function SpawnSimfphysVehicle( Player, vname, tr ) if not vname then return end local Tickrate = 1 / engine.TickInterval() -- if ( Tickrate <= 25 ) and not Player.IsInformedAboutTheServersLowTickrate then -- Player:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTTALK, "(SIMFPHYS) WARNING! Server tickrate is "..Tickrate.." we recommend 33 or greater for this addon to work properly!") -- Player:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTTALK, "Known problems caused by a too low tickrate:") -- Player:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTTALK, "- Wobbly suspension") -- Player:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTTALK, "- Wheelspazz or shaking after an crash on bumps or while drifting") -- Player:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTTALK, "- Moondrive (wheels turning slower than they should)") -- Player:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTTALK, "- Worse vehicle performance (less grip, slower accelerating)") -- -- Player.IsInformedAboutTheServersLowTickrate = true -- end local VehicleList = list.Get( "simfphys_vehicles" ) local vehicle = VehicleList[ vname ] if not vehicle then return end if not tr then tr = Player:GetEyeTraceNoCursor() end local Angles = Player:GetAngles() Angles.pitch = 0 Angles.roll = 0 Angles.yaw = Angles.yaw + 180 + (vehicle.SpawnAngleOffset and vehicle.SpawnAngleOffset or 0) local pos = tr.HitPos + Vector(0,0,25) + (vehicle.SpawnOffset or Vector(0,0,0)) local Ent = simfphys.SpawnVehicle( Player, pos, Angles, vehicle.Model, vehicle.Class, vname, vehicle ) if not IsValid( Ent ) then return end undo.Create( "Vehicle" ) undo.SetPlayer( Player ) undo.AddEntity( Ent ) undo.SetCustomUndoText( "Undone " .. vehicle.Name ) undo.Finish( "Vehicle (" .. tostring( vehicle.Name ) .. ")" ) Player:AddCleanup( "vehicles", Ent ) end concommand.Add( "simfphys_spawnvehicle", function( ply, cmd, args ) SpawnSimfphysVehicle( ply, args[1] ) end ) local function VehicleMemDupe( Player, Entity, Data ) table.Merge( Entity, Data ) end duplicator.RegisterEntityModifier( "VehicleMemDupe", VehicleMemDupe )