language.Add("", "Catmull-Rom Cinematic Cameras: Track Layout") language.Add("Tool.catmullrom_camera.desc", "Spawn a new segment on your current numpad key's track.") language.Add("Tool.catmullrom_camera.0", "Left click to spawn a new segment, or to update mutable settings on an existing camera.\nRight click to spawn a new segment that will track an entity.") language.Add("", "Catmull-Rom Cinematic Cameras: Duration Editor") language.Add("Tool.catmullrom_camera_duration.desc", "Modifies a track segment's duration.") language.Add("Tool.catmullrom_camera_duration.0", "Left click to set the duration of a track segment. Right click to copy it.\nReload to reset it to default (2 sec.). Use shift + left click for setting meters per seconds.") language.Add("", "Catmull-Rom Cinematic Cameras: Numpad Trigger Editor") language.Add("Tool.catmullrom_camera_numpad_trigger.desc", "Allows you to specify numpad keys to be presed when the track reaches a specific node.") language.Add("Tool.catmullrom_camera_numpad_trigger.0", "Left click to set the numpad keys to be triggered when selected node is reached.\nRight click to copy a node's settings. Reload to reset the node.") language.Add("", "Catmull-Rom Cinematic Cameras: Smart Look Modifier") language.Add("Tool.catmullrom_camera_looker.desc", "You can make the camera search around for something interesting to look at instead of always looking the same way.") language.Add("Tool.catmullrom_camera_looker.0", "Left click to apply settings. Right click to copy. Reload to reset.") language.Add("", "Catmull-Rom Cinematic Cameras: Map I/O Modifier") language.Add("Tool.catmullrom_camera_map_io.desc", "Useful only for mappers! Allows you to specify the OnUser output(s) to call when you reach a node.") language.Add("Tool.catmullrom_camera_map_io.0", "Left click apply settings. Right click to copy. Reload to reset.") language.Add("", "Catmull-Rom Cinematic Cameras: Track Linker") language.Add("Tool.catmullrom_camera_linker.desc", "You can link two tracks and merge them using this tool.") language.Add("Tool.catmullrom_camera_linker.0", "Left click on the first track.") language.Add("Tool.catmullrom_camera_linker.1", "Now left click on the second track. Reload to cancel.") language.Add("", "Catmull-Rom Cinematic Cameras: Hitchcock Effect") language.Add("Tool.catmullrom_camera_hitchcock.desc", "Vomit your guts out with this useful tool! Now you can create that sickening effect that those poor people on the Galactica have to suffer when they jump.") language.Add("Tool.catmullrom_camera_hitchcock.0", "Left on an end node to setup a Hitchcock sequence. (Makes 4 nodes due to the way the effect works.)") language.Add("Undone.CatmullRomCamera", "Undone Catmull-Rom Camera Segment") language.Add("Undone.CatmullRomCamsHitchcockEffect", "Undone Hitchcock Effect Shot")