,OL,BL = 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128
local function Bit(x,n) return (math.floor(x / n) % 2) == 1 end
local function Entry(Set,Opc,Mnemonic,Ops,Version,Flags,Op1,Op2,Reference)
{ Set = Set,
Opcode = Opc,
Mnemonic = Mnemonic,
OperandCount = Ops,
MinimumVersion = Version,
Operand1 = Op1,
Operand2 = Op2,
Reference = Reference,
WritesFirstOperand = Bit(Flags,W1),
Privileged = Bit(Flags,R0),
Obsolete = Bit(Flags,OB),
UnconditionalBranching = Bit(Flags,UB),
ConditionalBranching = Bit(Flags,CB),
Trigonometric = Bit(Flags,TR),
Old = Bit(Flags,OL),
BlockPrefix = Bit(Flags,BL),
local function CPU(...) Entry("CPU",...) end
local function GPU(...) Entry("GPU",...) end
local function VEX(...) Entry("VEX",...) end
local function SPU(...) Entry("SPU",...) end
-- Zyelios CPU/GPU/SPU instruction set reference table
--- Opc Mnemonic ------- Ops Version Flags ---- Op1 ---- Op2 ---- Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------
CPU(000, "RESERVED", 0, 0.00, 0, "", "", "Stop processor execution")
CPU(001, "JNE", 1, 1.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Jump to PTR if result is not equal")
CPU(001, "JNZ", 1, 1.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Jump to PTR if result is not zero")
CPU(002, "JMP", 1, 1.00, UB, "PTR", "", "Jump to PTR")
CPU(003, "JG", 1, 1.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Jump to PTR if result is greater")
CPU(003, "JNLE", 1, 1.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Jump to PTR if result is not less or equal")
CPU(004, "JGE", 1, 1.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Jump to PTR if result is greater or equal")
CPU(004, "JNL", 1, 1.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Jump to PTR if result is not less")
CPU(005, "JL", 1, 1.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Jump to PTR if result is less")
CPU(005, "JNGE", 1, 1.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Jump to PTR if result is not greater or equal")
CPU(006, "JLE", 1, 1.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Jump to PTR if result is less or equal")
CPU(006, "JNG", 1, 1.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Jump to PTR if result is not greater")
CPU(007, "JE", 1, 1.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Jump to PTR if result is equal")
CPU(007, "JZ", 1, 1.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Jump to PTR if result is zero")
CPU(008, "CPUID", 1, 1.00, 0, "IDX", "", "Write processor information variable IDX into EAX register")
CPU(009, "PUSH", 1, 1.00, 0, "X", "", "Push X onto processor stack")
---- Dec 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPU(010, "ADD", 2, 1.00, 0, "X", "Y", "X = X + Y")
CPU(011, "SUB", 2, 1.00, 0, "X", "Y", "X = X - Y")
CPU(012, "MUL", 2, 1.00, 0, "X", "Y", "X = X * Y")
CPU(013, "DIV", 2, 1.00, 0, "X", "Y", "X = X / Y")
CPU(014, "MOV", 2, 1.00, 0, "X", "Y", "X = Y")
CPU(015, "CMP", 2, 1.00, 0, "X", "Y", "Compare X and Y. Use with conditional branching instructions")
CPU(016, "RD", 2, 1.00, R0+OB, "X", "PTR", "Read value from memory by pointer PTR")
CPU(017, "WD", 2, 1.00, R0+OB, "PTR", "Y", "Write value to memory by pointer PTR")
CPU(018, "MIN", 2, 1.00, 0, "X", "Y", "Set X to smaller value out of X and Y")
CPU(019, "MAX", 2, 1.00, 0, "X", "Y", "Set X to bigger value out of X and Y")
---- Dec 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPU(020, "INC", 1, 1.00, W1, "X", "", "Increase X by one")
CPU(021, "DEC", 1, 1.00, W1, "X", "", "Decrease X by one")
CPU(022, "NEG", 1, 1.00, W1, "X", "", "Change sign of X")
CPU(023, "RAND", 1, 1.00, W1, "X", "", "Set X to random value")
CPU(024, "LOOP", 1, 2.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Decrease ECX, and if ECX is not set to 0, jump to PTR")
CPU(024, "LOOPC", 1, 10.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Decrease ECX, and if ECX is not set to 0, jump to PTR")
CPU(025, "LOOPA", 1, 2.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Decrease EAX, and if EAX is not set to 0, jump to PTR")
CPU(026, "LOOPB", 1, 2.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Decrease EBX, and if EBX is not set to 0, jump to PTR")
CPU(027, "LOOPD", 1, 2.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Decrease EDX, and if EDX is not set to 0, jump to PTR")
CPU(028, "SPG", 1, 2.00, R0, "PAGE", "", "Make PAGE readonly")
CPU(029, "CPG", 1, 2.00, R0, "PAGE", "", "Make PAGE readable and writeable")
---- Dec 3---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPU(030, "POP", 1, 1.00, 0, "X", "", "Pop value off stack and write it into X")
CPU(031, "CALL", 1, 1.00, UB, "PTR", "", "Call subroutine by address PTR")
CPU(032, "BNOT", 1, 1.00, W1, "INT", "", "Flip all bits in the integer number")
CPU(033, "FINT", 1, 1.00, W1, "X", "", "Force X to be an integer value")
CPU(034, "FRND", 1, 1.00, W1, "X", "", "Round X to the nearest integer value")
CPU(034, "RND", 1, 1.00, W1+OL, "X", "", "FRND")
CPU(035, "FFRAC", 1, 1.00, W1, "X", "", "Remove integer part of the X, leaving only the fractional part")
CPU(036, "FINV", 1, 1.00, W1, "X", "", "X = 1 / X")
CPU(037, "HALT", 1, 1.00, OB, "PORT", "", "Halt processor execution until PORT is written to")
CPU(038, "FSHL", 1, 2.00, W1, "X", "", "Multiply X by 2 (does not floor)")
CPU(039, "FSHR", 1, 2.00, W1, "X", "", "Divide X by 2 (does not floor)")
---- Dec 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPU(040, "RET", 0, 1.00, UB, "", "", "Return from a subroutine")
CPU(041, "IRET", 0, 2.00, UB, "", "", "Return from an interrupt")
CPU(042, "STI", 0, 2.00, R0, "", "", "Enable interrupt handling")
CPU(043, "CLI", 0, 2.00, R0, "", "", "Disable interrupt handling")
CPU(044, "STP", 0, 2.00, R0+OB, "", "", "Enable protected mode")
CPU(045, "CLP", 0, 2.00, R0+OB, "", "", "Disable protected mode")
CPU(046, "RESERVED", 0, 0.00, R0, "", "", "")
CPU(047, "RETF", 0, 1.00, UB, "", "", "Return from a far subroutine call")
CPU(048, "STEF", 0, 4.00, R0, "", "", "Enable extended mode")
CPU(049, "CLEF", 0, 4.00, R0, "", "", "Disable extended mode")
---- Dec 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPU(050, "AND", 2, 1.00, 0, "X", "Y", "Logical AND between X and Y")
CPU(051, "OR", 2, 1.00, 0, "X", "Y", "Logical OR between X and Y")
CPU(052, "XOR", 2, 1.00, 0, "X", "Y", "Logical XOR between X and Y")
CPU(053, "FSIN", 2, 1.00, TR, "X", "Y", "Write sine of X to Y")
CPU(054, "FCOS", 2, 1.00, TR, "X", "Y", "Write cosine of X to Y")
CPU(055, "FTAN", 2, 1.00, TR, "X", "Y", "Write tangent of X to Y")
CPU(056, "FASIN", 2, 1.00, TR, "X", "Y", "Write arcsine of X to Y")
CPU(057, "FACOS", 2, 1.00, TR, "X", "Y", "Write arccosine of X to Y")
CPU(058, "FATAN", 2, 1.00, TR, "X", "Y", "Write arctangent of X to Y")
CPU(059, "MOD", 2, 2.00, 0, "X", "Y", "Write remainder of X/Y to Y")
---- Dec 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPU(060, "BIT", 2, 2.00, 0, "INT", "BIT", "Test whether BIT of X is set. Use with conditional branching instructions")
CPU(061, "SBIT", 2, 2.00, 0, "INT", "BIT", "Set BIT of X")
CPU(062, "CBIT", 2, 2.00, 0, "INT", "BIT", "Clear BIT of X")
CPU(063, "TBIT", 2, 2.00, 0, "INT", "BIT", "Toggle BIT of X")
CPU(064, "BAND", 2, 2.00, 0, "INT", "INT", "Write result of binary AND between operands")
CPU(065, "BOR", 2, 2.00, 0, "INT", "INT", "Write result of binary OR between operands")
CPU(066, "BXOR", 2, 2.00, 0, "INT", "INT", "Write result of binary XOR between operands")
CPU(067, "BSHL", 2, 2.00, 0, "INT", "X", "Shift bits of INT left by X")
CPU(068, "BSHR", 2, 2.00, 0, "INT", "X", "Shift bits of INT right by X")
CPU(069, "JMPF", 2, 2.00, UB, "PTR", "CS", "Jump to PTR in code segment CS")
---- Dec 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPU(070, "NMIINT", 1, 4.00, R0+OL, "INTR", "", "EXTINT")
CPU(070, "EXTINT", 1, 10.00, R0, "INTR", "", "Call interrupt INTR as an external interrupt")
CPU(071, "CNE", 1, 2.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Call subrotine if result is not equal")
CPU(071, "CNZ", 1, 2.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Call subrotine if result is not zero")
CPU(072, "RESERVED", 1, 0.00, 0, "", "", "")
CPU(073, "CG", 1, 2.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Call subrotine if result is greater")
CPU(073, "CNLE", 1, 2.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Call subrotine if result is not less or equal")
CPU(074, "CGE", 1, 2.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Call subrotine if result is greater or equal")
CPU(074, "CNL", 1, 2.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Call subrotine if result is not less")
CPU(075, "CL", 1, 2.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Call subrotine if result is less")
CPU(075, "CNGE", 1, 2.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Call subrotine if result is not greater or equal")
CPU(076, "CLE", 1, 2.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Call subrotine if result is less or equal")
CPU(076, "CNG", 1, 2.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Call subrotine if result is not greater")
CPU(077, "CE", 1, 2.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Call subrotine if result is equal")
CPU(077, "CZ", 1, 2.00, CB, "PTR", "", "Call subrotine if result is zero")
CPU(078, "MCOPY", 1, 2.00, BL, "INT", "", "Copy INT bytes from array pointed by ESI to EDI")
CPU(079, "MXCHG", 1, 2.00, BL, "INT", "", "Swap INT bytes between two arrays pointed by ESI and EDI")
---- Dec 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPU(080, "FPWR", 2, 2.00, 0, "X", "Y", "Raise X to power Y")
CPU(081, "XCHG", 2, 2.00, 0, "X", "Y", "Swap X and Y")
CPU(082, "FLOG", 2, 2.00, OL, "X", "Y", "FLN")
CPU(082, "FLN", 2, 10.00, 0, "X", "Y", "Write logarithm (base e) of Y to X")
CPU(083, "FLOG10", 2, 2.00, 0, "X", "Y", "Write logarithm (base 10) of Y to X")
CPU(084, "IN", 2, 2.00, 0, "X", "PORT", "Input value from PORT to X")
CPU(085, "OUT", 2, 2.00, 0, "PORT", "Y", "Write X to PORT")
CPU(086, "FABS", 2, 2.00, TR, "X", "Y", "Write absolute value of Y to X")
CPU(087, "FSGN", 2, 2.00, TR, "X", "Y", "Write sign of Y to X")
CPU(088, "FEXP", 2, 2.00, TR, "X", "Y", "Write exponent of Y to X")
CPU(089, "CALLF", 2, 2.00, UB, "PTR", "CS", "Call subroutine by offset PTR in code segment CS")
---- Dec 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPU(090, "FPI", 1, 2.00, W1, "X", "", "Set X to precise value of PI (3.1415926..)")
CPU(091, "FE", 1, 2.00, W1, "X", "", "Set X to precise value of E (2.7182818..)")
CPU(092, "INT", 1, 2.00, 0, "INTR", "", "Call interrupt INTR")
CPU(093, "TPG", 1, 2.00, 0, "PAGE", "", "Test PAGE. Use branching instructions to test for zero on failure, non-zero if test passed.")
CPU(094, "FCEIL", 1, 2.00, W1, "X", "", "Rounds X up to the next integer")
CPU(095, "ERPG", 1, 2.00, R0, "PAGE", "", "Erase ROM page")
CPU(096, "WRPG", 1, 2.00, R0, "PAGE", "", "Copy RAM page into ROM page")
CPU(097, "RDPG", 1, 2.00, R0, "PAGE", "", "Read ROM page into RAM")
CPU(098, "TIMER", 1, 2.00, W1, "X", "", "Set X to value of the internal processor timer")
CPU(099, "LIDTR", 1, 2.00, R0, "PTR", "", "Set interrupt table pointer to PTR")
---- Dec 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPU(100, "RESERVED", 1, 0.00, R0, "", "", "")
CPU(101, "JNER", 1, 3.00, CB, "INT", "", "Relative jump INT bytes forward if result is not equal")
CPU(101, "JNZR", 1, 3.00, CB, "INT", "", "Relative jump INT bytes forward if result is not zero")
CPU(102, "JMPR", 1, 3.00, UB, "INT", "", "Relative jump INT bytes forward")
CPU(103, "JGR", 1, 3.00, CB, "INT", "", "Relative jump INT bytes forward if result is greater")
CPU(103, "JNLER", 1, 3.00, CB, "INT", "", "Relative jump INT bytes forward if result is not less or equal")
CPU(104, "JGER", 1, 3.00, CB, "INT", "", "Relative jump INT bytes forward if result is greater or equal")
CPU(104, "JNLR", 1, 3.00, CB, "INT", "", "Relative jump INT bytes forward if result is not less")
CPU(105, "JLR", 1, 3.00, CB, "INT", "", "Relative jump INT bytes forward if result is less")
CPU(105, "JNGER", 1, 3.00, CB, "INT", "", "Relative jump INT bytes forward if result is not greater or equal")
CPU(106, "JLER", 1, 3.00, CB, "INT", "", "Relative jump INT bytes forward if result is less or equal")
CPU(106, "JNGR", 1, 3.00, CB, "INT", "", "Relative jump INT bytes forward if result is not greater")
CPU(107, "JER", 1, 3.00, CB, "INT", "", "Relative jump INT bytes forward if result is equal")
CPU(107, "JZR", 1, 3.00, CB, "INT", "", "Relative jump INT bytes forward if result is zero")
CPU(108, "LNEG", 1, 3.00, W1, "X", "", "Logically negate X")
CPU(109, "RESERVED", 1, 0.00, R0, "", "", "")
---- Dec 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPU(110, "NMIRET", 0, 2.00, R0+OL, "", "", "EXTRET")
CPU(110, "EXTRET", 0, 10.00, R0, "", "", "Return from an external interrupt")
CPU(111, "IDLE", 0, 4.00, R0, "", "", "Skip several processor cycles")
CPU(112, "NOP", 0, 5.00, 0, "", "", "Do nothing")
CPU(113, "RESERVED", 0, 0.00, 0, "", "", "")
CPU(114, "PUSHA", 0, 8.00, 0, "", "", "Push all general purpose registers to stack")
CPU(115, "POPA", 0, 8.00, 0, "", "", "Pop all general purpose registers off stack")
CPU(116, "STD2", 0, 10.00, R0, "", "", "Enable hardware debug mode")
CPU(117, "LEAVE", 0, 10.00, 0, "", "", "Leave subroutine stack frame")
CPU(118, "STM", 0, 10.00, R0, "", "", "Enable extended memory mode")
CPU(119, "CLM", 0, 10.00, R0, "", "", "Disable extended memory mode")
---- Dec 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPU(120, "CPUGET", 2, 5.00, R0, "X", "IDX", "Read internal processor register IDX")
CPU(121, "CPUSET", 2, 5.00, R0, "IDX", "Y", "Write internal processor register IDX")
CPU(122, "SPP", 2, 5.00, R0+BL, "PAGE", "IDX", "Set page flag IDX")
CPU(123, "CPP", 2, 5.00, R0+BL, "PAGE", "IDX", "Clear page flag IDX")
CPU(124, "SRL", 2, 5.00, R0+BL, "PAGE", "INT", "Set page runlevel to INT")
CPU(125, "CRL", 2, 5.00, R0, "X", "PAGE", "Write page runlevel to INT")
CPU(126, "LEA", 2, 5.00, 0, "X", "Y", "Load absolute address fetched by operand Y into X")
CPU(127, "BLOCK", 2, 6.00, 0, "PTR", "SIZE", "Make next instruction run on this block")
CPU(128, "CMPAND", 2, 6.00, 0, "X", "Y", "Compare X and Y, and logically combine with result of previous comparsion using AND")
CPU(129, "CMPOR", 2, 6.00, 0, "X", "Y", "Compare X and Y, and logically combine with result of previous comparsion using OR")
---- Dec 13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPU(130, "MSHIFT", 2, 7.00, 0, "COUNT", "OFFSET","Shift (and rotate) data pointed by ESI by OFFSET bytes")
CPU(131, "SMAP", 2, 8.00, R0+BL, "PAGE1", "PAGE2", "Remap PAGE1 to physical page PAGE2")
CPU(132, "GMAP", 2, 8.00, R0, "X", "PAGE", "Read what physical page PAGE is mapped to")
CPU(133, "RSTACK", 2, 9.00, 0, "X", "IDX", "Read value from stack at offset IDX (from address SS+IDX)")
CPU(134, "SSTACK", 2, 9.00, 0, "IDX", "Y", "Write value to stack at offset IDX (to address SS+IDX)")
CPU(135, "ENTER", 1, 10.00, 0, "SIZE", "", "Enter stack frame and allocate SIZE bytes on stack for local variables")
CPU(136, "IRETP", 1, 2.00, R0, "PTBL", "", "Set PTBL, then return from an interrupt")
CPU(137, "EXTRETP", 1, 10.00, R0, "PTBL", "", "Set PTBL, then return from an external interrupt")
---- Dec 14 -- UNDEFINED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPU(140, "EXTRETA", 0, 11.00, R0, "", "", "Return from an external interrupt and restore R0-R31 registers")
CPU(141, "EXTRETPA", 1, 11.00, R0, "PTBL", "", "Set PTBL, then return from an external interrupt with restoring R0-R31 registers")
---- Dec 15 -- UNDEFINED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- Dec 16 -- UNDEFINED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- Dec 17 -- UNDEFINED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- Dec 18 -- UNDEFINED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- Dec 19 -- UNDEFINED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- Dec 20 -- Output buffer control ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GPU(200, "DTEST", 0, 1.0, 0, "", "", "Output a test pattern to screen")
GPU(200, "DRECT_TEST", 0, 0.5, OL, "", "", "DTEST")
GPU(201, "DEXIT", 0, 0.5, UB, "", "", "End execution of the current frame")
GPU(201, "DVSYNC", 0, 1.0, 0, "", "", "Wait until next frame (only in asynchronous thread)")
GPU(202, "DCLR", 0, 0.5, 0, "", "", "Clear screen color to black")
GPU(203, "DCLRTEX", 0, 0.5, 0, "", "", "Clear background with texture")
GPU(204, "DVXFLUSH", 0, 0.6, 0, "", "", "Flush current vertex buffer to screen")
GPU(205, "DVXCLEAR", 0, 0.6, 0, "", "", "Clear vertex buffer")
GPU(206, "DSETBUF_VX", 0, 1.0, 0, "", "", "Set frame buffer to vertex output")
GPU(207, "DSETBUF_SPR", 0, 1.0, 0, "", "", "Set frame buffer to sprite buffer")
GPU(207, "DBACKBUF", 0, 1.0, 0, "", "", "Set frame buffer to back buffer")
GPU(208, "DSETBUF_FBO", 0, 1.0, 0, "", "", "Set frame buffer to view buffer")
GPU(208, "DFRONTBUF", 0, 1.0, 0, "", "", "Set frame buffer to front buffer")
GPU(209, "DSWAP", 0, 1.0, 0, "", "", "Copy back buffer to front buffer")
---- Dec 21 -- Pipe controls and one-operand opcodes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GPU(210, "DVXPIPE", 1, 0.5, 0, "IDX", "", "Set vertex pipe")
GPU(211, "DCVXPIPE", 1, 0.5, OL, "IDX", "", "DCPIPE")
GPU(211, "DCPIPE", 1, 1.0, 0, "IDX", "", "Set coordinate pipe")
GPU(212, "DENABLE", 1, 0.5, 0, "IDX", "", "Enable parameter")
GPU(213, "DDISABLE", 1, 0.5, 0, "IDX", "", "Disable parameter")
GPU(214, "DCLRSCR", 1, 0.5, 0, "COLOR", "", "Clear screen with color")
GPU(215, "DCOLOR", 1, 0.5, 0, "COLOR", "", "Set current color")
GPU(216, "DTEXTURE", 1, 1.0, 0, "IDX", "", "Set current texture")
GPU(217, "DSETFONT", 1, 0.5, 0, "IDX", "", "Set current font")
GPU(218, "DSETSIZE", 1, 0.5, 0, "INT", "", "Set font size")
GPU(219, "DMOVE", 1, 0.5, 0, "VEC2F", "", "Set drawing position offset")
---- Dec 22 -- Rendering opcodes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GPU(220, "DVXDATA_2F", 2, 0.5, 0, "VEC2F", "IDX", "Draw a solid 2D polygon (pointer to 2D data, vertex count)")
GPU(220, "DVXPOLY", 2, 0.5, 0, "VEC2F", "IDX", "Draw a solid 2D polygon (pointer to 2D data, vertex count)")
GPU(221, "DVXDATA_2F_TEX",2, 0.5, 0, "VEC2F", "IDX", "Draw a textured 2D polygon (pointer to 2D data, vertex count)")
GPU(221, "DVXTEXPOLY", 2, 0.5, 0, "VEC2F", "IDX", "Draw a textured 2D polygon (pointer to 2D data, vertex count)")
GPU(222, "DVXDATA_3F", 2, 0.5, 0, "VEC3F", "IDX", "Draw a solid 3D polygon (pointer to 3D data, vertex count)")
GPU(223, "DVXDATA_3F_TEX",2, 0.5, 0, "VEC3FT","IDX", "Draw a textured 3D polygon (pointer to 3D data, vertex count)")
GPU(224, "DVXDATA_3F_WF", 2, 0.5, 0, "VEC3F", "IDX", "Draw a wireframe 3D polygon (pointer to 3D data, vertex count)")
GPU(225, "DRECT", 2, 0.5, 0, "VEC2F", "VEC2F", "Draw a rectangle (by endpoints)")
GPU(226, "DCIRCLE", 2, 0.5, 0, "VEC2F", "Y", "Draw a circle with radius Y")
GPU(227, "DLINE", 2, 0.5, 0, "VEC2F", "VEC2F", "Draw a line")
GPU(228, "DRECTWH", 2, 0.6, 0, "VEC2F", "VEC2F", "Draw a rectangle (by offset, size)")
GPU(229, "DORECT", 2, 0.5, 0, "VEC2F", "VEC2F", "Draw an outlined rectangle")
---- Dec 23 -- Additional rendering opcodes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GPU(230, "DTRANSFORM2F", 2, 0.5, 0, "VEC2F", "VEC2F", "Transform vector and write it to first operand")
GPU(231, "DTRANSFORM3F", 2, 0.5, 0, "VEC3F", "VEC3F", "Transform vector and write it to first operand")
GPU(232, "DSCRSIZE", 2, 0.5, 0, "X", "Y", "Set screen size")
GPU(233, "DROTATESCALE", 2, 0.5, 0, "X", "Y", "Rotate by X, scale by Y")
GPU(234, "DORECTWH", 2, 0.5, 0, "VEC2F", "VEC2F", "Draw an outlined rectangle by width/height")
GPU(235, "DCULLMODE", 2, 0.7, 0, "IDX", "IDX", "Set cullmode and lighting mode")
--GPU(236, "DARRAY", 2, 1.0, 0, "VEC2F", "STRUCT","Draw an array of pixels")
--GPU(237, "DDTERMINAL", 2, 1.0, 0, "VEC2F", "STRUCT","Draw a console screen/terminal window")
GPU(238, "DPIXEL", 2, 1.0, 0, "VEC2F", "COLOR", "Draw a pixel to screen")
GPU(239, "RESERVED", 2, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
---- Dec 24 -- Text output and lighting ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GPU(240, "DWRITE", 2, 0.5, 0, "VEC2F", "STRING","Write a string")
GPU(241, "DWRITEI", 2, 0.5, 0, "VEC2F", "INT", "Write an integer value")
GPU(242, "DWRITEF", 2, 0.5, 0, "VEC3F", "Y", "Write a float value")
GPU(243, "DENTRYPOINT", 2, 0.5, 0, "IDX", "PTR", "Set entry point")
GPU(244, "DSETLIGHT", 2, 0.6, 0, "IDX", "STRUCT","Set light")
GPU(245, "DGETLIGHT", 2, 0.6, 0, "STRUCT","IDX", "Get light")
GPU(246, "DWRITEFMT", 2, 0.6, 0, "VEC2F", "STRING","Write a formatted string")
GPU(247, "DWRITEFIX", 2, 0.5, 0, "VEC2F", "Y", "Write a fixed value")
GPU(248, "DTEXTWIDTH", 2, 0.8, 0, "INT", "STRING","Return text width")
GPU(249, "DTEXTHEIGHT", 2, 0.8, 0, "INT", "STRING","Return text height")
---- Dec 25 -- Vector mode extension ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
VEX(250, "VADD", 2, 7.00, 0, "VEC", "VEC", "X = X + Y")
VEX(251, "VSUB", 2, 7.00, 0, "VEC", "VEC", "X = X - Y")
VEX(252, "VMUL", 2, 7.00, 0, "VEC", "X", "X = X * SCALAR Y")
VEX(253, "VDOT", 2, 7.00, 0, "VEC", "VEC", "X = X dot Y")
VEX(254, "VCROSS", 2, 7.00, 0, "VEC", "VEC", "X = X cross Y")
VEX(255, "VMOV", 2, 7.00, 0, "VEC", "VEC", "X = Y")
VEX(256, "VNORM", 2, 7.00, 0, "VEC", "VEC", "X = NORMALIZE(Y)")
VEX(257, "VCOLORNORM", 2, 10.0, 0, "COLOR", "COLOR", "Normalize color (clamp it to RGB range)")
GPU(258, "RESERVED", 2, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
GPU(259, "DLOOPXY", 2, 0.7, CB, "PTR", "PTR", "2D loop by ECX/EDX registers")
VEX(259, "LOOPXY", 2, 10.0, CB, "PTR", "PTR", "2D loop by ECX/EDX registers")
---- Dec 26 -- Matrix math ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
VEX(260, "MADD", 2, 7.00, 0, "MATRIX","MATRIX","X = X + Y")
VEX(261, "MSUB", 2, 7.00, 0, "MATRIX","MATRIX","X = X - Y")
VEX(262, "MMUL", 2, 7.00, 0, "MATRIX","MATRIX","X = X * Y")
VEX(263, "MROTATE", 2, 7.00, 0, "MATRIX","VEC4F", "Rotation matrix based on rotation vector")
VEX(264, "MSCALE", 2, 7.00, 0, "MATRIX","VEC4F", "Scaling matrix based on scaling vector")
VEX(265, "MPERSPECTIVE", 2, 7.00, 0, "MATRIX","VEC4F", "Perspective matrix based on FOV and near/far planes")
VEX(266, "MTRANSLATE", 2, 7.00, 0, "MATRIX","VEC4F", "Translation matrix based on translation vector")
VEX(267, "MLOOKAT", 2, 7.00, 0, "MATRIX","VEC4F", "Lookat matrix based on three vectors")
VEX(268, "MMOV", 2, 7.00, 0, "MATRIX","MATRIX","X = Y")
VEX(269, "VLEN", 2, 7.00, 0, "X", "VEC", "X = Sqrt(Y dot Y)")
---- Dec 27 -- Matrix math ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
VEX(270, "MIDENT", 1, 7.00, 0, "MATRIX","", "Load identity matrix")
GPU(271, "MLOADPROJ", 1, 0.6, 0, "MATRIX","", "Load matrix into view matrix")
GPU(272, "MREAD", 1, 0.6, 0, "MATRIX","", "Write view matrix into matrix")
VEX(273, "VMODE", 1, 7.00, 0, "IDX", "", "Set vector math mode")
GPU(274, "DT", 1, 0.6, W1, "X", "", "Set X to frame length time")
GPU(275, "RESERVED", 1, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
GPU(276, "DSHADE", 1, 0.5, 0, "X", "", "Shade the current color")
GPU(277, "DSETWIDTH", 1, 0.5, 0, "X", "", "Set line width")
GPU(278, "MLOAD", 1, 0.6, 0, "MATRIX","", "Load matrix into model matrix")
GPU(279, "DSHADENORM", 1, 0.6, 0, "X", "", "Shade the current color and normalize it")
GPU(279, "DSHADECOL", 1, 0.6, OL, "X", "", "DSHADENORM")
---- Dec 28 -- Advanced rendering ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GPU(280, "DDFRAME", 1, 1.0, 0, "STRUCT","", "Draw bordered frame")
GPU(281, "DDBAR", 1, 1.0, 0, "STRUCT","", "Draw a progress bar")
GPU(282, "DDGAUGE", 1, 1.0, 0, "STRUCT","", "Draw gauge needle")
GPU(283, "DRASTER", 1, 0.6, 0, "INT", "", "Set rasterizer quality level")
GPU(284, "DDTERRAIN", 1, 0.8, 0, "STRUCT","", "Draw terrain")
GPU(285, "RESERVED", 1, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
GPU(286, "RESERVED", 1, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
GPU(287, "RESERVED", 1, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
GPU(288, "RESERVED", 1, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
GPU(289, "RESERVED", 1, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
---- Dec 29 -- Additional instructions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GPU(290, "DLOADBYTES", 2, 1.0, 0, "IDX", "PTR", "Load into texture slot by pointer")
GPU(291, "RESERVED", 2, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
GPU(292, "RESERVED", 2, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
GPU(293, "RESERVED", 2, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
GPU(294, "DMULDT", 2, 0.7, 0, "X", "Y", "X = Y * dT")
VEX(295, "VDIV", 2, 7.00, 0, "VEC", "Y", "VEC = VEC / Y")
VEX(296, "VTRANSFORM", 2, 8.00, 0, "VEC", "MATRIX","X = X * MATRIX")
GPU(297, "DSMOOTH", 2, 1.0, 0, "X", "Y", "Smooth X with smoothness Y")
GPU(298, "DBEGIN", 0, 1.0, 0, "", "", "Begin rendering (from async thread)")
GPU(299, "DEND", 0, 1.0, 0, "", "", "End rendering (from async thread)")
---- Dec 30 -- 3D rendering ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GPU(300, "DROTATE", 1, 1.0, 0, "VEC4F", "", "Rotate model by vector")
GPU(301, "DTRANSLATE", 1, 1.0, 0, "VEC4F", "", "Translate model by vector")
GPU(302, "DSCALE", 1, 1.0, 0, "VEC4F", "", "Scale model by vector")
GPU(303, "DXTEXTURE", 1, 1.0, 0, "STR", "", "Bind a specific external texture")
GPU(304, "RESERVED", 2, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
GPU(305, "RESERVED", 2, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
GPU(306, "RESERVED", 2, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
GPU(307, "RESERVED", 2, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
GPU(308, "RESERVED", 2, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
GPU(309, "RESERVED", 2, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
---- Dec 31 -- UNDEFINED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- Dec 32 -- SPU output control ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SPU(320, "CHRESET" , 1, 1.0, 0, "CHAN", "", "Reset channel")
SPU(321, "CHSTART", 1, 1.0, 0, "CHAN", "", "Start sound on channel")
SPU(322, "CHSTOP", 1, 1.0, 0, "CHAN", "", "Stop sound on channel")
SPU(323, "CHTRIGGER", 1, 1.0, 0, "CHAN", "", "Trigger the ADSR envelope on channel")
SPU(324, "CHRELEASE", 1, 1.0, 0, "CHAN", "", "Release the ADSR envelope on channel")
SPU(325, "RESERVED", 1, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
SPU(326, "RESERVED", 1, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
SPU(327, "RESERVED", 1, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
SPU(328, "RESERVED", 1, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
SPU(329, "RESERVED", 1, 0.0, 0, "", "", "")
---- Dec 33 -- SPU channel control --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SPU(330, "WSET", 2, 1.0, 0, "WAVE", "STRING","Set lookup name for specific wave")
SPU(331, "CHWAVE", 2, 1.0, 0, "CHAN", "WAVE", "Set waveform")
SPU(332, "CHLOOP", 2, 1.0, 0, "CHAN", "IDX", "Set looping mode")
SPU(333, "CHVOLUME", 2, 1.0, 0, "CHAN", "X", "Set volume")
SPU(334, "CHPITCH", 2, 1.0, 0, "CHAN", "X", "Set pitch (value interpretation depends on register)")
SPU(335, "CHMODT", 2, 1.0, 0, "CHAN", "X", "Set LFO modulation type")
SPU(336, "CHMODA", 2, 1.0, 0, "CHAN", "X", "Set LFO modulation amplitude")
SPU(337, "CHMODF", 2, 1.0, 0, "CHAN", "X", "Set LFO modulation frequency")
SPU(338, "CHADSR", 2, 1.0, 0, "CHAN", "VEC4F", "Set channel ADSR")
SPU(339, "WLEN", 2, 1.0, 0, "X", "WAVE", "Read sound length in seconds")