--[[ © 2017 Thriving Ventures Limited do not share, re-distribute or modify without permission of its author (gustaf@thrivingventures.com). ]] local plugin = plugin; plugin.name = "Votes"; plugin.author = "duck"; plugin.version = "0.1"; plugin.description = "Adds various commands for voting."; plugin.permissions = {"Custom Vote"}; serverguard.phrase:Add("english", "command_vote", { SERVERGUARD.NOTIFY.GREEN, "%s", SERVERGUARD.NOTIFY.WHITE, " has started a vote." }); serverguard.phrase:Add("english", "vote_winner", { SERVERGUARD.NOTIFY.WHITE, "Option ", SERVERGUARD.NOTIFY.GREEN, "%s", SERVERGUARD.NOTIFY.WHITE, " has won the vote (%d/", "%d)" }); serverguard.phrase:Add("english", "vote_tied", { SERVERGUARD.NOTIFY.WHITE, "The vote was inconclusive." }); serverguard.phrase:Add("english", "vote_tied_random", { SERVERGUARD.NOTIFY.WHITE, "The vote was inconclusive. Option ", SERVERGUARD.NOTIFY.GREEN, "%s", SERVERGUARD.NOTIFY.WHITE, " was randomly selected as the winner." }); serverguard.phrase:Add("english", "vote_in_progress", { SERVERGUARD.NOTIFY.RED, "There is already a vote in progress." });