AddCSLuaFile() DEFINE_BASECLASS( "base_gmodentity" ) ENT.Type = "anim" ENT.PrintName = "Wire Unnamed Ent" ENT.Purpose = "Base for all wired SEnts" ENT.RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_OPAQUE ENT.Spawnable = false ENT.AdminOnly = false ENT.IsWire = true if CLIENT then local wire_drawoutline = CreateClientConVar("wire_drawoutline", 1, true, false) function ENT:Initialize() self.NextRBUpdate = CurTime() + 0.25 end function ENT:Draw() self:DoNormalDraw() Wire_Render(self) if self.GetBeamLength and (not self.GetShowBeam or self:GetShowBeam()) then -- Every SENT that has GetBeamLength should draw a tracer. Some of them have the GetShowBeam boolean Wire_DrawTracerBeam( self, 1, self.GetBeamHighlight and self:GetBeamHighlight() or false ) end end local WorldTip = { dietime = 0 } function ENT:AddWorldTip( txt ) WorldTip.dietime = SysTime() + RealFrameTime() * 4 WorldTip.ent = self end local edgesize = 18 -- makes sure the overlay doesn't go out of the screen & provides several useful sizes and positions for the DrawBody function function ENT:GetWorldTipPositions( w, h, w_body, h_body, w_footer, h_footer ) local pos = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().HitPos local spos = LocalPlayer():GetShootPos() if pos == spos then -- if the position is right in your face, get a better position pos = spos + LocalPlayer():GetAimVector() * 5 end pos = pos:ToScreen() pos.x = math.Round(pos.x) pos.y = math.Round(pos.y) w = math.min( w, ScrW() - 64 ) h = math.min( h, ScrH() - 64 ) local maxx = pos.x - 32 local maxy = pos.y - 32 local minx = maxx - w local miny = maxy - h if minx < 32 then maxx = 32 + w minx = 32 end if miny < 32 then maxy = 32 + h miny = 32 end local centerx = (maxx+minx)/2 local centery = (maxy+miny)/2 return { min = {x = minx,y = miny}, max = {x = maxx,y = maxy}, center = {x = centerx, y = centery}, size = {w = w, h = h}, bodysize = {w = w_body, h = h_body }, footersize = {w = w_footer, h = h_footer}, edgesize = edgesize } end -- This is overridable by other wire entities which want to customize the overlay, but generally you shouldn't override it function ENT:DrawWorldTipOutline( pos ) draw.NoTexture() surface.SetDrawColor(Color(25,25,25,200)) local poly = { {x = pos.min.x + edgesize, y = pos.min.y, u = 0, v = 0 }, {x = pos.max.x, y = pos.min.y, u = 0, v = 0 }, {x = pos.max.x, y = pos.max.y - edgesize + 0.5, u = 0, v = 0 }, {x = pos.max.x - edgesize + 0.5, y = pos.max.y, u = 0, v = 0 }, {x = pos.min.x, y = pos.max.y, u = 0, v = 0 }, {x = pos.min.x, y = pos.min.y + edgesize, u = 0, v = 0 }, } render.CullMode(MATERIAL_CULLMODE_CCW) surface.DrawPoly( poly ) surface.SetDrawColor(Color(0,0,0,255)) for i=1,#poly-1 do surface.DrawLine( poly[i].x, poly[i].y, poly[i+1].x, poly[i+1].y ) end surface.DrawLine( poly[#poly].x, poly[#poly].y, poly[1].x, poly[1].y ) end local function getWireName( ent ) local name = ent:GetNWString("WireName") if not name or name == "" then return ent.PrintName else return name end end -- This is overridable by other wire entities which want to customize the overlay function ENT:GetWorldTipBodySize() local txt = self:GetOverlayData().txt if txt == nil or txt == "" then return 0,0 end return surface.GetTextSize( txt ) end -- This is overridable by other wire entities which want to customize the overlay function ENT:DrawWorldTipBody( pos ) local data = self:GetOverlayData() draw.DrawText( data.txt, "GModWorldtip",, pos.min.y + edgesize/2, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end -- This is overridable by other wire entities which want to customize the overlay function ENT:DrawWorldTip() local data = self:GetOverlayData() if not data then return end surface.SetFont( "GModWorldtip" ) local txt = data.txt local class = getWireName( self ) .. " [" .. self:EntIndex() .. "]" local name = "(" .. self:GetPlayerName() .. ")" local w_body, h_body = self:GetWorldTipBodySize() local w_class, h_class = surface.GetTextSize( class ) local w_name, h_name = surface.GetTextSize( name ) local w_total = txt ~= "" and w_body or 0 local h_total = txt ~= "" and h_body or 0 local w_footer, h_footer = 0, 0 local info_requires_multiline = false if w_total < w_class + w_name - edgesize then info_requires_multiline = true w_footer = math.max(w_total,w_class,w_name) h_footer = h_class + h_name + edgesize + 8 w_total = w_footer h_total = h_total + h_footer else w_footer = math.max(w_total,w_class + 8 + w_name) h_footer = math.max(h_class,h_name) + edgesize + 8 w_total = w_footer h_total = h_total + h_footer end if h_body == 0 then h_total = h_total - h_body - edgesize end local pos = self:GetWorldTipPositions( w_total + edgesize*2,h_total + edgesize, w_body,h_body, w_footer,h_footer ) self:DrawWorldTipOutline( pos ) local offset = pos.min.y if h_body > 0 then self:DrawWorldTipBody( pos ) offset = offset + h_body + edgesize surface.SetDrawColor( Color(0,0,0,255) ) surface.DrawLine( pos.min.x, offset, pos.max.x, offset ) end if info_requires_multiline then draw.DrawText( class, "GModWorldtip",, offset + 8, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) draw.DrawText( name, "GModWorldtip",, offset + h_class + 16, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) else draw.DrawText( class, "GModWorldtip", pos.min.x + edgesize, offset + 16, Color(255,255,255,255) ) draw.DrawText( name, "GModWorldtip", pos.min.x + pos.size.w - w_name - edgesize, offset + 16, Color(255,255,255,255) ) end end hook.Add("HUDPaint","wire_draw_world_tips",function() if SysTime() > WorldTip.dietime then return end local ent = WorldTip.ent if not IsValid(ent) then return end ent:DrawWorldTip() end) -- Custom better version of this base_gmodentity function function ENT:BeingLookedAtByLocalPlayer() local trace = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace() if trace.Entity ~= self then return false end if trace.HitPos:Distance(LocalPlayer():GetShootPos()) > 200 then return false end return true end local drawInfo = false hook.Add('Think', 'wire.drawInfo', function() local ply = LocalPlayer() if not IsValid(ply) then return end local wep = ply:GetActiveWeapon() drawInfo = IsValid(wep) and wep:GetClass() == 'gmod_tool' end) function ENT:DoNormalDraw(nohalo, notip) if not drawInfo then return self:DrawModel() end local looked_at = self:BeingLookedAtByLocalPlayer() if not nohalo and wire_drawoutline:GetBool() and looked_at then if self.RenderGroup == RENDERGROUP_OPAQUE then self.OldRenderGroup = self.RenderGroup self.RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_TRANSLUCENT end self:DrawEntityOutline() self:DrawModel() else if self.OldRenderGroup then self.RenderGroup = self.OldRenderGroup self.OldRenderGroup = nil end self:DrawModel() end if not notip and looked_at then self:AddWorldTip() end end -- function ENT:Think() -- if (CurTime() >= (self.NextRBUpdate or 0)) then -- -- We periodically update the render bounds every 10 seconds - the -- -- reasons why are mostly anecdotal, but in some circumstances -- -- entities might 'forget' their renderbounds. Nobody really knows -- -- if this is still needed or not. -- self.NextRBUpdate = CurTime() + 10 -- Wire_UpdateRenderBounds(self) -- end -- end local halos = {} local halos_inv = {} function ENT:DrawEntityOutline() if halos_inv[self] then return end halos[#halos+1] = self halos_inv[self] = true end hook.Add("PreDrawHalos", "Wiremod_overlay_halos", function() if #halos == 0 then return end halo.Add(halos, Color(100,100,255), 3, 3, 1, true, true) halos = {} halos_inv = {} end) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Overlay getting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Basic legacy GetOverlayText, is no longer used here but we leave it here in case other addons rely on it. function ENT:GetOverlayText() local name = self:GetNWString("WireName") if name == "" then name = self.PrintName end local header = "- " .. name .. " -" local data = self:GetOverlayData() if data and data.txt then return header .. "\n" .. data.txt else return header end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Overlay receiving -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- net.Receive( "wire_overlay_data", function( len ) local ent = net.ReadEntity() if IsValid( ent ) then ent.OverlayData = net.ReadTable() end end ) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Overlay setting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- We want more fine-grained control over everything related to overlays, -- so we have a custom system here -- It allows us to optionally send values rather than entire strings, which saves networking -- It also allows us to only update overlays when someone is looking at the entity. function ENT:SetOverlayText( txt ) if not self.OverlayData then self.OverlayData = {} end if txt and #txt > 12000 then txt = string.sub(txt,1,12000) -- I have tested this and 12000 chars is enough to cover the entire screen at 1920x1080. You're unlikely to need more end self.OverlayData.txt = txt if not self.OverlayData_UpdateTime then self.OverlayData_UpdateTime = {} end self.OverlayData_UpdateTime.time = CurTime() end function ENT:SetOverlayData( data ) self.OverlayData = data if self.OverlayData.txt and #self.OverlayData.txt > 12000 then self.OverlayData.txt = string.sub(self.OverlayData.txt,1,12000) end if not self.OverlayData_UpdateTime then self.OverlayData_UpdateTime = {} end self.OverlayData_UpdateTime.time = CurTime() end function ENT:GetOverlayData() return self.OverlayData end if CLIENT then return end -- no more client -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Overlay syncing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- util.AddNetworkString( "wire_overlay_data" ) timer.Create("WireOverlayUpdate", 0.1, 0, function() for _, ply in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do local ent = ply:GetEyeTrace().Entity if IsValid(ent) and ent.IsWire and ent.OverlayData and ent.OverlayData_UpdateTime and ent.OverlayData_UpdateTime.time > (ent.OverlayData_UpdateTime[ply] or 0) then ent.OverlayData_UpdateTime[ply] = CurTime() net.Start( "wire_overlay_data" ) net.WriteEntity( ent ) net.WriteTable( ent.OverlayData ) net.Send( ply ) end end end) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Other functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ENT:Initialize() BaseClass.Initialize(self) self:PhysicsInit(SOLID_VPHYSICS) self:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS) self:SetSolid(SOLID_VPHYSICS) self.WireDebugName = self.WireDebugName or (self.PrintName and self.PrintName:sub(6)) or self:GetClass():gsub("gmod_wire", "") end function ENT:OnRemove() WireLib.Remove(self) end function ENT:OnRestore() WireLib.Restored(self) end function ENT:BuildDupeInfo() return WireLib.BuildDupeInfo(self) end function ENT:ApplyDupeInfo(ply, ent, info, GetEntByID) WireLib.ApplyDupeInfo(ply, ent, info, GetEntByID) end function ENT:PreEntityCopy() duplicator.ClearEntityModifier(self, "WireDupeInfo") -- build the DupeInfo table and save it as an entity mod local DupeInfo = self:BuildDupeInfo() if DupeInfo then duplicator.StoreEntityModifier(self, "WireDupeInfo", DupeInfo) end end function ENT:OnEntityCopyTableFinish(dupedata) -- Called by Garry's duplicator, to modify the table that will be saved about an ent -- Remove anything with non-string keys, or util.TableToJSON will crash the game dupedata.OverlayData_UpdateTime = nil end local function EntityLookup(CreatedEntities) return function(id, default) if id == nil then return default end if id == 0 then return game.GetWorld() end local ent = CreatedEntities[id] if IsValid(ent) then return ent else return default end end end function ENT:OnDuplicated() self.DuplicationInProgress = true end function ENT:PostEntityPaste(Player,Ent,CreatedEntities) -- We manually apply the entity mod here rather than using a -- duplicator.RegisterEntityModifier because we need access to the -- CreatedEntities table. if Ent.EntityMods and Ent.EntityMods.WireDupeInfo then Ent:ApplyDupeInfo(Player, Ent, Ent.EntityMods.WireDupeInfo, EntityLookup(CreatedEntities)) end self.DuplicationInProgress = nil end -- Helper function for entities that can be linked ENT.LINK_STATUS_UNLINKED = 1 ENT.LINK_STATUS_LINKED = 2 ENT.LINK_STATUS_INACTIVE = 2 -- alias ENT.LINK_STATUS_DEACTIVATED = 2 -- alias ENT.LINK_STATUS_ACTIVE = 3 ENT.LINK_STATUS_ACTIVATED = 3 -- alias function ENT:ColorByLinkStatus(status) local a = self:GetColor().a if status == self.LINK_STATUS_UNLINKED then self:SetColor(Color(255,0,0,a)) elseif status == self.LINK_STATUS_LINKED then self:SetColor(Color(255,165,0,a)) elseif status == self.LINK_STATUS_ACTIVE then self:SetColor(Color(0,255,0,a)) else self:SetColor(Color(255,255,255,a)) end end