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-- This part is for converting between map and wire
-- Per type converting functions for
-- converting from map inputs to wire outputs. (String to Value)
local MapToWireTypes = {
[0] = {"NORMAL", function(str) -- Number, default
return tonumber(str) or 0
[1] = {"NORMAL", function(self, ent, I) -- switches between 0 and 1 each call, useful for toggling.
if (!IsValid(self) or !IsValid(ent) or !I) then return 0 end
self.WireOutputToggle = self.WireOutputToggle or {}
self.WireOutputToggle[ent] = self.WireOutputToggle[ent] or {}
self.WireOutputToggle[ent][I] = !self.WireOutputToggle[ent][I]
return self.WireOutputToggle[ent][I] and 1 or 0
end, true},
[2] = {"STRING", function(str) -- String
return str or ""
[3] = {"VECTOR2", function(str) -- 2D Vector
local x, y = unpack(string.Explode(" ", str or ""))
x = tonumber(x) or 0
y = tonumber(y) or 0
return {x, y}
[4] = {"VECTOR", function(str) -- 3D Vector
local x, y, z = unpack(string.Explode(" ", str or ""))
x = tonumber(x) or 0
y = tonumber(y) or 0
z = tonumber(z) or 0
return Vector(x, y, z)
[5] = {"VECTOR4", function(str) -- 4D Vector
local x, y, z, w = unpack(string.Explode(" ", str or ""))
x = tonumber(x) or 0
y = tonumber(y) or 0
z = tonumber(z) or 0
w = tonumber(w) or 0
return {x, y, z, w}
[6] = {"ANGLE", function(str) -- Angle
local p, y, r = unpack(string.Explode(" ", str or ""))
p = tonumber(p) or 0
y = tonumber(y) or 0
r = tonumber(r) or 0
return Angle(p, y, r)
[7] = {"ENTITY", function(val) -- Entity
return Entity(tonumber(val) or 0) or NULL
[8] = {"ARRAY", function(str) -- Array/Table
return string.Explode(" ", str or "")
-- Per type converting functions for
-- converting from wire inputs to map outputs. (Value to String)
local WireToMapTypes = {
[0] = {"NORMAL", function(val) -- Number, default
return tostring(val or 0)
[1] = {"NORMAL", function(val) -- Return a boolean, 0 = false, 1 = true, useful for toggling.
return (tonumber(val) or 0) > 0
end, true},
[2] = {"STRING", function(val) -- String
return val or ""
[3] = {"VECTOR2", function(val) -- 2D Vector
val = val or {0, 0}
local x = math.Round(val[1] or 0)
local y = math.Round(val[2] or 0)
return x.." "..y
[4] = {"VECTOR", function(val) -- 3D Vector
val = val or Vector(0, 0, 0)
local x = math.Round(val.x or 0)
local y = math.Round(val.y or 0)
local z = math.Round(val.z or 0)
return x.." "..y.." "..z
[5] = {"VECTOR4", function(val) --4D Vector
val = val or {0, 0, 0, 0}
local x = math.Round(val[1] or 0)
local y = math.Round(val[2] or 0)
local z = math.Round(val[3] or 0)
local w = math.Round(val[4] or 0)
return x.." "..y.." "..z.." "..w
[6] = {"ANGLE", function(val) -- Angle
val = val or Angle(0, 0, 0)
local p = math.Round(val.p or 0)
local y = math.Round(val.y or 0)
local r = math.Round(val.r or 0)
return p.." "..y.." "..r
[7] = {"ENTITY", function(val) -- Entity
if (!IsValid(val)) then return "0" end
return tostring(val:EntIndex())
[8] = {"ARRAY", function(val) -- Array/Table
return table.concat(val or {}, " ")
-- Converting functions
function ENT:Convert_MapToWire(n)
local typetab = MapToWireTypes[n or 0] or MapToWireTypes[0]
return typetab[1], typetab[2], typetab[3]
function ENT:Convert_WireToMap(n)
local typetab = WireToMapTypes[n or 0] or WireToMapTypes[0]
return typetab[1], typetab[2], typetab[3]