--[[ vON 1.2.0 Copyright 2012-2013 Alexandru-Mihai Maftei aka Vercas GitHub Repository: https://github.com/vercas/vON You may use this for any purpose as long as: - You don't remove this copyright notice. - You don't claim this to be your own. - You properly credit the author (Vercas) if you publish your work based on (and/or using) this. If you modify the code for any purpose, the above obligations still apply. If you make any interesting modifications, try forking the GitHub repository instead. Instead of copying this code over for sharing, rather use the link: https://github.com/vercas/vON/blob/master/von%20for%20GMod.lua The author may not be held responsible for any damage or losses directly or indirectly caused by the use of von. If you disagree with the above, don't use the code. -- Thanks to the following people for their contribution: - Divran Suggested improvements for making the code quicker. Suggested an excellent new way of deserializing strings. Lead me to finding an extreme flaw in string parsing. - pennerlord Provided some performance tests to help me improve the code. - Chessnut Reported bug with handling of nil values when deserializing array components. - People who contributed on the GitHub repository by reporting bugs, posting fixes, etc. -- The value types supported in this release of vON are: - table - number - boolean - string - nil - Vector - Angle - Entities: - Entity - Vehicle - Weapon - NPC - Player - NextBot These are the native Lua types one would normally serialize. + Some very common GMod Lua types. -- New in this version: - Added better, shorter and faster way of handling strings, and a new format. Old type of strings can still be deserialized. --]] local extraEntityTypes = { "Vehicle", "Weapon", "NPC", "Player", "NextBot" } local _deserialize, _serialize, _d_meta, _s_meta, d_findVariable, s_anyVariable local sub, gsub, find, insert, concat, error, tonumber, tostring, type, next, getEnt, getPly = string.sub, string.gsub, string.find, table.insert, table.concat, error, tonumber, tostring, type, next, Entity, player.GetByID -- This is kept away from the table for speed. function d_findVariable(s, i, len, lastType) local i, c, typeRead, val = i or 1 -- Keep looping through the string. while true do -- Stop at the end. Throw an error. This function MUST NOT meet the end! if i > len then error("vON: Reached end of string, cannot form proper variable.") end -- Cache the character. Nobody wants to look for the same character ten times. c = sub(s, i, i) -- If it just read a type definition, then a variable HAS to come after it. if typeRead then -- Attempt to deserialize a variable of the freshly read type. val, i = _deserialize[lastType](s, i, len) -- Return the value read, the index of the last processed character, and the type of the last read variable. return val, i, lastType -- @ means nil. It should not even appear in the output string of the serializer. Nils are useless to store. elseif c == "@" then return nil, i, lastType -- n means a number will follow. Base 10... :C elseif c == "n" then lastType = "number" typeRead = true -- b means boolean flags. elseif c == "b" then lastType = "boolean" typeRead = true -- ' means the start of a string. elseif c == "'" then lastType = "string" typeRead = true -- " means the start of a string prior to version 1.2.0. elseif c == "\"" then lastType = "oldstring" typeRead = true -- { means the start of a table! elseif c == "{" then lastType = "table" typeRead = true -- e means an entity ID will follow. elseif c == "e" then lastType = "Entity" typeRead = true --[[ -- c means a vehicle ID will follow. elseif c == "c" then lastType = "Vehicle" typeRead = true -- w means a weapon entity ID will follow. elseif c == "w" then lastType = "Weapon" typeRead = true -- x means a NPC ID will follow. elseif c == "x" then lastType = "NPC" typeRead = true --]] -- p means a player ID will follow. -- Kept for backwards compatibility. elseif c == "p" then lastType = "Entity" typeRead = true -- v means a vector will follow. 3 numbers. elseif c == "v" then lastType = "Vector" typeRead = true -- a means an Euler angle will follow. 3 numbers. elseif c == "a" then lastType = "Angle" typeRead = true -- If no type has been found, attempt to deserialize the last type read. elseif lastType then val, i = _deserialize[lastType](s, i, len) return val, i, lastType -- This will occur if the very first character in the vON code is wrong. else error("vON: Malformed data... Can't find a proper type definition. Char#" .. i .. ":" .. c) end -- Move the pointer one step forward. i = i + 1 end end -- This is kept away from the table for speed. -- Yeah, crapload of parameters. function s_anyVariable(data, lastType, isNumeric, isKey, isLast, nice, indent) -- Basically, if the type changes. if lastType ~= type(data) then -- Remember the new type. Caching the type is useless. lastType = type(data) if _serialize[lastType] then -- Return the serialized data and the (new) last type. -- The second argument, which is true now, means that the data type was just changed. return _serialize[lastType](data, true, isNumeric, isKey, isLast, nice, indent), lastType else error("vON: No serializer defined for type \"" .. lastType .. "\"!") end end -- Otherwise, simply serialize the data. return _serialize[lastType](data, false, isNumeric, isKey, isLast, nice, indent), lastType end _deserialize = { -- Well, tables are very loose... -- The first table doesn't have to begin and end with { and }. ["table"] = function(s, i, len, unnecessaryEnd) local ret, numeric, i, c, lastType, val, ind, expectValue, key = {}, true, i or 1, nil, nil, nil, 1 -- Locals, locals, locals, locals, locals, locals, locals, locals and locals. -- Keep looping. while true do -- Until it meets the end. if i > len then -- Yeah, if the end is unnecessary, it won't spit an error. The main chunk doesn't require an end, for example. if unnecessaryEnd then return ret, i -- Otherwise, the data has to be damaged. else error("vON: Reached end of string, incomplete table definition.") end end -- Cache the character. c = sub(s, i, i) --print(i, "table char:", c, tostring(unnecessaryEnd)) -- If it's the end of a table definition, return. if c == "}" then return ret, i -- If it's the component separator, switch to key:value pairs. elseif c == "~" then numeric = false elseif c == ";" then -- Lol, nothing! -- Remenant from numbers, for faster parsing. -- OK, now, if it's on the numeric component, simply add everything encountered. elseif numeric then -- Find a variable and it's value val, i, lastType = d_findVariable(s, i, len, lastType) -- Add it to the table. ret[ind] = val ind = ind + 1 -- Otherwise, if it's the key:value component... else -- If a value is expected... if expectValue then -- Read it. val, i, lastType = d_findVariable(s, i, len, lastType) -- Add it? ret[key] = val -- Clean up. expectValue, key = false, nil -- If it's the separator... elseif c == ":" then -- Expect a value next. expectValue = true -- But, if there's a key read already... elseif key then -- Then this is malformed. error("vON: Malformed table... Two keys declared successively? Char#" .. i .. ":" .. c) -- Otherwise the key will be read. else -- I love multi-return and multi-assignement. key, i, lastType = d_findVariable(s, i, len, lastType) end end i = i + 1 end return nil, i end, -- Numbers are weakly defined. -- The declaration is not very explicit. It'll do it's best to parse the number. -- Has various endings: \n, }, ~, : and ;, some of which will force the table deserializer to go one char backwards. ["number"] = function(s, i, len) local i, a = i or 1 -- Locals, locals, locals, locals a = find(s, "[;:}~]", i) if a then return tonumber(sub(s, i, a - 1)), a - 1 end error("vON: Number definition started... Found no end.") end, -- A boolean is A SINGLE CHARACTER, either 1 for true or 0 for false. -- Any other attempt at boolean declaration will result in a failure. ["boolean"] = function(s, i, len) local c = sub(s,i,i) -- Only one character is needed. -- If it's 1, then it's true if c == "1" then return true, i -- If it's 0, then it's false. elseif c == "0" then return false, i end -- Any other supposely "boolean" is just a sign of malformed data. error("vON: Invalid value on boolean type... Char#" .. i .. ": " .. c) end, -- Strings prior to 1.2.0 ["oldstring"] = function(s, i, len) local res, i, a = "", i or 1 -- Locals, locals, locals, locals while true do a = find(s, "\"", i, true) if a then if sub(s, a - 1, a - 1) == "\\" then res = res .. sub(s, i, a - 2) .. "\"" i = a + 1 else return res .. sub(s, i, a - 2), a end else error("vON: Old string definition started... Found no end.") end end end, -- Strings after 1.2.0 ["string"] = function(s, i, len) local res, i, a = "", i or 1 -- Locals, locals, locals, locals while true do a = find(s, "\"", i, true) if a then if sub(s, a - 1, a - 1) == "\\" then res = res .. sub(s, i, a - 2) .. "\"" i = a + 1 else return res .. sub(s, i, a - 1), a end else error("vON: String definition started... Found no end.") end end end, -- Entities are stored simply by the ID. They're meant to be transfered, not stored anyway. -- Exactly like a number definition, except it begins with "e". ["Entity"] = function(s, i, len) local i, a = i or 1 -- Locals, locals, locals, locals a = find(s, "[;:}~]", i) if a then return getEnt(tonumber(sub(s, i, a - 1))), a - 1 end error("vON: Entity ID definition started... Found no end.") end, -- A pair of 3 numbers separated by a comma (,). ["Vector"] = function(s, i, len) local i, a, x, y, z = i or 1 -- Locals, locals, locals, locals a = find(s, ",", i) if a then x = tonumber(sub(s, i, a - 1)) i = a + 1 end a = find(s, ",", i) if a then y = tonumber(sub(s, i, a - 1)) i = a + 1 end a = find(s, "[;:}~]", i) if a then z = tonumber(sub(s, i, a - 1)) end if x and y and z then return Vector(x, y, z), a - 1 end error("vON: Vector definition started... Found no end.") end, -- A pair of 3 numbers separated by a comma (,). ["Angle"] = function(s, i, len) local i, a, p, y, r = i or 1 -- Locals, locals, locals, locals a = find(s, ",", i) if a then p = tonumber(sub(s, i, a - 1)) i = a + 1 end a = find(s, ",", i) if a then y = tonumber(sub(s, i, a - 1)) i = a + 1 end a = find(s, "[;:}~]", i) if a then r = tonumber(sub(s, i, a - 1)) end if p and y and r then return Angle(p, y, r), a - 1 end error("vON: Angle definition started... Found no end.") end } _serialize = { -- Uh. Nothing to comment. -- Shitload of parameters. -- Makes shit faster than simply passing it around in locals. -- table.concat works better than normal concatenations WITH LARGE-ISH STRINGS ONLY. ["table"] = function(data, mustInitiate, isNumeric, isKey, isLast, first) --print(string.format("data: %s; mustInitiate: %s; isKey: %s; isLast: %s; nice: %s; indent: %s; first: %s", tostring(data), tostring(mustInitiate), tostring(isKey), tostring(isLast), tostring(nice), tostring(indent), tostring(first))) local result, keyvals, len, keyvalsLen, keyvalsProgress, val, lastType, newIndent, indentString = {}, {}, #data, 0, 0 -- Locals, locals, locals, locals, locals, locals, locals, locals, locals and locals. -- First thing to be done is separate the numeric and key:value components of the given table in two tables. -- pairs(data) is slower than next, data as far as my tests tell me. for k, v in next, data do -- Skip the numeric keyz. if not isnumber(k) or k < 1 or k > len then keyvals[#keyvals + 1] = k end end keyvalsLen = #keyvals -- Main chunk - no initial character. if not first then result[#result + 1] = "{" end -- Add numeric values. if len > 0 then for i = 1, len do val, lastType = s_anyVariable(data[i], lastType, true, false, i == len and not first, false, 0) result[#result + 1] = val end end -- If there are key:value pairs. if keyvalsLen > 0 then -- Insert delimiter. result[#result + 1] = "~" -- Insert key:value pairs. for _i = 1, keyvalsLen do keyvalsProgress = keyvalsProgress + 1 val, lastType = s_anyVariable(keyvals[_i], lastType, false, true, false, false, 0) result[#result + 1] = val..":" val, lastType = s_anyVariable(data[keyvals[_i]], lastType, false, false, keyvalsProgress == keyvalsLen and not first, false, 0) result[#result + 1] = val end end -- Main chunk needs no ending character. if not first then result[#result + 1] = "}" end return concat(result) end, -- Normal concatenations is a lot faster with small strings than table.concat -- Also, not so branched-ish. ["number"] = function(data, mustInitiate, isNumeric, isKey, isLast) -- If a number hasn't been written before, add the type prefix. if mustInitiate then if isKey or isLast then return "n"..data else return "n"..data..";" end end if isKey or isLast then return "n"..data else return "n"..data..";" end end, -- I hope gsub is fast enough. ["string"] = function(data, mustInitiate, isNumeric, isKey, isLast) return "'" .. gsub(data, "\"", "\\\"") .. "\"" end, -- Fastest. ["boolean"] = function(data, mustInitiate, isNumeric, isKey, isLast) -- Prefix if we must. if mustInitiate then if data then return "b1" else return "b0" end end if data then return "1" else return "0" end end, -- Fastest. ["nil"] = function(data, mustInitiate, isNumeric, isKey, isLast) return "@" end, -- Same as numbers, except they start with "e" instead of "n". ["Entity"] = function(data, mustInitiate, isNumeric, isKey, isLast) data = data:EntIndex() if mustInitiate then if isKey or isLast then return "e"..data else return "e"..data..";" end end if isKey or isLast then return "e"..data else return "e"..data..";" end end, -- 3 numbers separated by a comma. ["Vector"] = function(data, mustInitiate, isNumeric, isKey, isLast) if mustInitiate then if isKey or isLast then return "v"..data.x..","..data.y..","..data.z else return "v"..data.x..","..data.y..","..data.z..";" end end if isKey or isLast then return "v"..data.x..","..data.y..","..data.z else return "v"..data.x..","..data.y..","..data.z..";" end end, -- 3 numbers separated by a comma. ["Angle"] = function(data, mustInitiate, isNumeric, isKey, isLast) if mustInitiate then if isKey or isLast then return "a"..data.p..","..data.y..","..data.r else return "a"..data.p..","..data.y..","..data.r..";" end end if isKey or isLast then return "a"..data.p..","..data.y..","..data.r else return "a"..data.p..","..data.y..","..data.r..";" end end } for i = 1, #extraEntityTypes do _serialize[extraEntityTypes[i]] = _serialize.Entity end local _s_table = _serialize.table local _d_table = _deserialize.table _d_meta = { __call = function(self, str) if type(str) == "string" then return _d_table(str, nil, #str, true) end error("vON: You must deserialize a string, not a "..type(str)) end } _s_meta = { __call = function(self, data) if type(data) == "table" then return _s_table(data, nil, nil, nil, nil, true) end error("vON: You must serialize a table, not a "..type(data)) end } serverguard.von = { version = "1.2.0", versionNumber = 1200000, -- Reserving 3 digits per version component. deserialize = setmetatable(_deserialize,_d_meta), serialize = setmetatable(_serialize,_s_meta) }