--[[ CAMI - Common Admin Mod Interface. Makes admin mods intercompatible and provides an abstract privilege interface for third party addons. IMPORTANT: This is a draft script. It is very much WIP. Follows the specification on this page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QIRVcAgZfAYf1aBl_dNV_ewR6P25wze2KmUVzlbFgMI Structures: CAMI_USERGROUP, defines the charactaristics of a usergroup: { Name string The name of the usergroup Inherits string The name of the usergroup this usergroup inherits from } CAMI_PRIVILEGE, defines the charactaristics of a privilege: { Name string The name of the privilege MinAccess string One of the following three: user/admin/superadmin Description string optional A text describing the purpose of the privilege HasAccess function( privilege :: CAMI_PRIVILEGE, actor :: Player, target :: Player ) :: bool optional Function that decides whether a player can execute this privilege, optionally on another player (target). } ]] -- Version number in YearMonthDay format. local version = 20150902.1 if CAMI and CAMI.Version >= version then return end CAMI = CAMI or {} CAMI.Version = version --[[ usergroups Contains the registered CAMI_USERGROUP usergroup structures. Indexed by usergroup name. ]] local usergroups = CAMI.GetUsergroups and CAMI.GetUsergroups() or { user = { Name = "user", Inherits = "user" }, admin = { Name = "admin", Inherits = "user" }, superadmin = { Name = "superadmin", Inherits = "admin" } } --[[ privileges Contains the registered CAMI_PRIVILEGE privilege structures. Indexed by privilege name. ]] local privileges = CAMI.GetPrivileges and CAMI.GetPrivileges() or {} --[[ CAMI.RegisterUsergroup Registers a usergroup with CAMI. Parameters: usergroup CAMI_USERGROUP (see CAMI_USERGROUP structure) source any Identifier for your own admin mod. Can be anything. Use this to make sure CAMI.RegisterUsergroup function and the CAMI.OnUsergroupRegistered hook don't cause an infinite loop Return value: CAMI_USERGROUP The usergroup given as argument. ]] function CAMI.RegisterUsergroup(usergroup, source) usergroups[usergroup.Name] = usergroup hook.Call("CAMI.OnUsergroupRegistered", nil, usergroup, source) return usergroup end --[[ CAMI.UnregisterUsergroup Unregisters a usergroup from CAMI. This will call a hook that will notify all other admin mods of the removal. Call only when the usergroup is to be permanently removed. Parameters: usergroupName string The name of the usergroup. source any Identifier for your own admin mod. Can be anything. Use this to make sure CAMI.UnregisterUsergroup function and the CAMI.OnUsergroupUnregistered hook don't cause an infinite loop Return value: bool Whether the unregistering succeeded. ]] function CAMI.UnregisterUsergroup(usergroupName, source) if not usergroups[usergroupName] then return false end local usergroup = usergroups[usergroupName] usergroups[usergroupName] = nil hook.Call("CAMI.OnUsergroupUnregistered", nil, usergroup, source) return true end --[[ CAMI.GetUsergroups Retrieves all registered usergroups. Return value: Table of CAMI_USERGROUP, indexed by their names. ]] function CAMI.GetUsergroups() return usergroups end --[[ CAMI.GetUsergroup Receives information about a usergroup. Return value: CAMI_USERGROUP Returns nil when the usergroup does not exist. ]] function CAMI.GetUsergroup(usergroupName) return usergroups[usergroupName] end --[[ CAMI.UsergroupInherits Returns true when usergroupName1 inherits usergroupName2. Note that usergroupName1 does not need to be a direct child. Every usergroup trivially inherits itself. Parameters: usergroupName1 string The name of the usergroup that is queried. usergroupName2 string The name of the usergroup of which is queried whether usergroupName1 inherits from. Return value: bool Whether usergroupName1 inherits usergroupName2. ]] function CAMI.UsergroupInherits(usergroupName1, usergroupName2) repeat if usergroupName1 == usergroupName2 then return true end usergroupName1 = usergroups[usergroupName1] and usergroups[usergroupName1].Inherits or usergroupName1 until not usergroups[usergroupName1] or usergroups[usergroupName1].Inherits == usergroupName1 -- One can only be sure the usergroup inherits from user if the -- usergroup isn't registered. return usergroupName1 == usergroupName2 or usergroupName2 == "user" end --[[ CAMI.InheritanceRoot All usergroups must eventually inherit either user, admin or superadmin. Regardless of what inheritance mechism an admin may or may not have, this always applies. This method always returns either user, admin or superadmin, based on what usergroups eventually inherit. Parameters: usergroupName string The name of the usergroup of which the root of inheritance is requested Return value: string The name of the root usergroup (either user, admin or superadmin) ]] function CAMI.InheritanceRoot(usergroupName) if not usergroups[usergroupName] then return end local inherits = usergroups[usergroupName].Inherits while inherits ~= usergroups[usergroupName].Inherits do usergroupName = usergroups[usergroupName].Inherits end return usergroupName end --[[ CAMI.RegisterPrivilege Registers a privilege with CAMI. Note: do NOT register all your admin mod's privileges with this function! This function is for third party addons to register privileges with admin mods, not for admin mods sharing the privileges amongst one another. Parameters: privilege CAMI_PRIVILEGE See CAMI_PRIVILEGE structure. Return value: CAMI_PRIVILEGE The privilege given as argument. ]] function CAMI.RegisterPrivilege(privilege) privileges[privilege.Name] = privilege hook.Call("CAMI.OnPrivilegeRegistered", nil, privilege) return privilege end --[[ CAMI.UnregisterPrivilege Unregisters a privilege from CAMI. This will call a hook that will notify all other admin mods of the removal. Call only when the privilege is to be permanently removed. Parameters: privilegeName string The name of the privilege. Return value: bool Whether the unregistering succeeded. ]] function CAMI.UnregisterPrivilege(privilegeName) if not privileges[privilegeName] then return false end local privilege = privileges[privilegeName] privileges[privilegeName] = nil hook.Call("CAMI.OnPrivilegeUnregistered", nil, privilege) return true end --[[ CAMI.GetPrivileges Retrieves all registered privileges. Return value: Table of CAMI_PRIVILEGE, indexed by their names. ]] function CAMI.GetPrivileges() return privileges end --[[ CAMI.GetPrivilege Receives information about a privilege. Return value: CAMI_PRIVILEGE when the privilege exists. nil when the privilege does not exist. ]] function CAMI.GetPrivilege(privilegeName) return privileges[privilegeName] end --[[ CAMI.PlayerHasAccess Queries whether a certain player has the right to perform a certain action. Note: this function does NOT return an immediate result! The result is in the callback! Parameters: actorPly Player The player of which is requested whether they have the privilege. privilegeName string The name of the privilege. callback function(bool, string) This function will be called with the answer. The bool signifies the yes or no answer as to whether the player is allowed. The string will optionally give a reason. targetPly Optional. The player on which the privilege is executed. extraInfoTbl Optional. Table containing extra information. Officially supported members: Fallback string Either of user/admin/superadmin. When no admin mod replies, the decision is based on the admin status of the user. Defaults to admin if not given. IgnoreImmunity bool Ignore any immunity mechanisms an admin mod might have. CommandArguments table Extra arguments that were given to the privilege command. Return value: None, the answer is given in the callback function in order to allow for the admin mod to perform e.g. a database lookup. ]] -- Default access handler local defaultAccessHandler = {["CAMI.PlayerHasAccess"] = function(_, actorPly, privilegeName, callback, _, extraInfoTbl) -- The server always has access in the fallback if not IsValid(actorPly) then return callback(true, "Fallback.") end local priv = privileges[privilegeName] local fallback = extraInfoTbl and ( not extraInfoTbl.Fallback and actorPly:IsAdmin() or extraInfoTbl.Fallback == "user" and true or extraInfoTbl.Fallback == "admin" and actorPly:IsAdmin() or extraInfoTbl.Fallback == "superadmin" and actorPly:IsSuperAdmin()) if not priv then return callback(fallback, "Fallback.") end callback( priv.MinAccess == "user" or priv.MinAccess == "admin" and actorPly:IsAdmin() or priv.MinAccess == "superadmin" and actorPly:IsSuperAdmin() , "Fallback.") end, ["CAMI.SteamIDHasAccess"] = function(_, _, _, callback) callback(false, "No information available.") end } function CAMI.PlayerHasAccess(actorPly, privilegeName, callback, targetPly, extraInfoTbl) hook.Call("CAMI.PlayerHasAccess", defaultAccessHandler, actorPly, privilegeName, callback, targetPly, extraInfoTbl) end --[[ CAMI.GetPlayersWithAccess Finds the list of currently joined players who have the right to perform a certain action. NOTE: this function will NOT return an immediate result! The result is in the callback! Parameters: privilegeName string The name of the privilege. callback function(players) This function will be called with the list of players with access. targetPly Optional. The player on which the privilege is executed. extraInfoTbl Optional. Table containing extra information. Officially supported members: Fallback string Either of user/admin/superadmin. When no admin mod replies, the decision is based on the admin status of the user. Defaults to admin if not given. IgnoreImmunity bool Ignore any immunity mechanisms an admin mod might have. CommandArguments table Extra arguments that were given to the privilege command. ]] function CAMI.GetPlayersWithAccess(privilegeName, callback, targetPly, extraInfoTbl) local allowedPlys = {} local allPlys = player.GetAll() local countdown = #allPlys local function onResult(ply, hasAccess, _) countdown = countdown - 1 if hasAccess then table.insert(allowedPlys, ply) end if countdown == 0 then callback(allowedPlys) end end for _, ply in pairs(allPlys) do CAMI.PlayerHasAccess(ply, privilegeName, function(...) onResult(ply, ...) end, targetPly, extraInfoTbl) end end --[[ CAMI.SteamIDHasAccess Queries whether a player with a steam ID has the right to perform a certain action. Note: the player does not need to be in the server for this to work. Note: this function does NOT return an immediate result! The result is in the callback! Parameters: actorSteam Player The SteamID of the player of which is requested whether they have the privilege. privilegeName string The name of the privilege. callback function(bool, string) This function will be called with the answer. The bool signifies the yes or no answer as to whether the player is allowed. The string will optionally give a reason. targetSteam Optional. The SteamID of the player on which the privilege is executed. extraInfoTbl Optional. Table containing extra information. Officially supported members: IgnoreImmunity bool Ignore any immunity mechanisms an admin mod might have. CommandArguments table Extra arguments that were given to the privilege command. Return value: None, the answer is given in the callback function in order to allow for the admin mod to perform e.g. a database lookup. ]] function CAMI.SteamIDHasAccess(actorSteam, privilegeName, callback, targetSteam, extraInfoTbl) hook.Call("CAMI.SteamIDHasAccess", defaultAccessHandler, actorSteam, privilegeName, callback, targetSteam, extraInfoTbl) end --[[ CAMI.SignalUserGroupChanged Signify that your admin mod has changed the usergroup of a player. This function communicates to other admin mods what it thinks the usergroup of a player should be. Listen to the hook to receive the usergroup changes of other admin mods. Parameters: ply Player The player for which the usergroup is changed old string The previous usergroup of the player. new string The new usergroup of the player. source any Identifier for your own admin mod. Can be anything. ]] function CAMI.SignalUserGroupChanged(ply, old, new, source) hook.Call("CAMI.PlayerUsergroupChanged", nil, ply, old, new, source) end --[[ CAMI.SignalSteamIDUserGroupChanged Signify that your admin mod has changed the usergroup of a disconnected player. This communicates to other admin mods what it thinks the usergroup of a player should be. Listen to the hook to receive the usergroup changes of other admin mods. Parameters: ply string The steam ID of the player for which the usergroup is changed old string The previous usergroup of the player. new string The new usergroup of the player. source any Identifier for your own admin mod. Can be anything. ]] function CAMI.SignalSteamIDUserGroupChanged(steamId, old, new, source) hook.Call("CAMI.SteamIDUsergroupChanged", nil, steamId, old, new, source) end