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2023-11-16 15:01:19 +05:00
-- check functions
local function dobrojob( ply )
return ply:GetNetVar('os_dobro') == true, L.jobs_only_dobro
local function adminjob( ply )
return ply:IsAdmin()
local function timed(hours)
return function(ply)
return or ply:GetTimeTotal() > 60 * 60 * hours, L.you_need_more_hours:format(hours)
local function karma(val)
return function(ply)
return ply:GetKarma() >= val, 'У тебя слишком низкая карма'
local function customJob()
return false
local function cantJoinPolice(ply)
return false, ply:getJobTable().hobo and L.hobo_cant_work or L.job_notallow
-- The list itself
TEAM_CITIZEN = DarkRP.createJob(L.citizen, {
admin = 0,
-- allowedWeapons = { 'blunt', 'sharp', 'pistols', 'smgs', 'rifles', 'snipers', 'shotguns', 'grenades' }
candemote = false,
category = 'Citizens',
color = Color(76, 175, 80, 255),
command = 'citizen',
hasLicense = false,
icon = 'user',
max = 0,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary,
vote = false,
weapons = {},
TEAM_CITIZEN2 = DarkRP.createJob(L.citizen2, {
admin = 0,
candemote = false,
category = 'Citizens',
color = Color(76, 175, 80, 255),
command = 'citizen2',
customCheck = dobrojob,
hasLicense = false,
icon = 'user_gray',
max = 0,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary,
vote = false,
weapons = {'gmod_camera', 'weapon_flashlight'},
TEAM_COOK = DarkRP.createJob(L.cooker, {
admin = 0,
-- allowedWeapons = { 'blunt', 'sharp' },
canJoinPolice = cantJoinPolice,
color = Color(229, 57, 53, 255),
command = 'cook',
cook = true,
displayAs = 'citizen',
hasLicense = false,
icon = 'user_cook',
max = 0.2,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.85,
vote = false,
weapons = {},
clothes = {
TEAM_GUN = DarkRP.createJob(L.gunsmith, {
admin = 0,
canDestruct = true,
canJoinPolice = cantJoinPolice,
color = Color(251, 140, 0, 255),
command = 'gun',
customCheck = timed(5),
displayAs = 'citizen',
hasLicense = false,
seesLicense = true,
icon = 'gun',
max = 0.15,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.45,
vote = false,
weapons = {},
TEAM_GUN2 = DarkRP.createJob(L.gunsmith2, {
admin = 0,
canDestruct = true,
canJoinPolice = cantJoinPolice,
color = Color(245, 124, 0, 255),
command = 'gun2',
customCheck = dobrojob,
displayAs = 'citizen',
hasLicense = true,
seesLicense = true,
icon = 'gun',
max = 0.1,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.55,
vote = false,
weapons = {},
TEAM_MECH = DarkRP.createJob(L.mechanic, {
admin = 0,
color = Color(251, 140, 0, 255),
command = 'mech',
hasLicense = false,
icon = 'wrench_orange',
max = 0.05,
mech = true,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.45,
vote = false,
weapons = {},
clothes = {
TEAM_WORKER = DarkRP.createJob(L.worker, {
admin = 0,
canDestruct = true,
canJoinPolice = cantJoinPolice,
color = Color(251, 140, 0, 255),
command = 'worker',
hasLicense = false,
icon = 'wrench',
max = 0.2,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 0.25,
vote = false,
weapons = {},
worker = true,
clothes = {
TEAM_CSD = DarkRP.createJob('Коммунальный работник', {
admin = 0,
canDestruct = true,
canJoinPolice = cantJoinPolice,
color = Color(251, 140, 0, 255),
command = 'csd',
hasLicense = false,
icon = 'wrench',
max = 0.2,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.4,
vote = false,
noPreference = true,
weapons = {
worker = true,
hasTalkie = true,
clothes = {
local pharmClothes = {
TEAM_PHARM = DarkRP.createJob(, {
admin = 0,
-- allowedWeapons = {},
canJoinPolice = cantJoinPolice,
color = Color(38,166,154, 255),
command = 'pharm',
hasLicense = false,
icon = 'pill',
max = 0.05,
medic = true,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.55,
vote = false,
weapons = {},
clothes = pharmClothes,
TEAM_PHARM2 = DarkRP.createJob(L.doctor2, {
admin = 0.05,
-- allowedWeapons = {},
canJoinPolice = cantJoinPolice,
color = Color(0, 150, 136, 255),
command = 'pharm2',
customCheck = dobrojob,
hasLicense = false,
icon = 'pill_add',
max = 0.05,
medic = true,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.75,
vote = false,
weapons = {},
clothes = pharmClothes,
TEAM_DOCTOR = DarkRP.createJob('Парамедик', {
admin = 0,
-- allowedWeapons = {'pistols'},
color = Color(0, 150, 136, 255),
command = 'paramedic',
customCheck = customJob,
ems = true,
hasLicense = false,
hasTalkie = true,
icon = 'user_medical',
max = 0,
medic = true,
noPreference = true,
police = false,
seesName = true,
noCivilCars = true,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.8,
vote = false,
weapons = {
TEAM_CORONER = DarkRP.createJob('Коронер', {
admin = 0,
color = Color(61, 117, 111, 255),
command = 'coroner',
customCheck = customJob,
ems = true,
hasLicense = false,
hasTalkie = true,
icon = 'medical_record',
max = 0,
medic = true,
maxHealAmount = 50,
noPreference = true,
police = false,
seesName = true,
seesCaliber = true,
seesTime = true,
noCivilCars = true,
canZip = true,
canPackCorpse = true,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.8,
vote = false,
weapons = {
TEAM_PRIEST = DarkRP.createJob(L.priest, {
admin = 0,
-- allowedWeapons = { 'blunt', 'sharp' },
canJoinPolice = cantJoinPolice,
color = Color(33, 33, 33, 255),
command = 'priest',
customCheck = karma(-30),
hasLicense = false,
hearsGhosts = true,
icon = 'user_priest',
max = 0.05,
salary = 0,
seesGhosts = true,
vote = false,
weapons = {},
clothes = {
TEAM_FIREFIGHTER = DarkRP.createJob('Пожарный', {
admin = 0,
armor = 28,
color = Color(63, 81, 181, 255),
command = 'firefighter',
customCheck = customJob,
description = 'Борец с пожарами',
hasLicense = false,
hasTalkie = true,
max = 0,
medic = true,
seesName = true,
noCivilCars = true,
movemods = { runmul = 1.01, laddermul = 1.3 },
noPreference = true,
OnPlayerChangedTeam = function(ply)
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.8,
vote = false,
orgID = 'fire',
weapons = {
TEAM_BANK = DarkRP.createJob('Сотрудник банка', {
admin = 0,
ammo = {
['pistol'] = 360,
['SMG1'] = 150,
armor = 45,
color = Color(0, 0, 100, 255),
command = 'bank',
customCheck = customJob,
displayAs = 'citizen',
hasLicense = true,
hasTalkie = true,
icon = 'money',
max = 0,
noPreference = true,
canSearch = true,
noKarmaDamagePenalty = true,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.8,
vote = false,
candemote = false,
weapons = {
TEAM_PRISON = DarkRP.createJob('Сотрудник тюрьмы', {
admin = 0,
ammo = {
['air'] = 400,
['pistol'] = 180,
['buckshot'] = 60,
['sniper'] = 60,
['SMG1'] = 360,
armor = 28,
color = Color(0, 0, 100, 255),
command = 'prison',
customCheck = customJob,
displayAs = 'citizen',
hasLicense = true,
hasTalkie = true,
icon = 'user_police_england',
max = 0,
noPreference = true,
police = true,
canUnarrest = true,
disabledKarma = true,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.8,
vote = false,
candemote = false,
noPBoard = true,
weapons = {
{'dbg_shield', 'models/bshields/rshield.mdl'},
TEAM_DPD = DarkRP.createJob('DPD', {
admin = 0,
ammo = {
['air'] = 400,
['pistol'] = 180,
['buckshot'] = 60,
['sniper'] = 60,
['SMG1'] = 360,
armor = 28,
color = Color(57, 73, 171, 255),
command = 'dpd',
customName = true,
displayAs = 'citizen',
hasLicense = true,
hasTalkie = true,
icon = 'shield',
max = 0,
movemods = { runmul = 1.02, laddermul = 1.1 },
noPBoard = true,
noPreference = true,
police = true,
seesName = true,
seesCaliber = true,
canUnarrest = true,
disabledKarma = true,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.90,
candemote = false,
orgID = 'dpd',
weapons = {
TEAM_WCSO = DarkRP.createJob('Сотрудник офиса Шерифа', {
admin = 0,
ammo = {
['air'] = 400,
['pistol'] = 180,
['buckshot'] = 60,
['sniper'] = 60,
['SMG1'] = 360,
armor = 40,
color = Color(244, 81, 28, 255),
command = 'wcso',
customName = true,
displayAs = 'citizen',
hasLicense = true,
hasTalkie = true,
icon = 'sheriff',
max = 0,
movemods = { runmul = 1.02, laddermul = 1.1 },
noPBoard = true,
noPreference = true,
police = true,
seesName = true,
seesCaliber = true,
canUnarrest = true,
disabledKarma = true,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.90,
candemote = false,
orgID = 'wcso',
weapons = {
TEAM_FBI = DarkRP.createJob('FBI', {
admin = 0,
ammo = {
['air'] = 400,
['pistol'] = 180,
['buckshot'] = 60,
['sniper'] = 60,
['SMG1'] = 360,
armor = 25,
color = Color(57, 73, 171, 255),
command = 'fbi',
customName = true,
displayAs = 'citizen',
hasLicense = true,
hasTalkie = true,
icon = 'ceo',
max = 0,
movemods = { runmul = 1.06 },
noPBoard = true,
noPreference = true,
police = true,
canUnarrest = true,
noKarmaDamagePenalty = true,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary,
vote = true,
weapons = {
TEAM_MEDCOP = DarkRP.createJob(L.medcop, {
admin = 0,
allowedWeapons = {'blunt', 'sharp', 'pistols', 'smgs', 'shotguns'},
ammo = {
['pistol'] = 180,
armor = 28,
color = Color(63, 81, 181, 255),
command = 'medcop',
customCheck = timed(25),
displayAs = 'citizen',
hasLicense = true,
hasTalkie = true,
icon = 'asterisk_yellow',
max = 0,
medic = true,
maxHealAmount = 50,
movemods = { runmul = 0.92, laddermul = 1.1 },
noPreference = true,
OnPlayerChangedTeam = function(ply)
police = true,
noKarmaDamagePenalty = true,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.90,
vote = true,
weapons = {
TEAM_POLICE = DarkRP.createJob(L.officer, {
admin = 0,
allowedWeapons = {'blunt', 'sharp', 'pistols', 'smgs', 'rifles', 'snipers'},
ammo = {
['pistol'] = 180,
armor = 16,
color = Color(57, 73, 171, 255),
command = 'cop',
customCheck = timed(25),
displayAs = 'citizen',
hasLicense = true,
hasTalkie = true,
icon = 'set_security_question',
max = 0,
movemods = { runmul = 1.05, laddermul = 1.1 },
noPreference = true,
OnPlayerChangedTeam = function(ply, oldTeam, newTeam)
police = true,
noKarmaDamagePenalty = true,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.80,
slots = {'hat'},
vote = true,
weapons = {
TEAM_TAXI = DarkRP.createJob('Таксист', {
admin = 0,
-- allowedWeapons = {'blunt', 'sharp', 'pistols'},
candemote = false,
color = Color(76, 175, 80, 255),
command = 'taxi',
hasTalkie = true,
hasLicense = false,
noPreference = true,
candemote = false,
icon = 'car_taxi',
max = 0,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.5,
vote = false,
weapons = {},
TEAM_RA = DarkRP.createJob('Работник склада', {
admin = 0,
-- allowedWeapons = {'blunt', 'sharp', 'pistols'},
candemote = false,
color = Color(81, 117, 56, 255),
command = 'ra',
customCheck = function(ply)
return ply:GetNetVar('dbg-orgs.member', {}).ra, 'Для получения этой професии нужно состоять в организации "Richardson Atlantics"'
hasLicense = false,
hidden = true,
icon = 'lorry',
max = 0,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1,
vote = false,
weapons = {},
TEAM_ELSEC = DarkRP.createJob('Частный охранник', {
admin = 0,
ammo = {
['pistol'] = 360,
['SMG1'] = 150,
armor = 45,
color = Color(0, 0, 100, 255),
command = 'elsec',
customCheck = customJob,
description = [[Организация Elegant Security]],
displayAs = 'citizen',
hasLicense = true,
hasTalkie = true,
icon = 'lock',
max = 0,
noPBoard = true,
noPreference = true,
canSearch = true,
noKarmaDamagePenalty = true,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.8,
vote = false,
candemote = false,
weapons = {
TEAM_ALPHA = DarkRP.createJob('Охранник Alpha', {
admin = 0,
ammo = {
['pistol'] = 360,
['SMG1'] = 150,
armor = 45,
color = Color(0, 0, 100, 255),
command = 'alpha',
customCheck = customJob,
description = [[Организация Alpha]],
hasLicense = true,
hasTalkie = true,
icon = 'lock',
max = 0,
noPBoard = true,
noPreference = true,
canSearch = true,
noKarmaDamagePenalty = true,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.8,
vote = false,
candemote = false,
orgID = 'alpha',
weapons = {
TEAM_POLICE2 = DarkRP.createJob(L.officer2, {
admin = 0,
allowedWeapons = {'blunt', 'sharp', 'pistols', 'smgs', 'shotguns', 'heavy'},
ammo = {
['pistol'] = 180,
['buckshot'] = 60,
armor = 40,
color = Color(48, 63, 159, 255),
command = 'cop2',
customCheck = dobrojob,
displayAs = 'citizen',
hasLicense = true,
hasTalkie = true,
icon = 'set_security_question',
max = 0,
movemods = { runmul = 0.85, laddermul = 1.1 },
noPreference = true,
OnPlayerChangedTeam = function(ply)
police = true,
noKarmaDamagePenalty = true,
canUnarrest = true,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.80,
vote = true,
weapons = {
{'dbg_shield', 'models/bshields/rshield.mdl'},
TEAM_CHIEF = DarkRP.createJob(L.chief, {
admin = 0,
ammo = {
['pistol'] = 180,
['SMG1'] = 360,
armor = 28,
chief = true,
color = Color(40, 53, 147, 255),
command = 'chief',
customCheck = timed(45),
hasLicense = true,
hasTalkie = true,
icon = 'user_policeman_white',
max = 1,
movemods = { runmul = 0.92, laddermul = 1.1 },
noPreference = true,
OnPlayerChangedTeam = function(ply)
police = true,
noKarmaDamagePenalty = true,
canUnarrest = true,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 2,
vote = true,
weapons = {
{'dbg_shield', 'models/bshields/rshield.mdl'},
TEAM_MAYOR = DarkRP.createJob(L.mayor, {
admin = 0,
allowedWeapons = {'pistols'},
color = Color(26, 35, 126, 255),
command = 'mayor',
customCheck = timed(60),
hasLicense = true,
hasTalkie = true,
icon = 'star',
max = 1,
mayor = true,
noPreference = true,
police = true,
noKarmaDamagePenalty = true,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 3.1,
vote = true,
orgID = 'gov',
weapons = {
local hoboClothes = {
TEAM_HOBO = DarkRP.createJob(L.hobo, {
admin = 0,
allowedWeapons = { 'blunt', 'sharp' },
candemote = false,
canJoinPolice = cantJoinPolice,
color = Color(158, 158, 158, 255),
command = 'hobo',
hasLicense = false,
hobo = true,
icon = 'bin_empty',
max = 0,
salary = 0,
vote = false,
weapons = {},
clothes = hoboClothes,
TEAM_HOBO2 = DarkRP.createJob(L.hobo2, {
admin = 0,
allowedWeapons = { 'blunt', 'sharp' },
candemote = false,
canJoinPolice = cantJoinPolice,
color = Color(117, 117, 117, 255),
command = 'hobo2',
customCheck = dobrojob,
hasLicense = false,
hobo = true,
icon = 'bin',
max = 0,
salary = 0,
vote = false,
weapons = {'weapon_octo_bottle'},
clothes = hoboClothes,
TEAM_K9 = DarkRP.createJob('K9', {
admin = 0,
allowedWeapons = { },
candemote = false,
color = Color(200, 123, 35),
armor = 20,
command = 'k9',
customCheck = adminjob,
icon = 'dog',
max = 1,
movemods = { runmul = 1.5, laddermul = 0, jumpmul = 0.75 },
noPreference = true,
OnPlayerChangedTeam = function(ply, oldTeam, newTeam)
if not SERVER then return end
octolib.request.send(ply, {
name = 'Кличка',
desc = 'Собака должна иметь кличку. Как тебя звать, дружок?',
type = 'strShort',
default = L.dog_names[math.random(#L.dog_names)],
}, {
name = 'Нашивка',
type = 'comboBox',
opts = {
{ 'Sheriff K-9', 0, true },
{ 'Police', 1 },
{ 'S.W.A.T.', 2 },
}, function(data)
if not IsValid(ply) then return end
if not (istable(data) and isstring(data[1]) and isnumber(data[2]) and octolib.math.inRange(data[2], 0, 2)) then
return ply:changeTeam(GAMEMODE.DefaultTeam, true, true)
local name = string.Trim(octolib.string.camel(octolib.string.stripNonWord(string.Replace(data[1], ' ', ''))))
if name == '' then name = L.dog_names[math.random(#L.dog_names)] end
ply:SetBodygroup(2, data[2])
ply:SetNetVar('dbg-police.job', 'k9')
ply:SetNetVar('sgGagged', true)
local dbgLook = ply:GetNetVar('dbgLook')
dbgLook.desc = nil
ply:SetNetVar('dbgLook', dbgLook)
end, function()
if IsValid(ply) then ply:changeTeam(GAMEMODE.DefaultTeam, true, true) end
OnPlayerChangedTeamFrom = function(ply)
if not SERVER then return end
timer.Simple(0, function()
if IsValid(ply) and ply:GetModel() == 'models/player/octo_doge/doge.mdl' then
ply:SetNetVar('_SpawnTime', CurTime())
notHuman = true,
noKarmaDamagePenalty = true,
salary = 0,
vote = true,
weapons = { 'dbg_dog' },
TEAM_ADMIN = DarkRP.createJob(L.administrator, {
admin = 1,
candemote = false,
color = Color(33, 33, 33, 255),
command = 'adminjob',
customCheck = adminjob,
hasLicense = false,
hasTalkie = true,
hearsGhosts = true,
icon = 'lightbulb',
max = 0,
noPreference = true,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 2,
canSearch = true,
disabledKarma = true,
canUnarrest = true,
seesGhosts = true,
vote = false,
weapons = {'dbg_admingun', 'dbg_punisher', 'weapon_octo_deagle', 'gmod_camera', 'weapon_flashlight'},
Define which team joining players spawn into and what team you change to if demoted
Define which teams belong to civil protection
Civil protection can set warrants, make people wanted and do some other police related things
GAMEMODE.CivilProtection = {
[TEAM_CHIEF] = true,
[TEAM_DPD] = true,
[TEAM_FBI] = true,
[TEAM_MAYOR] = true,
[TEAM_MEDCOP] = true,
[TEAM_POLICE] = true,
[TEAM_POLICE2] = true,